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1、Unit 52021/6/71Global UnderstandingGlobal Understanding1.What does the text title “True Height” mean?It has more than one meaning. It may refer to:1)the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another;2) the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal.2. As the text consis

2、ts of the main story and a flashback, can you figure out the flashback?The flashback is from line 11 to line 35.2021/6/723. Scan the text again to find out all the instances where “work” is used as a verb and explain in English the different meanings of “work”.work: v. 1) (cause to) be active or use

3、 effort or power* “ want something, work for it.” (P.4) 2) be active in the proper way, without failing * “It wasnt working.” (P.9) 3) exercise * “He worked out every other day” (P.5)2021/6/734. Scan the whole text to find out all the words and phrases that are related to sports or stadium. And thin

4、k about their Chinese equivalents. National Junior Olympics 国少年奥林匹克运动会国少年奥林匹克运动会personal best个人最高记录个人最高记录stand(s) 看台看台final race 赛跑决赛赛跑决赛pole vault event 撑竿跳高项目撑竿跳高项目track and field competition 田径比赛田径比赛2021/6/74gymnast 体操运动员体操运动员body builder健美运动员健美运动员weightlifting 举重举重bar横杆横杆inflated landing mat 充气垫

5、充气垫vaulter 撑竿跳高运动员撑竿跳高运动员finger-tipped push-up 俯卧撑俯卧撑runway跑道跑道National record全国记录全国记录pole 撑竿撑竿take-off 起跳起跳set a new world record刷新一项世界纪录刷新一项世界纪录2021/6/75Text StructureText Structure1) Which first sentence switches from past 1) Which first sentence switches from past tense to past perfect tense? te

6、nse to past perfect tense? 2) Which first sentence shows that the 2) Which first sentence shows that the flashback is over and the narration returns flashback is over and the narration returns to the National Junior Olympics? to the National Junior Olympics? 3) By now, do you know how many parts the

7、 3) By now, do you know how many parts the text consists of? In what way?text consists of? In what way?4) What narrative skill is adopted by the 4) What narrative skill is adopted by the author here?author here?2021/6/76TextText StructureStructurePartsParagraphsMain IdeasPart OneParas.1-2Part TwoPar

8、as. 3-5Part Three Paras. 6-12Part FourPara. 13Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Michaels childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record.What was most unusual about Michaels

9、 victory was that he was blind. 2021/6/77Understanding of the Text1.1.Use your own words to describe what kind of event the pole vault is.Use your own words to describe what kind of event the pole vault is.the sport of jumping over a high bar using a long polethe sport of jumping over a high bar usi

10、ng a long pole2. 2. Why Why is is the the competition competition at at the the National National Olympic Olympic described described as as the the most most challenging challenging in in Michaels Michaels pole-vaulting career?pole-vaulting career?3. What was Michaels childhood dream? How come he ha

11、d this dream?3. What was Michaels childhood dream? How come he had this dream?2021/6/784. 4. From From the the description description of of Michaels Michaels parents, parents, what what can can you you learn learn about about his his parents? parents? 5. 5. Give Give an an example example to to sho

12、w show that that Michaels Michaels parents parents differed differed in in their their approaches approaches to to child rearing.child rearing.6. 6. What What individual individual characteristics characteristics should should Michaels success be attributed to?Michaels success be attributed to?2021/

13、6/79Height of the poleMichaels reaction before/after clearing the barImportanceBeforeAfter17 feet3 3 inches inches higher higher than than his his personal personal bestbest1. If Michael Stone was surprised, excited or vain(P.6)2. He seemed unaware of (P.6)His palm were sweating. He needed a towel t

14、o dry his grip. (P.1)2021/6/710Height of the poleMichaels reaction before/after clearing the barImportanceBeforeAfter17 feet 2, 17 feet 417 feet 6, again he showed no emotion. (P.7)1. It startled him. (P.9)2. The intensity anxiety. (P.9)3. He became more tense. (P.9)4. Afraid would be (P.9)1.It was

15、that brought Michael back to earth. (P.12)2.On his back with that wonderful hot sun(P.12)9 inches higher than his personal best2021/6/711Height of the poleMichaels reaction before/after clearing the barImportanceBeforeAfterA National and International Junior Olympics recordHe later went on that day

16、to clear 17 feet 6 17 feet6122021/6/712Writing SkillsWriting SkillsWhere is the real climax of the Where is the real climax of the narration?narration?Without the last sentence, would you Without the last sentence, would you still admire Michael Stones still admire Michael Stones achievement?achieve

