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1、Unit 1 Understanding Chinese Culture Second editionThe Spring Festival in ChinaReading A Around the topicLanguage in UseProject Culture TipsHomework Learning to learn Around the topic1 Your ideasWork in groups or pairs and discuss the following questions. Why is the Spring Festival so important for

2、the Chinese people?What do you usually do during the Spring Festival?Are there any special celebration activities in your hometown during the Spring Festival?In what ways do you think the Spring Festival has changed? BACKBACK2 Vocabularylunar calendar阴历阴历solar calendar阳历阳历dumplings饺子饺子firecrackers爆竹

3、爆竹fireworks焰火焰火Spring Festival couplets春联春联New Years cake年糕年糕New Year pictures年画年画reunion dinners团圆饭团圆饭lion dance舞狮表演舞狮表演red envelopes红包红包rice dumplings粽子粽子The Lantern Festival 元宵节元宵节temple fairs庙会庙会Around the topic3 Listening and speakingLi Ming and Susan are having a conversation. Listen to the re

4、cording and answer the following questions.1.What are they talking about?2.How did Li Ming spend his holiday?3.What is Susan curious about?4.What makes the Spring Festival different from other holidays?5.What do Chinese people do on New Years Eve?listeningscriptsDo you agree with what Li Ming said a

5、bout the Spring Festival? What is your opinion about it? Discuss this in groups. Susan: Glad you are back. We missed you during the vacation. How was your holiday?Li Ming: It was fine. I had a wonderful time at home. During the Spring Festival we visited many places. We had a get- together with many

6、 old friends.Susan: The Spring Festival is the most important holiday in China, isnt it?Li Ming: Yeah, in China, the Spring Festival is the most important holiday of the year.Susan: What do you usually do to celebrate this holiday?Li Ming: Two important things make this holiday different from all ot

7、hers: giving presents and staying with the family. Susan: Please tell me more about it.scriptsBACKBACKLi Ming: Giving presents to family members is a very nice custom. The spirit behind the present matters most, not the present itself. Susan: Right, it is nice to receive a present.Li Ming: It is goo

8、d to return to the family home at the Spring Festival and meet parents, grandparents and as many aunts, uncles and cousins as possible.Susan: Thats a good opportunity for family reunion.Li Ming: Yeah, in the past, on New Years Eve, family members will stay at home making dumplings together. Many peo

9、ple enjoy watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. The evening is usually spent watching TV, playing games, talking, eating and drinking.Susan: You must have had a lot of fun.Li Ming: Yes, thats why I always enjoy the Spring Festival. scriptsBACKBACKGood luckBad luck1. Bathing in pomelo leaves on New

10、 Years Eve2. Buying a pair of shoes3. Eating fish on New Years Eve4. Eating sweets5. Getting a haircut in the first lunar month6. Having the house cleaned from top to bottom before the Spring Festival7. Opening windows or doors8. Sweeping the floor on the first day of the Spring Festival9. Talking a

11、bout death10. Wearing clothes in black and whiteQUIZQUIZDuring the Spring Festival, some things are believed to bring good luck for the new year, while other things might bring bad luck. Read the items in the table below and decide whether they bring good luck or bad luck. When you finish, compare y

12、our answers in pairs. BACKBACKReading A BACKBACK1. Pre-reading Activities A Chinese student is trying to introduce what he/she knows about the Spring Festival to his/her foreign friend. Work in pairs. One plays as a Chinese student and the other plays as a foreigner. Switch the roles in the next rou

13、nd.The Spring Festival in China 1 The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people. It is the time for all family members to get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back and it becomes the busiest time for transportation systems.2 T

14、he Spring Festival falls on the first day of the first lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian2. Reading Comprehensioncalendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (16001046BC) from peoples sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.Chinese

15、version listening 3 Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others have weakened. 4 On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, many families make laba porridge, a kind of delicious porridge made with at least eight type of corn and fruit. 5 The 23rd day of the 12t

16、h lunar month is called Preliminary Eve. At this time, people offer sacrifice to 2. Reading Comprehensionthe Kitchen God. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves. After Preliminary Eve, people begin preparing for the coming New Year. This is called “Seeing the New Year in”

17、.Chinese versionlistening 6 Before the New Year comes, people clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes completely as well as their clothes, bedrooms and all their utensils.2. Reading Comprehension 7 Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivit

18、y. All the doors will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characterson red paper. The content varies from wishes for a bright future to good luck for the New Year. Also, pictures of door gods and Gods of Wealth will be posted on the front door to ward

