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1、-20602 MEA/HMP/QWP/1344/2006基因毒性杂质限度指南(中英文对照)ondon,28 June 2006PMP/SP/5199/02EMEA/CMPQP/251344/26The Europea Agncy for the Evlation of Meicinal Poducts欧洲共同体药物评审委员会(EA)COMMITTE OR MDIINAL PODUCTS FOR HUMN U人用药品委员会(CHMP)DLNE THELIITS OF NOTOICIMPRIS基因毒性杂质限度指南DE SSINTHE AFTYORIG PART安全工作组之内的讨论TRANSMISN


3、和质量工作组之间的讨论AOPTIN Y CP被 CHM采用ATEFORCOMING INT EFFECT生效日期KEWORDS关键词Imuriies; Gentoity; rshold of toxcoogl coern (TT); Strutureactvity rlaionhp(SAR)1Janary200728 Ju2006Feruary 205-ay 2006Decbr 2004Jue 04Mach 204Jun 23-ebruary 2004-IDLINEONHE LIMIT OF GENOTOIIRITIS基因毒性杂质限度指南TABLE O ONTNTS 目录XECUVESUMAR

4、Y内容摘要. . . . . 3 ITRODCI 介绍. . . . .32. SCOP范围 . . . . . . . . . 3. LEGAL ASIS 法 律依据. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34. TOXCOLOGCABAKOU毒理学背景. . 45. RCOMENDTON 建议. . . . . . . .45.1 notoxc CmpounsWith Suffiient Evidencer a Thrshld-RelatedMecanism具有充分证据证明其阈值相关机理的基因毒性化合物. . 45.2 Gent

5、oxic ompounds ithut Sufit Evidence oa Thresl-Relaed Mehaism不具备充分证据支持其阈值相关机理的基因毒性化合物. .-21 Pharmaceuial Assesment 药学评价. . . . 5.2. Txicologcal Asesment 毒理学评价. .552. Appication Threshol ofToicolgical Cncrn 毒理学担忧阈值应用. 5.3 Decsin Tree for Assmnt of Aceptability o Genooxi Irts基因毒性杂质可接受性评价决策树. . . 7EFENCE

6、S 参考文献. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8EXEXUTIUTIE SUE SUMARYMARY 内容摘要内容摘要he toologc assest f genoti imurtesand thedeterminain of cceptabe limits foruchimuritisinctive ubstances is difficlt su adnt addressednufficient deii teexitngICH QX guidns. e da setusuallyavailabl for gooxicimp

7、uritesisqutearible nd is thmanfacto thtctae thepoess us for the asssmentofaceptallimit. In he absee of atausualy needed forheplication f oneof heesbiheisassessmmeths,. data fom carcinogicit gmtuis r daroviing evdenc forathsold mechnis f genoicity, impleentin of gnrlyapplicale approah aefined y te Th

8、reshol o ToxicogicalCocern(TTC) is prood. A C aluef 1.5 gayitk o a genticmurity s onsidred o eassociatd witanaeptabrsk (excs cae ko 1 in100,000over a lieti)for mst hamaceuics Fro thi tehld-le, pemitted leve in the acve ubstance an ecalclatedbadon heexeced aily se. Hiher ltsmy be jtifi uner cetain co

9、nitions such s sot-term eosr periods.基因毒性杂质的毒理学评估和这些杂质在活性药物中的可接受标准的测定是一件困难的事情,并且在现有的 ICH Q3X 指南中也没有详细的规定。现有的关于基因毒性杂质的相关数据是容易变化的,也是对杂质可接受标准如何进行评价的主要影响因素。 如果缺少风险评估方法所需要的数据,比如,致癌作用的长期研究数据,或为基因毒性的阀值提供证据的数据,一般建议使用一般通用的被定义为毒理学关注的阈值(T)的方法。一个“.5/da”的 TTC 值,即相当于每天摄入1.5g 的基因毒性杂质, 被认为对于大多数药品来说是可以接受的风险(一生中致癌的风险

