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1、Chapter 3A success story七中七中 杜娟杜娟知识目标:知识目标:1、学会使用时间流程描述人物及事件、学会使用时间流程描述人物及事件 2、会正确运用一些短语和句型、会正确运用一些短语和句型能力目标:能力目标:1、培养学生通过阅读周围单词推断新单词意思的能力、培养学生通过阅读周围单词推断新单词意思的能力 2、培养学生对单词、短语、句子的识记能力、培养学生对单词、短语、句子的识记能力德育目标:德育目标: 激发学生抓住现实,向即定目标而奋斗激发学生抓住现实,向即定目标而奋斗They are _(profession)._ _ _ are held every 4 years.di

2、versTheOlympic Games actor actressThey are i_ stars. world-famous/ worldwidenternationalcomputer engineerHe is the co-founder (合办人合办人)of Microsoft.He began to show interest in computers in his _. When he was a childchildhood特蕾莎修女特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa,1910-1997),印度,印度著名的慈善家,印度天主著名的慈善家,印度天主教仁爱传教会创始人,在教仁

3、爱传教会创始人,在世界范围内建立了一个庞世界范围内建立了一个庞大的慈善机构网,赢得了大的慈善机构网,赢得了国际社会的广泛尊敬。国际社会的广泛尊敬。1979年被授予诺贝尔和平年被授予诺贝尔和平奖奖 She was a Nobel _ _ _.Peace Prize winnerWhen you say a person is successful, what do you mean?He/She has done well or achieved fame名声名声, wealth财富财富, high social position 社会地位社会地位 or a special goal目标目标.M

4、ary Cheung第三届香港小姐张玛莉,最为人熟悉的是她有一个第三届香港小姐张玛莉,最为人熟悉的是她有一个坎坷的童年,今天她却淡然说:坎坷的童年,今天她却淡然说:“千金难买少年贫。千金难买少年贫。”人到中年,她反而感谢命运安排她在儿时受苦,让人到中年,她反而感谢命运安排她在儿时受苦,让她懂得珍惜眼前的丈夫子女。圣诞前夕,她希望用摄她懂得珍惜眼前的丈夫子女。圣诞前夕,她希望用摄影镜头来影镜头来“感恩感恩”。30年前,张玛莉戴上后冠,回忆当年飞上枝头变年前,张玛莉戴上后冠,回忆当年飞上枝头变凤凰,她说:凤凰,她说:“当选香港小姐是人生的一个起点,有当选香港小姐是人生的一个起点,有了名气,才有今天

5、。了名气,才有今天。”变身天鹅前,她幼时曾遭父母变身天鹅前,她幼时曾遭父母抛弃流浪街头,抛弃流浪街头,6岁获保良局收留后,也没有人关心、岁获保良局收留后,也没有人关心、同情。同情。尽管如此,上天赋予她美貌,还有一份对艺术美尽管如此,上天赋予她美貌,还有一份对艺术美感的执着。她从小就学习绘画,后来改背着相机四处感的执着。她从小就学习绘画,后来改背着相机四处去,同样是希望将美的东西展现人前。去,同样是希望将美的东西展现人前。 since 1987 has studied _ and held several _.?-9 lived in the _streets9-20 lived and stu

6、died at the _orphanage21 worked as a _secretaryin 1975 won the _ contest.Miss Hong Kong in 1980 graduated from _Hong Kong Polytechnicin 1995 started her own _ _ marketing and fundraising companyand then studied at the _University of Hong KongphotographyexhibitionsWhoisthegirlfromthestreet?Who brough

7、t Mary to the orhanage?What did she learn at the orphanage?What was her first job?Whatdidshewin?Whatdidwinningitbringher?What was the matter with her when she was working as a manager?What was her ambition?Did studies bring her success? In which ways?Paragraph 11. The social worker knew little about

8、 her, _?2. The streets has been her home for many years. The streets _ her home many years _.3. Her parents were unknown, _?did hebecame agowerent theyParagraph 21. The girl was taught to read and write . They _ _ _ _ read and write.2. At 21, she left the orphanage. _ _ _ _ , she left there. _ _ _ _

9、 _, she left there.3. There are _ ( count ) offices in Hong Kong. Water is a _ ( count ) noun.taught the girl toAt the age of 21When she was 21countlesscountableParagraph 31. This was the turning point in her life. this 指代指代 _.2. Now her name was on everyones lips. Now her name _ _ _ everyone. (answ

10、ers: was popular with was known to was familiar to)winning the Miss Hong Kong contestParagraph 41. Mary was _. She has many _. ( ambition)2. She had trouble with her reports. She had trouble _ _ her reports.3. fortunately 同义词同义词 _ ambitious ambitionsin readingluckilyParagraph 51. She is a _. She has

