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1、Lets review5B 知识点梳理Module1Unit1了解并掌握学习用品类的单词。掌握人称代词的不同形式,并根据句子的意思,正确使用人称代词。掌握Whose is this/that? Whose are these/ those? 的句型,以及他们的回答。4) Whose school bag is this?Its _.(mine, ours, his, hers, ours, theirs)能正确使用名词性物主代词These are my paints.(同义转换)These paints are mine. 感叹句:What a mess!真乱啊! 祈使句:Put it on

2、her desk. What should I do?我该怎么办?5B 知识点梳理Module1Unit 2了解动物类、昆虫类的单词。了解有关动物以及昆虫的成长过程。掌握动词的过去式。例: is -was am-was are - were掌握句型 It was . . Now it is . .This is an egg. It is small and white. It was a white egg. Now it is a green caterpillar. It was a green caterpillar. Now it is a brown cocoon. It was

3、a brown cocoon. Now it is a beautiful blue butterfly.(描述蝴蝶的生长过程)2. These are silkworms. They are small and white. The silkworms were small. Now they are big.They were silkworms. Now they are silkworm cocoons.They were silkworm cocoons. Now they are moths.(描述毛毛虫的生长过程)5B 知识点梳理Module1Unit 3了解并掌握交通工具类的单

4、词。有关家里的家用电器类单词。如何用英语询问听到的噪音以及表达听到噪音后的感觉。掌握句型 Whats that noise? What can you hear? 及回答。掌握一般过去时态:Kitty wanted to read a book.动词过去时: want -wanted hear - heard watch -watched have - had do(does)-did 5B 知识点梳理Module2Unit1了解并掌握食物类的单词,肉类、蔬菜类、水果类等。了解健康类的食物及不健康类的食物。healthy / unhealthy掌握句型 What did you have fo

5、r breakfast? I had .及回答。 is/are my favourite food. You should . 副词 either : Thats not healthy either. a lot of, some 的用法。谚语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.5B 知识点梳理Module2Unit 2了解有关电影名,掌握单词 ticket , ticket office, exit, entrance, seat, film, funnyprincess, see a film2) 掌握句型: Its on . Which ? Ca

6、n I , please? 情态动词shall: Shall we go to see a film this afternoon? 及回答。OK./Great./I want to see情态动词后用动词原形:(情态动词)can, may, should, shall, must Here we are.我们到了。 Be quick.快点。5B 知识点梳理Module2Unit 3了解并掌握学科类的单词。用英语向别人询问所学科目以及表达我们喜爱的学科名称。掌握句型:What classes do we have today?What is /are your favourite subjec

7、t(s)? 及回答。Its time for 的用法。(Its time to .)5B 知识点梳理Module3Unit 1了解几种常见标志的英文表达及其在日常生活中的应用。掌握情态动词 can ,must, should 的用法:You cant ride your bicycle here.It means we mustnt swim.掌握句型: You cant . What does say/ mean? 及回答。.)5B 知识点梳理Module3Unit 2了解并掌握有关表达天气类的单词掌握用英语表达各种天气以及温度的句子。What is / was the weather li

8、ke ? It is / was .听懂用英语预报的天气预报。 What is the temperature? What was the temperature?5B 知识点梳理Module3Unit 3了解并掌握有关家具类的单词。掌握方位介词: under, next to, behind, on .掌握句型: Lets Are there any changes ? The sofa was Now its .4) 了解上海的变化。 Sounds fun.听起来很有趣。 Yes, lets do that.好的,我们就那样做吧。Youre right.你说对了。Right.正确!What

9、 else?还有呢?5B 知识点梳理Module4Unit 1了解各种博物馆的英文表达。掌握句型:Which museum do you want ? Why? Because What did you see there?Unit 2了解西方节日,它们都在什么时候,有什么风俗习惯。掌握句型:Whens ? Its on What do you do at ? We usually Whats your favourite ? 一般现在时: Everyone in the UK likes Christmas.Unit 3了解巨人花园的故事。需要大写的专业名词等:节日:Christmas, E

10、aster, Halloweeen, Thanksgiving, the Dragon Boat Festival国家,城市:in the UK, in Shanghai博物馆:the Louvre Museum,Science Museum, Car Museum, Art Museum, History Museum, Insect Museum, the Shanghai History Museum, Railway Museum, the World of Robots路名,地方:on Boyuan Road,City Square星期、月份:Saturday,Sunday, Nov

11、ember,October学科:Chinese, English, Maths, Art, Museum, IT, PE人物:Piano Prince, Snow White电影名:Snow White, Toy Story, Swan Lake, Rabbit Run其他:on the Internet, Beijing Opera, In the Noise Kingdom,时态总结一般过去时标志词:yesterday, just now, ago,last week动词原形及过去式:1.watched 2.livelived movemoved 3. play-played enjoye