10、小于十万分之1)。按照这个阀值,可以根据这个预期的每日摄入量计算出活性药物中可接受的杂质水平。较高的临界值可以在特定的条件下,如短期暴露周期等,进行推算。1 1INTRODUCINTRODUCI IN N 介绍介绍A geancept of qualfca fimritiesis escrbed inhe uideline for active subsce (Q, Impurties in e Active Substanc) or medcnal prduct (Q3B, murites n New Medicinal Pducs),wherebyqualificato s dfnd as

11、thprocess of curig a evautin dtaa establshes the biologiclsety of n indidualmpuriy r agien ipur proh level(s)pecifidIn the e of mpuesth genoxicptentia,determnation o accabledose evels s generaly consider as a prticularlycritil issue, whch is notspeificllycoered b theexitinguidlins.在原料药(3A)和药物制剂(Q3B)

12、的杂质指导原则中,杂质限度确定的依据包括各个杂质的生物安全性数据或杂质在某特定含量水平的研究概况。 而对于遗传毒性杂质限度的确定,通常都认为是特别关键的问题,但目前尚无相关的指导原则。2. S2. SPEPE范围范围hs idline describ genrl freork ad practial ppracheso t deh gntoic ipuities in new actv sunc. It als reates o n alicaions fo existing ativsustaes,herasessmentofheroue thesi, rcess controland im

13、puri pro ntproide rasonbleassuranc thatnew o igher-lee f geotoxc mpuitie are introddas comaredto prodcscurntly uthise in the EU contaiin the sa atiesusance.Thesaeaso piesto ritins to eisin Marke Authoisationsertnig to th ynhessThe guideine do, hoee, not ned tbe applie retrostively toauthorised oduc

14、nes there i a pecic case fo coern.本指导原则阐述了如何处理新原料药中遗传毒性杂质的一般框架和实际方法。该指导原则也适用于已有原料药的新申请,如果其合成路线、 过程控制和杂质研究尚无法确保不会产生新的或更高含量的遗传毒性杂质(与目前批准的相同原料药相比) 。该指导原则同样适用于已上市原料药有关合成方面的补充申请。 除非有特殊原因,本指导原则不适用于已上市的产品。Inthcurrentttth classifiatio of acopou (impurity) genotoxic in generalmens tht hee are pitive ding in

15、staihe in vitro or i iognotxicit tests with hemain focuon DNAreatv substanes that hepoenial or dretNA damae. Isolt i itro idis may ass fr i io elvane inadequaeollow-up tn. n he abenceof schnormtion in itro gentocants arusll sidere aspreptive i vivo mtgens adcarcnogens.目前对于基因毒性杂质的分类主要是指:在以DA反应物质为主要研究

16、对象的体内体外试验中,如果发现它们对N有潜在的破坏性,那可称之为基因毒性。如果有足够的后续试验,可由单独的体外试验结果,对它的体内关联性进行评估。在缺乏这样的信息时,体外基因毒性物质经常被考虑为假定的体内诱变剂和致癌剂。3 3 LELEA A ASIASI 法规依据法规依据This guielin hs be read njunionih Directve 200183EC(a aned) and all relvan CHMPane documentswitspecil masis on:在阅读该指南时有必要参考“Diectiv2001/83E”以及相关的 CHMP 指南文件,特别是以下几个

17、指南:Imries TestgGuieline:Ipurities n New Drug ubstances-(CPMP/ICH/2737/9,IH(R)ot for uidance o Ipuritis in N Dug Pouc (CPM/IH2738/99,ICQ3B (R))Note for Guidance onImurities:Rsidual ovn(CPM/IC8/95)Notefor Gudane nGnotxcity:Gudnce on Specic Aspects f Rlatry Geotoxcy Tets fr Pharmaticals (CPP/CH/195, IH