11、 studied _. She _ to run her business successfully. ( manage )2. The main point of the last paragraph is _ a. Marys further studies b. Marys career c. How she became famousamanagermanagementmanagesbe responsible forknow little about her something extrordinaryenter the Miss Hong Kong contestthe turni

12、ng pointon everyones lipsbring her more than fameon a new career paththe cosmetics businesshave trouble with her reportsstudy management at Hong Kong Polytechricher own marketing and fundraising companylose her burning desirea Fine Arts degreea proper arts syllabusdevote - to sth/doing sthbring up w

13、ander the streets1. orphanage2. orphan3. independent4. extraordinary5. polytechnic6. fundraising7. desire8. syllabusplace where orphans staychild whose parents are deadnot depending on othersunusualcollege offering many subjectsraising moneywish, requestprogramme of teachingabandon v. deserved;left

14、When the ferry began to sink, the crew abandoned the ship Dont abandon your hope/friendcontest n. competitionMy ambition is to win a singing contest.cosmetics n. (常为复数常为复数) make-upsYou can buy a wide variety of cosmetics in department stores.wander v. walk without purposeThe lost child wandered arou

15、nd the park, not sure what to dogrow up have grown upWhen you grow up, what do you want to do?bring up be brought upIts not easy for a woman to bring up the family alone. He is an orphan,so he has_in the orphanage.A brought up B been brought upC grown up D been grown upCSomething : popular and admir

16、edBecause she wanted to show that orphanage girls could be something. He believes he is quite something.known adj. well-known best-knownunknown adj.ambition n.ambitious adj.fame n.famous adj.more than fame=not only fame fortune n. fate/luck fortunate adj. lucky fortunately adv. luckilyfamous most fa

17、mousbe responsible for have the duty forbe in charge ofemploy v. pay to work for some oneemployer n.(雇主)(雇主)employee n. (雇员雇员)extraordinary adj. very special; surprisingordinary adj.A flow chart of Lang Langs life In 1982 was _ in ShenyangIn 1983 leaned how to _.In 1985 began _.In 1987 won _ in the

18、Shenyang Piano CompetitionIn 1999 was chosen _ in place of a sick pianist at a famous musical event.Present give about 150 _ a yearborn read music his piano studies first prize to playperformancesTELEPHONE MESSAGES1 Callers name: _ Callers phone number: _ Message: _2 Callers name: _ Callers phone nu

19、mber: _ Message: _ _3 Callers name: _ Callers phone number: _ Message: _ _Andy Stewart2565 7043Your new car has arrivedDr Wang, denist2707 2601 Appointment at 2 p.m. is cancelled. New appointment: 4 p.m. tomorrow.Rex Skinner2765 8927 TV ad. For shampoo. Please call back when convenient.Im afraid she

20、s not in at the moment.Can I take a message for you?May I have your phone number?Ill give her that message. Other telephone expressionsCan I speak to ?Sorry, he isnt in./ hes out at the moment.Whos that?Is that speaking?Speaking.Hold on./ Dont hang up.知识目标:知识目标:1、掌握过去进行时、掌握过去进行时 2、正确使用连词、正确使用连词as, w

21、hen, while 能力目标:培养学生的综合语言运用能力。能力目标:培养学生的综合语言运用能力。While she was studying at the orphanage, she learned something else-to be independent.While she was still working as an ordinary secretary, something extrodinary happened.When she was working as a manager, she had trouble with her reports.1. 3.One con

22、tinuing actionA continuing action and a shorter actionTwo continuing actions 2. He was laughing. It was barking.What was doing just now ?What was doing at nine last Sunday?He was riding a horse at nine last Sunday.What was doing at four oclock last Friday?He was playing football at four oclock last

23、Friday.What was doing this time yesterday ?He was writing on the blackboard this time yesterday.What was doing this time yesterday ?He was cooking a meal this time yesterday. at 6:00 a.m. sleep at 10:10 a.m. work in my office at 11:20 a.m. have lunch in the dining- room at 3:30 p.m. teach English at

24、 5:15 p.m. cook supper What were you doing at _ yesterday?I was sleeping at 6:00am yesterday.I was working in my office at 10:10am.I was having lunch in the dining room at 11:20am.I was teaching English at 3:30pm.I was cooking supper at 5:30pm.He was playing basketball while she was sleeping.What we

25、re they doing yesterday afternoon?whileThey _ while _.The cook _while the customers _.He _ while _. were playing chess was cooking was reading a bookwere eatinghe was watching TVshe was speaking on the phone1. 如果如果while前后的动词都是进行时态前后的动词都是进行时态,while可译为可译为“与此同时与此同时” I was reading while my brother was d

