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1、必修必修一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 1. _ n.黄昏黄昏2. _ adj.不安的不安的 vt.使不安使不安3. _ v.(使使)平静平静 adj.平静的平静的4. _ vi.打雷打雷 n.雷雷; 雷声雷声5. _ n.提示提示; 技巧技巧 vt.倾斜倾斜duskduskupsetupsetcalmcalmthunderthundertiptip6. _ vi. 安家安家, 定居定居7. _ n.项目项目; 条款条款8. _ n.窗帘窗帘; 幕布幕布9. _ n.伙伴伙伴; 合作者合作者10._ adj.松的松的settlesettleitemitem curtaincurtainpartner

2、partnerlooseloose11. _ adj.感激的感激的12. _ vt. 担忧担忧; 涉及到涉及到13. _ n.公路公路; 大路大路14. _ n.手提箱手提箱; 衣箱衣箱15. _ n. 十几岁的青少年十几岁的青少年 gratefulgratefulconcernconcernhighwayhighwaysuitcasesuitcaseteenagerteenager1. _ 合计合计2. _ (使使)平静平静; (使使)镇定镇定3. _ 遭受遭受; 患病患病4. _ 经历经历; 经受经受二、短语翻译二、短语翻译add upadd upcalm downcalm downsuf

3、fer fromsuffer fromgo throughgo through5. _ 关心关心; 挂念挂念6. _对对十分狂热十分狂热/痴迷痴迷7. _ 对对厌烦厌烦8. _ 与与相处相处; 进展进展be concerned aboutbe concerned aboutbe crazy aboutbe crazy aboutget tired ofget tired ofget along withget along with9. _与与无关无关10. _ 故意故意11. _在黄昏时刻在黄昏时刻12. _ 记下记下; 放下放下; 登记登记set downset downhave nothi

4、ng to do withhave nothing to do withon purposeon purposeat duskat dusk6. _ vi. 安家安家, 定居定居7. _ n.项目项目; 条款条款8. _ n.窗帘窗帘; 幕布幕布9. _ n.伙伴伙伴; 合作者合作者10._ adj.松的松的settlesettleitemitem curtaincurtainpartnerpartnerlooseloose11. _ adj.感激的感激的12. _ vt. 担忧担忧; 涉及到涉及到13. _ n.公路公路; 大路大路14. _ n.手提箱手提箱; 衣箱衣箱15. _ n. 十

5、几岁的青少年十几岁的青少年 gratefulgratefulconcernconcernhighwayhighwaysuitcasesuitcaseteenagerteenager5. _ 关心关心; 挂念挂念6. _对对十分狂热十分狂热/痴迷痴迷7. _ 对对厌烦厌烦8. _ 与与相处相处; 进展进展be concerned aboutbe concerned aboutbe crazy aboutbe crazy aboutget tired ofget tired ofget along withget along with1. _ 合计合计2. _ (使使)平静平静; (使使)镇定镇定

6、3. _ 遭受遭受; 患病患病4. _ 经历经历; 经受经受二、短语翻译二、短语翻译add upadd upcalm downcalm downsuffer fromsuffer fromgo throughgo through9. _与与无关无关10. _ 故意故意11. _在黄昏时刻在黄昏时刻12. _ 记下记下; 放下放下; 登记登记set downset downhave nothing to do withhave nothing to do withon purposeon purposeat duskat dusk一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 1. _ n.黄昏黄昏2. _ adj.