12、njoyed study-studied不规则变化:are -were am, is- was see-saw eatatebuy-bought go-went does/ do-did come-came become-became build-built sit-sat blowblew grow-grew learn-learntmake- made get-gothave-had putput cut- cut read-read hear-heard一般现在时一般现在时标志词:always, usually,often, sometimes, never, every构成:三单后绝大

13、多数动词后加“s”一、一般现在时一般现在时:1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:Theskyisblue.天空是蓝色的。Heisaboy他是个男孩shehaslonghair.她有长头发2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:Igetupatsixeveryday.我每天六点起床。一般的时间词有:often,sometimes,everyday,usually一般现在时的构成一般现在时的构成1. be动词:动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。如:Iamaboy.我是一个男孩。Heisastudent.他是一个学生2.行为动词行为动词:主语

14、主语+行为动词行为动词(+其它其它)。如:WestudyEnglish.我们学习英语。当主语为第三人称单数当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,时,要在动词后加要在动词后加-s或或-es。如:MarylikesChinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。一般现在时的变化一般现在时的变化1. be动词的变化。动词的变化。否定句:主语+be+not+其它。如:Heisnotaworker.他不是工人。 一般疑问句:Be+主语+其它。如:-Areyouastudent?-Yes.Iam./No,Imnot. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:Whereismybike?2.行为动词的变化行为动词的变化

15、。否定句:主语+dont(doesnt)+动词原形(+其它)。如:Idontlikebread.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesnt构成否定句构成否定句。如:Hedoesntoftenplay.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Do( Does ) +主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其它其它。如:-Doyouoftenplayfootball?-Yes,Ido./No,Idont.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构构成一般疑问句成一般疑问句。如:-Doesshegotoworkbybike?-Yes,shedoes./No,shedoesnt.



18、,如:cook-cooking2以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making,taste-tastingtake-taking3如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running,stop-stoppingswim-swimming将来时理论将来时理论 一、概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。句中一般有以下时间状语:tomorrow,nextday(week,month,year),soon,thedayaftertomorrow(后天)thismorning,thisafternoon,thisevenin


20、last(weekend,month,year)beusedto2Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am和is在一般过去时中变为was。(wasnot=wasnt)are在一般过去时中变为were。(werenot=werent)带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is,am,are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。3句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子否定句:否定句:didnt +动词原形,动词原形,如:Jimdidntgohomeyesterday.一般疑问句:在句首加一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如:DidJ


22、udied时态总结一般过去时标志词:yesterday, once, ago动词原形及过去式are -were am, is- was see-saw eatatebuy-bought go-went do-did come-camebuild-built sit-sat grow-grew learn-learntmake- made get-got watch-watched play-playedhave-had cut- cut become-became hear-heard时态总结一般过去时标志词:yesterday, just now, ago,last week动词原形及过去式

23、:1.watched 2.livelived movemoved 3. play-played enjoyenjpyed studystudied不规则变化:are -were am, is- was see-saw eatate get-gothear-heard have-had buy-bought go-went does/ do-did come-came become-became build-built sit-sat draw-drew blowblew fly-flew grow-grew learn-learntmake- made put put cut- cut rea

24、dread writewrote riderode 5不规则动词过去式:am,is-was,are-were,do-did,see-saw,say-said,give-gave,get-got,go-went,come-came,have-had,eat-ate,take-took,run-ran,sing-sang,put-put,make-made,read-read,write-wrote,draw-drew,drink-drank,fly-flew,ride-rode,speak-spoke,sweep-swept,swim-swam,sit-satteach-taughtfeelfe

25、lt5B复习卷专项训练1(改句型)These are my new paints. ( 改同义句) _Put the T-shirt in your bedroom.(改否定句) _There were some flowers on the big table.( 改为一般疑问句) _I had some milk for breakfast. (划线提问) _I like Music best.( 改同义句)_Its time to have Chinese class. (改同义句) _We have Chinese, Maths, English and IT in the morni

26、ng. (划线提问)_5B复习卷专项训练1(改句型)These are my new paints. ( 改同义句) These new paints are mine.Put the T-shirt in your bedroom.(改否定句) Dont put the T-shirt in your bedroom.There were some flowers on the big table.( 改为一般疑问句) Were there any flowers on the big table?I had some milk for breakfast. (划线提问) What did

