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1、Lesson 23Lesson 23The Giant ()The Giant ()Unit4StoriesandPoemsLesson23TheGiant()课前自主预习课堂互动探究Unit4StoriesandPoems课课前自主前自主预习预习Lesson23TheGiant()单单词词闯闯关关1. 敲;敲打;碰撞敲;敲打;碰撞_2张开;扩展张开;扩展_3颈;脖子颈;脖子_4peek_ spreadknockneck偷看;偷看; 窥视窥视Lesson23TheGiant()单单词词闯闯关关5softly _(adj.)_6. scene_7selfish_8crawl_9wicked_ s

2、oft轻轻地轻轻地场景;场景; 景色;景色; 风景风景自私的自私的爬行;爬行; 匍匐行进匍匐行进邪恶的邪恶的短短语语互互译译1. 做决定做决定_ 2. 拆除;击倒;撞倒拆除;击倒;撞倒_3举起举起_4自从;从自从;从起起_5wave the arm_knock downmake a decisionLesson23TheGiant()put upever since挥动胳膊挥动胳膊短短语语互互译译6at once_ 7break out in blossom_8stretch out_ 9along with _10say to oneself_盛开;盛开; 怒放怒放立刻立刻Lesson23T

3、heGiant()伸出;伸出; 伸开伸开伴随着伴随着自言自语自言自语句句型型在在线线1. 然后巨人看到了更多的孩子正在通过墙上的一个洞爬进来。然后巨人看到了更多的孩子正在通过墙上的一个洞爬进来。 Then the giant saw that more children _ _ _ a hole in the wall.2但是一个小男孩没有跑,因为他没有看见巨人来了。但是一个小男孩没有跑,因为他没有看见巨人来了。 But one little boy did not run because he did not _ _ _ _crawlingthroughwereLesson23TheGian

4、t() see giant ing the句句型型在在线线3小男孩伸出了他的手臂,抱住了巨人的脖子并亲了他。小男孩伸出了他的手臂,抱住了巨人的脖子并亲了他。 The little boy _ _ _ his arms, put them around the giants neck and kissed him.4当其他孩子看到巨人不再邪恶,他们跑回来了。当其他孩子看到巨人不再邪恶,他们跑回来了。 When the other children saw the giant was _ _ wicked, they came_ _Lesson23TheGiant()outstretchedwit

5、hlongernorunningback句句型型在在线线5春天和他们一起来了。春天和他们一起来了。 _ _ _ came the spring. 6从那时起,巨人的花园成了孩子们的操场。从那时起,巨人的花园成了孩子们的操场。 _ _ _, the giants garden has been a childrens playground.withAlongLesson23TheGiant()themEversincethen课课文文初初探探根据课文内容,判断正根据课文内容,判断正(T)误误(F)。()1. More children crawled through a hole in the

6、wall.()2. The little boy was not afraid of the giant. ()3. The giant didnt realize that he was selfish at last.()4. The giant knocked down the wall himself. ()5. The giants garden became a childrens playground again.FTLesson23TheGiant()FTT课课堂互堂互动动探究探究词汇点睛词汇点睛 1 knock v. 敲;敲打;碰撞敲;敲打;碰撞观察观察 He knocked

7、 three times and waited.他敲了三下门就他敲了三下门就等着。等着。Lesson23TheGiant()Lesson23TheGiant()辨析辨析 knock at/on, knock into, knock down与与knock overknock at/on敲敲(门门/窗窗)knock into与与相撞相撞knock down拆除;击倒;撞倒拆除;击倒;撞倒knock over把把打翻打翻Lesson23TheGiant()Go and see who is knocking at the door. 去看一看谁在敲门。去看一看谁在敲门。You should say

8、 sorry when you knock into someone.当你撞到某人时,你应该道歉。当你撞到某人时,你应该道歉。The old houses are going to be knocked down. 这些旧房子要这些旧房子要被拆除了。被拆除了。Dont knock over the glass of water. 不要打翻这杯水。不要打翻这杯水。活学活用活学活用 1Slow down at the corner ofthe street so that you wont knock _ other cars. AonBdown Cinto DoverLesson23TheGia

9、nt()C【解析解析】 句意:在街道拐角处减速慢行,以免和其他车辆相撞。句意:在街道拐角处减速慢行,以免和其他车辆相撞。knock intoknock into意为意为“与与相撞相撞”,故选,故选C C。 2spread v. 张开;扩展张开;扩展观察观察 He was trying to reach up to the spreading branches of a tree.他正努力向上够伸展的树枝。他正努力向上够伸展的树枝。The eagle spread its wings and flew away. 鹰展开双翅飞走了。鹰展开双翅飞走了。Lesson23TheGiant()Lesso