7、不安的不安的 vt.使不安使不安3. _ v.(使使)平静平静 adj.平静的平静的4. _ vi.打雷打雷 n.雷雷; 雷声雷声5. _ n.提示提示; 技巧技巧 vt.倾斜倾斜duskduskupsetupsetcalmcalmthunderthundertiptip1. _ n. 力量力量; 权力权力 _ adj.强有力的强有力的三、单词拓展三、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生2. _ n.灰尘灰尘 _ adj.积满灰尘的积满灰尘的dusty dusty powerpowerpowerfulpowerfuldustdust3. _ v.遭受遭受; 忍受忍受; 经历经历 _ n.患病者患病

8、者; 受苦者受苦者 _ n.痛苦痛苦; 折磨折磨4. _ v.痊愈痊愈; 恢复恢复; 重新获得重新获得 _ n.恢复恢复; 重新获得重新获得 recovery suffersufferersufferingrecover5. _ adj.完全的完全的; 整个的整个的 _ adv.完全地完全地; 全然全然6. _ adj.准确的准确的; 精确的精确的 _ adv.确切地确切地; 恰恰恰恰 exactly exactly entireentire entirelyentirelyexactexact7. _ vi.同意同意 _ vi.不同意不同意8. _ n.& vt.喜欢喜欢 _ n.& vt.

9、不喜欢不喜欢agreeagreedisagreedisagreelikelikedislikedislike9. _ vt. 不理睬不理睬; 忽视忽视 _ n. 无知无知; 愚昧愚昧 _ adj.无知的无知的10._ vt. & vi. (使使)平静平静; (使使)镇定镇定 _ n.平静平静; 镇定镇定calmnesscalmnessignoreignoreignoranceignoranceignorantignorant calmcalm1. They are discussing how to build up a _ government. (power)1.做定语做定语, 修饰修饰

10、government, 填形容词形式填形容词形式。2. He made a big mistake because of his _.(ignore) 2. 作介词的宾语用名词作介词的宾语用名词, 或者说在形容词或者说在形容词性物主代词后要用名词形式。性物主代词后要用名词形式。(B)灵活运用灵活运用ignoranceignorance powerfulpowerful 3. Please clean the _ windows after class. (dust)3. 在名词前作定语在名词前作定语, 用形容词。用形容词。4. His angry expression suggested he

11、 _with the decision. (agree) 4. 由由angry可知可知, 他他“不同意不同意”这项这项决定。决定。dustydustydisagreeddisagreed5. To be more _, there are 3006 students in their school now. (exact)5. 作表语用形容词。同类记忆:作表语用形容词。同类记忆: to be honestexactexactupset sb.使某人生气使某人生气/心烦心烦upset sth.弄翻某物弄翻某物Upset 作作_词,词,vt. Or vi.be upset with sb.对某人生

12、气对某人生气be upset about sth.为某事感到心烦为某事感到心烦Upset 作作_词词动形容运用运用: 填入一个适当的词或完成句子。填入一个适当的词或完成句子。 He _(将杯子弄将杯子弄翻了翻了)and the coffee went all over the floor.说明说明: upset的过去式和过去分词与原的过去式和过去分词与原形相同形相同; upset为表语形容词。为表语形容词。upset the cup upset the cup Im sorry, I didnt mean to _ (让你不高兴让你不高兴). If I catch you doing that

13、 again, Ill be very upset _ you.with with upset youupset you2. calm (.) down (使使) 平静平静/镇静下来镇静下来keep/stay calm 保持冷保持冷静静(1) Please _ (冷静下来冷静下来) and let me know what has happened.(2) The doctor has given her some pills _ (使她镇静使她镇静下来下来).运用运用: 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。根据汉语提示完成下列句子。to calm her down to calm her down c

14、alm downcalm down(3) I tried to _ (保持冷静保持冷静). I knew that worrying wouldnt help me. stay/keep calmstay/keep calm(1) Could you _ (通读一下这份文件通读一下这份文件) and mark anything that is relevant?(2) We have already _ _ (已经做完一半工作已经做完一半工作). 3. 运用运用: 根据汉语提示完成下列句子根据汉语提示完成下列句子go through this filego through this file

