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1、外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页美文美文欣赏欣赏课前课前 自主预习自主预习 课堂课堂 合作探究合作探究随堂随堂 即时巩固即时巩固课后课后 限时训练限时训练外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页生活中我们最幸福时In Life We Are Happiest When. A man and his girlfriend were married.It was a large celebration. All of their friends and family

2、came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations.All had a wonderful time.外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页The bride was gorgeous in her white wedding gown and the groom was very dashing in his black tuxedo.Everyone could tell that the love they had for each other

3、was true.A few months later, the wife came to the husband with a proposal, “I read in a magazine, a while ago, about how we can strengthen our marriage,” she offered.“Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit annoying with the other person.Then, we can talk about how we can fix t

4、hem together and make our lives happier together.” 外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页The husband agreed.So each of them went to a separate room in the house and thought of the things that annoyed them about the other.They thought about this question for the rest of the day and wrote down what they c

5、ame up with.The next morning, at the breakfast table, they decided that they would go over their lists.“Ill start,” offered the wife.She took out her list.It had many items on it, enough to fill 3 pages.In fact, as she started reading the list of the little annoyances,she noticed that tears were sta

6、rting to appear in her husbands eyes.外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页“Whats wrong? ” she asked.“Nothing,” the husband replied,“keep reading your list.” The wife continued to read until she had read all three pages to her husband.She neatly placed her list on the table and folded her hands over the

7、 top of it.“Now, you read your list and then well talk about the things on both of our lists,” she said happily.Quietly the husband stated, “I dont have anything on my list.I think that you are perfect the way that you are.I dont want you to change anything for me.You are lovely and wonderful and I

8、wouldnt want to try and change anything about you.” 外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页The wife, touched by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his acceptance of her, turned her head and wept.In life, there are enough times when we are disappointed, depressed and annoyed.We dont really

9、have to go looking for them.We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty, light and promise.Why waste time in this world looking for the bad, disappointing or annoying when we can look around us, and see the wondrous things before us?外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页Section Introduction & Vocab

10、ulary and Reading外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页你的社交技能有多高?第13段译文你是否做过这样的事情:看见认识的人以后,故意过马路以避免与其说话?你是否愿意参加聚会并自信地和每位来宾交谈?你是否想结交更多的朋友但又缺乏与陌生人交谈的信心?你是否一想到要在别的国家参加社交活动

11、就觉得忐忑不安?别担心我们能帮助你! 如果你具备了良好的社交技能,你就不用担心这样的情景。而且这些技能是容易学习的。具备良好社交技能的人能很好地和别人交流并且知道怎样交谈。要是预先做些准备,将会对你有所帮助。下面有些主意可以帮助你。外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页 Learn how to do small talkSmall talk is very important and prepares you for more serious conversations.Be prepared! Have some lowrisk conversation op

12、eners ready.For example:think of a recent news storynot too serious, eg.a story about a film star or sports starthink of things to tell people about your studies外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页 第4段译文学会怎样聊天聊天是很重要的,并能帮助你为一些更严肃的谈话做准备

13、。有备无患!准备好几句不太会出错的开场白。例如:想出一个最近的新闻故事不要太严肃,譬如,一个有关电影明星或体育明星的故事想出一些有关你学习的事情告诉别人想出一些“不会出错”的事情询问别人的意见音乐、体育、电影等想出一些和陌生人谈话时要回避的话题并且要避免谈论这些话题!那样,你的自信心就不会被伤害了!外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修

14、6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页 第第56段段译文文提高倾听的技能提高倾听的技能 倾听是大多数人所缺乏的技巧,而交倾听是大多数人所缺乏的技巧,而交流是双向的过程流是双向的过程它包括说和听两个方它包括说和听两个方面。永远记住面。永远记住话太多并不会给人留下话太多并不会给人留下怎样的印象。下面是一些使你成为更好的怎样的印象

15、。下面是一些使你成为更好的倾听者的建议:倾听者的建议:使用积极肯定的肢体语言使用积极肯定的肢体语言询问更多的信息表示你的兴趣询问更多的信息表示你的兴趣不要做下面的事情不要做下面的事情看自己的手表看自己的手表打呵欠打呵欠叹气叹气把目光从正跟你说话的人身上移开把目光从正跟你说话的人身上移开外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页做下面的事情做下面的事情 用一些鼓励的声音和姿势表示你正用一些鼓励的声音和姿势表示你正在倾听在倾听微笑、点头、说微笑、点头、说“嗯嗯”或或“好的好的”之类的话等等之类的话等等 保持得体的目光接触保持得体的目光接触改变话题改变话题 替别人把话说完替

