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1、高考英语写作功能词“阻碍”表达详解一、主要英语对应词及其用法结构1.动词 ( hinder, block, impede, cramp, resist, retard, trammel, obstruct, baffle, thwart, hamper, arrest, suffocate;handicap)hinder 阻碍;阻止to hinder sb./sth. from sth./doing sth. 阻挠或耽搁某人做某事/某事物的进展to hinder sb.(from working)妨碍某人(工作)to hinder sb. in his work阻挠某人的工作to hinder

2、 the development of the productive forces 阻碍生产力的发展Help out;dont hinder.(帮帮忙,不要碍事。)block 阻碍,障碍to block the traffic 阻碍交通impede 阻碍;妨碍to impede normal state relations阻碍正常的国家关系to impede the development of the project 阻碍工程进度cramp 阻碍;束缚to cramp sb.s progress/energy阻碍某人的进步/能力resist 阻碍to resist technical inn

3、ovation阻碍技术革新retard 阻止,妨碍to retard sb.s progress/the development of agriculture/plant growth 阻碍某人的进步/农业的发展/植物的生长obstruct 阻碍;阻挡to obstruct the police in the course of their duty 阻碍警方执行公务2.名词 (hindrance, block, impediment, resistance, retard, obstruction, obstacle, barrier, bottleneck, obstructionism,

4、 handicap)Some kitchen gadgets are more of a hindrance than a help.(有些灵巧的炊具非但没有用处反而碍事。)The governments stubborn attitude was a block to further talks. (政府的僵硬态度是进一步会谈的障碍。)The main impediment to growth was a lack of capital.(影响发展的主要障碍是缺少资本。)The firm has to overcome its resistance to new technology. (这

5、家公司必须克服对采取新技术的阻力。)The idea met with some resistance.(这种意见受到某种抵制。)to be in retard 受到阻碍的Ignorance is an obstruction to progress.(无知是进步的障碍。)to cause obstruction to traffic 妨碍交通without meeting any obstruction未遇到任何障碍to create obstacles/to erect barriers(to sth.) (为)制造障碍(of sth.) to present an obstacle to

6、.(某事物)构成对的障碍to circumvent the obstacle 避开障碍to clear away obstacles to.清除对的障碍to throw obstacles in sb.s way 妨碍某人Th e government were defeated by the obstructionism of their opponents.(政府受到反对派的阻挠而挫败。)Poor health may be a barrier to success.(健康不佳可能成为取得成功的障碍。)3.形容词 ( resistant, obstructive,off-putting)t

7、o be resistant to change 抗拒变革Academies may be said to be obstructive to inventive genius. (学院可以说对发明的天才能起阻碍作用。)a policy obstructive to our plans阻挠我们政策的计划二、常用的相关短语或表达阻碍 to deter sb. from doing sth.;to cause restriction of;to get in the way of;to be in the way of;to interfere with;to lie in the way;to

8、throw obstacles in sb.s way;to cross sb.s path;to put a stay on;to stand in the way of.;to throw a (monkey) wrench into/in. ;to hold up;to stand between.对有阻力的 to be resistant to.妨碍的发展 to stunt/check/arrest/prevent the development of.妨碍司法公正to pervert the course of justice妨碍司法 to obstruct justice交通阻塞

9、traffic jam/a block in traffic阻碍交通/道路to obstruct/clog a passage构成障碍 to constitute/present an obstacle(to. );to be in the way阻碍的发展to operate against the development of.;to suffocate.;to hamper sb.s capacity for development遇到障碍to encounter/meet with/run into an obstacle防微杜渐to kill the cases at birth;t

10、o nip in blossom/bud妨碍某人工作to hamper sb. in his work设置/克服/扫除障碍to give(assign)/overcome/clear away a handicap妨碍某人得到to stand/come between sb. and sth.设置障碍to offer/place/put an obstacle(to.)妨碍某人做某事to keep sb. from sth./doing sth.;to obstruct sb. in/from doing sth.;to stop/prevent/hamper sb. from doing s

11、th.限制言论自由/新闻自由to muzzle freedom of speech/the press实行封锁to enforce a blockade解除封锁to raise/lift a blockade冲破/偷渡封锁线to break/run the blockade(突破封锁的行动:blockade-running)阻止某人to put a crimp in/into sb.不要碍某人的事to get out from under sb.s feet越过障碍to clear/take a hurdle沿着阻力最小的方向(采用最省力的方法)to follow/choose/take th

12、e line of least resistance阻碍的通过to block the passage of.妨碍计划的顺利进行to put a crimp in a plan阻止某人做某事to prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.某人的企图受挫sb. is baffled in his attempt经济发展的阻碍a drag on economic growth阻止人才外流to plug the brain drain对产生阻力to give/offer resistance to.打通(疏通)妨碍的环节to break/uncork bottlenecks i

13、n.遇到障碍to hit a bottleneck/to be caught(trapped) in a bottleneck造成障碍to form/produce a bottleneck可怕的障碍(拦路虎)a lion in the way/path某人前进道路上的障碍a rub in/on sb.s way阻止某事物或把它消灭在萌芽状态之中to nip sth. in the bud克服语言障碍to overcome a language hurdle妨碍某人的/自己的前程(利益) to stand(get;be;sit) in sb.s light/ones own light阻挠某人

14、做某事to obstruct sb. in/from doing sth. ;to preclude sb. from doing sth.设法阻碍讨论/辩论的进行to attempt to stonewall the discussion/the debate扫除通往无核世界的障碍to unbar the way to a nuclear-free world阻碍某事物/某人的正常生长或发展to stunt sth.预阻某人做某事to preclude sb. from doing sth.减弱的阻力to weaken the resistance of.冲破种种阻力和困难against a

15、ll the odds顺畅地/毫无阻碍地without let or hindrance妨碍(捣乱)to put sand in the wheels/machine受条件限制to be hedged with qualification成为的障碍to pose/be a stumbling block to.不妨碍某人to get out of sb.s way束缚某人的思想to cage sb.s mind在中突然遇到障碍/到了最后关头突然遇到障碍to hit a snag/last minute snags in.三、情景译例精选贫穷并不总是幸福的障碍。Poverty is not always a bar to happiness.冠词和介词是初学英语者的障碍。Articles and prepositions



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