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1、English Songs This Way英英 语语 歌歌 曲曲 欣欣 赏赏 ContentsI. Pre-enjoyingII. Enjoying the song 2.1 Focus on music 2.2 Focus on comprehensionIII. Lets singIV. AppreciationPre-enjoying1.Whenyouseetheword“yesterday”,whatcomesintoyourmind?a.Oldfriendsb.Happinessc.Myprimaryschoolyearsd.Myjuniormiddleschoolyearse.S

2、omestupidmistakesthatImadef.Someoldsongs2. What does “yesterday once more” mean? It means _.a.sth.thathappenstodayfeelslikesomepastexperiences.b.Sth.thathappenedyesterdayishappeningagainnow.c.sth.fromthepastcomesintomymindEnjoying the songYesterday once more -by the Carpenters卡伦卡伦卡彭特(卡彭特(Karen Carpe

3、nter,1950-1983)和理查德(和理查德(Richard Richard CarpenterCarpenter)出生于美国的康涅狄克州出生于美国的康涅狄克州, ,在世界歌坛上享有崇高的声誉。卡伦的在世界歌坛上享有崇高的声誉。卡伦的嗓声优美自然,略带伤感,擅长演唱经嗓声优美自然,略带伤感,擅长演唱经典怀旧歌曲,这首典怀旧歌曲,这首“昔日重来昔日重来”也有人也有人译成译成“昔日重现昔日重现”、“昨日重现昨日重现”、“昨日重来昨日重来”。 Focus on musicWhat do you think of the style of this song? I think the song i

4、s _.a.Encouragingb.Cheerfulc.Verysadd.SlightlyblueFocus on comprehension1. Choose from the boxes the statement that best describe the song.a.Thesongisaboutanoldstorythathappenedyesterday.b.Thesongistheonethatthesingerusuallysangwhenshewasstillalittlegirl.c.Thesongisabouttheworriesthatthesingerhasabo

5、utherfuture.d.Thesongisaboutthesingersyearningforthepast.e.Thesongshowsthesingersfearandhatredofthepresentlife. When I was , Id the radio, Waiting for my songs. When they played Id sing , It made me . Those were such times And not so . How I where theyd gone. But theyre back , Just like a friend. Al

6、l the songs I love so well.2.Fill in the blanksWhen I was , Id the radio,Waiting for my songs.When they played Id sing , It made me .Those were such times , and not so .How I where theyd gone.But theyre back , just like a friend. All the songs I love so well.Fill in the blanksEvery sha-la-la-la, eve

7、ry wo-o-wo-o, Still shines.Every shining-a-ling-a-ling, That theyre starting to sing so fine.When they get to the part, Where hes _her heart. It can _ make me cry. Just like before, Its yesterday once more.Fill in the blanksWhen I was When I was , ,Id Id the radio, the radio,Waiting for my Waiting f

8、or my songs. songs.When they played Id sing When they played Id sing , ,It made me It made me . .Those were such Those were such timestimesAnd not soAnd not so . .How I How I where theyd gone.where theyd gone.But theyre backBut theyre back , ,Just like a Just like a friend. friend. All the songs I l

9、ove so well.All the songs I love so well.younglistentofavouritealongsmilehappylongagowonderedagainlonglostThat theyre starting to sing so fine.When they get to the part Where hes her heart,It can make me cry,Just like before,Its yesterday once more.breakingreally2.“My favorite songs”means_.(line3)Th

10、esongsthatIwrotemyself.ThesongsthatIlovedmostThesongsthatIrememberedwell3.“How I wondered where they had gone”means_.(line8)a.HowIwantedtoknowmyoldfriendshadgone.b.HowIwantedtoknowwheretofindtheoldsongs.c.HowImissedthepastdays.4.“A long-lost friend”means_.(line10)a.Afriendwhohasbeenlostforalongtime.


12、erfavoriteoldsongsc.Theyarethenamesofthreedifferentoldsongs.1. Looking back on how it was In years gone by, And the bad time that I had Makes today seem rather mad.5. So much has changed. It was songs of love That I would sing to them, And Id memorize each word. Those gold melodies 10.Still sound so

13、 good to me, As they melt the years away.Repeat *11. That theyre starting to sing so fine. All my worst memories Come back clearly to me. Some can even make me smile,15. Just like before, Its yesterday once more. 2.Accordingtolines1-4,what makes today seem rather sad?Youmyfindmorethanoneanswer.a.Lis

14、teningtotheoldsongsb.LookingbackonthegoodtimesthatIhad.c.Lookingbackontheyearsgoneby.d.Thepartwherehebrokeherhear.3.“Those old melodies still sound good to me as they melt the years away”means._.(line11)a.Thoseoldsongsstillsoundgoodtomebecausetheymakemethinkofthepastyears.b.Thoseoldsongssoundgoodtom

15、ealthoughtheyhavelongbeenignored.c.Thoseoldsongsstillsoundgoodtomeeventhoughtheyarenolongerpopularnow.Lets Sing1breaking her heart:使她伤心breakonesheart:令伤心断肠e.g.Thenewsbrokeherheart.那条消息使她肝肠寸断。2make me cry:使我哭makesb.dosth.令某人做某事e.g.Thestorymade uslaugh.那个故事使我们大笑。3.sound so good:听起来动听。sound是个系动词,后接形容词,构成系表结构。e.g.Yourstorysounds untrue.你的故事听起来不真实。



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