九年级英语上册《Module 4 Unit 1 I can look after myselfalthoughit won ’t be easy for me》课件

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1、Module 4 Home aloneModule 4 Home aloneUnit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.尽管尽管那对我来说并不容易,但我能那对我来说并不容易,但我能照顾照顾自己。自己。platformmeetingmissshutlocksimpleanybodyclockring月台;站台月台;站台会议;集会会议;集会未出席;未出现未出席;未出现关上;合上关上;合上锁;锁住锁;锁住简单的;容易的简单的;容易的任何人任何人钟;时钟钟;时钟鸣响;发出铃声鸣响;发出铃声passengeraddres

2、stexttext messagecouplea couple of乘客;旅客乘客;旅客地址地址文本;正文文本;正文短信短信一对;两个一对;两个两个两个platform n. 月台月台; 站台站台meeting n. 会议会议; 集会集会Shut the door and lock it.v. 关上关上; 合上合上v. 锁锁; 锁住锁住clock n. 钟钟; 时钟时钟passenger n. 乘客乘客; 旅客旅客address n. 地址地址text message短信短信text n. 文本文本; 正文正文Learning aims1. Understand the dialogue2.

3、Master the key phrase(重点短语重点短语)3. Read the dialogue fluently(流利地流利地)Talk about the picture.1.What can you see in the picture?2.Whats the relationship of them?3.What are they doing there?听第一段对话回答听第一段对话回答1-3小题小题( )1Whats the train number? A. T11 to Shanghai. B. T21 to Shenzhen. C. T27 to Lhasa.( )2Why

4、 will Bettys parents go there? A. For a meeting. B. For some classes. C. For travelling.( )3What does Mum ask Betty to do? A. Lock the door. B. Eat much meat. C. Get up late.Part 1听第二段对话回答听第二段对话回答4-5小题小题( )4Who will make Betty wake up? A. Her mother will call her. B. The clock will ring her. C. The

5、friend will call her. ( )5When will Bettys parents be back? A. Next week. B. In two weeks. C. Next month. Part 2P P2626 Read the conversation Read the conversation1. Read after the tape.2. Read in groups.address lock meeting passenger ring shut text message 1.“I havent given you our address in Lhasa

6、!” This means you do not know where we are staying / what we are doing.Choose the correct answer.2. You see passengers travelling by train / staying at home.3. When your clock rings, it is quiet / makes a loud noise.4. You receive a text message on your phone / by email.5. When the door is shut, it

7、is open / closed.6. When you lock the door, you keep people out / let people in.7. At a meeting, you meet people for work / fun.M4U1 重点短语重点短语1. be careful with2. look after3. sothat4. be about to do sth.5. wake sb up6. send sb. sth = send sth. to sb.7. text message8. a couple of1.1.小心小心2.2.照顾;照管照顾;照

8、管3.3.如此如此以至于以至于4.4.就要就要/ /正要做某事正要做某事5.5.叫醒某人叫醒某人6.6.发送某物给某人发送某物给某人7.7.短信短信8.8.一对,两个一对,两个Language pointsLanguage points1.SoamI,butIcantmisstwoweeksofschool.SoamI承接上一句贝蒂妈妈说的话承接上一句贝蒂妈妈说的话:Imsorryyoucantcomewithus,Betty.(贝蒂贝蒂,你你不能和我们一起去不能和我们一起去,很遗憾很遗憾),表示表示“我也很遗我也很遗憾无法同行憾无法同行”。“So+be/助动词助动词+主语主语”:“也这样也这

9、样”。自。自己与己与前一个人前一个人的的情况相同情况相同或或同意一个人同意一个人的说法的说法(其中的主语与上一句的主语其中的主语与上一句的主语_)例:例:Joewasalittleupset,and_.乔有点不开心乔有点不开心,我也有点儿。我也有点儿。sowasI不是同一人不是同一人Language pointsLanguage points“So+主语主语+be/助动词助动词”:“某人的确如此某人的确如此”。对别人情况加以肯定。对别人情况加以肯定。(其中的主语与上一句的其中的主语与上一句的主语是主语是_)例:例:1)Joewasalittleupset,_.乔有点不开心乔有点不开心,他的确是


11、therhedoes2)-Lilycantcook.-_.A.NeitherIcanB.NeithercanILanguage pointsLanguage pointsmissv.1)未出现;错过未出现;错过Getupearlyoryouwillmisstheearlybus.2)未出席未出席,后面后面接动词接动词时时,应该用应该用动词的动词的-ing形形式式。ShemissedgoingtothepartyonSaturday.3)想念)想念Missn.“女士女士;小姐小姐”,此时此时m必须大写必须大写,常用于常用于姓名或姓之前姓名或姓之前,尤指未婚女子。尤指未婚女子。如如:MissBro

12、wn。Language pointsLanguage points2.Therewontbeanybodytowakeyouupinthemorning. anybodypron.任何人任何人常用于常用于否定句否定句或或疑问句疑问句中中;当用于当用于肯定句肯定句中时中时,相当于相当于anyperson,意为意为“任何人任何人” e.g.1)Iwillnottell_thesecret.A.somebodyB.anybodyC.everyone2)Thistaskissoeasy._coulddoit!A.A.anybodyB.somebodyC.everyoneLanguage pointsL

13、anguage points3.Yourtrainisabouttoleave.beabouttodosth.:“将要将要/正要正要”e.g.We_whenJerryarrived.杰里来的时候杰里来的时候,我们正准备走。我们正准备走。Shelookedasifshe_.她看上去好像要哭了。她看上去好像要哭了。wasabouttocryLanguage pointsLanguage pointswereabouttoleave4. See you in a couple of weeks! couple 作名词作名词, 意为意为“一对一对; 两个两个” 常用于固定短语常用于固定短语a coup

14、le of, 表示表示“两个两个” e.g. She has _friends at school. 她在学校有两个朋友。她在学校有两个朋友。 a couple of Language pointsLanguage points1. He was about to _up when I called him. A. get B. getting C. gets D. got2. I think I can look after _. A. me B. mine C. myself D. I 3. I knocked on the door but _ answered. A.somebody

15、B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody4. -Lily and I will go to the old peoples home this weekend. -_. Can I join you? A. So will I B. So I will C. So do I 5. I have to leave earlier, or I will _ the plane. A. catch B. miss C. lose D. get1. 两周前我们在北京见过面。两周前我们在北京见过面。 We met in Beijing _ weeks ago.2. 我妈妈每天早晨六点钟把我叫醒。我妈妈每天早晨六点钟把我叫醒。 My mother _ me _ at six every morning.3. 昨天谁给他发了一条短信?昨天谁给他发了一条短信? Who sent him a _ yesterday?4. 你出去时要当心那条狗。你出去时要当心那条狗。 Please _ that dog when you go out.a couple ofwakes uptext messagebe careful with



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