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1、1专业英英语翻翻译理理论专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论2专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论范文:Aerobic TreatmentAerobic means requiring the presence of free oxygen. Aerobic treatment of waste is the natural degradation and purification process in which bacteria that thrive in oxygen-rich environment break down and digest the the waste.Aerobic ba

2、cteria are like humans in that they require oxygen to survive and thrive. This is the primary difference between aerobic systems and septic systems, you see. Septic systems depend on much less efficient anaerobic bacteria. 3专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论During this oxidation process, pollutants are broken down in

3、to carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), nitrates, sulphates and biomass (micro-organisms). By optimizing the oxygen supply with so-called aerators, the process can be significantly accelerated. Of all biological waste treatment method, aerobic digestion is the most widespead process used throughout th

4、e world (more than 95%).Aerobic bacteria demand oxygen to decompose dissolved pollutants. Large amounts of pollutants require large quantities of bacteria; hence the demand for oxygen will be high.The Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of the quantity of dissolved organic pollutants that ca

5、n be removed in biological oxidation by the bacteria. It is expressed in mg/L.4专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) measures the quantity of dissolved organic pollutants that can be removed in chemical oxidation, by adding strong acids. It is expressed in mg/L.The ratio BOD/COD gives an

6、indication of the fraction of pollutants in the wastewater that is biodegradable. Aerobic bacteria are very efficient in breaking down waste products. As a result, aerobic treatment usually yields better effluent quality than that obtained in anaerobic processes.5专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论1. 专业英英语翻翻译概概论1.1 专业

7、英英语的特点的特点1.1.1 专业英英语的的词汇特点特点专业词汇出出现的的频率低。率低。词义专一。一。广泛是使用广泛是使用缩写写词。如:。如:COD chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量化学需氧量BOD biochemical oxygen demand 生化需氧量生化需氧量TOC total organic carbon 总有机碳有机碳DO dissolved oxygen 溶解氧溶解氧6专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论POPs persistent organic pollutants 持久性有机持久性有机污染物染物TSP total suspended particl

8、e 总悬浮浮颗粒粒TKN total Kjeldahl nitrogen 总凯氏氮氏氮UASB up flow anaerobic sludge blanket 上流式上流式厌氧氧污泥床泥床MBR membrane bioreactor 膜生物反膜生物反应器器SBR sequencing batch reactor 间歇式活性歇式活性污泥法泥法1.1.2 专业英英语的句法特点的句法特点广泛使用广泛使用陈述句。述句。Aerobic means requiring the presence of free oxygen. Aerobic treatment of waste is the natu

9、ral degradation and purification process in which bacteria that thrive in oxygen-rich environment break down and digest the the waste.7专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论广泛使用被广泛使用被动语态。 During this oxidation process, pollutants are broken down into carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), nitrates, sulphates and biomass (mic

10、ro-organisms). By optimizing the oxygen supply with so-called aerators, the process can be significantly accelerated.被被动语态在在专业英英语中的使用比在其他中的使用比在其他场合更合更为广泛,广泛,主要因主要因为被被动句比主句比主动句更能句更能说明需要明需要论证的的对象,更能象,更能使其位置使其位置鲜明、突出。明、突出。8专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论简略表达多。略表达多。 The ratio BOD/COD gives an indication of the fractio

11、n of pollutants in the wastewater that is biodegradable. 长句使用多。句使用多。 Aerobic treatment of waste is the natural degradation and purification process in which bacteria that thrive in oxygen-rich environment break down and digest the the waste.主句带若干从句,从句带短语,短语带从句,相互依附,相互制约。9专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论Floating on

12、the oceans are 7,659 trillion(万亿) metric tons(公吨) of ice encased in (包含在)10,000 icebergs(冰山) that break away from(脱离) the polar ice caps, more than ninety percent of them from Antarctica(南极洲).句子倒置。Floating on the oceans are 7,659 trillion metric tons of ice多重修饰。Ice encased in 10,000 icebergs that br

13、eak away from the polar ice caps, more than ninety percent of them from Antarctica.10专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论 Floating on the oceans are 7,659 trillion metric tons of ice encased in 10,000 icebergs that break away from the polar ice caps, more than ninety percent of them from Antarctica.庖丁解牛。ice encased in

14、10,000 icebergs that break away from the polar ice caps, more than ninety percent of them from Antarctica.就近修饰原则。Layer 1: Ice encased in 10,000 icebergsLayer 2: icebergs that break away from the polar ice caps, icebergsmore than ninety percent of them from Antarctica.粗译: 世界大洋里漂浮着7659万亿吨的冰。这些冰包含在1000