15、got throughgot throughhalf of our workhalf of our work4. 只需记住:只需记住:so as to (do)为了为了so that (从句从句)为了为了, 结果结果只能放句中只能放句中 She spoke in a loud voice _ (故意为了故意为了) make her noticed.运用运用: 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。根据汉语提示完成下列句子。on purpose in order to /so on purpose in order to /so as toas to(2) _ _(为了为了) achieve his goa

16、l, he started to work very hard. In order that he could/In In order that he could/In order toorder to5. be tired from因因累了累了/ /疲劳疲劳be fed up with 对对感到厌烦感到厌烦be bored with对对极其厌倦极其厌倦 The teacher is not good at teaching. No wonder the children grow bored _his lesson. Though Jack is often tired _ his job,

17、 he is never tired _ it. In fact, he enjoys it.运用运用: 用适当的词填空。用适当的词填空。fromofwith归纳:归纳:1)join in=take part in=participate in 参加某项活动,比赛参加某项活动,比赛2)join sb.(in sth./in doing sth.)和某人和某人一起做某事一起做某事3)join the army/the party/club入伍入伍参军参军/入党入党/加入俱乐部加入俱乐部4)attend the meeting 参加会议(正参加会议(正式)式)6. join in 参加参加(某项活

18、动某项活动) All the senior students are welcome to _ _(参加参加)the contest(比赛)(比赛). The first five winners will be given prizes. Would you like me to _ (参加参加) the game?运用运用: 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。根据汉语提示完成下列句子。join injoin in /take part in /participatejoin in /take part in /participatein补充:concernconcern vt.1)使担忧=worr

19、y sb.他的安全让我很担心2)影响,涉及=affect这个事故与我无关 3) 关于= be about这个电影是关于一只叫阿宝的熊猫 His safety concerns me.This accident doesnt concern me.This film concerns a panda called A Bao.be concerned about/sth.= be interested in sth.对感兴趣很多人对蝙蝠侠这部电影感兴趣。Many people are concerned about the film Batman.对担心我担心他的安全。I am concerne

20、d about his safety.concerning prep.关于=about我们很担心北京正遭受洪水的朋友。我们很担心北京正遭受洪水的朋友。We are concerned about the friends who are suffering from the flood in Beijing.1. There was a time when. 曾经有段时曾经有段时间间例句例句: There was a time when my son was crazy about computer games. 曾曾经有段时间我儿子痴迷于经有段时间我儿子痴迷于电脑游戏。电脑游戏。(注意(注意w

21、hen后后用一般过去时)用一般过去时) 曾经有段时间我非常厌倦学习。曾经有段时间我非常厌倦学习。_ I _.仿写仿写:There was a time whenThere was a time whenwaswas very tired of study very tired of study 我弟弟曾一度痴迷于网络小说。我弟弟曾一度痴迷于网络小说。_ my brother _.There was a time when was crazy about reading online novels原句原句: I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the w

22、indow was open. 黄昏黄昏时刻我碰巧在楼上时刻我碰巧在楼上, 窗户是开着的窗户是开着的。(B1 P2)2. sb. happen to do .when . 当当的时候的时候碰巧碰巧例句例句: I happened to be cooking when the telephone rang. 电话铃响时我正好在电话铃响时我正好在做饭。做饭。(to be doing这里是强调正在做什这里是强调正在做什么)么)说明说明: 表示表示“碰巧做某事碰巧做某事”也可用也可用It happens/happened that.句型。句型。仿写仿写: 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文

23、句子。 昨天我去找他的时候,碰巧他父母昨天我去找他的时候,碰巧他父母都在家。都在家。_his parents _ _.It happened thatIt happened thatat home when I called on himwereyesterday此句也可改为:His parent happened to be at home when I called on him yesterday. 一天我正在购物时碰巧遇上一天我正在购物时碰巧遇上了王飞。了王飞。One day I _ Wang Fei _ .when I was shoppingwhen I was shoppingh

