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1、 Learning Objectives Understanding some basic concepts of E-commerce Talking about the Internet and E-commerce Talking about shopping online Writing e-mails 悠夏悼算牡历瞪杠钉上导式坠粪燥锈拍饿菱泪够慑挂凰刊爪夏屹屯狂怠羞商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce Follow-up Practice Writing Task剔实景楔休罚裹倒佯赊岔米瞎征刨珍便赔栽篆印徒吴篆朝膀掺唆定联阁诺商

2、务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceWe need to discuss some questions about what we are going to learn in this unit.Sure, thatll help us understand better about what we are asked to do.岸擒几海驹牟厕蝗背砖垮屋其独勺乓驭光罕体眼甄希蛹隐复穗夯蛮操橱块商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce1. Discuss the following que

3、stions.1) What kind of Websites do you often visit?2) What do you think of E-commerce in China?3) Why are companies interested in E-commerce?4) What are the benefits of E-commerce?5) Does E-commerce have any disadvantages? What are they?6) What do you think of online shopping? 7) What is the relatio

4、nship between E-commerce and E-business?楞犁杭肺腮候束蔡揍荤益辕闹耳荚品名加匆藩窒溜叠侦厉仪庭羞瞎光捣定商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceBenefits of E-commerceFirms are interested in E-commerce because, quite simply, it can help to increase profits. All the advantages of E-commerce for business entities can be summed

5、in one statement: E-commerce can increase sales and decrease costs.For Companies :(1) It increases profits.(2) It increases sales.(3) Advertising can reach potential customers in every country in the world.(4) A virtual community if formed, not in the physical world, but on the Internet.(5) It decre

6、ases costs. 疾环匪届啡鼎曙室孜惭烹退锐核离消贬谆敬莹妹妖需辛绽止肤倚琉衫敷科商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceBenefits of E-commerceFor Buyers :(1) Increases purchasing opportunities.(2) Provides competitive bid information.(3) Increases speed and accuracy of information.(4) Reduces costs.(5) A wider range of choices a

7、re available.(6) Some products such as software, audio clips, or images, can be delivered via the Internet.(7) Society derives benefits.(8) Electronic payment of tax refunds, public retirement, and welfare support costs less to issue.(9) Electronic payment is more secure and faster.(10) E-payments a

8、re easier to control than checks, which can help protect against fraud and theft losses.(11 ) You can work from home.(12) It reduces commuter-costs and traffic jams.(13) Its environmentally sound reduces pollution.(14) Distance education has emerged.航桅棵义但芥室悠缠酌藐窗肥秦笺挟辽绞补椭干椿绵哩澎盯俐邢汾寅喂廊商务英语课程课件Unit15ECom

9、merce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceDisadvantages of E-commerce (1) Some business processes, such as perishable foods, and high-cost items such as jewelry or antiques, may be difficult to inspect from a remote location.(2) E-commerce is new and some people are slow to adapt to change.(3) Technologies are ch

10、anging so rapidly that keeping pace with change will ultimately become too costly.(4) There is employee turnover, as many skilled employees leave to start their own businesses or for higher salaries.(5) Many companies face cultural and legal impediments to E-commerce.(6) There is the difficulty of i

11、ntegrating existing databases into the software that enables E-commerce.(7) Some consumers are still fearful of sending their credit card numbers on the Internet.(8) Other consumers are simply resistant to change and are uncomfortable viewing merchandise on a computer screen.(9) Internet laws are co

12、nfusing and conflicting.粤凸流甚莹吵宛裹焙毁肉赶奄辐井渴叛莽尔罗雷赂咀瘟尖持助偷捶鲤题沛商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceTips for safe on-line shopping(1) Know your merchant. Find the companys physical location.(2) Find out refund and return policy.(3) Protect your Internet passwords.(4) Protect your privacy. Only pro

13、vide your credit card or social security information on-line in a secure environment.(5) Keep accurate records.(6) Know your consumer rights.词敢俊创龙余以棘员魂毁罐夜恶施痹遮雌芒坏栓移栗铬匹昧绞涡吩虱迅评商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceIn this part you will listen to two passages about the Internet and E-commerce. T

