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1、2 Sound system:Phonetics & Phonology2021/3/292021/3/291 1Teaching ObjectiveCritical ThinkingPresent and Solve ProblemsPresent and Solve ProblemsUnderstand MacroscopicallySound systemSound systemUnderstand Microscopically2021/3/292021/3/292 2Question Time!2021/3/292021/3/293 3Puzzling Question!Intere

2、sting Question!Serious question!All Questions Are WelcomeAmazing Question!2021/3/292021/3/294 42.3 Phonology2021/3/292021/3/295 5Think about:Produce “p” in “peak” and “speak”!Find out the differences. Does it influence the meaning if we pronounce “speak” in the way of producing “peak” concerning “p”

3、? Namely, is sphi:k different from spi:k? 2021/3/292021/3/296 6语音SpeechSound语音系统Sound system语音学语音学语音的发生、传递、感知不涉及到意义基本单位:音素(或者可以区别可以区别意义意义、或者不可区别意义)音位学音位学有区别意义的语音的组合规律涉及到意义基本单位:音位 音段单位:音位 组合规律 超音段音位学2.3.1 Phonology and phoneticsSemantically relevant speech soundsSound patterns vary from language to l

4、anguage.All languagesLanguage-specific2021/3/292021/3/297 72.3.2 Phone, phoneme, and allophonePhone (Phone (音素)音素)音素)音素): a phonetic unit or segment. They are speech sounds : a phonetic unit or segment. They are speech sounds produced and heard during linguistic communication.produced and heard duri

5、ng linguistic communication.e.g. pit, spit; feel, leaf e.g. pit, spit; feel, leaf pph h , p ; , p ; , l , l - - phonetic unit- phonetic unit- not distinctive of meaning- not distinctive of meaning- physical as heard and produced- physical as heard and produced- marked with - marked with phonemephone

6、me: the minimum phonemic unit that is not further analyzable : the minimum phonemic unit that is not further analyzable into smaller units.into smaller units.- phonological unit- phonological unit- distinctive of meaning- distinctive of meaning- abstract, not physical; it is presented or realized by

7、 a certain phone in - abstract, not physical; it is presented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context, such as /p/.a certain phonetic context, such as /p/.- marked with / / e.g. /l/ can be realized as dark , and clear l- marked with / / e.g. /l/ can be realized as dark , and cle

8、ar lRules to determine different phonemesRules to determine different phonemes: : the substituting one sound the substituting one sound for another results in a change of meaning, e.g.for another results in a change of meaning, e.g. p pig/ig/b bigig2021/3/292021/3/298 8 Allophones (Allophones (音位变体音

9、位变体音位变体音位变体) )pp= =, p, ph h are two different are two different phonesphones and are variants of and are variants of the the phonemephoneme /p/. Such variants of a phoneme are /p/. Such variants of a phoneme are called called allophonesallophones of the same phoneme. of the same phoneme. 成为同一个成为同一个

10、phoneme phoneme 的的allophones allophones 的条件的条件 Phonetic similarityPhonetic similarity They are in They are in complementary distributioncomplementary distribution, , namely they never namely they never occur in the same context. For example, p occurs after s, occur in the same context. For example,

11、p occurs after s, while pwhile ph h occurs in other places. occurs in other places.2.3.2 Phone, phoneme, and allophone2021/3/292021/3/299 Minimal Pairs (3.3 Minimal Pairs (最小对立体最小对立体) ),phonemic phonemic contrast contrast (音位对立)音位对立) Minimal pairMinimal pair is is a a basic basic procedure

12、procedure in in establishing establishing the the phonemic phonemic inventory inventory of of a a language language or or a a test test for for phonemes phonemes . Two Two expressions expressions (words (words or or morphemes) morphemes) can can be be called called a a minimal minimal pair pair if i

13、f and and only only if if (1) (1) they they have have different different meaningsmeanings, , (2) (2) and and they they are are identical identical in in every every way way except except for for only only one one sound sound segmentsegment, , (3) (3) which which occurs occurs in in the the same sam

14、e placeplace in in the the string string . A A typical typical case case is is the the pair pair mailmail vs vs nail. nail. The The two two sound sound strings strings meil meil neil neil are are identical identical in in every every way way except except for for the the segments segments m m and an

15、d n, n, which which occur occur at at the the initial initial place place and and make make two two word word completely completely different different in in meaning. meaning. . ( (参考参考语言与语言学辞典语言与语言学辞典:306306;胡壮麟;胡壮麟) )如何做一个概念陈述?2021/3/292021/3/291010判断下列是否是最小对立体 tip & lip? tip & lip? mail mail & ai