24、appened to meethappened to meet例句例句: Peter didnt go home until the boss allowed him to leave. 没有老板允没有老板允许许Peter一直没有回家。一直没有回家。3. not. until 直到直到才才原句原句: I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut.直到不得不关直到不得不关窗时窗时, 我才下楼。我才下楼。(B1 P2)Not until the boss allowed him to leave did Peter go home.说明

25、说明 :1.倒装式倒装式: not until放在句首放在句首, 主句要部分倒装主句要部分倒装; 2. 强调式:强调式:It is not until. that. 上上述例句可改为:述例句可改为:It was not until the boss allowed him to leave that Peter went home. 直到你帮我指出来直到你帮我指出来, 我才意识到我的错误我才意识到我的错误。_ I realize my mistakes. 昨晚直到写完作业我才去睡觉昨晚直到写完作业我才去睡觉。I _ until I had finished my homework last n

26、ight.didndidnt go to bedt go to bed Not until you pointed out my Not until you pointed out my mistakes didmistakes did仿写仿写: 根据汉语意思完成英文句子根据汉语意思完成英文句子 昨晚直到写完作业我才去睡觉。昨晚直到写完作业我才去睡觉。I _ until I had finished my homework last night.didndidnt go to bedt go to bedIt was not until I had finished my homework t

27、hat I went to bed last night.Not until I had finished my homework did I go to bed last night. 直到你帮我指出来直到你帮我指出来, 我才意识到我的错我才意识到我的错误。误。_ I realize my mistakes. Not until you pointed out my Not until you pointed out my mistakes didmistakes didIt was not until you pointed out my mistakes that I realized

28、my mistakes.I didnt realize my mistakes until you pointed them out.原句原句: It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。(B1 P2)4. It is the first time that.have/has done这是某人第一次做某事这是某人第一次做某事例句例句: This is the second time that I have come t

29、o Dongguan. 这是我第二次来东莞这是我第二次来东莞。仿写仿写: 我告诉导游这是我第一次来台湾旅游。我告诉导游这是我第一次来台湾旅游。_. 这个短语已经第三次出现在我们的练习这个短语已经第三次出现在我们的练习中中, 所以我们一定要掌握它。所以我们一定要掌握它。_, so we must master it.I told the guide that it was the first I told the guide that it was the first time that I had travelled in Taiwantime that I had travelled in

30、TaiwanItIts the third time that the phrase has s the third time that the phrase has appeared in our exercisesappeared in our exercises5. find it +adj.+ to do sth.觉得做觉得做某事是某事是的的说明说明: 本句型中的形容词可以用本句型中的形容词可以用hard, difficult, easy, interesting, possible等。等。仿写仿写: 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 我发现写一篇好文章不容易。我发

31、现写一篇好文章不容易。I find_. 我认为学会开车是非常有用的。我认为学会开车是非常有用的。I think _.it useful to learn to driveit useful to learn to drive it not easy to write a good it not easy to write a goodarticle作业:巩固练习1)当你的汽车被洪水包围时,你要)当你的汽车被洪水包围时,你要保持冷静保持冷静。2)他所做的让我)他所做的让我心烦心烦。3)直到直到奥运会开幕式奥运会开幕式(opening ceremony),我们,我们才才知道是谁点燃火炬知道是谁点燃

32、火炬(light the torch)。4)曾经有段时间曾经有段时间他对他对Friends这部电视剧很感兴这部电视剧很感兴趣。趣。5)妈妈进来的时候他)妈妈进来的时候他碰巧碰巧正在看电影正在看电影画皮画皮(Painted Skin)。)。6)这是他第一次参观伦敦碗()这是他第一次参观伦敦碗(London Bowl).2. 复习今天所学知识点,明天提问复习今天所学知识点,明天提问3. 背诵背诵U1 ReadingA单词并朗读课文单词并朗读课文 ,明天抽读,明天抽读 4. 制定本学期周计划制定本学期周计划堂上巩固练习当你的汽车被洪水包围时,你要保持冷静。当你的汽车被洪水包围时,你要保持冷静。Whe

