高中英语 Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications单元基础知识整合课件 外研版必修1.ppt

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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 必修必修1 The Internet and TelecommunicationsModule 6基础知识回顾提升,构建单元知识网络.单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格)1adj.en/n(vt.)使short(adj.)en_(vt.)使缩短类记deep(adj.)_(vt.)加深weak(adj.)_(vt.)使变弱wide(adj.)_(vt.)使变宽broad(adj.)_(vt.)使变宽阔bright(adj.)_(vt.)使明亮dark(adj.)_(vt.)变黑shorten deep

2、en weakenwidenbroadenbrightendarken 2dis单词表示“不,消失掉”advantage(n.)优点,优势_(n.)劣势类记like(v.)喜爱_(v.)不喜欢order(v.)顺序_(n.)无秩序appear(v.)出现_(v.)消失courage(n.)勇气_(v.)使失去勇气cover(v.)盖_(v.)发现disadvantagedislikedisorderdisappeardiscouragediscover.连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子,每空一词)1我想出了一个提高我英语的好方法。我可以从网上获取大量的英语方面的消息。I_ a good way

3、 of improving my English. I can _ huge amounts of information in English on the Internet.came up withhave access to2相比较那个新的,我毫不犹豫地选择那个旧的,不仅因为那个旧的是为我们学生设计的,更重要的是,它的价格已经降了。_ the new one,I didnt _ choose the old one, not only because the old one was_ us students. Whats more, the price of it has_.Compar

4、ed withhesitate todesigned forgone down3我非常同意你所说的话。是的,我的确应该把精力放在学习上。I cant _ you more. Yes, I should _ my attention _ my study.4你能帮我拿出那个装了好多书的包吗?Can you help me _ the bag which _ lots of books?5不经准许你不能进入图书馆,除非你已获知了密码。You cant enter the library _ unless youve got the _.agree withconcentrateontake out

5、containswithout permissionpassword.句式点拨我们的英语老师非常优秀,但她不能在50分钟内帮助班里的每一个人。(True or False)Our English teacher is excellent, but she cant help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.()Our English teacher is excellent, but she can help nobody in the class in 50 minutes.()Our English teacher is excellent, but

6、 she cant help anyone in the class in 50 minutes.()思路点拨本题考查部分否定,表示完全否定,即“no家族”(no one, nobody, nothing)为完全否定;not与“any家庭”(anyone, anybody, anything)连用时也表完全否定。句式训练并不是所有的人都同意他的计划。a_b_答案:TFFaNot all people agreed to his plan.bAll people didnt agree to his plan.语篇助记The Internet is playing a more and more

7、 important part in modern society. Its the biggest source of information in the world. We can have access to it via a computer, which consists of six parts and its hard disk contains lots of information and data. Who created the Internet? The earliest inventor was DARPA, whose DARPANET, a network of

8、 computer, was only used for the military aims without special permission. Besides, it wasnt used frequently.In 1984, NSF created the NSFNET network, which was known as Internet. Tim Berners Lee came up with the fantastic idea of the WWW in 1989, and in 1991 the WWW appeared. Later, Berners Lee desi

9、gned the first “web browser”, through which users can get documents from other computers, His invention made the Internet more accessible. From that moment on, average users had the chance to use it as well.With technology developing rapidly, the Internet is also connected with the mobile. Through t

10、he mobile, users can send text message, look up information, and read essays. Compared with the computer, the mobile is more convenient. According to official statistics, the Chinese users have passed Americas, though the number of users in American doesnt go down. Therere advantages and disadvantag

11、es of using the mobile. Users can send shortened text messages and save money. However, if you answer the mobile or play the games on it, you dont concentrate on what you do.译文:网络在现代社会里起着越来越重要的作用。它是世界上最大的信息来源。我们可以利用电脑接近它。电脑由六个部分组成,它的硬盘包含大量的信息和数据。是谁发明的网络?最早的发明者是DARPA,它的DARPANET电脑网络,只供军事上使用,若无特许,不准用于其


13、于你所做的事情。科学构建,高效作文观点表述一、写作指导1确定体裁:这类作文一般要求描述对于一件事情的不同观点并表达自己的看法,属于议论文。2确定主体时态:描述观点通常使用一般现在时态。3确定中心人称:一般用第一人称或第三人称,人称的变化应根据具体内容而定。4确定结构:一般使用三段式结构。前两段描述主流观点(通常是相反的,如支持与反对,利与弊等),最后一段陈述个人观点。二、常用句式1引出不同看法:Opinions are divided on the question/topic.Peoples views/opinions/are divided into.Different people h

14、ave/hold different opinions/ideas/points of view.2表示递进:In addition/Besides.Whats more/Moreover/Furthermore.Whats worse/To make things worse/Worse still.3表示转折:But/However/Nevertheless.On the contrary/On the other hand.4陈述个人观点:I believe/think.In my opinion/view.As for as Im concerned.三、范例展示题目要求你班最近就“中


16、)时态:主要为一般现在时。(3)人称:一般用第三人称。2明确议论文的格式,分为三部分。(1)开头部分:论点的提出(2)第二部分:使用论据来论证论点(3)第三部分:得出结论遣词造句1词汇:上网_业余时间_反对_逃学_集中精力_go online/surf the Internetspare time/free timedisagree with/be againstbe absent from school/run away from schoolconcentrate on/focus on2句式:有些学生主张时间是自己的,业余时间应该多上网。Some students _ as much a

17、s possible in our spare time because we are free then.Some students _ as much as possible in our spare time because we are free then.网络给我们提供了一种互相交流的便捷方式。Network _ to communicate with each other.Network _ to communicate with each other.suggest that we go online suggest going online offers us a conven

18、ient way provides/supplies us with a convenient way 因特网使我们丰富了业余生活。The Internet _ _, our lives outside class become colorful and various.他们发现多数人上网是玩游戏而不是学习。Theyve found that most students are playing computer games _learning their lessons.Theyve found that most students _ play computer games _ learn

19、their lessons.makes our lives outside class colorful and various Thanks to the Internet instead of prefer to rather than 连句成篇Attention, please! Im going to give you a summary of todays discussion about whether we should go online in our spare time.Some students suggest that we go online in our spare

20、 time because we are free then. Through the Internet, we can gain plenty of the newest knowledge and the latest news at home and abroad. Whats more, network offers us a convenient way to communicate with each other. Besides, the Internet makes our lives outside class colorful and various.On the othe

21、r hand, a few students are against surfing the Internet. They suggest a time limit. Theyve found that most students are playing computer games instead of learning their lessons. There are a few students who are often absent from school for days.I do hope we can make a good balance between going online and learning. As students, whats the most important thing is that we should concentrate on our study.



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