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1、目前学生在做阅读表达题时主要存在的问题 对短文内容的概括能力差:以偏概全,文不对题或概括过度,难以把握主题。完成句子时,不能充分考虑到整句话或篇章的语言环境,仅仅根据片段意思去填充单词,结果语句不通,出现较多的错误。审题不准确,有时答非所问。做英文翻译题时,不会变通,不会调整语序,不符合汉语表 常常见阅读表达表达问题类型型问题类型常见问题主旨概括Whats the best tile of the passage? What is the purpose of the writers writing this passage? Whats the main idea of the articl

2、e?完成句子Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrases.句子替代Please find out the sentence in the passage which can be replaced by the following one.句子翻译Translate the underlined sentence in the paragraph into Chinese.封闭性问题Regular close-ended wh-questions based on the passage.开放性问题Wh

3、at would you do if you were? What other suggestions would you give? How would you settle the problem if you were?其他类型结合文章的不同题材和体裁给出的其他类型的问题如何拟定文章标题 标题要出现关键词关键词或关键词组关键词组。标题要覆盖全文或整个段落,绝对不能离题太远,太笼统或只概括一段或几句话的意思,即以偏以偏概全概全。标题如果是句子,句号一般不用,但其他符号要标出。While it is impossible to live completely free of stress,

4、it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it cant be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.Try physical activityWhen you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise o

5、r physical activity. Running, waling, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.Take care of yourselfYou should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cant sleep well enough, or if youre not eating properly, it wil

6、l be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.Make time for yourselfSchedule time for both work and entertainment. Dont forget, play can be just as important to your overall well-being as work. You need a brea

7、k from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.Make a list of things to doStress can result from disorganization and a feeling that“theres so much to do, and not enough time”. Trying

8、to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then , checking off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important task first.91.aWhat is the best title of the passage?(?(Plea

9、se answer within 10 words) 92Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?You might feel stressed as a result of bad temper, poor quality of sleep or diet. 93Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer with

10、in 10 words) 94Which of the suggestions do you think is the best for you? Why?(Please answer within 30 words) 95Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese. 1How to deal with stress/ Suggestions on how to deal/ cope with stress2If you easily get angry and cant sleep well en

11、ough, or if youre eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations.3do one thing at a time/ work on things separately/ work on things one by one/ focus on the work one after another/ concentrate on one thing at a time4(略)只要给出文中任何一条而对其进行合理解释即可。5虽然生活中不可能没有压力,但是当压力无法

12、避免的时候,我们有可能预防它或减少它所带来的影响。(六)阅读表达要规范(六)阅读表达要规范1、主旨标题类、主旨标题类 1) 通常通常主题句位于首段或末段主题句位于首段或末段。概括出来的中心意思绝对。概括出来的中心意思绝对不可太笼不可太笼统统或者或者以偏概全以偏概全。 2)文章)文章标题格式标题格式可以是完整的可以是完整的句子句子,可以是简洁的,可以是简洁的短语短语,也可以,也可以用用问题问题的形式,的形式, 所有字母都大写所有字母都大写:HOW TO DEALWITH STRESS 实词的第一个字母大写实词的第一个字母大写:How to Deal with Stress(常采用的方(常采用的方

13、式)式) 标题的第一个单词大写标题的第一个单词大写:How to deal with stress 3)回答)回答main idea 的题目,只要的题目,只要大写第一个单词首字母,其他小大写第一个单词首字母,其他小写写。例如:。例如:76.What is the passage mainly about? (please answer within 10 words) 76Scientist completely recognized the surface of Mars. 4)注意字数要求注意字数要求。主旨大意题一般要求。主旨大意题一般要求within 10 words. 5) purpo