18、SA)Note fo Guidnce o enotoxicity: A taard Batteror GnotoxicitTestn ofPharmcuticas (CPPCH/7/95, IHS2B)4. 4.TOXICTOXICLOGILOGI B BCKCKOUNDOUND 毒理学背景毒理学背景codingto crentregulaoy practe it is asued hat (iio)geotoxi comouds hve t potenl t damae NAat any leveofexposuad that such damage yead/contribte to tu

19、mou dvelopmet.Thus fr geoxccarcinoens i is pruden o sume tattereisn discrnie thresd an tht evef exosure carresa risk.根据目前的研究实践,具有(体内)遗传毒性的化合物在任何暴露量下都有可能对 DN产生损伤,而这种损伤可能会引发肿瘤。因此,对于遗传毒性致癌物质,应谨慎认为不存在明确的阈值,任何暴露量下都存在风险。owver,the exisence of chanisms leaing to boloiallmeanigfulhrsholdeffec sncresingy ackn

20、owldedalsfr gotxeets Tis hdstrue i patiular fo munds interacingwithnon-DNA targts and asorpontialmaes,wic are aidldeoxfed bfoe coming n ontat with ctical tgets. Thereulaor aproch to such cemicas can e based o te identifition o a criil ooberved-effec leve(NOEL) and use of unetantyfactos.然而,对于一些遗传毒性事件

21、,其产生生物学意义的阈值效应的机理正越来越为人所了解。对于非 DNA 靶点的化合物和潜在致突变剂更是如此,因为它们在与关键靶点接触前就已经去毒化了。对于这些化合物,研究的基础可以是确定关键的未观察到影响的剂量(NOL)和采用不确定因子。-Evn o compund which are ble to rewith the DNA molecl,extraplatin in aliemanne fom ffecs igh-ds sdieto vey lowlev (human) exposre my notbe jutfied to severl ptectve mecnm opratig efe

22、ctiely at low dose.Howeve, at preset t i xtremely diffiul to eprimentaly rve t exisee of hrold fo thgenotocityoa iven utge. Ths, the absnce ofppoprate evidnce suporting hxsence of eso for a geooxi cmoun makgitdifficultto define a safe dose t is ecessartoadoptanct of a leve fexposue tt casaaccetable

23、ris.即使对能与NA 分子发生反应的化合物,由于低剂量时有多种有效的保护机制存在,而不能将高剂量下的影响以线性方式外推到很低的(人)暴露水平。不过,目前要用实验方法证明某诱变剂的遗传毒性阈值仍然非常困难。 所以,在缺乏恰当的证据支持遗传毒性阈值存在的情况下,确定安全剂量很困难,因此非常有必要采用一个可接受风险的暴露水平概念。5. 5. ECECMMENDATIONMMENDATION 建议建议Asstate the Q3A guideli, actul n potntial miies mostlikly tri drin synthess,purfcation nd soageo he n

24、ewdrusustane sholdbeienified, basdona sound sietific araisao he hmic reatins involved n he sythesis, imtie asociateithawmatils tat coul contribueo th impurityprothene du sbstnc, ad ossib egradationpoducts Thisdiscusso ca be ite o thseimpurities tha mht reasoalyb expeed base on knwledge f t cheical r

25、eactios and coiions invo.uide byxstg genotoxiitdat the reence fstructral lert, potental genotocpuritesshouldbe ienifid.When a poental impuricntainsstructral erts, ddtina gnoicittestng of he iprity, tyilly in acteril erse ution say, shuld be cosded (Dobo et al. 206, Mer et al. 2006). Wile accorigtoth

26、eQ3A uideine such sudies cansually be codte on he dru utanceontaiingthe impurity tobe controled, sudes sin ioatedmuritis r c mor aprorae fo ths urpe and igly eomended.-正如A 指导原则所述,根据合理的化学反应机理分析,在新的原料药合成、纯化和贮存过程中很有可能产生实际的和潜在的杂质。 依据现有的“可能引起遗传毒性的结构”数据库,潜在的遗传毒性杂质应能被确认。如果潜在的杂质含有可引起遗传毒性的结构单元,该杂质应考虑进行遗传毒性试验