33、n you car is surrounded by the flood, you should keep calm.他所做的让我心烦。他所做的让我心烦。What he did upset me.直到奥运会开幕式,我们才知道是谁点燃火炬。直到奥运会开幕式,我们才知道是谁点燃火炬。We do not know who will light the torch until the opening ceremony of the Olympics.曾经有段时间,他对老友记这部电视剧很感兴趣。曾经有段时间,他对老友记这部电视剧很感兴趣。There was a time when he showed g

34、reat interest in the series Friends.妈妈进来的时候他碰巧正在看电影妈妈进来的时候他碰巧正在看电影画皮画皮。He happened to be watching the film Painted Skin when his mother came in.这是他第一次参观伦敦碗这是他第一次参观伦敦碗.It was the first time that he had visited London Bowl.1. 李老师是一个工作狂。李老师是一个工作狂。1. Miss Li 1. Miss Li is crazy aboutis crazy about her w

35、ork. her work.2. 她对我们学生非常关心。她对我们学生非常关心。2. She 2. She is very concerned aboutis very concerned about us us students.students.3. 我们跟她相处非常融洽。我们跟她相处非常融洽。3. We all get along very well with her.4. 我曾经有段时间非常讨厌英语。我曾经有段时间非常讨厌英语。_I was tired of English. There was a time whenThere was a time when5. 曾有一次在课堂上看与学

36、习无关的书曾有一次在课堂上看与学习无关的书。Once I read a book that _ _.6. 她碰巧发现此事并找我面对面地谈心她碰巧发现此事并找我面对面地谈心。She _ discover it and talked to me _.face to facehad nothingto do with my studyhappened to7.为了让我喜欢上英语为了让我喜欢上英语, 她不厌其她不厌其烦地告诉我如何学好英语。烦地告诉我如何学好英语。7. 7. In order toIn order to make me make me fall in fall in love with

37、love with English, she never English, she never got got tired oftired of telling me how to learn telling me how to learn English well.English well.8. 她鼓励我用英语写日记她鼓励我用英语写日记, 记下所见所记下所见所闻。闻。9. 这是我第一次不再害怕英语。这是我第一次不再害怕英语。This is the first time that _.8. She encouraged me to keep a 8. She encouraged me to

38、keep a diary in English diary in English to set downto set down what I what I saw and what I heard.saw and what I heard.I havenI havent been afraid of English t been afraid of English any longer.any longer.合并:合并: Miss Li, with whom we all get along very well, is crazy about her work and is very conc

39、erned about us students. Once I read a book that has nothing to do with my study in class, which she happened to find. After class she talked to me face to face, and she didnt get tired of telling me how to learn English well in order to make me fall in love with English. She also encouraged me to k

40、eep a diary in English to set down what I saw and what I heard. With her help, I have made great progress in English, and this is the first time I have not been afraid of it any longer.课文概括课文概括 Annes family, Jewish, was forced to hide away to escape from the German Nazis in World War II, during whic

41、h Anne made her diary her best friend, expressing her feelings and thoughts, especially her craziness about nature.一、语法填空一、语法填空 【篇章概要篇章概要】本文主要讲述邻居之本文主要讲述邻居之间的友谊。在一个下雪的早上间的友谊。在一个下雪的早上, 作者作者的邻居为他的车上了防滑链的邻居为他的车上了防滑链, 使他安使他安全地到达了学校。全地到达了学校。 When I opened my eyes in the morning, something was different.

