高中英语(目标分析+方案设计+自主导学)Unit 5 Period Ⅲ Learning about Language课件 新人教版必修1

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1、教师用书独具演示教师用书独具演示教学目标(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。(2)通过对学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运用这些单词和短语造句。(3)通过对语法的教学让学生能够理解并能够运用由where,when,why及介词which/whom引导的定语从句。教学地位语法是学生感到比较难以掌握的东西。让学生正确理解和掌握语法知识是让学生学好英语的关键,所以应给学生创设一个语境,让学生理解该语法的应用,而不要让学生死记硬背语法条文,应从理解的基础上去运用这些语法。新课导入建议通过对学生作业的检查导入本堂新课。演示结束演示结束 lose hea

2、rt丧失勇气或信心The scientist from whom.never lost heart when he was in trouble.(P37)的科学家当陷入麻烦时从不灰心。We shouldnt lose heart.We may have another try.我们不应该灰心,我们可以再试一次。Ill never lose heart even if I should fail ten times.即使失败十次,我也不灰心。break ones heart使某人伤心heart and soul全心全意地lose ones heart to爱上;喜欢上learn.by hear

3、t记住;背过put ones heart into sth.专心致志于Its no use learning the text by heart without understanding it.背诵课文而不理解它是没有用的。Jim lost his heart to the Persian cat at first sight.吉姆一看见那只波斯猫就喜欢得不得了。阅读下列从Reading中选取的句子,观察其定语从句。The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.It was in

4、 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer to whom I went for advice.He was generous with his time,for which I was grateful.The school where I studied for only two years was three kilometres away.until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.we were put into a position in whi

5、ch we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the government.定语从句()(when,where,why,prep.which/whom)一、关系副词(when/where/why)引导的限制性定语从句关系副词先行词功能when表示时间的名词时间状语where表示地点的名词地点状语whyreason原因状语We will never forget the days when we stayed at that beautiful countryside.我们永远不会忘记在那个美丽乡村待的那些日子。Can yo

6、u explain the reason why you dont help him?你能解释一下你不帮助他的理由吗?This is the factory where(in which) the explosion happened.这就是发生爆炸的那家工厂。【注意】关系副词选择两点注意:(1)当先行词分别为表示时间、地点或原因的名词,且从句中需要相应的时间、地点或原因作状语时,则用关系副词。(2)why引导定语从句时,先行词一般为reason。2根据先行词的搭配习惯。The company in which Peter is working is very famous.彼得正在工作的公司

7、非常出名。3看与从句中形容词的搭配。The student with whom she is strict has made great progress.她要求很严的那位学生取得了很大进步。4表“所有”关系或“整体中的一部分”时,用of。The old woman has two sons,both of whom are doctors.这位老太太有两个儿子,两个儿子都是医生。三、抽象的地点名词与定语从句像 situation, case(情 况 ; 实 例 ), point, stage(阶 段 ),activity,position,scene等表示抽象“地点”的名词作先行词时,若定语

8、从句中缺少主语、宾语或表语,应用关系代词which或that来引导;若定语从句中缺少地点状语时,应用关系副词where来引导。Have you met with the case where you are misunderstood by others?你遇到过被人误解的情形吗?Have you met with the case which is similar to this one?你遇到过和这种情况相似的情形吗?.单项填空1Im going to visit the factory your brother worked a few years ago.AthatBwhereCwhi

9、ch Dwhat【解析】句意:我要去参观你哥哥几年前工作过的那个工厂。where引导定语从句修饰the factory,从句中缺少地点状语,故用where引导。【答案】B2He introduced me to his friends, were his classmates.Atwo of them Bboth of whoCboth of which Dtwo of whom【解析】选项A意思对,但不符合语法结构,整个句子缺少关系代词;选项B使用了who,但它不能用在介词后;选项C中的关系代词which不能指代人;选项D不仅意思对,而且语法结构也对,of whom引导定语从句。【答案】D3

10、The reason he refused to attend the meeting was that they didnt give him an invitation earlier.Ahow BwhichCwhy Dbecause【解析】句意:他拒绝参加会议的原因是他们没有早些时候给他发邀请函。the reason是先行词,且其后的定语从句中缺少状语,故用why引导。【答案】C4We havent found a good place we are going to place our new sofa.Athat BwhichCwhat Dwhere【解析】句意:我们还没有找到放新沙

11、发的合适地方。由句式结构可知,该从句为定语从句,先行词a good place,从句中缺少地点状语,故用关系副词where。【答案】D5Miss Feng is my favorite math teacher,with help Ive made great progress in my study.Awhom BwhoseCthat Dher【解析】句意:丰老师是我最喜欢的数学老师,在她的帮助下我的学习进步很大。“whose名词”引导定语从句,with ones help在某人的帮助下。【答案】B6The factory produces half a million pairs of s

12、hoes every year,90% are sold abroad.Aof which Bwhich ofCof them Dof that【解析】句意:这个工厂每年生产50万双鞋子,90%销往国外。of表示“所属关系”,关系代词指物,用which。【答案】A7We went through a period communications were very difficult in the rural areas.Awhich BwhoseCin which Dwith which【解析】a period在从句中作时间状语,所以应该用when或者in which。【答案】C8In you

13、r opinion,will such a wise man so easily be fooled by the reason you give?Awhy BasCthat Dfor which【解析】reason充当先行词,关系词在定语从句中作宾语,故关系词应用that或which或不填。【答案】C9China is one of the countries the Mekong River flows.Ain which Bby whichCacross which Dthrough which【解析】flow through用在由“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句中。【答案】D10The

14、main difference between a successful person and a common person is that when they are both in trouble,the former never .Aloses the heart Bloses heartCloses his heart Dloses hearts【解析】lose heart的含义是“丧失勇气或信心”;lose ones heart表示“爱上,喜欢”。句意:成功人士和普通人的主要差异就是遇到麻烦时,成功人士从不失去信心。根据句意,选B。【答案】B.合并句子1The house has

15、been pulled down.He lived in the house 10 years ago.The house he lived 10 years ago has been pulled down.2There is a table in the house.There are some apples on it.There is a table in the house on there are some apples.3We settled down in a small village.In front of the village ran a winding river.W

16、e settled down in a small village in front of ran a winding river.4She has three sons.All of her sons are abroad now.She has three sons, are abroad now.5The boy was often late for school.The reason is still unknown.The reason the boy was often late for school is still unknown.6Ill never forget the d

17、ays.We studied together then.Ill never forget the days we studied together.7He has two EnglishChinese dictionaries.He bought both of them last week.He has two EnglishChinese dictionaries,both he bought last week.8Well go to hear the famous singer.We have often talked about the famous singer.Well go to hear the famous singer we have often talked.【答案】1.in which/where2.which3.which4.all of whom5.for which/why6.when7.of which 8about whom



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