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1、-女性领导偏少是事实,这个现状是多方面原因造成。但主要还是女性自身的问题。 女性自身素质是影响女性成才的重要要素。就女性整体来说,当前仍然存在着普遍素质尚待提高的问题,无论是女性的智能素质,包括知识结构和从政能力,还是 2 非智能素质,包括成就动机、从政意识、政治人格、个性心理特征等,与社会要求相比,均体现出不足和薄弱 。不少女性更多去适应社会对传统女性的角色要求和价值定位,同时由于 3 生理上的特殊性导致心理上的弱势心态,从而造成文化素质、自身能力的整体不足,进而造成女性领导人才的整体后备素质薄弱, 很难适应和满足女性领导人才成长的需求,最终形成了女性领导的“单株独苗”。4 女性常常低估自己

2、的能力,评估工作时常常看到自己的不足。相反,男性理所当然地认为:成功来自个人的天赋和能力。当然社会上需要更多的女性领导人,但这并不是女性要压倒男性,也不是女性要争权夺利。权力意味着责任、 付出和创造更大的价值。 从战略发展的角度来看, 让更多女性参与领导层,不仅仅是阴阳平衡、男女搭配干活不累等心理层面的策略,而且是让女性有机会贡献其智慧与力量,共同推动社会的发展。为什么女性领导人那么少?这通常是女人关心的问题。男人会举出很多例子 ,说明女性领导人已经很多。确实,这两年全球又增加了十位女性国家领导人。经济危机激发了更多女性创业,女性在商界的业绩稳步上升;然而,当媒体为此贴上“她时代”、“她世界”

3、的标签时,也会误导大众,似乎认为我们生活在一个女性领导的世界里。事实上, 女性才刚刚迈入领导层的门槛。 在中国,虽然男女平等政策已经实行了一个甲子, 女性获得了教育、参政等所有的公民权利,但目前担任党和国家领导职务的女性只有 9 位,省(部)级以上女干部只占同级干部总数的 9.;女性企业家和女性总裁约是 20%;大学、各大科研院所也鲜有女性领导的身影。 社会上需要更多的女性领导人,这并不是女性要压倒男性,也不是女性要争权夺利。权力意味着责任、付出和创造更大的价值。 从战略发展的角度来看,让更多女性参与领导层, 不仅仅是阴阳平衡、男女搭配干活不累等心理层面的策略,而且是让女性有机会贡献其智慧与力

4、量,共同推动社会的发展。istoricaly,gendrprecuded os femls frecmn ledrs insuh rganizatios; asa reslt, h sution that maes wrebtte st than femalesfr leaep rols was, until reety, arely qustoned.Sin th ealy 1970, the foudatioof hat assumtion as enshakeby hege number o women who hae(1)bee eected rme inister and toohe

5、r hg overnment fices; () beelvatedto ngeral positns in businessoaniztns;ad (3) eedmater ofbusies admitration (MA) derees.Wh aethee diferencesbeeen mlesand emals in ho coes eadr?Sevealrasons itdfr eoprortion ofwomenleders-One is that femle life spiratins a dimnishedb heirely c ildho d sociazaion n he

6、 nule rf miy.Generally t encleari y transmitsefi itions o aopia e generbhvioro hildr Frgi ls, is cludessumisiveness,assi ty ,avoidance of agg essio nd om eti ion, rt centotak ris , n ther q al ties our cultu eonsiders femn.women asce t le dership posii n les f quently thanmenret t women mos frequent

7、l inhabt anari l pos tio i h l l power , l tle aancmen port it , or wher ther w me areso are hatthirrsc is ttrit dto t eirexualit or ffirm ti ecti n,or i is use s asmbol f h oaniatons nlig t nent Outsidether ad obs, wome usully have signfi at respon ib l ty for th arof th rf ilies nd hme,reb depltin

8、g the enegyt ym ght ot erwisedvoe tohe purit of edehipotions of cosueceough feal s ey social zaionand thr bss maymp de hm from bcmi eders, those o asced o not beha significntydiffer n rommen inthe am knds of positis. omede hvebee able toiscern d fferenc s n l adeship style nd ma geral b havor, b ot

9、h venot.Sme diference has en foundn males and female dcisiom kgstyles omend Men i anaemn,on t nd to emp y a more d ocraic, particpativ syle whle entendtotaka ore autocratic, i ecti eaprac This ifference has eae in b t l oraoy s uis an srvati n oealeaders.Somescolasthus ru t at mens tendencyto egt at

10、e, mediate, fail tate , a counicate is e more ef ective l aership st l t anm ns emphsis onpower and control ; and beuse hisfeminine sty e educes heacy, satis s uborinates,and hieves results, i hold b the no m to whi h e are cmpared. The is som evence thathis occurring :most maiream wrtersw rg aagrst

11、oadpt a car, coope ati e, co laboai e, n t ring , coct e,ervant leaders ip s yle.-Historcaly, geder precludd ost fals frbcminledersin h orgnzatos.as arel, aump nthatmlewerebetter sted thanmes for ldehi rols was, unil recnty, rlyqustioned.ince t ely 190s, he udation f hatassumption has en shae by the

12、nomus nmero women hohave ben lads in hih gvernmentffices, businss rganizations anuniverits.Why are thee dfferes betwe alesa emas n who becmes edr?Sevea reasos are ite frtheow proportionf wmen leaderFist, woen intlligence quality, iludin knolede strcture anlitcalbliy imiedwomens vepen It i many abot

13、omns ow prols.Scond, compred ith te cial rurements, wos nonnellectual qalty, including achieent motivato, poliicalconsciousnss, plitil persnalty, prsoatand psycologil aacteitis, ar indequateanwek. Lot o-oe ae ll willig t daptto the olwhich women play i tradtinl socet.Tid, the specia re of physolgy l

14、ads t wkmentality. Therfor, ts dficult tomeethe nees o female leders, becaue ofth smll number f emalleaers.To bhonest,wmen oftenundrvuethr ablity,therefore weasesg teir work, they ofnseteirsorcon. Othecontrary, men taetforgntdta sess frm inividua talnts and ailitiesOthe reaon wm scen to leaderh itin

15、s less requenty than en aat wmn motqntlyinhat maagerapoitionswith ile powr, ittl adaceentopportny. Outide therpa js, wmn usally avesigiint reponibility for the areof heirfamiliesanome, tere astgt energythey ight otherwise devte o the puruit leershippostions.O cours,the societ nedsmoe fee lr, utthi ist menshat tefeme-peoearsupposdtotuglfpow Powermean responsility, ing, and creatinggreerlue.Fo a strtegi spcive, letting mr womenn leadrshi, nt y alaned ewn yinand Yng, male emale,but alsoisfor woeto cotrutheirwidomanstrength, an jotl promote h dvlopentof soiet.-



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