27、(一般是细菌回复突变试验)(ob等,206)。虽然 QA 指导原则认为这些研究采用含有那些需控制杂质的原料药进行是可行的, 但用分离出来的杂质进行这些研究更恰当,也是高度推荐的方法。Fo detminoncceptable level of expure to genotoxi carcioes cosieationso posibe eciss ofaionan of thedos-response laioship re imporant omponent.ae on he boe consideatiosgnotoxcipuite ay edistnguise into thfollow

28、ing two classe:根据以上论述,遗传毒性杂质可以归纳成以下两类:enoxiccompods wth ffcient (perimenl) eidencfor athresholdrelatedmechanis有充分阈值相关机理证据(实验)的遗传毒性化合物- Gnoxicompouditout suffcent (eperimenl) evdecefo a thresol-rlated mechanim无充分阈值相关机理证据(实验)的遗传毒性化合物5. 5. e eotoxicotoxic ompoundsompounds ith Suffith Suffienien EvideEv

29、idececeor aor aThThs sol ol-Re-Reated Mated Mchchnismnism 具有充分证据证明其阈值相关机理的基因毒性化合物具有充分证据证明其阈值相关机理的基因毒性化合物xales ofmecanss of genoxicty thatmaye dentrated toea to nonlinea r thesholed dos-epnse relatioshipsilue iteaton withthe spile pprats of cll dision leadin to anuploidy,topoisomrase nhbtin, ihibiioo

30、f DNAsythesis, overlodigf dence mechnisms,mtbolic road an physiological perurbations(e. ndutio oferythropoesis, hyr- or hypoheria).非线性或阈值明确的剂量效应关系的遗传毒性机理包括:与细胞分化过程中纺锤体相互作用;拓扑异构酶抑制;DN合成抑制;过度的防御机制;代谢过度和生理性干扰(如诱导红血球生成,高体温和低体温) 。-For (caesof) compund h clarevencefor a thrhlegenotxcity, expure lels wi ar

31、e t precable rikognoxicitan be establise con tothe cedur as outinedfor cass 2 oventsi the3CNtforGuidce oImpuriie: Reidua Solets. This aprc calclat “ermitted Daily Expoure”(DE), which isdervedfrom th NOEL,or the lwestobsered efetleel (LOEL) inhe selvant (nl)tuy ing“ncertaitfactors” (F).有明确遗传毒性阈值的化合物,

32、不产生遗传毒性风险的暴露水平可以被确定, 方法可参照3C“杂质指导原则”中二类溶剂的限度确定方法。该方法可计算 “每日最大允许暴露量”(PDE) ,数据来源于 “不确定因数”动物研究中的EL(未观察到效果的最低水平)或观察到效果的最低水平(OEL)。5 5 enotoenotoc cCompoundCompound WithoWithot t ficientficient videncvidenc for a Tfor a Tr rshold-shold-elaelae e MechaniMechanimm 不具备充分证据支持其阈值相关机理的基因毒性化合物不具备充分证据支持其阈值相关机理的基因

33、毒性化合物Th assessmen of aceptablity ofgeotx impues forwhih n threhod eanism a idenifidshoulincude bohparaceucal anoxlogical vauations. Ingnral, phmaceutica mearemt huld be guidd b policyof contolig levels to “as loa rasabl practical” (ALARP principle),whee aoiding not possbleeelscosidred being conisent

34、 itthe ALARPprnciple fllong phamceuicalssemet shodbe assesse or aetabiiy fro toxicoical pont f vi (se dcisio ee & following secions)对于此类遗传毒性杂质,研究应包括药学和毒理学评估。 总之,如果杂质无法避免, 药学方面的控制应遵循“合理可行的最低限量”原则(ALARP 原则)。符合 AA原则的杂质水平再经毒理学方面的进一步评估,以验证其合理性(见决策树和以下章节)。5. 5.1 .1 harmaceutharmaceutcal Assecal Assemmntnt

