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1、(五)(五)Unit 5 (45分钟分钟 100分分)第第卷(共卷(共50分)分) . 单项选择(单项选择(20分)分)1. _ cup is this? Its Marks. A. Whos B. What C. Which D. Whose【解解析析】选选D。由由下下句句“它它是是Mark的的”可可知知上上句句问问“这这是是谁谁的杯子?的杯子?”。whose“谁的谁的”。2. 09安顺中考安顺中考“Listen! Helen is singing in the next room. ”“It _ be Helen. She has gone to Beijing. ”A. cant B.

2、mustnt C. may D. should【解析解析】选选A。由。由“她已经去了北京她已经去了北京”知那不可能是知那不可能是Helen。表示猜测中的不可能用表示猜测中的不可能用cant。3. There must be many people _ for the train at the train station because of the snow storm. A. wait B. waited C. to wait D. waiting【解析解析】选选D。句意:。句意: 因为暴风雪,一定有许多人在火车站因为暴风雪,一定有许多人在火车站等候火车。等候火车。There must be

3、 sb. /sth. doing意为意为“一定有某人一定有某人/物在做某事物在做某事”。4. The new basketball _ Dave. He bought it yesterday. A. isB. is belongC. belongsD. belongs to【解析解析】选选D。句意为:。句意为: 那个新篮球是那个新篮球是Dave的。可以用的。可以用be后后跟名词所有格表示跟名词所有格表示“某物是某人的某物是某人的”;belong to“属于属于”,to是介词,后可以跟人作宾语。是介词,后可以跟人作宾语。5. Tony pretended _ nothing when the

4、teacher asked him about it. A. know B. knows C. to know D. knowing【解析解析】选选C。pretend to do sth. “假装做某事假装做某事”。6. I want to buy an English dictionary, but Ive _ my money. Would you please lend me some? OK! A. run out B. used up C. given up D. made up【解析解析】选选B。句意:。句意: 我想买一本英语字典,但是我已我想买一本英语字典,但是我已经用光钱了。你

5、能借给我一些吗?经用光钱了。你能借给我一些吗?好的。好的。A项应改为项应改为run out of;B项项“用完,用光用完,用光”;C项项“放弃放弃”;D项项“组成,构组成,构成成”。7. They didnt go shopping _ the heavy rain. A. asB. becauseC. because ofD. for【解析解析】选选C。as, because, for三者都可以引导句子作原因状三者都可以引导句子作原因状语从句;语从句;because of中中of是介词,后可跟名词、代词作宾语。是介词,后可跟名词、代词作宾语。故选故选C。8. An accident _ hi

6、m this morning. Luckily, he was not badly hurt. A. took place toB. happened toC. was happened toD. happened on【解析解析】选选B。take place“发生发生”;happen指偶然发生,且指偶然发生,且不能用于被动语态;不能用于被动语态;sth. happen to sb. “某事发生在某人身上某事发生在某人身上”,故选,故选B。9. Dont make too much _ in class. Listen to me carefully. A. noise B. cry C. s

7、ound D. voice【解析解析】选选A。make (a) noise“制造噪音制造噪音”。10. Be careful _ the cars and buses when you walk in the street. OK, I will. A. at B. on C. of D. for【解析解析】选选C。be careful of意为意为“当心当心”,是习惯用语。,是习惯用语。. 完形填空(完形填空(10分)分) Mrs Brown lived alone in a small flat (公公寓寓). She was old and didnt like 1 at all. So

8、 she was very 2 when the young man and woman in the flat above moved out. A new young man moved 3 , and Mrs Brown thought, “Well, he looks 4 . ”But at three oclock the next morning, she was woken up by the barking(犬声犬声)of a dog. “Ive 5 heard the barking here before, ”she thought. “It 6 be the young

9、mans dog. ”So she telephoned the young man at once, 7 some unpleasant things to him, rang off the telephone and went to bed 8 he could answer. The next day Mrs Browns telephone rang at 9 hour of morning, and when she got out of bed and answered, the 10 said to her, “I havent got a dog, madam. ”1. A.