42、I jumped up to look outside and sighed 16 _ disappointment. Fine snow covered the yard, dusted the top of my truck and whitened the road. But that wasnt the 17 _ (bad) part. 16. 和后面的名词构成介词短语作状语。和后面的名词构成介词短语作状语。 17. 根据句意应用最高级。根据句意应用最高级。 ininworstworstAll the rain from yesterday had frozen solid coati

43、ng the needles on the trees in fantastic patterns, and making the driveway very slippery. I had enough trouble not falling down when the ground was dry; it might be safer 18 _ me to go back to bed now.18. 这里意为这里意为“对对来说来说”。 forfor But my students 19_ (wait) for me. I almost lost my balance when I fin

44、ally got to the truck, but I managed to hold on to the side mirror and saved 20 _. My truck seemed to have no problem with 21 _ ice that covered the road. 19. 根据语境用过去进行时。根据语境用过去进行时。 20. 由主语可知用反身代词作宾语。由主语可知用反身代词作宾语。 21. 特指道路上的冰。特指道路上的冰。 were waitingwere waitingmyselfmyselfthetheI drove very slowly, t

45、hough, not wanting to carve a path of 22 _ (destroy) through the Main Street. When I got out of my truck at school, something caught my eye and I suddenly realized 23 _I had so little trouble. 22. 名词作宾语。名词作宾语。 23. 根据主句的动词可知作者找到了原因。根据主句的动词可知作者找到了原因。 whywhydestructiondestructionThere were crisscrossed

46、 chains in diamond shapes around the tires. My new neighbor, 24 _ name I didnt even know, had got up 25 _ (put) snow chains on my truck. My throat suddenly felt tight. 24. 引导定语从句引导定语从句, 修饰修饰name。25. 不定式作状语不定式作状语, 表目的。表目的。whosewhoseto putto put 完形填空主要考查考生对语篇完形填空主要考查考生对语篇意义的理解意义的理解, 对上下文意义关系的把对上下文意义关系

47、的把握。其空格只能是名词、动词、形容握。其空格只能是名词、动词、形容词和副词这词和副词这4种实词。种实词。二、完形填空二、完形填空技巧点拨技巧点拨高考完形填空考什么高考完形填空考什么而以下四种情况而以下四种情况, , 一般不考:一般不考: (1)(1)不考虚词。即不考冠词、代词、介词、连不考虚词。即不考冠词、代词、介词、连词等虚词。词等虚词。(2)(2)不考语法。不考语法。(3)(3)不考固定搭配。不考固定搭配。(4)(4)不考词语辨析。不考词语辨析。即时练习即时练习 Ive been ill for 28 years. Music has always been a great love o

48、f mine and, in my 20s, when my 1 professional 2 in restaurants, playing and singing folk songs. 1. A. loneliness B. sadness C. tiredness D. sickness 1. D 由第一句中的由第一句中的Ive been ill for 28 years可知。可知。sickness与与ill是是近义词复现。近义词复现。 2. A. writer B. singer C. composer D. dancer B 根据本句中的根据本句中的singing folk son

49、gs可知。可知。 singer与与singing是同根是同根词复现。词复现。 3. A. Fortunately B. Ridiculously C. Unfortunately D. Unexpectedly3. C 根据本句中的根据本句中的things have changed与下句内容可知情况的变化与下句内容可知情况的变化对作者来说是不幸的。对作者来说是不幸的。4. A. exercises B. songs C. money D. work4. D 从本句中的从本句中的to make up for my disability pension可推出。因为可推出。因为只有工作才能挣钱来弥补

50、抚恤金的不足。只有工作才能挣钱来弥补抚恤金的不足。3 that was years ago and things have changed. Two years ago, kind of extra 4 to make up for my disability pension (抚恤金抚恤金). I enjoyed ten years as a professional 2 in restaurants I was 5 in my choices. I decided that I would consider in 6 .5. A. surrounded B. controlled C. l

51、imited D. disturbed 5. C 根据句中的原因从句可知根据句中的原因从句可知, 作者在工作选择上受作者在工作选择上受到了限制到了限制(limited)。6. A. hotels B. restaurants C. shops D. pubs 6. B 上一段中的上一段中的I enjoyed ten years as a professional 2 in restaurants有提示。与有提示。与 restaurants是原词复现。是原词复现。My family are all musicians, so I was 7 when I went . I knew the 8