16、ld? & aild? foot foot & feet? & feet? tip /tip/, lip /lip/ -There is a phonemic distinction between them. No, the different sound segments do not occur in the same place of the string. Yes, they are minimal pair. u &i: are the only different sound segmentsHappening in a the same place of the string,

17、 and for their different two words Are distinguished in meaning. 2021/3/292021/3/291111A minimal pair:A minimal pair: 如:如:beanbean and and deandean 这一小对确立了这一小对确立了/b/b/和和/d/d/这两个音位这两个音位Minimal set:Minimal set: 如:如:bean, dean, mean, leanbean, dean, mean, lean. . 这一组词的语音串上只有一个这一组词的语音串上只有一个这一组词的语音串上只有一个

18、这一组词的语音串上只有一个音素不同,且发生在同一位置上,是他们区别了意义。这音素不同,且发生在同一位置上,是他们区别了意义。这音素不同,且发生在同一位置上,是他们区别了意义。这音素不同,且发生在同一位置上,是他们区别了意义。这一组单词,使得一组单词,使得一组单词,使得一组单词,使得/ /b, d, m, lb, d, m, l/ /这些音素得以区别开来。这些音素得以区别开来。这些音素得以区别开来。这些音素得以区别开来。再如:再如:Each vowel represents a phonemeEach vowel represents a phoneme,which can be which c

19、an be determined either by minimal pairs or minimal set. determined either by minimal pairs or minimal set. 要区/b/和/p/好像不一定要bill 和pill. Bay 和pay 也可以呀?对!区别音位或确定音位的还可以是最小对比组! minimal sets 2021/3/292021/3/291212请你结合语音学的知识思考:请你结合语音学的知识思考: 是什么决定了/p/和/b/可以区别了bill 和pill 的意义?2021/3/292021/3/291313因为因为pp和和b b

20、 的的_是不同的!是不同的!具体而言:具体而言:p_,p_,而而b b _ articulation2021/3/292021/3/291414可见,这两个音位对应的语音发音具有区别性的特征(distinctive feature)。语言与语言学辞典语言与语言学辞典: Distinctive Feature is : Distinctive Feature is a a(1 1)Class of Class of phonetically defined phonetically defined (2 2)componentscomponents of phonemesof phonemes

21、(3 3)that function to that function to distinguish meaningdistinguish meaning (134) . (134) . 2021/3/292021/3/291515PresentationPresentation of distinctive features of distinctive featuresDistinctive features are presented in Distinctive features are presented in binary binary opposition. opposition

22、. The features can be shown either present The features can be shown either present + or absent -.+ or absent -.e.g. e.g. +nasal , -nasal. +nasal , -nasal. s in seal -voiced , s in seal -voiced , z in zeal + voicedz in zeal + voicedb in bet + oral or -nasal ,b in bet + oral or -nasal ,n in net + nas

23、aln in net + nasal2021/3/292021/3/2916162.3.4 Some rules of phonologyRule 1 sequential rules (序列规则): the rules governing the combination of sounds in a particular languageObserve the following arrangement! Can you find any rules?like, love, look, right, rough, root /l/ and /r/ must be followed by _.

24、 spring, street, screw, splendid, squeal, studentIf three consonants should cluster together, the combination should obey the following three rules:The first phoneme must be _.The second phoneme must be _. The third phoneme must be _. a vowel. /s/ /p, t/ or /k/ /l, r, w/or /j/2021/3/292021/3/2917172

25、.3.4 Some phonological rulesRule 2: Rule 2: assimilation rule assimilation rule ( (同化规则同化规则) ) The pronunciation of a phone may be assimilated to another by The pronunciation of a phone may be assimilated to another by copying a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the copying a feature of a

26、 sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones more similar.two phones more similar. Regressive assimilation Regressive assimilation: : the following sound influencing the the following sound influencing the proceeding sound proceeding sound Progressive assimilation Progressive assimilation: : the

27、proceeding sound influencing the the proceeding sound influencing the following sound, following sound, Assimilation can occur across syllable or word boundariesAssimilation can occur across syllable or word boundaries e.g. su e.g. sun nglass, figlass, fiv ve paste past Pronounce the following words

28、 to feel the differences of the same sound in the different phonological environments!c ca ap and cp and ca an; sin; sin n and si and sin nk, k, a at and mt and ma ap pYou can find that You can find that a a is _by is _by the the sounds before or after it.sounds before or after it. assimilated2021/3