14、se, aim要用不定式回答要用不定式回答。尽量用完整句子来回答。尽量用完整句子来回答。 The purpose is to-句子填空题 主要设题方式 1.填写特定语段的主题或中心思想 2.填写上下文相照应的信息 3.填写语篇衔接或过度语 4.填写特定语段中一致的信息 句子填空答题技巧整体理解,注意上下文的逻辑性,特别是关联词的使用。语言要简洁,注意词数限制。检查时,看上下文是否通顺,语法是否正确正确,是否能体现作者的表达表达意图意图。 (六)阅读表达要规(六)阅读表达要规完成句子类完成句子类 1)弄清上下文之间的)弄清上下文之间的逻辑关系逻辑关系,例如递进、并,例如递进、并列、对比、转折、因

15、果等等;列、对比、转折、因果等等; 2)注意空白处与前后词句的)注意空白处与前后词句的语法结构关系语法结构关系。确确定是填句子,短语还是单词定是填句子,短语还是单词。 3)注意)注意语法语法,注意,注意时态语态时态语态,前后搭配前后搭配,将答,将答案带入检查是否合适;案带入检查是否合适; 4)注意)注意字数字数要求。要求。同意句替换要注意要找准要替代的全部内容,不多也不少。要把替代的句子全写下来,不要用省略号。书写要规范。 (六)阅读表达要规范(六)阅读表达要规范3、句子替代类、句子替代类 准确理解句意,灵活转换句式、找准对应是做好本题的关键。准确理解句意,灵活转换句式、找准对应是做好本题的关

16、键。 如如2008年山东卷年山东卷 79. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? Accordingly, these shopoholics should turn to a certain organization for help so that they can stop compulsive shopping.弄懂句意弄懂句意:相应地这些购物狂应到特定组织寻找帮助,以便能够终:相应地这些购物狂应到特定组织寻找帮助,以便能够终止这种不能自拔的购物癖好。止这种不能自拔的购物癖好

17、。转换对应转换对应:转换句式,进行对应。:转换句式,进行对应。 Accordingly与与if this is the case对应;对应;these shopoholics 与与people addicted to shopping对应;对应;should turn to a certain organization for help与与should go to a support group对应;对应;so that they can stop compulsive shopping与与to help them break this habit对应。对应。回扣原文回扣原文:If this

18、is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.如何答好翻译试题 要整体理解,不能断章取义。弄清it , they, this, that 等代词所指代的含义理清句子的语法结构,即找出句子的主谓主谓 结构,弄清句子的修饰成分及修饰关系。根据汉语表达习惯对译文做适当的调整,避免字字对译。省略句要做适当补充,关键词翻译要准确。 六)阅读表达要规范六)阅读表达要规范4、句子翻译类、句子翻译类 1)把握句型把握句型:看是:看是主从复合句主从复合句,还是

19、,还是简单句简单句。 2)调整语序调整语序:翻译要:翻译要符合汉语表达习惯符合汉语表达习惯。 英语中状语常放在主句之后,而英语中状语常放在主句之后,而汉语表达中状语应置于句首汉语表达中状语应置于句首; 英语中起修饰作用的定语如果是英语中起修饰作用的定语如果是个短语或者从句,往往放在被修饰个短语或者从句,往往放在被修饰词的后面,而词的后面,而汉语中的定语无论多长,一般要放在被修饰词之前汉语中的定语无论多长,一般要放在被修饰词之前。 3)找出关键词语找出关键词语注意英、汉两种语言及其文体特征的差异。注意翻译的准注意英、汉两种语言及其文体特征的差异。注意翻译的准确与流畅性,如:确与流畅性,如: to

20、tal exhaustion 筋疲力尽筋疲力尽 careful consideration 深思熟虑深思熟虑 lack of perseverance 三天打鱼,两天晒网三天打鱼,两天晒网 make a little contribution 添砖加瓦添砖加瓦 farsightedness 远见卓识远见卓识 perfect harmony 水乳交融水乳交融 with great eagerness 如饥似渴如饥似渴 on the edge of destruction 危在旦夕危在旦夕六)六)阅读表达要表达要规范范 4 4、句子翻、句子翻译类六)阅读表达要规范六)阅读表达要规范 句子翻译类句子