19、 off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.Chinese versionlistening 8 The Chinese character fu (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must. The character put on paper can be pasted normally or upside down, for in Chinese the reversed fu is similar to “fu comes”, both being pronounced as fudaole

20、. Whats more, two big red lanterns cam be raised on both sides of the front door. Chinese paper cuttings can be seen on windows and brightly coloured New Year pictures with auspicious meanings may be put on the wall.2. Reading ComprehensionChinese versionlistening 9 People attach great importance to

21、 New Years Eve. At that time, all family members eat dinner together. The meal is more luxurious than usual. Dishes such as chicken, fish and bean curd cannot be excluded, for in Chinese, the pronunciation of the names , ji, yu, and doufu, respectively mean auspicious, abundance and richness. After

22、dinner, the whole family will sit together, chatting and watching TV. In recent years, the Spring Festival Gala broadcast on China Central Television Station (CCTV) is essential entertainment2. Reading Comprehensionfor the Chinese both at home and abroad. According to the custom, each family will st

23、ay up to see the New Year in.Chinese versionlistening 10 After waking up on New Years Day, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, contained in a red envelope. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for b

24、reakfast, as they think the name jiaozi sounds like “bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new”. Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure. Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Years cake made of glutinous rice fl

25、our) on this occasion, because niangao means “higher and higher, one year after another”.2. Reading ComprehensionChinese versionlistening 11 Setting the fireworks is the most typical custom at Spring Festival. People think the exploding sound can help drive away evil spirits. However, in big cities

26、such an activity is limited nowadays to certain areas and time as the government takes security, noise and pollution factors into consideration.12 The lively atmosphere not only fills every household, but permeates the streets and lanes. A series of activities such as lion dances, dragon lantern dan

27、ces, and temple fairs will be held for days.2. Reading ComprehensionChinese versionlistening13 The Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month marks the last day of the Spring Festival. On this day, decorative lanterns are hung out for people to appreciate. Guessing lantern riddles is an e

28、ssential part of the festival. Besides entertainment and beautiful lanterns, another important part of the Lantern Festival is eating yuanxiao. Yuanxiao is round in shape and symbolises family togetherness.2. Reading ComprehensionChinese versionlisteningWords & Expressions2. Reading Comprehension1.

29、lunar adj. relating to the moone.g. The studies of the lunar surface have achieved interesting results.BACKBACKWords & Expressions2. Reading Comprehension2. pastev. to stick paper to a surface using gluee.g. A notice has been pasted to the door. She pasted the pictures into a scrapbook.BACKBACKWords

30、 & Expressions2. Reading Comprehension3. ward off to do something to prevent something bad, such as illness, danger, or attack from harming you e.g. She carried a knife to ward off attacks.BACKBACKWords & Expressions2. Reading Comprehension4. abundancen. a large quantity of somethinge.g. They plante

31、d flowers in great abundance in this area . At the party there was food and drink in abundance.BACKBACKWords & Expressions2. Reading Comprehension5. reversev. to change round the usual order of the parts of somethinge.g. The image on the screen was reversed and upside down.BACKBACK6. auspiciousadj.

32、likely to be successfule.g. The publication of my first book was an auspicious beginning of my career.Words & Expressions2. Reading Comprehension7. bidv. to utter (a greeting or farewell) toe.g. He bade me good morning as he passed. This is a chance to bid farewell to their president and welcome the

33、 new man.BACKBACKWords & Expressions2. Reading Comprehension8. usher in to be the start of something newe.g. The discovery of oil ushered in an era of employment and prosperity. BACKBACKWords & Expressions2. Reading Comprehension9. permeate v. 1) to spread throughout something; to pervadee.g. The sm

34、ell permeated the house.2) to be present in every part and have an effect on all of it e.g. The banquet was permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.BACKBACK2. Reading Comprehension 1 正如西方的圣诞节一样,对于中国人来说,春正如西方的圣诞节一样,对于中国人来说,春节是最重要的节日并已然成为家人团聚的重要时刻。节是最重要的节日并已然成为家人团聚的重要时刻。所有远离家乡的人都会回家,而春节也成为交通运输所有远离家

35、乡的人都会回家,而春节也成为交通运输系统最为繁忙的时间。系统最为繁忙的时间。 2 春节适逢正月初一,通常要比阳历晚一个月。它春节适逢正月初一,通常要比阳历晚一个月。它起源于商朝(约公元前起源于商朝(约公元前1600年年公元前公元前1046年)时人年)时人们在年末岁初对神和祖先的献祭。们在年末岁初对神和祖先的献祭。中国春节中国春节BACKBACK2. Reading Comprehension 3 春节有很多习俗。其中一些习俗沿用至今,有些春节有很多习俗。其中一些习俗沿用至今,有些习俗则逐渐弱化。习俗则逐渐弱化。 4 在腊月初八这一天,很多家庭都会做腊八粥,这在腊月初八这一天,很多家庭都会做腊八

