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1、gkxx精品课件Unit 24 SocietyCommunication Workshopgkxx精品课件Key words about crimegkxx精品课件robberydrug dealing break inmurderrapeshopliftingtheft抢劫抢劫毒品交易毒品交易破门而入破门而入谋杀谋杀强奸罪强奸罪入店行窃入店行窃行窃行窃gkxx精品课件Key words about punishment the death penalty ( capital punishment)fineprison sentence soft/hard sentenceslife sent

2、ence 死刑死刑罚款罚款监禁期监禁期轻刑轻刑/重刑重刑无期徒刑无期徒刑gkxx精品课件crimepunishmentgkxx精品课件EX1 Look at the Key Words. Which of the crimes are a problem in China? What punishments would you give for the crimes? Crime: robbery, drug dealing, murder, break in, rape, shoplifting, theft Punishment: the death penalty, fine, pris

3、on sentence, soft/hard sentences, life sentencegkxx精品课件gkxx精品课件1. I think we should bring back harder sentences.2. I totally agree with the American idea of “three strikes and out”.3. They have become like luxury hotels with television and gyms.Ex. 3gkxx精品课件4. I also believe we should restore capita

4、l punishment in this country.5.We also need to think about the wishes of the families and friends.6. I am totally against harder sentences on principle.gkxx精品课件7. Capital punishment is judicial murder.8. It is a savage form of punishment which is against human dignity.gkxx精品课件Ex. 4 Read the letters

5、again and complete the gaps with these linking words (reason/result) 1.As a result of 2. so that 3. So much 4. in order to 5. just because 6. due to 7. Consequentlygkxx精品课件A Song “Father And Son” by Cat StevensEx. 2. Listen to the song. Who do you think said these things, the father or the son?1. fa

6、ther 2. father 3. father 4. father 5. father 6. son 7. son 8. son9. father 10. father 11. father 12. father 13. son 14. sonListeninggkxx精品课件Ex 3. Listen again. Answer these questions.1. What do you think the situation is? Why do you think the son wants to go away?2. What is the fathers advice?3. How

7、 do you think both of them feel?gkxx精品课件Speaking: Problem SolvingEx 1. Look at the photo. If you had to spend two weeks hiking on a mountain without any of the comforts of home. What would you miss most?gkxx精品课件Ex 2. Which of these would be the biggest survival problem for you?making a firefinding f

8、ood making a shelterfirst aidfinding watercookinggkxx精品课件Ex 3. Listen to three people on a survival course. Which of the problems in Ex 2 are mentioned?making a shelterfinding watergkxx精品课件Exaggeration And Understatement1. Its freezing.2. My feet are blocks of ice.3. Im dying for a cup of coffee.c.

9、Mine are a bit cold.h. I wouldnt mind one. b. Its not what you call tropical.Ex 4. Listen again and match the expressions.gkxx精品课件g. Its quite big. e. It would take a while.f. There are millions. a. Its knee-deep in mud.d. Im starving. 4. There are a few stones around5. Its huge.6. It would take age

10、s7. Its quite muddy8. Im getting a bit hungry.gkxx精品课件Reacting To SuggestionsEx 5. Look at the reactions to peoples suggestions. Which are negative?1. Thats a good idea.2. Surely, itd better to explore a bit.3. OK, lets do that.4. Its quite big, but I dont see why we have to build it near here.gkxx精

11、品课件5. Dont you think it would be better near the stream?6. How come?7. Right. Ill collect the stones8. OK. Why dont we both do that?9. Surely, we can do that when its finished.gkxx精品课件Ex 6. Listen to the words said slowly and then said fast. Which of these sounds disappear ( ) or are added (+): /t/, /d/, /r/, /v/?gkxx精品课件1. start getting2. lets start3. explore a bit4. best place5. for a cup/t/ /t/t/+/r/+/r/gkxx精品课件6. cup of coffee7. could build8. need people9. some of them10. before it/v/v/+ /r/d/d/gkxx精品课件同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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