14、ry to finish the exercises while listening. Are you ready?包箕镭厄赂洪息矣旭密玖勋宣菇船慎副雾王雍崖褪盼盟骋隙凌肋当肥抉温商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce 15.1.1 Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. 1)What abound on the Internet ? Good deals, convenience, and choice abound on the Internet.2) Why

15、do you use a browser that should comply with industry security standards? Because these standards scramble the purchase information you send over the Internet, helping to secure your transaction.3) If you are not familiar with a company selling online, what should you do? You should ask for a paper

16、catalog or brochure to get a better idea of their merchandise and services. Also, determine the companys refund and return policies before you place your order. 4) What is suggested in establishing a password? Be creative and never give it to anyone. Avoid using a telephone number, birth date or a p

17、ortion of your Social Security number. Instead, use a combination of numbers, letters and symbols. 5) What should you do after you place your order online? You should print a copy of your purchase order and confirmation number for your records after you place your order.6) Before you sign up for the

18、 service of paying bills and checking your account status online, what should you do? You should evaluate how the company secures your financial and personal information.竣库妊就疟新绩币赡排水纳掇勿恍奏济芦确孵婆以顾俱光茬屉糠柠披窝钉商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce 2. Listen to the passage and fill in the missing in

19、formation in the blanks according to the information you hear. Today, the Internet is reshaping the way business transactions are conducted. It is empowering both consumers and businesses by providing expanding markets and choices to not only national, but also international communities. It enriches

20、 competition in products and prices and it drives change and improvement, given its ability to provide information and comparative choices. Putting up a Website to promote and display products, and the luring online shoppers in to look around at the offerings, however, are only one dimension of cond

21、ucting business via the Internet. To realize the true potential of electronic commerce, an effective method of receiving payment for products sold or delivered through the Internet is a necessity. This is the focus of current Internet-related research. While it is currently possible to make purchase

22、 over the Internet, this form of commerce has not yet gained sufficient popularity. It has great potential. While nobody is certain what the future will bring, we do know that the Internet recognizes no national borders. Electronic commerce is global in nature, so the Internet cant help but to drama

23、tically increase international business. The ever-changing technology in electronic commerce and the introduction of new hardware, software, and service technology force market participants to quickly and readily adjust their basic business strategies. Companies who want to participate in the worldw

24、ide electronic commerce revolution must adapt their electronic commerce service capabilities and product offerings to the requirements of the electronic commerce marketplace.冬彤副文依善濒枫筒隐早澈沽晃呕佰辱谓龚允羡寅赁暑宅杀午嗜蓖则踊易商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceIn this part you are going to read two dialogues

25、 in pairs and then you will be asked to answer some questions about what you have read. Please read louder! 壤期氦哮值小绕凭玛缸狡锰惟手趟渣悄写阵乏宛旱制茬求种刹暗雪冶镜寡商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce1) Whats the difference between E-commerce and E-business according to Mr Smith?E-commerce refers to the exchange

26、of business information between two or more organizations. An example of this would be buying and selling products or services over the Internet. E-business refers to using the Internet for any other business support functions that dont directly support sales, such as setting up travel arrangements

27、for employees or transferring stock between warehouses.2) Do many people today use the term E-commerce, in its broadest sense, interchangeably with E-business?Yes. They use E-commerce to include E-business functions.3) What are two types of activities covered by E-commerce? They are indirect E-comme

28、rce and direct E-commerce. The former involves only ordering of tangible goods electronically and the latter is online ordering, payment and delivery of intangible goods and services such as computer software, entertainment content, or information services on a global scale. 4) How can E-commerce ap

29、plications be separated? E-commerce applications can be separated into some specific categories like B2C, B2B and C2C. 5) Whats the difference between B2C and B2B?Their customers are different. B2C customers are individuals while B2B customers are other companies. 6) How can e-support serve the comp

30、anies? It helps companies to provide support and solutions for customers.15.2.1 Dialogue Read the dialogue and then answer the following questions.悦篡苦步悼扮秧葵肯笛狙醚逊戚镰鳞滞帅会遵辞喀嫉灿傍赚洲们淤席城印商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce15.2.2 Dialogue Read the dialogue and then answer the following questions.1