16、别人把话说完要牢记要牢记19世纪英国首相本杰明世纪英国首相本杰明迪斯迪斯累里的话:累里的话:“和一个人谈论他自己,他就和一个人谈论他自己,他就会和你说上几个小时!会和你说上几个小时!” 外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页第7段译文学习规则 如果你在另一个国家去参加一个社交场合,要记住社交规则会

17、有不同。例如,在一些国家,你得准时参加聚会;而在另一些国家就不需要。另外,你需要知道待多久,以及在何时必须离开。有的主人希望能得到鲜花或小礼品,而在另一些地方你可以给主人送东西,但如果你不想送就没有必要送。还有,要记住在有的国家你绝不能带某种颜色的鲜花,因为它们是不吉利的。在大多数地方,参加聚会不必带礼物但你得事先弄清楚!外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页课文阅读理解Step 1Fastreading1First look at the title and the subheadings of the passage,and then skim the fir

18、st sentence of each paragraph and finish the following question.Whats the main idea of the passage?The passage is about tips on .how to have good social skills in three ways外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页2Read the passage fast and match the parts with their main ideas.Part 1AHow to do small talk.

19、Part 2 BDos and donts while listening.Part 3 CThe social rules.Part 4 DIntroduction to the body of the passage by asking questions.答案:D;A;B;C外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页Step 2Carefulreading()Read the text carefully and then decide the following statements True (T) or False (F)1Small talk is to

20、 talk about some important things to people.()2You can refer to any topics when you make small talk with others.()3Listening skill is very important but many people lack it.()4Keeping good eye contact shows your respect for others.()5You should make sure of some social rules if you pay a visit to yo

21、ur foreign friends.()答案:1.F2.F3.T4.T5.T外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页 ()Choose the best answers according to the text.1Which of the following is NOT true?AKeep good eye contact when you are listening to others.BUse positive body language to help you leave a good impression when you are listening

22、 to others.CSocial rules are different from country to country.DNever ask for more information to show you are interested.答案:D外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页2What can we learn from what Benjamin Disraeli says?ATalking more about the other helps make a good conversation.BWhen you are talking with

23、each other,talk more about other people.CWhen you are talking with each other,never talk about the other.DTalking more about yourself will impress the other in the conversation.答案:A外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页3The author thinks that according to the passage.Athe majority of people dont have go

24、od listening skillsBwhen listening to the other person,you should keep silent and not get in any wordCif you know what the speaker will say,you can speak it out for him or herDcommunication is just a matter of speaking答案:A外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页4It is advised in the passage that before go

25、ing to a social occasion in a foreign country,you should .Afind out the social rules of the country firstBprepare flowers or a giftCmake sure you arrive on timeDprepare flowers of a certain color答案:A外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页Step 3PostreadingRead the text carefully and fill in the blanks wit

26、h the information in the text. You might cross the road to 1. talking to someone you recognise,or you would love to go to a party and talk 2. to every guest.You neednt worry about 3. like these if you have good social skills.People with good social skills 4. well and know how to have a conversation.

27、It helps if you do a little 5. planning.avoidconfidentlysituations communicate advance外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页Small talk is very important and 6. you for more serious conversations.Have some 7. conversation openers ready.And 8. is a skill which most people lack,but communication is a twowa

28、y 9. processit involves speaking and listening.Always rememberyou wont impress people if you talk too much.If you go to a social occasion in another country,remember that social rules can be 10. .prepareslowrisklisteningdifferent外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页基础知识自测.单词预习()核心单词1. v& n缺乏,缺少2. v点头3.