26、rawing. 2. 当当while前后的句子描述的情况相对前后的句子描述的情况相对或相反或相反,while可译为可译为“而而”, 对比。对比。 I am out-going while my sister is quiet and shy.-What was Li Lei drawing when the teacher came in?-He was drawing an elephant-What were the twins drawing when the teacher came in?-They were drawing a carwhen the teacher came in

27、.when the teacher came in.longer action shorter actionwe, fly to Los Angelessomeone , bring us drinksI, look out of the windowI, see another planeI, read my book the plane, landAs we were flying to Los Angeles, someone brought us drinks.1. Fill in the blanks .1.What _ you _ (do) at 9 yesterday?2.I _

28、 (watch) TV when my mother _ (come) in.3. He _ (do) his lessons at half past ten yesterday morning.weredoingwas watchingcame was doing 4. The children _ (play) football at four yesterday afternoon. 5. The baby _ (sleep) when the mother came back.was sleepingwere playing2. Sentence completing.1.The p

29、ianist _ (在弹在弹钢琴)钢琴)at this time yesterday.was playing the piano 2. They _ (在买衣服)在买衣服)when the UFO arrived.3. The boys were _ the girls _ last night(男生唱歌而女生跳舞)男生唱歌而女生跳舞)4. You _(在打篮球)(在打篮球)yesterday afternoon, werent you?5. What _ you_ when you _ the alarm? (当听到警报的时候当听到警报的时候, 你在干什么你在干什么?)were buying

30、 clotheswere singing whilewere playing basketball weredoing were dancingheard知识目标:熟练掌握英语中提出帮助及其答语知识目标:熟练掌握英语中提出帮助及其答语能力目标:进一步培养学生用英语与人沟通的能力能力目标:进一步培养学生用英语与人沟通的能力德育目标:日常生活中要使用礼貌用语德育目标:日常生活中要使用礼貌用语Do you know these phrases?be busy doing sth. 忙着做某事忙着做某事 look busy 看起来很忙看起来很忙 manage 能应付,有能力做能应付,有能力做 give

31、 sb. a hand = help sb. offer to do sth. (主动主动)提出做某事提出做某事 reject/ refuse ones offer 拒绝某人的帮助拒绝某人的帮助 accept ones offer接受某人的帮助接受某人的帮助1. She was busy _ (wash) the dishes. I offered _ (help) her, but she _ my help.2. When someone needs help,I always _ _ _ _.washingto helprejected/refused give him/ her a h

32、andOffering help:Can I give you a hand?Do you need any help?Is there anything I can do?Is there anything you want/need?Shall I help you?Anything I can do? (informal)Need a hand? (informal)May I assist you? (informal)Accepting help:Yes please, could youOh yes, that would be nice/lovely/helpful.Well,

33、if you wouldnt mindWell, now that you ask, you could那好啊,你能那好啊,你能那太好了那太好了/你能帮上大忙。你能帮上大忙。那么如果你不介意的话那么如果你不介意的话既然你提出来,你可不可以既然你提出来,你可不可以No, theres no need.Thanks, but Im all right.No. Everythings OK.Thanks, but I can manage.Thanks for asking, but everythings under control.No, dont worry.Refusing help:不,没

34、必要了。不,没必要了。谢谢,我没事。谢谢,我没事。没事。一切都好。没事。一切都好。谢谢,我能解决。谢谢,我能解决。谢谢关心一切都在谢谢关心一切都在掌控之下。掌控之下。没事,别担心。没事,别担心。Discuss whether you can help with the housework.Offer, accept and reject some help.1.prepare meals2.wash dishes3.dry dishes4.wash clothes5.iron clothes6.brush or vacuum the floor7.tidy the bedroomA pie c

35、hartWhy do we call it a pie chart?It looks like a pie and it can be divided like a pie.Whats the advantage of a pie chart?It can show the different parts of a total amount.How many parts does the chart have? How many parts can a chart have at most?8. It should not have more than 8 parts, why not?Bec

36、ause it is difficult to read.7.the name the amounta title We use pie charts to show the different parts of a _ _. A pie chart should not have more than _ parts, however, as it then becomes _ to read. Each part should be given a _ colour or pattern. The _ and _ of each part should be shown, and the w

37、hole chart should be given a _.total amount8difficultdifferentname amounttitle%percent1%one percent35%thirty- five percentRead 14.9%fourteen point nine percent8.4%79.3%25.5% 56%44%Where do our classmates live? _students live in the school on weekdays, but _ students live _ _. _ _ _students live in t