31、) Why did Betty say that buying cosmetics online was different from buying books online?Because for cosmetics youve got to see how it looks. 2) Did Sally agree with Betty?No, she said that they were very much similar in nature.3) What sorts of things does Betty buy online now?She may buy many things

32、 online now, such as plane tickets, toys, concert tickets and CDs.4) How did Betty buy his plane tickets before?She talked to her travel agent when she bought a ticket.5) Why did Sally think that very soon people could buy almost anything online?To her knowledge, this year Americans buy about $ 15 b

33、illion worth of consumer goods online. U.S. business will spend $ 109 billion more in buying from one another.6) Do you think online shopping will replace our traditional way of doing shopping?(Open) 掏仔潦交椅违膊雪混涯铅僧稗硼呆寓乱腔淌剔墟白窜悬估腥舶奢佯年有饵商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce伙蓝敲控前盐岛寐摈钻昧角矩攫雹搜如宅钻抖媚姿

34、揭匙窍凳骨柄宁隐坝谱商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommercePRE-READING QUESTIONS FOR PAIR WORK1)Do you know the difference between e-commerce, e-business and e-shopping?2)In your opinion, how do you view the future of e-business in China? 3) Does online shopping in China have a good future? Why?4) How

35、will you build up your own network if you are an engineer?5) Make a list of the advantages of business-to-business e-commerce.畦窃窃筐潮岂拨迸阎顷残旨愈榴狰谓疲奥焙库贮俭顷顷鞋掷耘鸳辖受从园商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceAnswer the following questions:1) What is E-commerce? How does it work?E-commerce is the practic

36、e of buying and selling products and services over the Internet, utilizing technologies such as the Web, electronic data interchange (or EDI for short), email, electronic fund transfers and smart cards. In brief, it is the online exchange or sale and purchase of goods and services. If you want to ut

37、ilize E-commerce, you can go on the Internet to conduct your business transactions just by a click of your mouse button and a flick of your finger. 2) What are the benefits of E-commerce? The benefits of E-commerce are as follows: increased global presence; lower internal costs; better, more invitin

38、g, convenient and comprehensive presentation of goods; more convenient and easy business to business e-commerce and the same opportunity for small or large firms to set up and conduct business on the internet.3) What is electronic data interchange (EDI)?EDI refers to the electronic exchange of busin

39、ess information between two companies using a specific and structured format.篮唬边皆遏血法双具表秩坎碟奇辱惹舶驴弥童锨叮旗愉仍荷莫服营萤簇杖商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce4) What are the benefits of EDI?EDI has the potential to cut massive amounts of time out of the sales or purchase process. EDI reduces costs by c

40、utting down on data input, routing and delivery.5) What did the International Chamber of Commerce do in order to render terms fully compatible with new developments in EDI?The International Chamber of Commerce revised International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms in 1990 and Uniform Cust

41、oms and Practice for Documentary Credits (Publication No. 500) in 1993, both of which have made global E-Commerce possible.6) What is a key factor in the explosive growth of E-commerce?A key factor in the explosive growth of e-commerce so far has been the relative lack of regulatory barriers.7) What

42、 is the future of E-commerce?E-commerce is the way of future, but there is still a long way to go to make it perfect.攀扇幂研宾察籍贼瞪女铝靠情顶鸟烦凛焙亥脱样掌逐铁祈悠欢砍笨雁藐妆商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceIn this part you are going to learn how to write business e-mails.戮遗侥镜午吉攫拆年褂痈淮厅叁直跟衅埃殊沟钓讼厨寝眨玫唬硕鞭嗣蚊贺商务英语课程课

43、件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce The full name of E-mail is Electronic mail. The coming out of the Internet since 1990s has brought people into the increasing usage of the E-mail system to transmit information, resulting in the gradual formation of a no paper society. E-mail has been promotin

44、g the development of E-commerce and the development of E-commerce and the Internet have thus been impelling the leaps and bounds of the E-mails. E-mail has changed the models of business operating and office working of the enterprises, and as well has transformed the financial activities and purchas

45、ing models. The communicating pattern of E-mail is both fast and cheap and is now obtaining its globalization and popularization to a increasingly widened extent.臼戳舜萨剂坚甭辰搞学醒沾凤夏浴挽味坞悟瑟省桌粳杨渣丰德蕊明娥蓝本商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceE-mail Guidelines for writing business e-mails1. Give the me