36、粥,这是一种至少由八种谷物蔬果做成的美味可口的粥。是一种至少由八种谷物蔬果做成的美味可口的粥。 5 腊月腊月23日叫做小年。在这一天,人们要准备祭品日叫做小年。在这一天,人们要准备祭品祭祀灶神。然而现在,多数家庭都只是做顿美味佳肴,祭祀灶神。然而现在,多数家庭都只是做顿美味佳肴,犒劳一下自己。过了小年,人们就开始为即将到来的犒劳一下自己。过了小年,人们就开始为即将到来的新年作准备了,这就是所谓的新年作准备了,这就是所谓的“迎新年迎新年”。BACKBACK 6 在新年到来之前,人们要将屋里屋外彻底打在新年到来之前,人们要将屋里屋外彻底打扫一遍,还要清洗衣服、床单和各种器皿。扫一遍,还要清洗衣服、

37、床单和各种器皿。 7 然后人们装饰打扫一新的房子,营造欢乐的然后人们装饰打扫一新的房子,营造欢乐的气氛。所有的门上都会贴上春联,红纸黑字的中国书气氛。所有的门上都会贴上春联,红纸黑字的中国书法异常显眼。春联的内容根据主人对美好未来的憧憬法异常显眼。春联的内容根据主人对美好未来的憧憬以及对来年好运的期盼而有所变化。同样,前门上还以及对来年好运的期盼而有所变化。同样,前门上还会贴上门神与财神来辟邪和迎接平安与富足。会贴上门神与财神来辟邪和迎接平安与富足。2. Reading ComprehensionBACKBACK2. Reading Comprehension 8 汉语的汉语的“福福”字(意味

38、着祝字(意味着祝福、幸福)是必不可少的。印在福、幸福)是必不可少的。印在纸上的这个字可以正着贴也可以纸上的这个字可以正着贴也可以倒着贴,因为在汉语中,倒着贴,因为在汉语中,“福倒福倒了了”和和“福到了福到了”同音,它们的同音,它们的读音都是读音都是fudaole。此外,可以将。此外,可以将两个大红灯笼挂在前门两边。窗两个大红灯笼挂在前门两边。窗户玻璃上可以贴上红色的剪纸,户玻璃上可以贴上红色的剪纸,墙壁上也可以贴上颜色鲜艳、内墙壁上也可以贴上颜色鲜艳、内容吉祥的年画。容吉祥的年画。BACKBACK2. Reading ComprehensionBACKBACK 9 人们非常重视除夕夜。这天晚上


40、目。根据习俗,每个家庭都会熬夜迎接新的一年的到来。接新的一年的到来。 2. Reading ComprehensionBACKBACK 10 初一早上醒来,每个人都会精心打扮。首先,他初一早上醒来,每个人都会精心打扮。首先,他们会给父母拜年。然后每个孩子将会得到包在红纸里们会给父母拜年。然后每个孩子将会得到包在红纸里的压岁钱作为新年礼物。中国北方人早餐会吃饺子,的压岁钱作为新年礼物。中国北方人早餐会吃饺子,因为他们认为因为他们认为“饺子饺子”听起来意味着听起来意味着“辞旧迎新辞旧迎新”。此外,饺子的形状像古代中国的金元宝,所以人们吃此外,饺子的形状像古代中国的金元宝,所以人们吃饺子期盼获得金钱

41、和财富。中国南方人在这一场合下饺子期盼获得金钱和财富。中国南方人在这一场合下会吃年糕(用糯米粉做成),因为年糕意味着会吃年糕(用糯米粉做成),因为年糕意味着“年复年复一年,步步高升一年,步步高升”。2. Reading ComprehensionBACKBACK 11 放鞭炮是春节最典型的风俗。人们认为噼里啪放鞭炮是春节最典型的风俗。人们认为噼里啪啦的声音能够辟邪。然而,因为政府考虑到安全、啦的声音能够辟邪。然而,因为政府考虑到安全、噪音以及污染等因素,现在在大城市里,放鞭炮有噪音以及污染等因素,现在在大城市里,放鞭炮有特定区域和指定时间段的限制。特定区域和指定时间段的限制。 12 热闹的气氛