35、 药学评价药学评价A specfcscussion as pat of th oerall disssioon ipuities(seQ3A(R) shoud be provded i th ppicatiowith eg timpues with penlgntxict.申请材料应提供关于潜在遗传毒性杂质的特别讨论资料(见3A(R)) 。-raionle of the poposed forulation/manfctrigstrategy should be povided base naalble fomulti options ndtechnogiesTappicanhould gli

36、gh,witn he cheicalrocss an impuriypro ctveubstane, al cheicssances,used s raent or prsent s ntermedite,orsid-producs, own as enotxian/or ccingnic(e.g akyating agents).需要根据现在的配方选择和技术,提供证明所选的配方/生产策略合理性的证据。申请人应在合成工艺和杂质研究部分重点指出所有的化学物质,包括用到的试剂、中间体、副产物,哪些是已知遗传毒性和/或致癌性物质(如烷化剂)。genely, reain subtane ad suta

37、ne which ho “aertin srt” in tems ofgotoxiitywhic ar ot sharedwihthe ctie substance soldbe coded (see eg. Db et al. 2006).Potetial lternaives whichdo nt la to gentoxc reidues inte arouct, shoud be sediavaiabl.值得关注的是,虽然有些含有“可能引起遗传毒性的结构” (alertingstrucure)的反应试剂与最终活性物质并没有共同结构, 但也要考虑它们的遗传毒性(ee e g.Dob et

38、 a. 200).。 如果有可能,应该对它们进行一些替代研究,以使最终产品中不会引入基因毒性残留。A jusiiation eeds o be proiedtat no vialealternive xsts,icludaena rouef synthesis or foruatio, ifferentstartingmaeisThis migt for intncnclude caes were th strucure,whihis reponsbefor the ooxiand/r crienicpotnlis equivalen to that nedd inchemia snesis(

39、e.g akylton ections).需要提供充分的论证来说明没有可行的替代方法存在,包括可替代的合成路线或配方,不同的起始物料等。比如,应证明具有遗传毒性和/或致癌性的结构在化学合成中(如烷化反应)是必需的。If a gentoxcipurtis consieredto e unavoidalein a dru subtace, tchnical effort (e. riication seps) shoulbeundertan redce the connofth gnotxic reidusinthe inaproductn cplanc with aetyeeds ot a ee

40、 s lowsresnly -rctable (se safety asessmet) Dat n chmcal tabiy of ractiv iterediates, reacts,and her omponentsshod b ncluen tis asesset.如果遗传毒性杂质在原料中不可避免,则应该采取适当的技术(如纯化步骤)降低该杂质的含量,以满足安全性要求,或符合“合理可行的最低限量”原则(见安全评估)。药学评估还应包括反应中间体、反应物和其它组件等的化学稳定性研究。Detecto an/or uantifiatonftresidues hul bedonebysteof-h-

41、rt anlytcal technies.应该使用比较先进的分析检测技术来检测和量化这些残留的杂质。5.2.2 T5.2.2 Txicological Assxicological Assss ssntnt 毒理学评价毒理学评价Thmpossiblty of efiiga sfeexpsure level(o iskcncpt) for gentxic crcinogenwtuta thrshol and therliztontha cmlteliminatn f enxc imputiefm dgsubstane ote unachile, reuesmpmetationo concep o

42、f anaccptable risk eve, .e. anesimate of dailyumanxpore at and blow whch theineglgie isk touman elh.鉴于在没有明确阈值的前提下定义安全暴露水平(零风险)是不可能的,且从原料药中完全除去遗传毒性杂质经常是很难做到的,所以有必要提出一个“可接受风险水平”(ccepableiskevel)的概念,比如估算一个“每日最大暴露量”值,低于该暴露量时就可以忽略其对人体健康的风险。Procduresorhe deivato o aetale rs levls econsidered in the Appeni

