英语人教版八年级下册Unit4 ppt

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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?麻城市乘马岗中心学校 八年级下册英语讲课教师:李英Section A (1a1c)A: Whats the matter with him/her?B: He/she has a.A: What should he/she do? B: He/she should. =Whats wrong with the boy?He has too much homework to do.Whats wrong?I haveWhy dont you talk to your parents?= why not talk t

2、o your parents?Why dont you do sth?= why not do sth?你你为什么不什么不呢?呢?Whats the matter with sb?= Whats wrong with sb ?某人怎么了?Why dont you + 动词的什么形式的什么形式 Why not +动词的什么形式的什么形式 You should/could +动词的什么形式的什么形式动词原形动词原形So easyIm so thirstyWhats wrong? / Whats the matter?I dont have enough money to buy a guitarM

3、y room is dirtyWhats wrong? / Whats the matter?I dont know the way to the zooLook at these problems. Do you Look at these problems. Do you think they are serious or not? think they are serious or not? 1aWhats wrong? / Whats the matter? I have to_ so I dont get enough sleep.study too much数学数学语,数,外,政,

4、史,语,数,外,政,史,地,生地,生.Whats wrong? / Whats the matter? I have_too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like.太多作业太多作业too much 修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词Whats wrong? / Whats the matter?My parents dont allow me to_hang out with my friends.allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事Whats wrong? / Whats the matter?

5、 I have too many _after-school classes.补习班补习班too many 修饰可数名词复数修饰可数名词复数Whats wrong? / Whats the matter?I _ with my best friend.got into a fightget into a fight with sb = have a fight with sb 跟吵架或打架Listen and circle the problems you hear in 1a.1b短语小结:1. 1. 学得太多学得太多 2. 2. 太多作业太多作业 3. 3. 太多课外辅导课太多课外辅导课

6、4. 4. 允许我去闲逛允许我去闲逛 5. 5. 跟跟吵架吵架 6. 6. 跟跟闲逛闲逛 7.7.你为什么不你为什么不呢?呢? study too muchtoo much homeworktoo many after-school classesallow me to hang outget into a fight withhang out withwhy dont you 向别人提出建议或征求某人意见向别人提出建议或征求某人意见 的表达方式的表达方式 1.Why dont you do sth? =Why not do sth? 你为什么 不做某事呢? e.g. Why dont you

7、 go to sleep earlier 2.You should/could do sth 你应该/可以做某事 e.g. She should talk to her teacher e.g. He could talk to his mother小结:拓展延伸1.How /what about doing sth.? 做某事怎么样?(about是个介词可跟名词或动名词) e.g. How about calling him up? 2.Youd better (not) do sth 你最好(不)做某事 e.g. Youd better go to sleep earlier this e

8、vening.3. Would you like sth ?:你想要某物吗? e.g. Would you like some tea with honeyWhats wrong?Im really tried because I studied until midnight last night.Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening?1cPractice:talk about problems, give advice1.have to get up early2. have to do chores3. My sister spends

9、 all evening on the phone4. have no time to watch TV5. my cousin borrows my books without returning.6. my parents dont let me have a pet.Practice:talk about problems, give advice7.Im very shy.8.too many examinations9.cant get good grades10.cant choose subjects we like11. feel lonely 12.have too much

10、 pressurePractice: talk about problems, give advice13.I left your homework at home.14. My best friend is more popular than me. 15. Im afraid of speaking in front of people16.My best friend does nor trust me any more.Do you have any good suggestions?e.g. : I argued with my best friend. What should I do?Why dont you .You could .Maybe you should .I think you should .I think youd better .You shouldnt .homework



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