27、you have for break?I like Music best.( 改同义句)Music is my favourite subject.或My favourite subject is Music.Its time to have Chinese class. (改同义句) Its time for Chinese Class. We have Chinese, Maths, English and IT in the morning. (划线提问)What subjects/classes do you have in the morning?5B复习卷专项训练1(改句型)You

28、 cant swim here. ( 改同义句) _This sign means we mustnt walk on the grass. (划线提问)_You should walk your dog.( 改否定句) _11. It was rainy yesterday in Shanghai. (划线提问)_12. My favourite season is spring.(就划线部分提问) _13. George built a new house last year. (划线提问) _I fly a kite happily in the park. (把I改写成Kitty) _

29、Alice can sit on the bench. (改为现在进行时) _5B复习卷专项训练1(改句型)You cant swim here. ( 改同义句) Dont swim here./ No swimming here. This sign means we mustnt walk on the grass. (划线提问)What does this sign mean?You should walk your dog.( 改否定句) You shouldnt walk your dog.11. It was rainy yesterday in Shanghai. (划线提问)W

30、hat was the weather like yesterday in Shanghai?或How was the weather yesterday in Shanghai ?12. My favourite season is spring.(就划线部分提问) What is your favourite season ?13. George built a new house last year. (划线提问) What did George build last year ?I fly a kite happily in the park. (把I改写成Kitty) Kitty f

31、lies a kite happily in the park.Alice can sit on the bench. (改为现在进行时) Alice is sitting on the bench. 5B复习卷专项训练2(单词适当形式填空)1. I cant sleep well, its too _(noise) outside.2. Mum, are you _(wash) the dishes?3. But a week later the old tortoise is _(happy) again ,its too quiet.4. She likes _ and she _to

32、school every day. Look, she is _now. Would you like _with her?(walk)5. Wheres Kitty? She_ in the playground. She can _ fast.(run)6. I usually _ at 7:00 in the morning. Its 7:00 now, I _.(get up)7.She _her teeth twice a day. Look! She _her teeth now.(brush)8. Its 6:30 pm. Mum says, “Lets _ dinner.” L

33、ook! The Lis _ dinner now. Yes, its time to _dinner and Ginger _dinner ,too.(have)9. Three old _(lady)_(doze) in the park, they arent_(chat)now. 10. Wheres Kitty? She_(sleep) in her bedroom. 5B复习卷专项训练2(单词适当形式填空)1. I cant sleep well, its too _noisy_(noise) outside.2. Mum, are you _washing_(wash) the

34、dishes?3. But a week later the old tortoise is _unhappy_(happy) again ,its too quiet.4. She likes _walking_ and she _walks_to school every day. Look, she is _walking_now. Would you like _to walk_with her?(walk)5. Wheres Kitty? She_is running_ in the playground. She can _run_ fast.(run)6. I usually _

35、get up_ at 7:00 in the morning. Its 7:00 now, I _am getting up_.(get up)7.She _brushes_her teeth twice a day. Look! She _is brushing_her teeth now.(brush)8. Its 6:30 pm. Mum says, “Lets _have_ dinner.” Look! The Lis _are having_ dinner now. Yes, its time to _have_dinner and Ginger _is having_dinner

36、,too.(have)9. Three old _ladies_(lady)_are dozing_(doze) in the park, they arent_chatting_(chat)now. 10. Wheres Kitty? She_is sleeping_(sleep) in her bedroom. 5B复习卷专项训练2(单词适当形式填空)11. _Did_ you _do_(do) your homework last night? No.12. What _are_ you_doing_ now? (do) We _are having_ a class.(have)13.

37、 Listen! The doorbell _is ringing_(ring). Can you_open_(open) the door,please?14. Every day, she _has_lunch at 12:00. Its twelve oclock now, she _is having_lunch.(have)15. The boys _teeth_ (tooth) are white. He _brushes_(brush)them every day.16.The Chens_arent_(be)at home. They_are having_ (have)a h

38、oliday in Beijing. 17. Mum, can I finish_watching_ ( watch) the cartoon? Its Saturday tomorrow.18. Ben ,_dont_ (not be ) late for school.20. At school we like _painting_ (paint) on the paper.21. The pictures _were_(be) near the window. But where are they now?22. The farmer _planted_(plant) some tree

39、s two weeks ago.23. Where are the children? They _are drawing_(draw) pictures in the classroom.24.These _good_ boys can play the piano very _well_.(good)25.The wind is _strong_. It blows _strongly_(strong).5B复习卷专项训练3(根据实际情况回答问题)1.Which museum do you want to visit? _2.Why _3.Whens Halloween? _4.What