43、x 3 ofthe Q3ote f Guance nImurites:Residul ovet or Cas1 solvents. However, the pproachs require aaiaiit of dequaedatafrm lg-term rinogenicty sudies.对于可接受风险水平的推导过程请参见 QC(杂质指南注释:一类溶液残留) 中的附件三。然而,应用这些方法必须有足够多的长期致癌性研究数据。I most cases ofxilogical aessment f notoxic ipurits onlylimie da frominvitr suieswth

44、 the impurty (. Ams est,chromosomal aberraintes)re availabea thestalihed appoace tetermin aepabl inta levelcannotbe apied. alcu-ation of “safet mltile” fro in vtro data (g. Ames test) are coidee nappropia fojstification ofaceptabl iits.Mooer, negatie ciogenicity ad enotoxicity data with he du sustne

45、 cotaining h ipurtyat l plel n ovid suffcient asuranceforettinaccetabelimis for the impurtyu to the lack f ssivitf his estin appoc. en otn mgens an arcinogns r ot likely main uneteced when testedas pr ofte ru bstane, ie at ey o eposr leve. A ragmtic appoachis hreore eded hih egses h th prence of ry

46、low lvl of enotoiipurtiesis not aoiaed wit a unaccetberisk.大多数情况下,遗传毒性杂质的毒理学评估只是局限于杂质的体外研究(如 Ames 试验,染色体畸变试验) ,但这些方法并不适用于确定杂质可接受的摄入水平。也就是说,根据体外数据(如 Ae试验)计算杂质的“安全倍数(safetymultples)”、进而确定可接受的限度,是不合适的。此外,用含有较低(pm 级)杂质水平的原料药研究其致癌性和遗传毒性,即使得出阴性结果也不足以确保该杂质限度的合理性,因为这种试验方法缺少必要的灵敏度。 有些具有很强致突变性和致癌性物质与原料药一起进行试验

47、时,因为在非常低的暴露水平情况下,很有可能因为低于检测限而无法检出。所以,如果认识到含量非常低的遗传毒性杂质不存在“不可接受的风险”(unccetabe rsk),那么可以采取实用的方法来控制该杂质。. .3 Applica.3 Applican ofn of T Trereholdholdof Tof Ti iolooloicaicaCoCoc crnrn 毒理毒理学相关的阈值应用学相关的阈值应用A thresh of xiolgicl cocern (TC)hs ben developedtodefe aommon eposur lve for n unsied chemcal that

48、wll notpse a sk f signfiant carcnogencity r r toxic effect(Mnroet a.199, res an Kozianow 002). his C vluewas estimtedo b 1.5 person/dy. he TC, inallyepe s a“hresholof reui” at the FDAfor fod contt materials (uis189,FDA 1995)was estabished sed on he analsisof 34 arcgen foma rcinogni ptencydatabas (Go

49、de al. 184) an ws repeatedly ofred by evaluions expandig thedaabeto ore than0 arinens (un 1990, Chesean etl 1999,Krosetal. 2004). The proabityditrbutio f arcingnc poenis has bsd o de-ive anetimate ofadail exposr eel (pes) omot caronswicwould gv rise o les han aon in a million (1 x 0-6)uperboundlifet

50、m rik o ancer (“virtually sa doe”). Further aysisf ubsof ih poteny carnges dothe sugeso ofa -fodlor TC (0 15g/dy) for ceicals wih sructural alets thatre cerfo tetialgenotoxicty (Kroeset a. 204)“毒理学关注的阈值”用于定义那些不会产生显著致癌性或其他毒性作用、 但又未明确研究的化合物的“常见暴露量” (cmmon xur eel) (unro et al. 99,Kros andKoinowsk 02)

51、。该 TTC 估计值是15g/人/日。TC 概念最早来源于FDA 关于食品接触材料的“规定阈值”(a threshol of regulatio) (Rlis 1989,FA 99) ,该阈值根据对致癌能力数据库(Gold et al. 1984)中343种致癌物质的分析结果得出。随后该数据库扩大到0多个致癌性物质(unro190,Chesman tal. 999,Kroes e al. 04) ,这种分析结果不断得到重复验证。通过对致癌能力的概率分布进行评价, 可以得到一个对大多数致癌物质适用的“日常摄入水平(g/pso)”, 此水平造成的一生中患癌症的风险小于正常风险水平的上限1 10-(

