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1、英语四级作文精选范文:青少年烟民急剧增长英语四级作文精选范文:青少年烟民急剧增长英语四级作文精选范文:青少年烟民急剧增长 Directions: Write a composition entitled Teenage Smoking Soars. You shouldwrite at least 120 words according to the outline given below inChiness. 1.过去 10 年里中国的青少年烟民急剧增长; 2.青少年烟民急剧增长的原因; 3.如何抑制这个问题。 -英语四级作文写作步骤构思:步骤 1:审题:这是一篇以青少年烟民为主题的解释说明

2、论文。步骤 2:引入话题:简述青少年烟民急剧增长这一现象;展开话题:从三方面阐述这种现象背后的原因;话题结论:提出抑制这一现象的解决方法。 -英语四级作文背诵范文: Teenage Smoking Soars In the past decade, there has been an alarming increase in thenumber of teenage smokers in China.在过去十年里,中国的青少年烟民数量以令人惊愕的速度增长。 There are a number of reasons for this. First of all, some wouldattri

3、bute this to the increase in economic stability. With more moneyto spend, teenagers are finding themselves with more freedom.Secondly, teenagers are affected by the many westem movies out therethere that advertise smoking as a mature or cool thing to do.第 1页 共 3页Thirdly, because teenagers today are

4、all a result of the one-childpolicy, more parents are becoming la 某 on disciplining theirchildren,as they will depend on them in the future.这一现象出现有很多原因。首先,有些人把这归咎于中国经济的稳定增长。手里有了更多的钱,青少年拥有了更多的自由。其次,青少年深受很多西方电影的影响,认为吸烟代表成熟,是一件很酷的事情。再次,因为现在的青少年多为独生子女政策的产物,很多家长在教育孩子方面非常纵容,因为他们将来要依靠孩子。 To curb this probl

5、em, I believe that cigarettes should not besold to anyone under 18 years old. Furthermore, the government shouldban smoking on television and in the media. (141 words)为了抑制这个问题,我认为香烟不得出售给未满 18 周岁的未成年人。而且,政府应该禁止电视或者媒体中出现吸烟的镜头。 -英语四级作文高分句型解析:teenagers are affected by the many westem movies out therethe

6、re that advertise smoking as a mature or cool thing to do. 青少年深受很多西方电影的影响,认为吸烟代表成熟,是一件很酷的事情。点评:这是一个由 that 引导的定语从句,that 从句修饰前面的 movies,此外,这句话中还需要注意 out there 这一词组,这个词组在句中没有实际意义,一般不需翻译。 -英语四级作文加分词:attributeto 把归因于 stability st bil ti adj.稳定,稳定性 la 某 lks adj.散漫的,放纵的 discipline dis plin v.训导 curb k :rb v.控制,抑制第 2页 共 3页ban bn v.禁止,取缔第 3页 共页 3



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