17、ment?Who would you admire better, a Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael Stone?blind Michael Stone?Why does the author keep the secret Why does the author keep the secret about Michaels blindness until the about Michae

18、ls blindness until the last sentence?last sentence?Does the author give any hints that Does the author give any hints that he is blind in his narration?he is blind in his narration?Conclusion: 1. a surprising _ to impact the readerendingNarrative skills2021/6/713Read Read the the first first paragra

19、ph paragraph of of the the text text to to find find out out where where the the author author uses uses a a word in two different senses?word in two different senses?How How do do you you understand understand the the title title of of this this text? text? Does Does it it also also carry carry mor

20、e more than meaning?than meaning?Conclusion: 2. use of _; puns2021/6/714How How do do you you know know that that Michaels Michaels success success at at pole-vaulting pole-vaulting is is especially especially significant? significant? (His (His parents reactions)parents reactions)How How do do you

21、you conclude conclude that that Michael Michael is is a a highly highly motivated motivated person person with with a a passion for detail?passion for detail?He He had had followed followed a a rigid rigid training training programprogram He He appeared appeared unmoved unmoved by by his his own own

22、 successsuccessHe He went went on on doggedly doggedly to to scale scale a a new new height height He He did did not not forget forget “his “his routine routine of of three finger-tipped push-ups”.three finger-tipped push-ups”.Conclusion: 3) using _ to bring out a character.details2021/6/715Writing

23、SkillsWriting Skills As the text consists of the main story and a flashback, the narration has to switch from the ongoing competition to earlier events and then return to the ongoing competition. How does the author manage to make these parts in the text flow smoothly? 1. One way is to repeat a key

24、word in the last sentence of a paragraph in the first sentence of the next paragraph, e.g.4.coherenceIt also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event. (Para.2)As long as Michael could remember he had alway

25、s dreamed of flying. (Para.3)2021/6/7162. Another way is to pick up a key idea from a previous paragraph and repeat it in the sentence introducing the next paragraph, e.g.All of Michaels vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work. (Para.6)2021/6/717bear out bear out (Introduction)(Introd

26、uction)Words and ExpressionsWords and Expressionsprove that (sth.) is truee.g. The witnesses will bear you out in court.2021/6/718sweat sweat (Para.1)(Para.1)v. produce sweat e.g. The white shirts were sweated through.He was sweating after working so hard.2021/6/719The The sun sun was was as as hot

27、hot as as the the competition competition he he faced faced today today at at the the National National Junior Junior Olympics. (Para.1)Olympics. (Para.1)太太阳阳火火辣辣辣辣的的, 与与他他今今天天在在全全国国少少年年奥奥林林匹匹克克运运动会上所面临的竞争一样热烈。动会上所面临的竞争一样热烈。2021/6/720mere (Para.2)nothing more than, no better or more important than.

28、(no comparative form) 她一想到刘德华心就开始激烈的跳动。她一想到刘德华心就开始激烈的跳动。At the mere thought of Andy Liu her heart began to beat fiercely.2021/6/721fantasy (Para.2) n. Imagination or fancy esp. when completely unrelated to reality. e.g. He is always living in a fantasy world.Stop looking for the perfect job-its just

29、 a fantasy. Fancy VS. Fantasyfancy原本是fantasy的缩写, fantasy带有白日做梦,不现实,荒诞的意思在里面; fancy指想像力 e.g. the novelists fancy小说家的想像力 2021/6/722Her Her stories stories were were always always ones ones that that described described the land from the land from a birds eye viewa birds eye view. (Para.3). (Para.3)Her

30、 stories were always ones that described the land from an overlooking view / a view seen from above or from the sky.她她的的故故事事总总是是从从高高空空俯俯瞰瞰描描述述大大地地.她她对对细细节节的的激激情和酷爱使得迈克尔的梦境色彩缤纷、绚丽无比。情和酷爱使得迈克尔的梦境色彩缤纷、绚丽无比。2021/6/723have a passion for (para.3)have a passion for (para.3)have a strong interest in sth. an

31、d like it very muchHe has a passion for collecting antiques.他有收集古玩的爱好。他有收集古玩的爱好。2021/6/724vt. to describe something completely, giving all the factsdetail (Para.3)e.g. Can you produce a report detailing what weve spent on the project so far?Phrases: go into detail(s)explain sth thoroughly.e.g. He re

32、fused to go into details about his plan.in detailfully or thoroughly.详细地详细地e.g. As for the pay increase, we have not yet had a chance to discuss it in detail.2021/6/725coincide (Para.4)vi. happen at the same timee.g. Her arrival coincided with our departure.The art exhibition coincides with the 5oth

