高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 3 Under the sea课件 新人教版选修7

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1、选选修修七七Unit 3Under the sea.情景默写1.Be sure to leave the room _ (整齐)and tidy.2.She was noisily _ (吮吸)up milk through a straw.3.The factory met its production _ (目标)ahead of time.4.He has a very good _ (关系)with his elder sister.5.He spoke for two hours and barely _ (暂停)for breath.6.With so much noise goi

2、ng on she had to _ (大声叫)to be heard.7.The _ (分界线)of that country were changed by a treaty.neatsuckingtargetrelationshippausedyellboundaries8.The past few years have _ (目睹)great changes throughout China.9.Hearing the gun,the enemies were horror-struck and _ (逃跑)in all directions.10.The businessman _

3、(抛弃)his wife and went away with all their money.11.The poor workers _ (拖)the heavy stones in teams with ropes over their shoulders.12.The grandfather had assembled all the members of the family for the _ (每年的)picnic.13.The children found many beautiful shells on the _ (岸)while their parents were swi

4、mming.14.Im sorry,but my remarks were not _ (针对,瞄准)you.witnessedfledabandoneddraggedannualshoreaimed at15.They,too,are _ (接近)the time when they start to build their nests.16.The conference will begin in an hour;_ (在此期间),lets have a chat.17.Not _ (意识到)the importance of protecting the environment acco

5、unts for their polluting the river.18.He was obviously in some kind of trouble, but I didnt know how I could _ (帮助他摆脱困境).19.Computers should work for humans, but too often the relationship has been _ (上下翻转).20.Mr.Smith didnt arrive on time for the meeting.He must have been _ (阻挡)on his way here in t

6、he traffic jam.getting close toin the meantimebeing aware ofhelp him outupside downheld up.词性转换1.We were all _ (scare)to death when we found the ground was shaking.2.The meeting aimed at strengthening safety _ (aware)of employees.3.Keep the children away from the _ (sharpen)knives.They may cut thems

7、elves.4.The final score of the basketball match was 93:94.We were _ (narrow)beaten.5.It is _ that we should finish the job in such _ time.(urge)6.Some flowers are _ in the river and the _ is very beautiful.(reflect)scaredawarenesssharpnarrowlyurgedurgentreflectedreflection7.Though the soup is _,Ive

8、lost my sense of _ and it _ just like _ water.(taste)8.He described _ what he saw in London,giving us a _ picture about peoples life there.(vivid)9.The lake is over 20 meters in _.So we were all moved _ by the man who dived _ into the lake to save the boy.(deep)10.If you cant find any _ elsewhere, h

9、ere is a room which can _ up to five people.(accommodate)tastytastetastestastelessvividlyvividdepthdeeplydeepaccommodationsaccommodate1.句型公式:Its a time when.意为“曾经一度”,when引导定语从句我曾一度迷恋网络游戏,现在真是后悔。It was a time _ computer games;how I regret now.2.句型公式:be about to do sth.意为“正要做某事”我正要做一件重要工作,这时女儿过来打断了我。_

10、 my daughter came to interrupt me.3.句型公式:where引导地点状语从句活着就有希望。_ there is hope.when I was addicted to playingI was about to do a piece of important work whenWhere there is life1.witness n.目击者;证人;证据vt.当场见到;目击高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/句型转换His good health is a witness _ the success of the treatment.The man wh

11、o _ (witness)the accident promised to be a witness and gave witness _ the victim.towitnessedto状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)a witness to sth.某事的证人/证明bear/give witness to sth.为作证;证明(2)witness for为作证witness to(doing) sth.作证证明(做)某事She witnessed that she had seen the man enter the building.She witnessed _ _ _ the ma

12、n enter the building.tohavingseen2.urge vt.催促;极力主张;驱策n.强烈的欲望;冲动高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/句型转换The report urged that all children _ (teach)to swim.It _ (urge)that the library (should)be kept open during the vacation.Our teacher urged us into studying hard with the final exam drawing near.Our teacher _ _ _

13、_ _ with the final exam drawing near.Our teacher _ _ _ _ _ _ with the final exam drawing near.(should)be taughtis urgedurgedustostudyhardurgedthatweshouldstudyhard状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)urge sth./sb.on 催促某物/某人前进urge sb.to do sth.催促某人做某事urge that.(should)do sth.极力主张;强调It is urged that.(should)do sth.坚决要求(2

14、)urgent adj.紧急的;迫切的3.abandon vt.遗弃;抛弃;丢弃;放弃;中止;(与oneself连用)使放纵;使听任n.放任;放纵高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/句式升级They abandoned _ (carry)out the plan because of the lack of money.We should keep off those who abandon _ (they) to drugs.He abandoned himself to the Internet games and didnt pass the exam.1 _,he didnt p

15、ass the exam.(用现在分词作状语)2 _,he didnt pass the exam.(用过去分词作状语)carryingthemselvesAbandoning himself to the Internet gamesAbandoned to the Internet games状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)abandon ones hope/plan/idea放弃希望/计划/主意abandon oneself to.沉湎于;纵情于abandon doing sth.放弃做某事(2)with abandon放纵地;放任地(3)abandoned adj.无约束的;无度的;