52、真实的安全剂量)。对于含有“可能引起遗传毒性结构” 的化合物,其 TTC 应严格0倍(0.1g/日)(Kres et a. 0)。Hover, fr applcaion of aTCin the asmnt faeptbe limit ofgenotoic mpities n drug substancs a lu1 , coresponding to a 1- lifetme risk of cacer n be jsted aso phmaceutcalsa bnetxs. It uldbe rcoized intisotet ta he methodn ich the TT valu i

53、s bas,rgenealyconierevery coserteincethey invovea implelnaxtroation from teosegvg 50%uour incidene(D5) to in 106 ncidence, singTD50 dta frhe mostnstieseies nd most seniiveste (severl “wrst cas”smtons)(Munro e al. 1999).然而,用TC 评估原料药中的遗传毒性杂质限度,1.5g/日(相当于10万分之一的患癌风险)是可以接受的。应该承认,基于TTC 值控制遗传毒性杂质是非常保守的,因为

54、这只是根据从产生50肿瘤发生率(TD50)到百万分之一致癌率的剂量线性推导得到的,而且 TD0数据是用最敏感的动物和最敏感的部位研究得到的(几个“最坏条件”假设() Mo e l. 999) 。-Sme strutul rupwe identiidto e o suchhgh ptecy that inake venelo the TTCwould be assoiated wit a high probailitof siniicnt ccnoenicrisk (heesn e l. 1999, Kroes et al. 4). Tioup hih potcy genotoxic crige

55、nscmprisesafltin-like-, its, an azox-comods that habeexluded fo th T aprach Risk assessmento eesf suh oups reuires copud-spifi toxcty da.有几个结构基团被认定为具有非常高的基因毒性,它们即使被摄入低于T值的量也会面临非常高的基因毒性风险(Cheeseaet a. 999, oes et a. 200) 。这些高致癌性物质包括黄曲霉素类、N-亚硝基物和偶氮类化合物,不适用 TTC 方法。这类化合物的风险评估需采用专门的毒性数据。T ma be reasos de

56、viaefrom the TC value base onthpro enotoxcity esuls.根据基因杂质概况,有些情况下会偏离TC 值。sitiveelt rmn vito stdies only ayallow xmptipuriyfrom liitatio at TTClevel i lack of in viv relvane ftefidings isconiningly dmnstrted aed on weight-ofevnceapproah(se ICH S2 guideline).hs aprc willusuallyeed negat reslts wih e

57、ipurt from som addiionain vitro dorappropriat i io testin.假如按照证据权衡法能充分证明“结果缺乏体内相关性”,体外试验的阳性结果也仅能在TTC 水平上排除一个杂质(参见IH 指南 S2)。这种方法经常需要在额外的体外试验和/或合理的体内试验,并且得到杂质的阴性结果。AT vaehigerhan 15 g/dy may be aepale under tainconitin, e g. sot-erm exposr, fr tratent fa lie-hraenn condin,wnlife expecanc i less than 5

58、 years, hre theimpurity s a know susnce adumn exposureillb chgreer frmotersourcs (e. foo). Genoxi ipuritie that areas ignificntmetabolites may e aessedased n thaccebility themeblites-某些情况下 TTC 值高于1.5g/日也是可以接受的,如短期用药;用于治疗威胁生命疾病的药物;或人的存活期少于5年;或该杂质是已知物质,人体从其他途经(如食物)获得的暴露量远远高于药物途经。如果遗传毒性杂质本身就是重要的代谢物,那么该

59、杂质可以根据代谢物的可接受限度进行控制。he oncenration imts inppm of genotoxic impurty n dug stancdeived rom he TC cne cauaebased on th exete daildse to the paiet uing quatin (1)采用下列公式,从 TTC 值和日服用剂量,可以计算出原料药中的基因毒性杂质的浓度限度。(1)Coentrationimt(pm) = TTg/ay/dse (g/day浓度限度(pm) = TC g/ay/剂量(g/aTh TTCcncept hould be ppiedo cari