52、were very expensive a lot of 9 to get started. And often you find only three to four songs out of ten on a disc . 7. A. recognized B. interviewed C. found D. invited 7. A 由句中的由句中的My family are all musicians可推出。可推出。 8. A. songs B. recorders C. tapes D. discs 8. D 根据下面的根据下面的And often you ten on a disc

53、可知。与可知。与disc是原是原词复现。词复现。9. A. money B. time C. energy D. knowledge9. A 依据是本句中的依据是本句中的the 8 were very expensive。根据逻辑。根据逻辑, 因为因为贵贵, 所以没有那么多钱来买所以没有那么多钱来买discs。 My family are on a disc that you can actually use. about my 10 , he gave me a long, thoughtful 11 . “This means . he said. “Come with me.”10. A

54、. job B. family C. idea D. offer 10. C 上段叙述的内容就是作者的上段叙述的内容就是作者的idea, 故选故选C。11. A. face B. view C. look D. sight11. C 根据搭配根据搭配, 以及此时的语境可知。以及此时的语境可知。When I told the owner of the shop about He led me through the crowded 12 He placed his large hand 13 on his treasure and said, “I have 800 karaoke songs

55、in here. 12. A. market B. house C. street D. shop 12. D 上段中的上段中的the owner of the shop给了提示。与给了提示。与shop是原词复现。是原词复现。13. A. unhappily B. lovingly C. pitifully D. gratefully13. B 根据空后的根据空后的his treasure(他的宝贝他的宝贝)可推出。故选可推出。故选lovingly(钟爱地钟爱地)。 I explained that I waned to sing again but using recorded karaok

56、e music You can take your pick and Ill 14 them for His 15 still warms my heart.14. A. record B. play C. sing D. pick 14. A 由前面的由前面的using recorded karaoke music可知。可知。与与record是同根词复现。是同根词复现。15. A. courage B. kindness C. devotion D. honesty 15. B 根据全文根据全文, 当然是这位店主的友好当然是这位店主的友好(kindness)温温暖了作者。暖了作者。 make

57、 up for弥补弥补 disc唱片唱片 thoughtful体贴的体贴的 treasure珍宝珍宝 A【篇章概要篇章概要】“远亲不如近邻远亲不如近邻”和和“失去以后才想到拥有失去以后才想到拥有”, 这两句脍炙人口的话这两句脍炙人口的话, 通过本文通过本文作者的房子被淹一事作者的房子被淹一事, 体现得淋体现得淋漓尽致。漓尽致。阅读理解阅读理解 1. What does the underlined word “amiss” in the first paragraph mean?A. Wrong. B. Missing. C. Right. D. Found.1. A 词义猜测题。根据语境可知

58、作者回家去词义猜测题。根据语境可知作者回家去查看证实一切都正常。由于主语是查看证实一切都正常。由于主语是nothing所以该题的正确答案为所以该题的正确答案为A. A. was sick of staying upstairsB. cared much about her childrenC. could not stand living a wooden house D. did not deal well with her family affairs during the flood2. It can be inferred from the text that the author_.

59、2. B 推理判断题。根据第一段的推理判断题。根据第一段的Thank God the kids werent with me, children out of home, so we camped upstairs可以得出该题的答案。可以得出该题的答案。A. Because her situation was not serious.B. Because many other places were flooded.C. Because she had been to Northern India.D. Because some others suffered even more.3. Why

60、 does author say that they were lucky in the third paragraph?3. D 推理判断题。推理判断题。 第三段作者提到第三段作者提到I watched a news report about floods still sanding .Were lucky ”所以该题的正确答案为所以该题的正确答案为D。A. She valued human feelings more than before.B. She realized she almost didnt need possessions.C. She found Christmas gi