29、 n机会4. n申请5. adj.不礼貌的 lacknodopportunityapplicationimpolite外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页 ()拓展单词1. adj.非正式的 n非正式,不拘礼节的行为 adv.非正式地 adj.正式的2. adj.严肃的 adv.严肃地;危险地 n认真,严重3. adv.自信地 adj.自信的 n自信4. adj.预先的,在前的 adj.高级的;先进的5. n申请,应用 vt.& vi.申请,应用 n申请人,求职者informal informality informally formalserious seri

30、ouslyseriousnessconfidentlyconfident confidenceadvance advancedapplicationapply applicant 外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页.短语研习1. 想起,回忆起2. 把目光从移开3. 除此之外,另外4. 了解(到);找出(信息),查明5. 对神经紧张/害怕/胆怯/焦虑不安6. 交朋友,建立友谊think oflook away fromin additionfind out(be) nervous aboutmake friends外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回

31、导航下页下页上页上页.句型博习1People with good social skills communicate well .具有良好社交技能的人能很好地和别人交流并且知道怎样说话。2Here are some ideas .这是一些使你成为良好倾听者的方法。3Talk to a man about himself, !和一个人谈论他自己,他会跟你谈上几个小时!and know how to have a conversationto make you a better listenerand he will speak to you for hours外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6

32、返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页1informal adj.非正式的教材原句informal conversation about things that are not important关于不重要的事情的非正式谈话归纳拓展(1)informallyadv.非正式地(2)formal adj.正式的,形式的formally adv.正式地,形式地外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页We have an informal agreement to ride to school together.我们有一个一起骑车上学的非正式约定。We are organizin

33、g a formal party,and Id like you to come.我们正在组织一个正式聚会,并且我想邀请你来。The two groups met for (formal) talks.两个团队会面举行非正式会谈。 informal外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页2confidently adv.自信地教材原句Would you love to go to a party and talk confidently to every guest?你愿意去参加一个聚会,并且自信地同每一位客人谈话吗?归纳拓展(1)confident adj.自信的

34、,有信心的be confident in doing sth. 在做某事上有信心be confident of sth. 对某事有信心(2)confidence nU信心,自信,把握give ones confidence to sb. 信任某人in confidence 秘密地外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页China is moving strongly and confidently forward.中国正坚定不移、满怀信心地向前发展。Only when people overcome their fears do they live confiden

35、tly.人们只有在战胜了恐惧后,才会活得自信。We have full (confident) that well succeed.我们有足够的信心,我们会成功的。confidence外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页3lack v缺乏,缺少n.缺乏,不足(常与of连用)教材原句Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you dont know?你是否想结交更多的朋友但又缺乏与陌生人交谈的信心?外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下

36、页上页上页 归纳拓展(1)lack (for) sth.缺少/没有(表示钱、勇气、能力、经验等的名词)lack for nothing 什么也不缺(2)for/through lack of sth. 因缺少no lack of 不缺少,足够(3) lacking adj.缺少的be lacking in 缺少,不足外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页People do not lack strength;they lack will.人们缺少的不是力量,而是意志。 money is the root of all evil.缺钱是所有罪恶的根源。Tom doe

37、snt lack work experience and he isnt lacking in opportunity;he is actually lack of confidence.汤姆不缺乏工作经验,也不缺乏机会,实际上他缺的是自信。Lack of外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页4in addition另外,除此之外教材原句In addition,you need to know how long you should stay,and when you have to leave.另外,你还需要知道该待多久,以及该在何时离开。归纳拓展(1)in a

38、ddition to as well as besides apart from除之外(用作介词)(2)in addition as well besides 除此之外(用作副词)(3)addition n增加;附加;附加物;增加物(4)additional adj.增加的,额外的外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页As a student,I have been learning Mandarin for many years. ,I am Chinese,which means Mandarin is a must for me to communicate

39、 with others in my daily life.作为一个学生,我学习普通话好多年了。另外,我是中国人,这就意味着普通话是我在日常生活中与别人交流的必备语言。The house is too far from our school;in addition,it is too old.这个房子距离我们的学校太远了,而且太破旧了。She can speak Japanese besides English.除了英语,她还会说日语。In addition外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页易混辨析in addition,in addition toin ad

40、dition除此之外,另外;副除此之外,另外;副词短短语,常,常放在句首,也可放在句中、句尾放在句首,也可放在句中、句尾in addition to除除之外;介之外;介词短短语,后接名,后接名词或或动名名词外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页 an album,I gave him a pen and a pencil.除了一本照相簿,我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。 ,the building has lots of windows,allowing people to use the sun for light during the day.此外,这个建筑还有