42、不仅充溢着每家每户,还遍布街头热闹的气氛不仅充溢着每家每户,还遍布街头巷尾。一系列的活动像舞狮、龙灯舞和庙会将举办巷尾。一系列的活动像舞狮、龙灯舞和庙会将举办好多天。好多天。 13 正月十五日正月十五日的元宵节标志着春节的最后一天。这的元宵节标志着春节的最后一天。这一天,人们可以观赏到装饰一天,人们可以观赏到装饰一新的一新的花灯。猜灯谜也是元花灯。猜灯谜也是元宵节不可或缺的活动。除了娱乐活动和欣赏花灯,元宵宵节不可或缺的活动。除了娱乐活动和欣赏花灯,元宵节节另外一另外一个重要的部分就是吃元宵。元宵是圆形的,象个重要的部分就是吃元宵。元宵是圆形的,象征着合家团圆征着合家团圆。2. Reading

43、 ComprehensionBACKBACK2. Reading comprehensionA. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the origin of the Spring Festival in China? It originated in the Shang Dynasty from peoples sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one. 2. What do people do on th

44、e 23rd of the 12th lunar month? People offer sacrifice to the Kitchen God. 3. Why is the character fu sometimes pasted upside down? Because in Chinese the reversed fu is similar to “fu comes”, both being pronounced as fudaole. 4. What is the meal on New Years Eve like? BACKBACKThe meal is more luxur

45、ious than usual. Dishes such as chicken, fish and bean curd cannot be excluded. 2. Reading comprehensionA. Answer the following questions. 5. What do people do first upon waking up on New Years Day? Waking up on New Years Day, people extend greetings to their parents. 6. Why must people in northern

46、Chain eat dumplings on New Years Day? Because jiaozi in sound means “bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new”. Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure. 7. Why do people set off fireworks at the Spring Festi

47、val? Because people think the spluttering sound could help drive away evil spirits. 8. What is the tradition of the Lantern Festival?BACKBACKOn the Lantern Festival, people will appreciate decorative lanterns and guess lantern riddles. Besides entertainment and lanterns, people will eat yuanxiao. 2.

48、 Reading comprehensionBACKBACKB. What is the significance of the following things during the Spring Festival? Spring Festival couplets: to add an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity, expressing house owners wishes for a bright future and good luck for the New YearChinese paper cuttings: to express

49、 auspicious meaningspictures of door gods: to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundancechicken: auspiciousnessfish: abundancebean curd: richnessniangao: higher and higher, one year after another A A. . Work out the meanings of the underlined words with the help of Work out the meanings o

50、f the underlined words with the help of the content. the content. 1. Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. 2. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves.3. Also, pictures of door gods and Gods of Wealth will be posted on the front door to ward off evil spirits4. The Chi

51、nese character fu (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must. 3. Vocabulary and structureto go withto go withvery pleasant to taste or very pleasant to taste or smellsmellto do something to prevent to do something to prevent something such as an illness, something such as an illness, danger, or attac

52、k from danger, or attack from harming youharming yousomething that you must do or must havesomething that you must do or must have5. The meal is more luxurious than usual. 6. According to the custom, each family will stay up to see the New Year in. 7. People think the exploding sound can help drive

53、away evil spirits. 8. In recent years, the Spring Festival Gala broadcast on China Central Television Station (CCTV) is essential entertainment3. Vocabulary and structureA A. . Work out the meanings of the underlined words with the help of Work out the meanings of the underlined words with the help

54、of the content. the content. extremely comfortable, extremely comfortable, elegant, or enjoyable, elegant, or enjoyable, especially in a way that especially in a way that involves great expense involves great expense to not go to bed at the time to not go to bed at the time you would normally doyou

55、would normally doto make a very loud noiseto make a very loud noiseextremely important and necessaryextremely important and necessarysacrificerejoicepasteabundanceauspiciousbidusherpermeate3. Vocabulary and structureB. Fill in the blanks with the words below. Change the form where necessary.1. The y

56、ear of the dragon is considered _in China. 2. There was great _ at the victory. 3. The discovery of oil _ in an era of employment and prosperity. 4. Before the battle, the commanders ordered the _ of two bullocks to the God of War. 5. Sunlight streamed into the church and through the stained glass w

57、indows, and a smell of grass and flowers _ the air.6. This is a chance to _farewell to their president and welcome the new man. 7. The country is very rich because it has a(n) _ of natural resources. 8. You can make planes out of it, _it on walls and windows, and color it or use it for bookmarks.aus

58、piciousrejoicingusheredsacrificepermeatedbidabundancepasteplaymakewritebuybreak3. Vocabulary and structureC. Complete each pair of the sentences with the correct form of the same verb, one as a present participle (-ing) and the other as a past participle (-ed). The first one has been done for you. I

