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1、 Unit 3 My weekend planPart B Lets talk桥西小学桥西小学 王一岚王一岚Pair workPair workWhere are you going this weekend?Im going to .What are you going to do?Im going to .lots of books travel 旅行旅行space 太空太空a ea-Lets see a filma filmlots of filmsIm going to see a film about_.潇湘国际影城潇湘国际影城3号厅号厅 19:3012排排 6座座 对号入座对号入座

2、 402015-11-20 ? 19:301November 2015next weekMy cousin My cousin Tina Tina GuessingSun.Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 9101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252526262727282829293030My cousin Tina is going to visit me . Baling Square(广场) Bianhe StreetJine ParkE

3、ast Dongting Lake Please give me some advice(建议) ! Where can I go with Tina?Why not ?为何不? (提建议) Yueyang Tower Nature Park My weekend plan Were going to the Baling square (广场). Were going to take lots of pictures.Were going to fly kites.When:什么时候什么时候Where:What:Next weekendJohn is on his way home. He

4、sees Amy. Listen and answer.1、What is Amy going to do? _2、Is the ice cream for John? _Shes going to buy some fruit.No, it isnt. Its for Jack.Johns cousin listen and answer 1.Where are John and his cousin Jack going?3.When are they going?2.What are John and Jack going to do?listen and answer 1.Where

5、are John and his cousin Jack going?3.When are they going?2.What are John and Jack going to do?Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.Price 40 20 40 40 40 40 40Its half price then.Why not go on Tuesday? 为吸引更多的观众进影院看电影,2005年部分影院开始试行半价制度。此活动一试行就吸引了大量的观众。后来,许多影院将半价日定在了周二,并一直延续下来。John: My cousin Jack is going

6、 to visit me next week.Amy: Thats nice. Where are you going?John: Were going to the cinema. Were going to see a film about space travel!Amy: Cool! I have lots of comic books about space. When are you going?John: Next Wednesday.Amy: Why not go on Tuesday? Its half price then!John: Really? Thank you!T

7、ask timeTask timePlease remember to use : Where are you going? What are you going to do? When are you going? How are you going? Were going. Why not ? Amy is going to visit us next weekend. Now you are talking with your classmates about how you are going to show Amy around Yueyang. Baling Square(广场)

8、Jine ParkEast Dongting Lake Nature Park Bianhe Street Yueyang Tower Wherever you are, the beauty and memory of hometown never change.游子何方游子何方 巴陵不忘巴陵不忘1.Talkaboutyourweekend planwithyourfriend.2. Please find out more interesting places in Yueyang on the internet, and try to make a better plan for your friend to go sightseeing. See you!You did a good job!



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