41、许多窗子,可以让人们在白天用太阳光来照明。In addition toIn addition/Besides外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页5find out了解(到);找出(信息);查明教材原句In most places,you dont have to take a gift to a partybut find out first!在大多数地方,参加聚会不必带礼物但必须事先弄清楚。Please find out when the train starts.请查一下火车什么时候开。外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页易混

42、辨析find,find out,look forfind指客指客观结果,意果,意为“发现,找到,找到”find out指通指通过观察、探索而察、探索而发现事事实的真相,的真相, 调查出原出原因或因或发现秘密、秘密、错误等等look for意意为“寻找找”,是有目的地找,是有目的地找,强强调“寻找找”这一一动作作外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页I the best way to give advice to your children is to what they want and then advise them to do it.我发现给孩子提建议的最好

43、方法是先弄明白他们想要什么,然后再建议他们去做什么。I found the book he was .我找到了他正在寻找的书。have foundfind outlooking for外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页1教材原句Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognise? 你是否做过这样的事情:看见认识的人以后,故意过马路以避免与其说话?本句中“to avoid talking to someone”是动词不定式表目的,you recognise为定语从句修饰

44、先行词someone且省略了关系代词who或that。 归纳拓展强调动词不定式所表示的目的时,动词不定式可用in order to/so as to动词原形,但so as to不用于句首。外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页The man stopped to see what has happened.那个人停下来,目的是看看发生了什么。He bought a lot of things from the supermarket .他从超市里买了很多东西为即将到来的圣诞节做准备。The bus stopped so as to/in order to pick

45、 up passengers.In order to pick up passengers,the bus stopped.为了接乘客上车,汽车停了下来。to prepare for the coming Christmas外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页2教材原句People with good social skills communicate well and know how to have a conversation.具有良好社交技能的人能很好地和别人交流并且知道怎样说话。句中how to have a conversation属于“特殊疑问词/

46、whetherto不定式”结构,在句中作know的宾语。该结构在句中通常作主语、宾语、表语或同位语。 归纳拓展不定式作动词(词组)tell,show,understand,explain,teach,learn,advise,discuss,ask,decide,wonder,find out等的宾语时,前面常带引导词how,what,whether,where,when,who等,但why后加不带to的不定式。外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页He showed us how to do the work.He showed us how we should

47、 do the work.他给我们演示了怎么做这项工作。I dont know what to do.I dont know what I should do.我不知道要做些什么。We must decide whether to stay or go.We must decide whether well stay or go.我们必须决定是留还是走。Can you tell me it?你能告诉我为什么做此事吗?why do外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页 点津此用法中的不定式的逻辑主语需与句子的主语或宾语保持一致,否则用宾语从句。 外研版英语外研版英语

48、选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页.语境填词1Try to act (自信地),even if you feel nervous.2. (严重的)damaged,the bridge is no longer in use.3There are far more (机会)now for school leavers than there were fifty years ago.4Everyone is dressed in (非正式的)clothes such as sportswear or jeans.5Though (缺少) a little confidence,he

49、finished the speech successfully.confidentlySeriouslyopportunitiesinformallacking外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页.单句语法填空1He (lack) the skills required for the job.2The date of the meeting (advance)from Friday to Monday.3The boy was forced to look away his TV and left unhappily.4What do you think o

50、f (buy) the train tickets in advance?5In addition the names on the list,there are six other applicants.6Believe me,I am serious selling the house.7I often look the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet.lacked/lackshas been advancedfrombuyingtoaboutup外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上

51、页8 As a teacher, its important that the kids take you (serious)9Dont think (high) of yourself or others will look down upon you.10Beijings bid for 2022 Winter Olympics has driven public enthusiasm for winter sports to new heights.seriouslyhighlythe外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页.完成句子1. I always (

52、认真对待你们的建议)2. The project had to be abandoned (由于缺乏) funds.3. They have (取得了巨大的进步)medicine in the last ten years.4. Im (考虑) leaving here tomorrow.5. The visiting Americans are also interested in Chinese food (除了) Chinese culture.take your suggestions seriouslyfor lack ofmade great advances inthinking ofin addition to/besides/as well as外研版英语外研版英语选修选修6 6 返回导航返回导航下页下页上页上页课后 限时训练



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