21、翻译类 Chinas space achievements head our countrys top-ten achievements in science and technology in 2003, according to results released on Tuesday based on votes of the 582 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. (CAE). All the CAS and CAE members were

22、asked to look through process in their own fields of research, as well as in others over the past year and vote according to how important the achievements were.Question: Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. _ 解题思路解题思路解题思路解题思路分析文体分析文体:新闻报道,显然语言应书面化。:新闻报道,显然语言应书面化。把握句型把握句型:这是一个带有状语:这是一个带有状

23、语 “according to-“的简单句。的简单句。调整语序调整语序:汉语中的:汉语中的“据据报道报道”一般置于句首,因此在翻译时应先翻一般置于句首,因此在翻译时应先翻译;句子中的译;句子中的 results后的定语在翻译成汉语时要放在它的前面。后的定语在翻译成汉语时要放在它的前面。关键词关键词:head, top-ten, released on, based on, CAS, CAE 根据根据周二周二颁布颁布的的中国科学院中国科学院和和中国工程院中国工程院582名院土的投票结果,名院土的投票结果,2003年中国在太空领域所取得的成就位于我国年中国在太空领域所取得的成就位于我国十大科技成就

24、之首十大科技成就之首。 如何做好开放性问题 审清题目要求,是一步作答还是两步作答该题型主观性强,不能直接从文章中找一句话来回答。回答原因原因很重要。尽量表达自己熟悉的观点和方面,也就是要扬长避短扬长避短5、封闭式问题和开放性问题、封闭式问题和开放性问题1)在读懂原文的基础上,就所给问题提取信息。)在读懂原文的基础上,就所给问题提取信息。2)在规定的)在规定的字数范围字数范围内进行答题。内进行答题。3)开放性问题应以)开放性问题应以主流价值观主流价值观为主,不应太偏为主,不应太偏激,脱离主流价值。激,脱离主流价值。4)要尽量)要尽量避免语法及拼写错误避免语法及拼写错误。5)回答问题)回答问题不要

25、用不要用the first, the second ,要答要答出具体内容。出具体内容。六)六)阅读表达要表达要规范范要做好阅读表达解题应做到以下几点: 准确理解文章的大意、细节,把握作者的观点、态度、语气等,捕捉与题目有关的信息,为回答问题作好准备。 答题之前认真审题,弄清问题的要求,回答应具有针对性,紧扣题目,认真推敲语言,既要完整又要简洁。同时还要注意语言运用的准确性、得体性。1) 主旨大意题,要求词数比较少, 所用语言要精辟、 简洁。 答案应 符合标题要求,能概括出文章大意或作者的意图。2)有的问题可以在文中找到答案及其依据,但是对于开放性问题,考生要结合自己的观点回答。3)在做翻译题的

26、时候,一定要结合句子所在的情景进行理解和翻译,并且把握好句子结构。既要符合句子原意,又要注意汉语句子的通顺和大意。4)要注意问题后的字数要求,切忌超出各个题目所要求的字数范围。5)要保持书写清楚,工整;卷面整洁、干净。三、模拟真题阅读下面短文并根据要求回答后面的题目。注意所有答案要写在答题区。 While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it cant be avoided. The US

27、Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.Try physical activityWhen you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, waling, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some

28、of the activities you might try.Take care of yourselfYou should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cant sleep well enough, or if youre not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you

29、from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.Make time for yourselfSchedule time for both work and entertainment. Dont forget, play can be just as important to your overall well-being as work. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. A

30、llow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.Make a list of things to doStress can result from disorganization and a feeling that“theres so much to do, and not enough time”. Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achiev

31、e anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then , checking off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important task first.1How to deal with stress/ Suggestions on how to deal/ cope with stress2If you easily get angry and cant sleep well enough, or if youre eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations.3do one thing at a time/ work on things separately/ work on things one by one/ focus on the work one after another/ concentrate on one thing at a time4(略)只要给出文中任何一条而对其进行合理解释即可。5虽然生活中不可能没有压力,但是当压力无法避免的时候,我们有可能预防它或减少它所带来的影响。



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