10、 music B. noise C. walking D. sports【解析解析】选选B。由下文一系列事件得知此处用。由下文一系列事件得知此处用noise “噪音噪音”。2. A. angry B. surprised C. happy D. sad【解解析析】选选C。由由前前一一句句得得知知她她不不喜喜欢欢噪噪音音,所所以以当当楼楼上上的的年轻夫妇搬出去的时候,她感到很高兴。年轻夫妇搬出去的时候,她感到很高兴。3. A. in B. back C. out D. away【解解析析】选选A。由由前前一一句句得得知知有有人人搬搬出出去去,所所以以这这一一句句应应该该是有人搬进来,故用是有人搬

11、进来,故用in。4. A. strong B. worried C. quiet D. well【解析解析】选选C。由。由but及后面的句意得知此处用及后面的句意得知此处用quiet。5. A. never B. also C. ever D. once【解析解析】选选A。“我以前从来没有听过狗叫。我以前从来没有听过狗叫。”never “从来从来没有没有”。6. A. can B. will C. must D. may【解析解析】选选C。must表示肯定的推测。表示肯定的推测。7. A. showed B. took C. said D. chose【解析解析】选选C。say somethi

12、ng to somebody “对某人说对某人说”。8. A. until B. if C. because D. before【解析解析】选选D。此处指在他能回答之前把电话挂断,然后上。此处指在他能回答之前把电话挂断,然后上床了。床了。9. A. another B. this C. other D. usual【解析解析】选选B。at this hour “在同一个小时在同一个小时”。由第一段最后。由第一段最后一句知此处指凌晨三点。一句知此处指凌晨三点。10. A. boy B. girl C. woman D. man【解析解析】选选D。由第二段中。由第二段中“So she teleph

13、oned the young man at once”得知这人是那个新搬来的年轻人。得知这人是那个新搬来的年轻人。. 阅读理解(阅读理解(10分)分) Maybe you often have arguments with your parents about clothes, homework, friends and many other personal things. But whats going on when your parents fight with each other? Most teenagers must be sorry or even frightened wh

14、en their parents fight. They might think their parents dont love each other any more and that would lead to a divorce(离婚)(离婚). In fact, it is normal for parents to disagree and argue from time to time. They might disagree about important things like jobs or major family decisions. They might even di

15、sagree about little things that dont seem important at alllike whats for dinner or what time someone gets home. Maybe sometimes parents can feel so strongly about their differences that it may lead to arguments. However, these arguments are often over quickly. Parents may apologize and make up, and

16、the family gets back into its usual way. As a family member, you should find out what it really means when your parents fight. When your parents get upset with each other, they might cry or say things they dont really mean. Most people lose their cool now and then, so if your parents are fighting, d

17、ont worry too much about it. Try to find a good way to solve it. If your parents fighting really bothers you, you might find it hard to sleep or go to school. If this happens, trytalking to one or both of your parents about their behaviors. They may not even realize how upset you are until you tell

18、them how their arguments affect you. You can also tell other relatives(亲戚)(亲戚), a teacher or a trust friend. Just remember that no family is perfect and arguments are common in every family. 1. What is not mentioned about the arguments between parents and teenagers? A. Clothes. B. Jobs. C. Friends.