38、he school on weekdays, but _ of them live at home.1924at homeof theThe story of a fashion designer Pierre Lan, a top fashion designer1. When and where were you born?2. Did you have a happy childhood?3. What were your best subjects at school?4. What are your parents jobs?Tell a story about Pierre Lan

39、 using he1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d5. What did you do when you left school?6. What did you do then?7. Did you stay in that job?Tell a story about Pierre Lan using he5. f 6. e 7. g8. Did you return to our city after that?9. And then you started your own company?10. How big is your company?Tell a story about

40、 Pierre Lan using he8.h 9. j 10. iPierre Lan is one of Shenzhens top fashion designers. He was born _ in _. He had a _ childhood. _ was his best subject at school, and he always loved _ and _ things. He was good at _, too. His mother is a _ _ and his father works in a _. here1960happyArt drawingmaki

41、ngEnglish maths teacherbankAfter he left school, he went to _ in _. He studied _, but he _ it. He _ _ _ one year later. He then got a job in a shop, _ clothes. universityLondon lawhatedgave it upsellingHe soon started designing some of the clothes. Then he _ to study _. He studied at the _ _ of Art

42、for _ years. decideddesignRoyal CollegethreeHe _ to our city after that, and worked in a _ company for four years, designing clothes. He _ _ his money and then started his own _. At first it was very _, but now he has his own factory in _, ten _ in Shanghai, and one in _.returnedclothingsaved upcomp

43、anysmallShenzhen shopsGuangzhou Benjamin FranklinPre-readingLook at the pictures. Who are they? What are they famous for?Edisonelectric bulb Alexander BellElbert Einsteintheory of relativityNewtonthe law of gravitationAre these discoveries important?Life without electricity Benjamin Franklin 1706-17

44、90 Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)American statesman( 政政治家)治家); inventor; writer; scientist and diplomat(外交家)(外交家). He signed the Declaration of Independence(独立宣言)(独立宣言) and the Constitution(宪(宪法)法) of the United StatesP1. 1. a man of many talents and interests2. among other things3. be curious about4

45、. the way things work一个有天分,兴趣广泛的人一个有天分,兴趣广泛的人此外此外对对好奇好奇事物运转的方式事物运转的方式P2.1. lead to2. the discovery of 3.some important findings 4. actually5. llightning conductor导致,产生导致,产生对于对于的发现的发现一些重要发现,认识一些重要发现,认识实际上实际上避雷装置避雷装置P3.1. have poor vision2. be tired of3. cut in half4. each lens5. bifocals视力差视力差讨厌讨厌把把

46、割成两半割成两半每对镜片每对镜片双光眼镜双光眼镜P4. 1. more efficient2. Watertight bulkheads3. extablish4. street paving and lighting更有效更有效水密舱壁水密舱壁建立建立街道的路面及照明街道的路面及照明Birthday17 Jan 1706BirthplceBoston,Massachusetts, the USAFamilyFather,Mother, sixteen brothers and sistersTravelTravelled across the Atlantic Ocean eight tim

47、esHobbies and interestsHe had many talented and interests. He was naturally curious about the way things worked and was always searching for ways to make them work better.HealthPoor visionWorkHe was both a scientist and an inventorInventionsLightning conductor; bifocals; watertight bulkheads1. Early

48、 to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明. 2. At twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment 二十岁时起支配作用的是意志二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智三十岁时是机智,四十岁四十岁时是判断时是判断。3. Do you love life ? Then do not squander time ;

49、for thats the stuff5 life is made of 你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。组成的。4. Fish and visitors smell three days 鱼放三天发臭,客住三天讨嫌鱼放三天发臭,客住三天讨嫌 1 保持健康,这是对自己的义务,甚至是对保持健康,这是对自己的义务,甚至是对社会的义务。社会的义务。 2. 不要让太阳蔑视,被他说他在这儿歇脚是不要让太阳蔑视,被他说他在这儿歇脚是一种耻辱。一种耻辱。 3: 从来就不存在好的战争,也不存在坏的从来就不存在好的战争,也不存在坏的和平。和平。 4: 急需买不到便宜货。急需买不到便宜货。 5: 大多数傻瓜以为他们只是无知而已。大多数傻瓜以为他们只是无知而已。 6: 聚敛财富也即自寻烦恼。聚敛财富也即自寻烦恼。 7: 懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更消耗身体;懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更消耗身体;经常用的钥匙是亮闪闪的。经常用的钥匙是亮闪闪的。8: 不劳则无获。一分耕耘一分收获不劳则无获。一分耕耘一分收获



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