16、放荡的4.reflect vt.映射;反射;思考vi.思考高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子When the suns rays hit the earth,a lot of heat _ (reflect)back into space.You should set aside some time _ and failures.你应该留出时间反思你的成功和失败。is reflectedto reflect on/upon your successes状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)reflect sb./sth.in sth.(指镜子等)映出某人/物的影像reflect o

17、n/upon sth.思考某事(2)reflection n.反射;反照;反映;映像be lost in reflection陷入深思中5.opposite prep.在对面adj.相反的;相对的n.相反的事物高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空Youd never know theyre sisterstheyre completely opposite _ each other in every way.Many people think that listening is a passive business.It is just _ opposite.状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢b

18、e opposite to在对面;与相反just the opposite恰恰相反tothe6.help (.)out帮助 (某人)摆脱困境或危难;协助;使 (某人)脱离困境高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子The magician picked several persons at random from the audience and asked them to help him _ (finish)the performance.I cant help _ (wonder)what happened to that little girl.With so much wo

19、rk to do,he _.由于有如此多的工作要做,他不得不向朋友求助。As he is my best friend,when I am in trouble he will certainly _.因为他是我最好的朋友,遇到麻烦时他肯定会帮我摆脱困境。(to)finishwonderingcant help but ask his friends for helphelp me out状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢7.be/become aware of 对知道、明白;意识到高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子It is important that students deve

20、lop an _ (aware) of valuing parents love.Being aware _ your own weakness is probably the key to success.People _ helping others is helping themselves.现在人们意识到帮助别人就是帮助自己。awarenessofare now aware that状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)be aware that.知道,体会到make sb aware of/that.使某人注意到;提醒某人注意as far as Im aware据我所知(2)awaren

21、ess n.意识;认识develop an awareness of.培养的意识8.where.there be.高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子The water was quite shallow but _ the reef ended,there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.As the saying goes,_,there is a fire.常言道,无风不起浪。As far as Im concerned,you are free to go _.就我个人而言,你愿意去哪里就去哪里。wherewhere t

22、here is a smokewherever you like状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢where.there be.意为“在的地方,有”,where引导地点状语从句。另外wherever意为“在何处;无论何处”也可引导地点状语从句。.课文语法填空Although Old Tom and the other killers were fierce 1._(hunt),they never harmed 2._ attacked people.In fact,they protected them.There was one day when we were out in the bay d

23、uring a hunt and James 3._(wash) off the boat.“Man overboard! Turn the boat around!” urged George,4._ (shout) loudly.huntersorwas washedshoutingThe sea was rough that day and it was difficult to handle the boat.The waves were carrying James further and further away from us.From Jamess face,I could s

24、ee he was terrified of 5._ (abandon) by us.Then suddenly I saw a shark.“Look,theres a shark out there,” I screamed.“Dont worry,Old Tom wont let it near,”Red 6._ (reply).7._ took over half an hour to get the boat back to James,and when we approached him,I saw James being 8._ (firm) held up in the wat

25、er by Old Tom.I couldnt believe my eyes.There were shouts of “Well done,Old Tom” and “Thank God” as we pulled James back 9._ the boat.And then Old Tom was off and back to the hunt where 10._ other killers were still attacking the whale.being abandonedrepliedItfirmlyintothe【参考范文】Clancy witnessed two

26、anecdotes in 1902 when he was working at a whaling station on the southeastern coast of Australia.(要点1)Surprisingly,Old Tom,which was a killer whale,not only helped whalers catch whales but also rescued James when he was in danger.(要点2)So James avoided losing his life.(要点3).课文话题写作一、用本单元所学知识补全短文One d

27、ay,Tom _ (正要参加) his friends party _ (when/while/as) he saw a traffic accident,which _ (把他吓得要死).At that time,Tom was driving along the street when a car came at a high speed _ (从反方向).An elder woman was ahead of him,and she was hit by the car before she realized it.The elder woman _ (受伤严重)._ (fortunat

28、e),there were few people on the street.Worse still,was about to attendwhenscared him to deathfrom the opposite directionwas badly injuredUnfortunatelythe car _ (从逃离) the scene. _ (urgent),Tom called the hospital,urging the doctors _ (rush) to the spot and then he gave first aid to the elder woman.Ev

29、entually,the elder woman was _ (被帮助脱离了危险).After he considered whether it was worth helping a stranger,Tom found what he did was right.fled fromUrgentlyto rushhelped out of danger二、按要求升级短文1.用本单元的高级词汇升级短文中的加黑词汇(1)saw_ (2)realized_ (3)considered_ 2.用高级表达升级短文中的句子(1)用定语从句改写句An elder woman _ was hit by the car before she realized it.(2)用分词作状语改写句 _ whether it was worth helping a stranger,Tom found what he did was right.witnessedwas aware ofreflected onwho was ahead of himHaving considered



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