33、 anniversary of his death.(A coincide with B = A & B happen at the same time)她不跟我在同一个时候休假。她不跟我在同一个时候休假。 Her holidays dont coincide with mine.vi. to be the same or similar e.g. Her taste in music coincides with her husbands.2021/6/726如果我们计划一致,我们会一起去西班牙。如果我们计划一致,我们会一起去西班牙。If our schedules coincide, we

34、ll go to Spain together.扩展:扩展:coincident adj. coincidence n. 2021/6/727Paraphrase the sentence.In his dreams, he would always fly over those places described in his mothers stories.Where he flew would always coincide with his mothers stories. (Para.4)2021/6/728Wherever he flew was with a keen eye fo

35、r Wherever he flew was with a keen eye for detail and the free spirit of his mothers detail and the free spirit of his mothers love. (Para.4)love. (Para.4)无论他飞向何方,他都怀着母爱所赐予他的自由无论他飞向何方,他都怀着母爱所赐予他的自由精神,用敏锐的目光观察入微。精神,用敏锐的目光观察入微。2021/6/729core core (Para.4)(Para.4)果皮果肉种子果心peelfleshseedcoreHe is English

36、to the core他是个地道的英国人。他是个地道的英国人。2021/6/730alternate (Para.5) 1) every other or second, happening by turns. e.g. His life seems very dull and alternates between work and sleep.She works on alternate days. 一年四季的更替一年四季的更替Alternate seasons of the year处于希望与恐惧之中处于希望与恐惧之中To alternate between hope and fear20

37、21/6/7311)交替的2)二选一的alternative辨析:辨析:Alternative指两者之间的选择,指两者之间的选择,choice指一般意义上的选择指一般意义上的选择orThe more alternative, the more difficult the choice.选择余地越大,越难选择。选择余地越大,越难选择。2021/6/732on one/two/several occasion(s)on one/two/several occasion(s) (Para.5)(Para.5)once/twice/several times in the paste.g. On se

38、veral occasions, I attempted to talk with my parents about my taking a part time job.他们曾三次相遇。他们曾三次相遇。They met on three occasions.at one time vs. at a timeIm sorry, but Im too busy to help you now - I can only do one thing _._, George Eliot lived here.at a timeAt one time2021/6/7331) too pleased with

39、 ones own abilities or looksvain: vain: adj.adj. (Para.6) (Para.6)e.g. Shes vain of her beauty.Hes as vain as a peacock.2) without result; uselesse.g. After a number of vain attempts to climb the mountain, we were forced to return to camp.搭配:搭配:in vain e.g. I tried in vain to start a conversation. I

40、 will not idle away my time and be sorry in vain when my youthful head becomes white. 辨析:辨析:van vein veil 2021/6/734As As soon soon as as he he landed landed on on the the inflated inflated landing landing mat, mat, and and with with the the crowd crowd on on its its feet feet (Para.6)(Para.6) and w

41、ith the crowd standing up2021/6/735be ashamed of be ashamed of (Para.7)(Para.7)feeling embarrassed or awkward because of他为他肮脏的旧衣服而感到难为情。他为他肮脏的旧衣服而感到难为情。He was ashamed of his old clothes.2021/6/736Nothing to be ashamed of, but Michael would Nothing to be ashamed of, but Michael would not allow himsel

42、f the thought of not not allow himself the thought of not winning first place. (Para.7)winning first place. (Para.7)What can you learn from the sentence?Michael holds a very attitude toward the competition. On the one hand, he wouldnt think it is a shame of winning the second place, on the other han

43、d, he would try his best to win the first place.2021/6/737startle (Para.9) give a sudden shock or surprise to. e.g. You startled meI didnt hear you come in. You did startle me = you did give me a start. 你真把我吓了一大跳。(start也可以表示惊吓) 辨析:辨析:startle与与surprise, astonish, amaze, frighten, start等的区别等的区别Startle

44、吓了一“跳” 侧重于吓的猛的一动,跳起或往后退2021/6/738If something strikes you like a wet bale of hay, it comes as a sudden, forceful and unpleasant surprise.Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay. (Para.9)2021/6/739intensity intensity (Para.9) (Para.9) n. n. 1) state or quality of being intense. 2) strength of emot

45、ion.e.g. In order finish the job in time, we have to work with greater intensity.e.g. Looking at Juliet with intensity, Romeo said, “Would you please marry me?2021/6/740tension (Para,9)n. mental, emotional or nervous strain .e.g. We are working under great tension to make a deadline.n. conditions wh