40、do people do at Easter? _5.Whats the weather like? _6.Whats the temperature?_ _7.Whats your favourite subject? _8.Shall we go to see a film this afternoon? _9.Whose crayons are these?(Danny) _10.What can the robots do?_5B复习卷专项训练4一、找出划线部分发音不同的词( )1.A. rain B. great C. today D. plant( )2.A. sunny B. c

41、loudy C. come D. love( )3.A. mirror B. give C. surprise D. furniture( )4.A. Music B. fun C. computer D. you( )5.A. cheer B. hair C .wear D. pair( )6.A. tie B. sky C. right D. space( )7.A.sure B. toilet C. enjoy D. toy( )8.A. cheer B. hair C .wear D. pair( )9.A.show B. bowl C. crow D. now( )10.A.yes

42、B. what C. we D. wind二、判断划线部分的发音,相同的用“T”表示,不同的用“F”表示1.( ) A. had B. healthy 2.( ) A. prince B. film3.( ) A. pork B. house 4.( ) A. heard B. hear5.( ) A. another B. holiday 6.( ) A. Easter B. Halloween7.( ) A. present B. insect 8.( ) A. useful B. us9.( ) A. history B. story 10.( ) A. find B. Christma

43、s知识点:1. 动宾,介宾动宾,介宾2. want, how, would like, need, try, forget + to do。 3. 单独单独like, go, be + doing。4. is + 单数或不可数。单数或不可数。are, many + 复数。复数。 5. 形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词,一般形容词形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词,一般形容词 +ly变为副词。变为副词。6. 第三单人称第三单人称:it he she,其他人称,其他人称: I we you they7. 问句中用问句中用does,答句中动词用第三单;问句中用答句中动词用第三单;问句中用do,答答句中动词用原

44、形。句中动词用原形。8. 祈使句的用法:动词原形,否定句以祈使句的用法:动词原形,否定句以Dont开头。开头。9. do问问do答,答, does问问does答,答, can问问can答。答。知识点:10. 情态动词(情态动词(can) +动原;助动词动原;助动词+动原;动原;to +动原。动原。11. 第三单人称对应的助动词是第三单人称对应的助动词是do,其他人称是其他人称是does。 12. 在在一般现在时一般现在时的的肯定肯定句中(提示词:句中(提示词:every, often sometimes, usually, ),若主语是),若主语是第三单第三单,则动词用,则动词用第三单形式。第

45、三单形式。13. 词组的复数。词组的复数。用词的适当形式填空:1. Does the girl dance (beautiful) ? beautifully2. Helen likes (read) very much. She often (read) magazines in the evening. 3. Do you have any (beautiful) flowers? Yes. readingreadsbeautiful4. Please give (I) book to her. OK. myme5. Please show (I) her book. OK. 6. I u

46、sually go to school (by/ride a) bike. byto get7. I dont know how (get) to the hospital. 8. Would you like something (drink)?9. The two boys look (same), they are twins. to drinkthe same用词的适当形式填空:10. (Whose/Whos) the little girl? She is my sister. Whos11. (Tom) mother often (help) me. 12. What a (lov

47、e) toy panda! I like it very much. Tomshelpslovely13. Yang Ling can dance (beautiful). beautifullyher14. Helen is doing (her/his) homework now, but Yang Ling is doing ( her , / ) housework. 15. Dont forget (write) “Dear Teacher” on the card. /to write16. There isnt (some) milk in the bottle. Here (b

48、e) some juice for you. 17. There is a map (of / in) the world on the wall.18. There (be) ( lots of / lot of ) fruit in the basket. anyisofislots of用词的适当形式填空:19. There is a blackboard in the classroom. Its a (rectangle/triangle). rectangle20. I want to wash my face. Do you have a (towel/blanket)? . 2

49、1. Look! This is my (parents) bedroom. Its big and clean. towelparentsbetter22. Mr Green had a cough last night, but he is feeling (better/good) today. himany23. Go and ask (he) the question. 24. There arent (some) flowers in the vase now. are dancingany25. Look! Some girls (dance) over there. 26. A

50、re there (some) students in the classroom? 27. Shall (we/us) go to school now?wedowould likechildrenboys28. What (do/would) you like? I like horses. 29. What (do/would) you like? Id like some juice. 30. In the park, we can see many (child). 32. Tom and I are in the same class. We are (students/class

51、mates). 31. The (boy) dog is black. Its very lovely. classmates用词的适当形式填空:33. Helen is (a/an) American girl. She is from (London/New York). an34. Mrs Green is Lucys (aunt/uncle). 35. Jack (go) to school on foot every day. New Yorkauntgoes36. Whats wrong with (she)? She is hot. 37. Show Tom (I) flower