15、0多个冰山里。这些冰山从极地冰盖脱落而产生;超过90%的这些冰山来源于南极。11专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论1.1.3 专业英英语的修辞特点的修辞特点时态运用有限。运用有限。过去研究去研究过去去时(与(与现在不在不发生生联系);系);讨论理理论用用现在在时。 Biofiltration technique for disposing ammonium-contaminated gas streams was investigated. 修辞手法修辞手法较为单调。12专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论逻辑性性语法法词使用普遍。如:使用普遍。如:表示原因的表示原因的词:because, beca

16、use of, due to, owing to, as, as a result, caused by, for表示表示语气气转折的折的词:but, however, nevertheless, yet, otherwise表示表示逻辑、顺利利连接的接的词:so, thus, therefore, furthermore, moreover, in addition to 表示限制的表示限制的词:only, if only, except, besides, unless表示假表示假设的的词:suppose, supposing, assuming, provided, providingA

17、erobic bacteria are very efficient in breaking down waste products. As a result, aerobic treatment usually yields better effluent quality than that obtained in anaerobic processes.13专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论1.2 翻翻译的基本知的基本知识1.2.1 翻翻译标准准忠忠实:译文必文必须忠忠实、正确地、正确地传达原文的内容。达原文的内容。通通顺:译文的文的语言必言必须规范、流范、流畅、通俗易懂。、通俗易懂。14专

18、业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论1.2.2 翻翻译的的过程程理解理解-表达表达翻翻译的理解的理解过程程a.通通读全文,全文,领会大意。会大意。b.明辨明辨语法,弄清关系。法,弄清关系。c.结合上下文,推敲合上下文,推敲词义。Aerobic means requiring the presence of free oxygen. Aerobic treatment of waste is the natural degradation and purification process in which bacteria that thrive in oxygen-rich environment

19、break down and digest the waste.15专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论 翻翻译的表达的表达过程程a. 一稿初一稿初译,忠,忠实为主。主。b. 二稿核二稿核对,注意,注意逻辑。c. 三稿定局,三稿定局,润色色词句。句。 翻翻译的方法的方法a. 直直译b. 意意译Aerobic means requiring the presence of free oxygen. Aerobic treatment of waste is the natural degradation and purification process in which bacteria that

20、thrive in oxygen-rich environment break down and digest the the waste.16专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论2. 词义的的选择和引申和引申2.1 词义的的选择2.1.1 根据根据词类选择词义E.g.: like:像、同:像、同样的、喜的、喜欢、希望、如同、希望、如同 He would like to join our discussion. Things like air, water or metal are matter.Like charges repel(排斥)(排斥), unlike charges attract.

21、I hope that I can drive the tractor like you do. 17专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论2.1.2 根据根据词的搭配关系的搭配关系选择词义E.g.: operate: 操作、运操作、运转、完成、完成、实施施a.Thermal convection(对流)流) will not operated in zero gravity.b.Rockets (火箭)(火箭)operate in the vacuum(真空)(真空) of outer space as well as in the earth atmosphere.c.Transistors(晶

22、体管晶体管) operate as control devices and amplifier.d.The electric computers can operate only according to instructions(指令)(指令), which must be prepared by man in advance. 18专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论 represent: 代表,表示、相当于,是、提供、代表,表示、相当于,是、提供、阐述述a.Inorganic flocculants represent nearly 20% of the total flocculants.

23、b.The material referred to as (被称(被称为)“acid rain” represents the raindrops dissolved CO2 which have a pH of 5.6.19专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论2.1.3 根据单、复数及习惯表达选择词义根据单、复数及习惯表达选择词义E.g.: work, timea.The ability to do work is called energy. (功)b.This iron and steel works was set up last year. (工厂)c.The time for the

24、 water supply is cut by half.d.A is three times as large as B.2.1.4 语言习惯的转换语言习惯的转换 E.g.:a.Magnetism(磁性)磁性) is used to measure the coldest temperature. (很低的)很低的)b.Light-colored things reflect more light than dark-colored things. (深、浅)(深、浅)20专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论2.2 词义的引申的引申2.2.1 单词的引申的引申E.g.:a.Today is th

25、e link between yesterday and tomorrow. (桥梁)梁)b.This kind of wood works easily. (加工)(加工)c.The thicker the wire the more freely it will carry current载流流. (容易)(容易)21专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论2.2.2 词组的引申的引申E.g.:a.Alloys belong to a half-way house between mixture and compounds. (中(中间结构)构)b. At present coal is the