59、 hurt my leg playing football.Bridge is a card game played by four people.There is a label “_ in Japan” on my camera. I have a job in a caf _ sandwiches. Ive spent the whole morning _ an essay.On the wall were some scratches _ in big letters. Goods _ in the sales cannot be refunded. Ive spent all my

60、 money _ Christmas presents. The police caught the burglar _ into a house. Careful! Theres a lot of _ glass on the floor. mademakingwritingwrittenboughtbuyingbreakingbrokenLanguage in UseGrammar DevelopmentVocabulary BuildingBACKBACKPresent participles used as adverbials2. Grammar Development Englis

61、h has two types of participles: the present participle and the past participle. The present participle is formed by adding the suffix “-ing” to the base form of the verb.Present participles used as adverbials2. Grammar DevelopmentA. Rewrite the following sentences using the present participle. 1. Wh

62、en the stranger saw the door open, he entered the house. Seeing the door open, the stranger entered the house. 2. As Tom was athletic, he found the climb quite easy. Being athletic, Tom found the climb quite easy. 3. I ran for the bus, tripped and fell. Running for the bus, I tripped and fell. 4. If

63、 we ask a question, we should get an answer. Asking a question, we should get an answer. 5. Although he lived miles away , he attended the course. Although living miles away, he attended the course.Grammar tips 现在分词所表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生现在分词所表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生时,现在分词用一般式。例如:时,现在分词用一般式。例如:Preparing a l

64、ong speech for the president, the secretary worked late into the night. 现在分词所表示的动作先于谓语动词的动作时,现在分现在分词所表示的动作先于谓语动词的动作时,现在分词用完成式。例如:词用完成式。例如:Having finished his homework ,the boy went out to play football.2. Grammar DevelopmentWord Pairs Word pairs, also known as binomials, refer to a pair or group of

65、words that are used together as an idiomatic expression or collocation, usually joined by the words and or or, and the order of the elements cannot be changed. The expression take it or leave it is an example of binomial pair. A binomial pair has a single, distinctive meaning.3. Vocabulary BuildingP

66、roject BACKBACKProject Step 1 VocabularyThink about what you would need to do in planning a Chinese New Year party. Make a list and check any new words in a dictionary. Project Project Step 2 Talk to your neighbourSuppose you are inviting a foreign friend to spend the Chinese New Year with your fami

67、ly. Talk to your partner about your plans. Brainstorm how to explain some typical Chinese New Year traditions to the foreigner. Project Project Step 3 Role-playYour foreign friend spends the New Year with your family. Practise with your partner conversations between you and the foreigner, taking tur

68、ns to be the foreigner. Project Project Step 4 Write a paragraphWrite a paragraph describing Chinese New Year traditions. Use some of the expressions you have learned. Project Project Step 5 Show each other your writingPut your texts on the wall and walk around the class to read other students writi

69、ngs. If you have anything you dont understand, ask the writer what it means. Which parts do you like best in other students writings? Project BACKBACKCulture Tips Things not to do on New Years DayBACKBACKCulture TipsBACKBACK Avoid housework on Chinese New Years Day: this activity runs the risk of wa

70、shing away or sweeping sway good luck. it is also considered unlucky to use anything sharp on New Years Day knives, scissors, even nail clippers. The action of the sharp blades risks cutting the threads of good fortune brought in at the New Year. Words related to sickness and death are to be avoided

71、. This even extends to the use of words which sound like the words for death or sickness. To avoid any association with death, any slaughtering of poultry or livestock is carried out on New Years Eve. Finally, care must be taken not to stumble on or to break anything this would be indicative of bad

72、luck ahead. Its important to build your confidence. If possible, use the simple sentence structure that you know is correct, so that you can concentrate on getting your message across. Try not to translate into and from your own language. This takes too much time and will make you more hesitant. Lea

73、rning to learnBACKBACK If you forget a word, do what native English speakers do all the time, and say things that “fill” the conversation. This is better than remaining completely silent. Try using “um” or “er” if you forget the word. Dont speak too fast! Its important to use a natural rhythm in spe

74、aking English. If you speak too fast, it will be difficult for people to understand you. Try to relax when you speak, and youll find that your mouth does most of the pronunciation work for you. When you speak English at a normal speed, youll discover that many of the pronunciation rules, such as word linking, happen automatically. Learning to learnHomework Many Chinese believe that nowadays the Spring Festival is not so important or interesting as before. Do you think so? Write down your argument and supporting points. In next class well hold a debate on this topic.BACKBACK



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