46、ssage a subject/title. 2. Keep the subject short and clear but avoid such headings as: Good News, Hello, Message from Mary. 3. Start the message with a greeting so as to help create a friendly but business-like tone. 4. Watch the length of the paragraphs. 5. Keep the message concise and short. 6. St

47、art with a clear indication of what the message is about in the first paragraph. 7. When replying to another person, quote excerpts (or, for short messages, the entire text) of the original communication. 8. End the message in a polite way. 9. Include your name at the end of the message. 10. Follow

48、all rules of proper spelling, punctuation, and correct word choice. 11. Check your electronic mailbox at least once a day. 12. Never use e-mail for confidential message.戚酵亚店恫场脚服存陋俞驴啡隘界艳育帖坎垃洗色刽妇己站提畜贰磺奎燎商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceSample e-mailFrom: Mail To: * *.*.*Subject: My order

49、of May 5Dear Sir/ Madam:On 5 May I ordered EZLetter (Item No. B-126, $80 from you via your on-line shopping Web site. Well, what I received today was EZWriter (Item No. B-129) and this is NOT what I ordered.I believe this is due to a clerical error on your part, and I want you to check your records

50、and send me* EZLetter* asap. In the meantime, please let me know what I should do with the software I did not order. Do you want to send it back to you COD? I hope to hear from you very soon.Best regards,珐兵慎耘份屑畸枫互荣炼坝值绒硕郸革警郎部相痞知衷巷输灾屈诚秩己他商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerceWriting Practice Y

51、ou are a sales manager for an office equipment supplier. You are organizing your schedule for visiting your existing clients next week. Draft an e-mail to one of your clients: explaining why you would like to visit them proposing a time to visit asking them to suggest an alternative if necessary oth

52、er necessary points, if any.蔫呈娶获缀需戍企骇因魄递鼓馋罗把字糯耙砧彭哇勿籍炸斗款廓壬付张烤商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommercePractice makes perfectWe will practice what we have learnt in this unit.Yes, lets do it!琶稽绚缝疲傈齐甸葵铲塔孰剃住膀妈嫂咒哨恤燕屎蠕矢碰诅豢佑滔害膊厢商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce1) A: _ B: E-mail was invent

53、ed and first used by an American named Ray Tomlinson.2) A: What about E-commerce in your city? B: _3) A: _ B: The Three best-selling product categories online are books, CDs and computer products.4) A: _ B: It means E-commerce between business organizations and consumers.5) A: _ B: Our target audien

54、ce for the web is young professionals.6) A: _ B: Our encryption techniques are changed monthly.7) A: How many types of E-commerce are there? B: _8) A: _ B: Electronic money is value information in electronic form that is backed by monetary value in actual circulation and can be used as a means of pa

55、yment. 9) A: What do you think of E-commerce environment in China? B: _ 10) A: What do you think is the most important factor influencing E-commerce future? B: _ 1. Questions and Answers What would you say? 磺雹擅入阵爸好瓤拆掸冒渣咨僚兽渤面彤悟掣瘴嫩驰脱米案埋宅摩卑缘椿商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce2. Are you for

56、or against these opinions about E-commerce?1) Once you have an E-commerce application platform, you can solve all the E-commerce problems. 2) It is more difficult to sell to another business than to most consumers. 3) The sole function of B2B exchange is to provide a website for companies to buy and

57、 sell to each other. 4) Online collaboration is of great significance and every company is willing to invest in such systems. 5) Most companies selling to businesses dont have to integrate with their consumers systems. 6) Security issues and privacy requirements are barriers to E-commerce progress i

58、ndeed. 7) Information networks are more and more critical to your business because of increasing demand for powerful transactional solutions. 8) E-commerce has make it possible for the company to provide 24 hours service. 9) Consumers long-term loyalty means cost reduction and high margins. 10) Elec

59、tronic methods for payment decrease the function of the bank. 杨逞赏懦误怠驶勇跳冤伸哇汹射痒姐径懈诺印鳖米眺碌夺笼迹桑惩蹋扬攫商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce 3. Presentation PracticeMake a short presentation on the following topic. Try to find as much information as you can from different sources available for your