26、most common food of a steam plant. (能源)(能源)c. High concentrations of critical elements, such as lead, arsenic, mercury, may affect the human health. (微量)(微量)22专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3. 词类转换3.1 非非动词译成成动词E.g.:a.The control unit of a computer causes the machine to operate according to mans wish.计算机的控制算机的控制单元使

27、机器人按照人的意志元使机器人按照人的意志运作。运作。23专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3.1.1 名名词转译为动词1.单独的名独的名词用作用作动词(1)动名名词、动词派生的名派生的名词,具有,具有动作意作意义的名的名词可直接可直接译为动词E.g.:a. In the absence of friction摩擦摩擦, vehicles车辆 could not even start.b.Control of dissolved oxygen, solids retention time and hydrolytic retention time is necessary for efficien

28、t treatment of wastewater.c. The main object of sedimentation is the separation of clear water from mixture.24专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论(2) 一些加一些加er或或or的名的名词,有,有时在句中并不表示一个人的身份或在句中并不表示一个人的身份或职业,而具有,而具有较强的的动作意作意义,这种种词汉译时可可译为动词。 E.g.:a.Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wro

29、ng doings.b.Professor Wang was the instructor of our experiment.2. 适用于适用于动词短短语或介或介词短短语中的名中的名词可可译为动词。E.g.:A body is negatively charged when it has electrons in excess of its normal number.25专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3.1.2. 形容形容词译为动词1. 英英语中表示感中表示感觉、知、知觉、信念的、信念的词,如,如familiar、 confident、sensible of等在句中作表等在句中作表语时,

30、译成成动词。 E.g.: a.Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible不可不可毁灭的的.b.They are quite content with the data obtained from the experiment.c.We are not sure about the effect of this parameter on the quality of the effluent.26专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论2. 有些要求有固定介有些要求有固定介词的形容的形容词在句中作在句中作表表语或定或定语时,译成成

31、动词。E.g.:a.The final product moisture湿度湿度 is dependent on feed size and residence time at temperature.b.For larger size feed, dried product moisture levels are higher.27专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3. 起形容起形容词作用的作用的现在分在分词、过去分去分词和一和一些作定些作定语或或补语的形容的形容词,译为动词。E.g.:a.The design calculation will serve as an illustrative

32、 application of the theory semiconductor devices半半导体体设备.3.1.3. 介介词译成成动词 E.g.:a.Numerous treatment technology of wastewater exist, each with their respective merits优点点.28专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3.1.4 副副词译成成动词E.g.:a.The oil in the tank is up上升上升.b.The experiment in chemistry was ten minutes behind(晚,落后)(晚,落后)

33、.29专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3.2 非名非名词译为名名词3.2.1 动词译成名成名词1. 名名词派生的派生的动词译成名成名词。E.g.:a.Computer is chiefly characterized by (以以为特征)特征)its accurate and rapid computations.b.As the war progressed, he would symbolize象征象征 their frustrations挫挫败, the embodiment化化身身 of evils邪邪恶.30专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论2. 名名词转用的用的动词译成名成名词。E.

34、g.:a.Coating涂涂层 thickness range from one-tenth mm to 2 mm.b.This article aims at discussing new development in component material and technologies.31专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3. 一些用以表示主一些用以表示主语所所处的特征或状的特征或状态的的动词,汉译时不好不好处理,也可将它理,也可将它们译成成汉语的名的名词。E.g.:a. A well dressed man, who looked and talked like an American

35、, got into car.b. Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the later.32专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3.2.2 形容形容词译成名成名词E.g.:a.Computer are more flexible, and can do a greater variety of jobs.b.This steam engine is only about 20% efficient.c.Mercury is appreciably volatile even

36、at room temperature.33专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3.2.3 副副词译成名成名词E.g.:a.The equipment employed in the industrial test is shown schematically 图示示in Fig.5.b.Oxygen is one of the important elements in the world, it is very active chemically.34专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3.3 非形容非形容词译成形容成形容词3.3.1 名名词译成形容成形容词1. 用用“be+of+名名词” 表达事

37、物性表达事物性质的名的名词,常,常译成形成形容容词。 E.g.: Robots are now in use in industrial plants throughout the world, they are proved to be of great ability.2. 有些名有些名词加不定冠加不定冠词a或或an作表作表语时,译成形容成形容词。E.g.:a.Their experiment is a success.b.As he is a perfect stranger in the city, I hope youll give him the necessary help.35专业英语翻译理论专业英语翻译理论3. 由形容由形容词派生的名派生的名词往往可往往可译成形容成形容词。E.g.:a.He found there were many difficulties to design this complicated sewage plant without a computer.b.The complication of mathematical problems made him into difficulties.36下课!



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