10、n23TheGiant()探究探究 spread 的过去式和过去分词均为的过去式和过去分词均为_。它既可用。它既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词;用作及物动词时,其宾作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词;用作及物动词时,其宾语可以是具体名词也可以是抽象名词。语可以是具体名词也可以是抽象名词。拓展拓展 spread out张开;伸开张开;伸开spread over遍布遍布spread to传到,蔓延到传到,蔓延到spread2(1)它的枝条向四面八方伸展开来。它的枝条向四面八方伸展开来。 Its _ _ far and wide. (2)2017长春长春 _ Chinese Culture, man

11、y college students go to foreign countries every year. ASpreading BTo spread CSpreads DSpreadLesson23TheGiant()branchesspreadB句型透视句型透视1Then the giant saw that more children were crawling through a hole in the wall. 然后巨人看到了更多的孩子正在通过墙上的一个洞爬进来。然后巨人看到了更多的孩子正在通过墙上的一个洞爬进来。Lesson23TheGiant()Lesson23TheGian

12、t() 探究探究此句中的此句中的that引导的是引导的是_从句,当主句的谓语动词是过去从句,当主句的谓语动词是过去式时,从句也要用式时,从句也要用_的过去时态;句中表示的过去时态;句中表示“看到某动作正在看到某动作正在进行进行”,要用,要用_时态。时态。 宾语宾语相应相应过去进行过去进行活学活用活学活用 12017襄阳襄阳What did the manager ask you after the meeting? She asked me_ Awhat I do for the project last week Bif can I finish the work on time Chow

13、did I deal with the problem Dwhy I was late for themeetingLesson23TheGiant()D2 But one little boy did not run because he did not see the giant ing. 但是一个小男孩没有跑,因为他没有看见巨人来了。但是一个小男孩没有跑,因为他没有看见巨人来了。Lesson23TheGiant() 探究探究 see sb. doing sth.意为意为“_”。看见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事Lesson23TheGiant() 辨析辨析 see sb. doing

14、sth. 与与see sb. do sthsee sb. doing sth.意为意为“看见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事”,强调看到动作正,强调看到动作正在进行。在进行。see sb. do sth.意为意为“看见某人做了某事或经常做某事看见某人做了某事或经常做某事”,强调,强调看到了动作的全过程或强调动作经常发生。看到了动作的全过程或强调动作经常发生。I saw her cleaning the classroom. 我看到她正在打扫教室。我看到她正在打扫教室。(强调正在打扫强调正在打扫)I saw her clean the classroom. 我看到她打扫教室了。我看到她打扫教室了

15、。(强调打扫教室的全过程强调打扫教室的全过程)Lesson23TheGiant()22017徐州徐州 I saw Tom_ his key in the lock, turn it and open the door. Aput Bputting Cputs Dto putLesson23TheGiant()A3 Along with them came the spring. 春天和他们一起来了。春天和他们一起来了。Lesson23TheGiant() 探究探究 long with为固定短语,意为为固定短语,意为 “_”,相当于,相当于together with。 She enjoys th

16、e sunshine after the noon, along with kittens and flowers.在小猫和鲜花的陪伴下,她享受着午后的阳光。在小猫和鲜花的陪伴下,她享受着午后的阳光。伴随着,和伴随着,和一起一起Lesson23TheGiant() 拓展拓展当主语后跟当主语后跟with或者或者along with短语时,谓语动词与短语时,谓语动词与with或或along with之前的主语保持一致。之前的主语保持一致。Jim with his friends plays soccer twice a week. 吉姆和他的朋友一周踢两次足球。吉姆和他的朋友一周踢两次足球。320

17、16郴州改编郴州改编Look!A woman with three children _ crossing the street. Lets help them. Ais BAre Cwas DwereLesson23TheGiant()A【解析解析】考查主谓一致。考查主谓一致。“with three children” with three children” 是介词结构,不能作主语,是介词结构,不能作主语, 真正的主语是前面的真正的主语是前面的“a woman”a woman”。故选。故选A A。Lesson23TheGiant()At first, he was 1._, thinkin

18、g only about 2._. He 3._a high wall to keep children away. So the poor children 4._had a place to play. The following spring, his garden was 5._snow. He felt sad.One morning, the giant saw some children ing back to his garden through a 6._in the wall. Along with them came the 7._. The giants heart 8._. He 9._the wall. 10._then, the giants garden has been a childrens playground.The Giantselfishhimselfbuiltno longercovered withholespringmeltedknocked downEver since课文回顾课文回顾



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