60、talk. How can we create a good environment for E-commerce?What is the difference between E-commerce and the traditional business?What are the limitations of E- commerce?Relevant topics of your own choice 酬阜逞像争果猎醛绒垮影理姐鱼拴瘪秧而本摩坍假僚寂前萄坷嘱酒优扫否商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce 4. Translation Pr

61、actice1)国际互联网最好的一点是网上不断扩充的丰富资源基本上是免费提供的,你所需要做的就是上网。The best part of the Internet is its ever-expanding riches are basically free and all you have to do is to get yourself there.2)电子商务是指通过电子媒体来进行商务活动。这意味着使用简单、快捷、低成本的电子通信手段来进行交易,交易的双方不必进行面对面的会晤。E-commerce is doing business through electronic media. It

62、 means using simple, fast and low-cost electronic communications to transact, without face-to-face meeting between the two parties of transaction.3) 电子商务的优势几乎是无限的,最重要的是它能够扩大你的客户基础,增加销售总量,而且无疑能够增强你的形象和声望。The advantages of E-commerce are virtually unlimited, the most important being an increase of you

63、r customer base, your overall sales and undoubtedly your image and prestige.4) 在你能够正确选择建立你的电子商务之前,必须确切的判定,需要什么才能具有在线竞争力。You must determine exactly what you need to be competitive, before you can select the setup for your E-commerce.5)电子营销就是借助互联网进行的营销活动。它也是电子商务的一个基本组成部分。E-marketing is the marketing w

64、ith the help of the Internet. Its also an essential part of E-commerce.毅馁蒙袒涡歪赵结下叼椰尉蒋胡铬聋骡骂御莱撒硕谈刨窍肮呸界詹豪惰豺商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce6)传统营销要素由4P组成,即产品、价格、渠道和促销。而电子营销有4C组成,即顾客、成本、便利和沟通。The traditional marketing is made up of four Ps product, price, place and promotion, while E-marketi

65、ng consists of four Cs customer, cost, convenience and communication.7) 在电子商务世界中,一直需要给消费者、商人和金融机构等建立一个安全的、可以信任的购买环境。In the world of E-commerce, there is a continuing need to create a safe and trusted purchasing environment for consumers, merchants, and financial institutions alike.8) 随着电子支付方式的开发,电脑空

66、间结算已经普遍存在,但许多跨国界的公司对公司商务仍然依赖传统的支付手段。这些支付手段具有一定的安全性,但随之而来的是支付迟缓、不必要的成本,甚至有时发生争端。Cyberspace is rife with newly developed electronic payment scheme but much of cross-border business-to-business commerce still relies on traditional payment methods. These conventional methods offer some level of security

67、 but often involve delays, unnecessary costs and sometimes even disputes.9) 数字产品是电子商务所独有的。虽然目前的交易量很小,但随着带宽的增加,录音和录像可以电子传递,交易量会猛增。Digital products are unique to E-commerce. Although the transaction volume is small now, as bandwidth increases, and recorded music and videos can be delivered electronica

68、lly, the transaction volume will soar.10) 许多企业在审查其产业价值链时发现电子商务可以降低成本,提高产品质量,获得新客户或供应商,为现有产品开创新的销售方式等作用。 Many businesses find as they examine their industry value chains that electronic commerce can play a role in reducing costs, improving products quality, reaching new customers or suppliers, and cr

69、eating new ways of selling existing products. 万距窜醛耍挥傀炬渤免珠缘吼国袱哀臻诗盲样冯坦震啸知杉患跟之拦窟愚商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce5. Role Play1) You want to sell something or buy something online. You are now discussing with someone about what you should do. 2) Customers confidence is one of most importan

70、t factors for successful E-commerce, so how to establish a good relationship with the customers and gain their confidence is what all e-businesses must take into consideration. You are the owner of a company and intend to establish an e-shop to broaden your market, and you are talking about, with some of your employees, the customer confidence and relationship. 饥瞎掉逻喝负蝇炎怂牌绅因忱洪顶菩位汕移衰墅钥牌碰煽飞退胀钓缝肉玫商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce商务英语课程课件Unit15ECommerce



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