29、/292021/3/2918182.3.4 Some rules of phonologyRule 2: assimilation rule Assimilation may result in nasalization (e.g. tAssimilation may result in nasalization (e.g. ta an, cn, ca an), n), dentalization (e.g. tedentalization (e.g. ten nth, nith, nin nth), velarization (e.g. sith), velarization (e.g. s

30、in nk, k, mimin nk), devoicing (e.g. hak), devoicing (e.g. has s to), etc. Thus there exist to), etc. Thus there exist nasalization nasalization rule, rule, dentalizationdentalization rule, rule, velarizationvelarization rule, rule, devoicingdevoicing rule, etc. rule, etc. e.g.te e.g.ten nth, nith,

31、nin nth; sith; sin nk, mik, min nk; hak; has s a book, ha a book, has s to to 2021/3/292021/3/2919192.3.4 Some rules of phonologyRule 2:Rule 2: assimilation rule assimilation rule 如:如: nasalization nasalization rule rule -nasal +nasal/ -nasal +nasal/ A vowel is nasalized when it is followed by a A v

32、owel is nasalized when it is followed by a nasal consonant. e.g t nasal consonant. e.g ta an n 2021/3/292021/3/2920202.3.4 Some rules of phonologyRule 3: deletion rule(省略规则) A sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented. Compare the pronunciations of the two groups. Can you fi

33、nd any rule?(1) signature, designation, paradigmatic(2) sign, design, paradigmIn the second group, /g/ is _. deleted2021/3/292021/3/2921212.3.5 Suprasegmental Features (超音段特征超音段特征)Distinctive features can also be found over phonemic Distinctive features can also be found over phonemic segments, this

34、 is what we will consider segments, this is what we will consider SUPRASEGMENTAL FATURES. They are those SUPRASEGMENTAL FATURES. They are those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segmentssegmentsThe principal suprasegmantal fea

35、tures are The principal suprasegmantal features are syllable, syllable, stress, tone,stress, tone, andand intonationintonation. .2021/3/292021/3/292222 Syllable Stress Tone Intonation 2021/3/292021/3/2923232.3.5.1 Shape/structure of syllablee.g.e.g. b be ed d, , d dea

36、ead d, , f fe ed d, , h heaead d, , l le ed d, , r re ed d, , s sai aid d, , w we ed d, , thrthreaead d, , w we ed d A syllable is divided intoA syllable is divided into onsetonset, , rhymerhyme and/orand/or codacoda. . A syllable must have a nucleus or peak, which is A syllable must have a nucleus

37、or peak, which is often the task of a vowel. Syllables are often the task of a vowel. Syllables are represented by symbols like CVC.represented by symbols like CVC.A syllable has no coda is known asA syllable has no coda is known as open syllableopen syllable while a syllable with coda is known aswh

38、ile a syllable with coda is known as closed closed syllablesyllable. . In English only tense vowels (long In English only tense vowels (long vowels and diphthongs) can occur in open vowels and diphthongs) can occur in open syllables.syllables. 2021/3/292021/3/292424Some syllables have an onset and n

39、o coda. k i: t2021/3/292021/3/2925252.3.5.2 StressTypes: word stress, sentence stress.Function: distinguish lexical meaningdistinguish lexical meaningconverse distinguishment (p27)converse distinguishment (p27)Compound distinguishment (p27-28) (including Compound distinguishment (p27-28) (including

40、ing form)ing form)Emphasize sth in a sentence apart from part-Emphasize sth in a sentence apart from part-of-speech stress convention (p29)of-speech stress convention (p29) 2021/3/292021/3/2926262.3.5.3 ToneTones are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal

41、 cords. They function to distinguish meanings, such as Chinese level (阴平),the second rise (阳平),the third fall-rise (上声), and the fourth fall (去声), in 妈,麻,马,骂.English is not a tone language.2021/3/292021/3/2927272.3.5.3 Three major types of English intonation: a. falling tonefalling tone: straight-fo

42、rward, matter-of-fact: straight-forward, matter-of-factThats not the book he wants. Thats not the book he wants. b. rising tonerising tone: a question: a questionThats not the book he wants.Thats not the book he wants.c. fall-rise tonefall-rise tone: implied message: implied messageThats not the boo

43、k he wants. Thats not the book he wants. 2021/3/292021/3/292828语音SpeechSound语音系统Sound system语音学语音学语音的发生、传递、感知不涉及到意义基本单位:音素(或者可以区别可以区别意义意义、或者不可区别意义)音位学音位学有区别意义的语音的组合规律涉及到意义基本单位:音位 音段单位:音位 组合规律 超音段音位学2.3.1 Phonology and phoneticsSemantically relevant speech soundsSound patterns vary from language to language.All languagesLanguage-specific2021/3/292021/3/292929



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