61、fts no longer badly needed.D. She thought her own home was the most important.4. What does the author mainly want to express by telling her story?4. A 推理判断题。推理判断题。 作者提到在小木屋中生活一段时间作者提到在小木屋中生活一段时间后很怀念原来的邻居和社区后很怀念原来的邻居和社区, 以及最后一段话中还讲到以及最后一段话中还讲到要举行舞会来感激朋友们对自己的帮助等事实可以确要举行舞会来感激朋友们对自己的帮助等事实可以确定答案为定答案为A。 A

62、. Because it was too damp upstairs and they felt uncomfortable.B. Because there are no neighbours around and they felt lonely.C. Because the situation in the city was worse and worse.D. Because Christmas was coming and they would prepare for it.5. Why did the author move to a wooden house in a park?

63、5. A 推理判断题。由第推理判断题。由第2段第段第3句句We put a sheet of plastic across the floor to protect so we moved to a wooden house in a park可知。可知。plaster灰泥灰泥 ceiling天花板天花板 throw a party举办一个晚会举办一个晚会 reconstruction重建重建 inconvenient不方便不方便a sheet of plastic一块塑料布一块塑料布 protect us from the damp保保护我们不受潮护我们不受潮 四、话题写作四、话题写作基础写

64、作基础写作和谐相处,是人类发展的基本要和谐相处,是人类发展的基本要素和条件。在学校里,师生之间素和条件。在学校里,师生之间和谐相处非常重要。和谐相处非常重要。 写作内容写作内容 以以“师生和谐相处师生和谐相处”为主题,写为主题,写一篇短文,包括以下内容:一篇短文,包括以下内容:1. 1. 师生之间需要心灵的沟通、感情师生之间需要心灵的沟通、感情的交融的交融; ;2. 2. 教师把学生当作朋友一样对待,教师把学生当作朋友一样对待,尊重学生的个性与人格尊严,多给学尊重学生的个性与人格尊严,多给学生一份关爱,多给学生一份温暖,平生一份关爱,多给学生一份温暖,平等地对待每一个学生等地对待每一个学生;

65、;3. 3. 学生尊敬教师,对教师有礼貌,学生尊敬教师,对教师有礼貌,尊重他们的劳动成果。尊重他们的劳动成果。 写作要求写作要求只能用只能用5个句子表达全部内容。个句子表达全部内容。评分标准评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。 Teachers and students should live in harmony with each other. Firstly, teachers respect the personalities and characteristics of their students. Secondly, teacher

66、s should love their students attentively and treat each student fairly. On the other hand, students should respect their teachers and admit their work and achievements although they have different opinions from their teachers. Only in this way can teachers and students communicate smoothly to avoid

67、unnecessary misunderstanding of each other.读写任务读写任务写作内容写作内容1. 以约以约30个词概括短文的要点;个词概括短文的要点;2. 然后以约然后以约120个就个就“On Friendship”这这个主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:个主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:(1) 根据你的亲身经历,你觉得朋友给你根据你的亲身经历,你觉得朋友给你的生活带来了什么?的生活带来了什么?(2) 你对友谊的理解是什么?你对友谊的理解是什么?(3) 你觉得如何才能建立起真正的友谊?你觉得如何才能建立起真正的友谊? Friendship plays a big part

68、in our life, just like a home where you can get relaxed. According to my experience, I think friends bring me not only trust, understanding but also warmth. Once at a weekend I fell badly ill. Unfortunately, I lived at school and my parents had no idea of my illness. I had thought about lying in bed

69、 all day. But one of my friends had me sent to hospital and looked after me without having a rest, which moved me a lot. It is friendship that gives me a hand when Im in trouble. As I enjoy making friends, I value friendship a lot. And I think friendship is a relationship which requires both honesty and sharing. Thus, in my mind, to build up real friendship, we should make friends with those who we can trust, and always get ready to help others.



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