60、noes wheradequte toxic data (log-erm tdie) are vaiable andalloworacopoun-specifc is asessent.对于有确切毒性数据(长期毒性研究)的致癌性物质不宜使用TC 概念,应进行特定化合物风险评估。It hasto e emphasdtat the TT isapamatic rsk manaeento ing a probilstic methodology, e. hereis a ig prability thaa05 lifetie ancer risk wil not beeceeed ite dail

61、ntake of agenooxic impurt it unknow cacinogic poental/otnibelo th TC ve. ThT concept shuld not beirprete as proviing absolut ceranty of n rsk.应强调, TT是一个实用性的风险管理方法,是按概率方法学估算的。 比如按这一概念,如果某未知致癌性遗传毒性杂质的摄入量低于 TTC 值,那么就可以保证患癌风险控制在十万分之一之内。但 TTC 概念不能被理解为确保绝对无风险。5.35.3D Dc csionsionTreTre for Assefor Assesme

62、nt ofsment ofAcAce etabilittabilit GenoGenooxicoxicmpurmpurtiesties 基因毒性可接受性评价决策树基因毒性可接受性评价决策树(saed bes = pharmaceticl asssment, whe boxs= toxiooicl seent)-(阴影框 药学评价,白框 毒理学评价)-1) Impiie th stctul raonhp t high potecy ccinoges (se txt)arto be excludfrth TTC pprc1)结构上与高致癌性物质有关的杂质(见正文)不能采用 TTC 法。2) Ifc

63、arcogencty daa aailal: Des ke exceed cacltd1-5 caner iftie r?)如果有致癌性数据:摄入量超过10患癌风险吗?3)aseby-case asesmen shol nclude uation o trement, ndicaton, patietopulaion tc (e tex)3)具体情况具体分析,包括用药时间长短、适应症、患者人群等(见正文)。-*) brviaions: 缩写NOEUF N Oberved Efect Lvel/Uncertaint Facr, 未观察到效果水平不确定因素PDEPemitted Di Expse,

64、 允许日接触量TTC Thresl oToxcooial en 毒理学关注的域值RFEENCES 参考文献ChesemnM.A., achug .J,BalA., Aierd approach tothesod rguation, Food Cheoxicl7, -12, 19食品化学毒性,1999,Dobo K.L., ., r MO., CaronS., Ku W.W., The ap latin ofstuctre-ad asessent suort afety d ceitry dilgencto mane etxic ipuites in tie pharmcuticligredie

65、nts dngrug develpmet,eg TxPharm44, 28223, 2006.ol L.S., Sawer C B.,Maaw , Backman G M ,de VeciaaM.,LevinsonR., HooerN.K.,Havendr .R., erntein L.,Peto , Pie .C., Ae B N.,Acarnenic pencydatase of hetandardized esultof anialbioassays, EionHeal Perspect 5, 9319, 19.Kroes, enwick A.G.,heeman M , leinerJ.

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68、tatpossess otentil forenotoxii, eg Tox Pham 4,98-1, 0一种确定、检测和控制药品中可能具有基因毒性的特定杂质的理论Muno I.C., Sft assessmnt procedrs fr indrec ood addives: aoerview. epotoasop. Reg o Pham12, 212, 190.uro IC., nnehl E, Kros R.,A poceure for thesaetyevaluaonf flvourn substances, od Chem Toxl 37, 2732,99.Rulis .M , Estblshi a tehl f reguationIn Rs Assessmentn ettg NtionaPrioritis(J.J. Bonin and D. Steenson, ds.) Pnum, Nk,271-78, 199.U.S. Fooand DrugAdminstrat (FDA), Food adtiv: Thesholdofreguation fr sbstances used infoo-ontat arcles (fl rule), Fed. Regi . ,365-3659, 95.-



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