19、D. Homework. 【解解析析】选选B。由由文文章章第第一一段段第第一一句句话话“Maybe you often have arguments. . . . ”知工作并未被提及。知工作并未被提及。2. What does it mean when parents fight? A. They dont love each other any more. B. They will divorce because of major family decisions. C. They disagree with each other about some things. D. They are

20、nt satisfied with their family at all. 【解解析析】选选C。由由第第二二段段第第一一句句总总说说及及第第二二、三三、四四句句分分述述可知。可知。3. What does the underlined part “make up” mean? A. 组成组成 B. 和解和解 C. 弥补弥补 D. 化妆化妆【解析解析】选选B。make up此处意为此处意为“和解和解”。4. What should teenagers do when their parents fight? A. Keep silence and begin to do their homew

21、ork. B. Be angry with their parents and shout at them. C. Talk to their parents and let them know their feelings. D. Go to school or tell other friends if its hard to sleep. 【解析解析】选选C。由第四段中第二、三句话知。由第四段中第二、三句话知。5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Teenagers should never argue with mothers. B. Parent

22、s fight can last for a long time. C. Dont tell others about your parents fight. D. Parents might fight over small things. 【解析解析】选选D。通读全文,由第二段中第三句话知选。通读全文,由第二段中第三句话知选D。第第卷卷(共共50分分). 词汇运用词汇运用(10分分)()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)分)1. I didnt c_ the school bus this morning, and was late for school.

23、 2. The plate d_ from his hand and broke into pieces. 答案:答案: 1. catch 2. dropped 3. Whos the o_ of the purse? Lets go and make it clear. 4. Look up. There are many stars in the s_ . 5. Do you know the proverb “One f_ cant lift a small stone”? 答案:答案:3. owner 4. sky 5. finger ()用所给词的适当形式填空()用所给词的适当形式填

24、空(5分)分)6. I thought the answer was _ (possible) correct. 7. Zhang Yimou is the _ (direct) of A Simple Noodle Story (三枪拍案惊奇三枪拍案惊奇). 8. He was lost in the forest and we were all _ (worry) about his safety. 答案:答案:6. possibly 7. director 8. worried 9. He could be _ (run) for exercise. 10. The boy studie

25、d hard and _ (final) he passed the exam. 答案:答案:9. running 10. finally. 完成句子(完成句子(10分)分)1. 他们没有发现奇怪的东西,他们认为或许是风在作怪。他们没有发现奇怪的东西,他们认为或许是风在作怪。They didnt find _ _ . They thought it might be the wind. 2. 这个自行车一定是这个自行车一定是Mike的,他的书包在上面。的,他的书包在上面。The bike _ _ Mikes. His school bag is on it. 答案:答案: 1. anythin

26、g strange 2. must be 3. 吃得太多对我们身体不好。吃得太多对我们身体不好。Eating _ _ is bad for our health. 4. 从这本书上,我们能学到一些从着火的建筑里逃生的方法。从这本书上,我们能学到一些从着火的建筑里逃生的方法。From the book, we can learn about some ways of _ _ the burning building. 答案:答案:3. too much 4. escaping from 5. 约翰擅长编笑话。约翰擅长编笑话。John is good at _ _ jokes. 答案:答案:mak

27、ing up. 补全对话(补全对话(10分)分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A. Our English teacher always wears them. B. You are right. C. Who is that man over there? D. He always listens to old music. E. He has gone to Shanghai on business. F. The soccer ball might be Johns. G. It cant be Mr. Wang, either. A

28、:Look! 1B:It cant be Mr. Zhang. 2A:He might be Mr. Wang. B:No. 3 Mr. Wang has long hair, but his hair is short. A:Oh, he must be our English teacher. Look at his black coat and blue trousers. 4B:Yes. 51. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _答案:答案: 15. CEGAB. 书面表达书面表达(20分分) 半半夜夜时时,突突然然听听到到有有敲敲门门声声,请请你你根根据据下下面面表表格格中中

29、的的信信息判断是谁,并写出理由,约息判断是谁,并写出理由,约70词。词。提示词:提示词: knock n. &v. 敲;击敲;击 _【参考答案参考答案】 There was a loud knock at the door at midnight. The knock woke me up. Who was it? It couldnt be my father or mother, because they were staying at home. It couldnt be a thief. The thief was afraid, and he couldnt knock at the door. It may be my neighbor. Maybe he wanted some help. Oh, it must be my aunt. She likes knocking at the door at midnight.



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