52、s, please. 38. My mother can run (good/well). 39. My brother (go) to school at 7:00 every day. 40. Miss Zhang is (we) English teacher. 41. Ive (get) a bad cold. 42. (David) bike is new. 43. Yang Bo draws well, but his sister . 44. Yang Bo is drawing pictures, but his sister . 46. Mr. Green cant see

53、(something/anything)on the bed. 45. Look, a chair. Please walk (quietly/carefully) . Thank you . hermywellgoesourgotdoesntDavidsisntcarefullyanything用词的适当形式填空:47. Nancy is a nice girl, she can dance (beautiful/well). well48. Mr Black (teach/teaches) Maths in our school. 49. Go to the classroom (at o

54、nce/soon). Its time for class. Histeachesat once50. Hello, may I speak to Gao Shan? Yes, (speak/speaking). 51. His sister goes to school (rides a bike/on foot) every day. 52. Im very cold. Do you have a (towel/blanket)? 53. Would you like (some, any) coffee? 54. _ is my brother. _ name is Jack. ( he

55、 ) 55. Show your kite to , OK? (they) 56. _ is my aunt. Do you know _ job? _ is a nurse. ( she ) 57. Where are _? I cant find _. Lets call _ parents. ( they ) 58. The girl behind is our friend. (she ) 60. He often _(have) dinner at home. 59. _(How /What) a beautiful flower! speakingon footblanketsom

56、eHethemherSheShetheythemtheirherWhathas用词的适当形式填空:61. _ your parents (read) newspapers every day? Do62. The girl (teach) us English on Sundays. 63. There (be) some water in the bottle. Isreadteaches64. The child often (watch) TV in the evening. 65. What day _(be) it today? Its Saturday. 66. The boy (

57、 draw)a picture now. 67. They (not ,water) the flowers now. 68. _Helen _(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is . 69. Tom often _(go) to school on foot. 70. Dont the house. (clean) 71. How many are there in your school? (library) 72. _(be) there any water in the glass? 74. The girl (skate) beautifully. 73. Look

58、, the girl is (skate) beautifully. iswatchesisis drawingarent wateringwashingcleangoeslibrariesIsskatingskates用词的适当形式填空:75. The girl can (skate) beautifully. skate76. Would you like to join (we)? 77. Whose are they? (watch )goesdrawsus78. Miss Li teaches English.( we)79. Dont worry. I can (look at,

59、look after) the baby. 80. Peter likes (draw) pictures .And he (draw) well.81. What are their jobs? They are _(policeman, policemen).82. My English teacher often _ (go) _(jog) after school .83. Your classroom is on the (one) floor (层层) . 84. Happy birthday! This present is (for, to) you.85. I go to s

60、chool ( by, on) bus. 86. What are your (hobby) ?88. How many (foot) does a monkey have? 87. _(Is/Are) everyone here today ?watchesuslook afterdrawingpolicemenjoggingforfirstbyhobbiesIs feet用词的适当形式填空:89. Shall we (start) our lesson now? start90. Liu Tao and Mike are good friends, (all, both) of them

61、have the same hobbies. 91.Nancy is good at dancing, she can dance (beautifully, beautiful). doeswantsboth92. Look! There is a student a kite there. (fly) 93. The present is for . ( she ) 94. Who ( teach ) your Chinese this term? 95. Peter (want) (write) a letter to his friend. 96. What _(do) she usu

62、ally do? 97. Whats wrong with ( he / him)? 98. I like running, he (likes/like) running too. So we have the same (hobby/hobbies)? 100. Monday is the (first/second) day of the week. 99. I like running and swimming, he likes them too. So we have the same (hobby/hobbies). beautifullyflyingherteachesto w

63、ritehimhobbylikeshobbiessecond用词的适当形式填空:101. My mother (have/has) got a (bad/high) fever. has102. I dont go to school (on/from) Saturdays and Sundays. 103. I go to school (on/from) Monday to Friday.growCan high104. (not open)the door. 105. You have many (toy bus). your mother (make) clothes ? No, sh

64、e cant. But she can (grow) flowers. 107. My parents _ (get ) up at 6:30, my sister _ (get ) up at 6:40. And I _ (get ) up at about 6:00 everyday.onfromDont opentoy busesmakegetgetgets选词填空:1. Does the girl dance (beautiful) ? beautifully2. I like running, he (likes/like) running too. So we have the same (hobby/hobbies)?3. I like running and swimming, he likes them too. So we have the same (hobby/hobbies).likeshobbyhobbies4. Monday is the (first/second) day of the week. secondhas5. My mother (have/has) got a (bad/high) fever.6. I dont go to school (on/from) Saturdays and Sundays.highon



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