46、en feelings are tense or relations between people, groups, etc. are strained. e.g. Tensions between India and Pakistan have risen since the December 13 attack on the Indian Parliament. 扩展:扩展:tense adj. 易混淆:易混淆:intention n. 2021/6/741Too much reading is a _ on ones eyes.The international _Strain指过分吃力

47、、影响健康的紧张状态。Tension指双方或各方关系不好造成的紧张状态。辨析:辨析:tension & strain strain tension2021/6/742along with along with (Para.10)(Para.10)together with随同包裹来的还有一张账单。随同包裹来的还有一张账单。There was a bill along with the parcel.他与他的两个朋友一道踏上旅程。他与他的两个朋友一道踏上旅程。He went on the journey along with his two friends.2021/6/743stretch o

48、ut stretch out (Para.10)(Para.10)e.g. He stretched himself out in front of the fire.The sea stretched out as far as I could see.2021/6/744bring (sb.) back to earth bring (sb.) back to earth (Para.12)(Para.12)cause sb. to return to realitye.g. Emilys voice brought him back to earth. Jack had been spe

49、nding all his time chatting on line with his key-pals until his parents had a word with him and brought him back to earth.2021/6/745It It was was either either the the eruption eruption of of the the people people in in the the stands stands or or the the thump thump of of his his landing landing th

50、at that brought Michael back to earth. (Para.12)brought Michael back to earth. (Para.12)或或许许是是看看台台上上人人们们爆爆发发出出的的欢欢呼呼声声,或或许许是是他他着着地时嘭的一声响使麦克尔回到现实之中。地时嘭的一声响使麦克尔回到现实之中。2021/6/746in ones minds eye in ones minds eye (Para.12)(Para.12)in ones imagination or memoryIn my minds eye I saw the cliffs rising sh

51、eer.她在想象中酝酿自己的下一步作品。她在想象中酝酿自己的下一步作品。She was writing her next piece in her minds eye.2021/6/747With With all all the the media media attention attention and and sponsorship sponsorship possibilities, possibilities, Michaels Michaels life life would never be the same again. (Para.13)would never be the

52、 same again. (Para.13)随随着着媒媒体体的的关关注注以以及及可可能能随随之之而而来来的的各各种种赞赞助助,迈克尔的生活肯定会不同以往。迈克尔的生活肯定会不同以往。2021/6/748Beautiful Expressions田径比赛田径比赛它融合了体操运动员它融合了体操运动员的优雅与健美运动员的优雅与健美运动员的力量。的力量。从他记事时起从他记事时起重复做着一个梦重复做着一个梦象一头雄鹰那样开始象一头雄鹰那样开始翱翔翱翔一个彻头彻尾的现实一个彻头彻尾的现实主义者主义者要想有所收获就得努要想有所收获就得努力工作力工作迈克尔的投入、执着、迈克尔的投入、执着、自律正是每一个教练自

53、律正是每一个教练梦寐以求的梦寐以求的成功越过成功越过1717英尺的横英尺的横杆杆把个人最好成绩提高把个人最好成绩提高了了3 3英寸英寸仰面躺着仰面躺着 track and field competition It combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder. As long as he could remember have a recurring dream to soar like an eagle a hard-core realist If you want something, work fo

54、r it. Michaels dedication, determination and discipline was a coachs dream. to clear the bar at 17 feet to beat ones personal best by three inches to lie on ones back2021/6/749迈克尔决不让自己产迈克尔决不让自己产生哪怕一丝与冠军无生哪怕一丝与冠军无缘的念头缘的念头刹那间,刹那间, 他感到一阵他感到一阵惊吓。惊吓。一种惶惑不安的感觉一种惶惑不安的感觉向他袭来。向他袭来。这一刻紧张异常,这一刻紧张异常, 他他感到焦虑不安。感

55、到焦虑不安。摆脱紧张情绪。摆脱紧张情绪。不知不觉,在内心最不知不觉,在内心最深处出现了他母亲的深处出现了他母亲的身影。身影。舒展双臂和上肢舒展双臂和上肢场上鸦雀无声,令人场上鸦雀无声,令人透不过气来。透不过气来。他流淌的是最难得的他流淌的是最难得的泪水:骄傲的泪水。泪水:骄傲的泪水。 He would not allow himself the thought of not winning first place. It startled him for a brief moment. It all hit him like a wet bale of hay. The intensity o

56、f the moment filled his mind with anxiety. to shake the tension Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he pictured his mother. to stretch out ones arms and upper body The silence was deafening. He was crying the greatest tears of all: tears of pride.2021/6/750部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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