英语 Unit 4 Wildlife pretectionPart 2 Reading and Comprehension课件(新人教版必修2)

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1、 一、一、Fast reading and summary: Answer the following questions and summarize the text (P26) according to your answers.1. How did Daisy travel? 2. Where did she go and what animals did she meet? She traveled by taking a flying carpet.First she arrived in Tibet and visited an antelope, and then she wen

2、t to Zimbabwe and met an elephant. Finally she reached a rainforest and talked with a monkey.3. What did she learn from her experience? Summary: By taking a, _ Daisy made a magical journey to _ _ and talked with _ . From her experience, _.She learned the importance of the wildlife protection. she le

3、arned the importance of wildlife protectionflying carpetdifferent placessome animals1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 11._ 12._ 二、二、Careful reading and retelling Fill in the Blanks and then retell the text using the chart. mosquitoesA flying carpetendangered animalsAntelopefurdecreasingZimbabw

4、eelephanthuntingtourists/tourismA (thick) rainforestA monkey 三、三、Choose the best answers according to the text. 1. Paragraph 1 suggests that .A. Daisy would like to see the antelopes very muchB. The number of the antelopes in Tibet is getting much smaller nowC. The antelopes have moved from Tibet to

5、 some other placesD. The antelopes have all been killed for the wool and none were leftB. The number of the antelopes in Tibet is getting much smaller now2.What can be inferred from the elephants words, “Have you come to take my photo”?A. It thinks itself a beautiful animal.B. Elephants are friendly

6、 to human beings.C. Money from tourists went to the large tour companies.D. Now many more tourists come to take its photos rather than hunt it.D. Now many more tourists come to take its photos rather than hunt it.3. What can we infer from the monkeys words?A. Rainforest is the most important of natu

7、re.B. There are many kinds of drugs coming from rainforest.C. Monkeys and millipede insects are depending on each other.D. Animals and plants live together to keep the balance of nature.D. Animals and plants live together to keep the balance of nature.4. What does the word “appreciate” (in Line 31)

8、mean?A. To thank somebody.B. To enjoy something or to understand the value of something.C. To understand something (a problem, situation, etc.)D. To increase in value.C. To understand something (a problem, situation, etc.)5. From the end of the story we can conclude that A. Daisy will continue to he

9、lp protect wildlife by working with the WWF.B. The WWF has done little to protect wildlife.C. People will stop killing animals with the help of the WWF.D. The WWF will help Daisy to make the powerful drug.A. Daisy will continue to help protect wildlife by working with the WWF. 四四. 话题议写话题议写 We can le

10、arn from the text that many wild animals are in danger of disappearing. Reasons for this are varied. The numbers of some wild animals are decreasing because they dont have enough food. Others become endangered as a result of too much hunting. There are also animals whose habitat is threatened. Most

11、of these are caused by human activities.Therefore, something must be done to protect endangered wild animals. For example, more reserves should be set up to provide them a safe place to live. Laws should be passed to protect wild animals and punish illegal hunters. In places where farms are destroye

12、d by wild animals, the government should pay money to the farmers so that they will not kill wild animals to protect their crops or farm animals. Wild animals help to keep the balance of nature. Only by living in peace with wild animals can we make the whole world colorful. So, lets try our best to

13、protect them to make our earth an even more beautiful place! 一、词典释义一、词典释义 在课本在课本P26P27找出下列单词,并从词典找出下列单词,并从词典释义中选择它们在本单元中的意思。释义中选择它们在本单元中的意思。 Words : distant adj. Dictionary entries1. a long way away in space or time.2. not very friendly3. (a relative) not closely 1. a long way away in space or time.

14、 Words : contain vt. Dictionary entries1. to have sth. inside. (or as part of) itself.2. to keep your feelings under control 1. to have sth. inside. (or as part of) itself.Words : affect vt. Dictionary entries1. to influence or cause sb/ sth to change in a particular way.2. to attack sb. or a part o

15、f the body;to make sb. become ill.3. to cause sb. to feel very sad, angry, etc. 2. to attack sb. or a part of the body;to make sb. become ill.Words : appreciate vt. Dictionary entries1. to thank somebody.2. to enjoy something or to understand the value of something.3. to understand something (a prob

16、lem, situation, etc.)4. to increase in value. 3. to understand something (a problem, situation, etc.)Words : employ vt. Dictionary entries1. to pay sb. to work for you.2. (formal) to use. 1. to pay sb. to work for you. 二、短语搜索二、短语搜索 1. long to do _2. turn around _3. 如释重负如释重负 _4. 突然笑起来突然笑起来 _5. withou

17、t mercy _6. a certain number of _渴望渴望/很想做很想做转身转身in reliefburst into laughter残忍地,毫不留情地残忍地,毫不留情地一定数量的一定数量的7. 的重要性的重要性 _8.保护保护不受不受(伤害伤害) _9. 注意注意 _10. be concerned about _11. a secure income _12. do harm to _对对有害有害the importance ofprotect . frompay attention to关心,担心关心,担心稳定的收入稳定的收入1. There Daisy saw an

18、antelope looking sad. Daisy看到一只羚羊,神情沮丧。看到一只羚羊,神情沮丧。(P26 Line 8) 仿写仿写 当杰克看见一只猴子正在看着他时,当杰克看见一只猴子正在看着他时,他忍不住朝猴子伸手。他忍不住朝猴子伸手。When Jack _, he couldnt help reaching out his hand for it.saw a monkey looking at him2. The flying carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe. 飞毯飞飞毯飞行得如此之快,以致

19、于一转眼他们就来到了行得如此之快,以致于一转眼他们就来到了津巴布韦。津巴布韦。(P26 Line 14) 仿写仿写火车的速度太快了,以至于不到三小火车的速度太快了,以至于不到三小时他们就从广州到了武汉。时他们就从广州到了武汉。The train _ they arrived in Wuhan from Guangzhou in less than three hours.ran/travelled so fast that3. We used to be an endangered species. 我我们过去是濒危动物。们过去是濒危动物。(P26 Line 17) 仿写仿写 他们曾经是最好的

20、朋友,但现在却他们曾经是最好的朋友,但现在却成了敌人。成了敌人。_, but now, they are enemies.They used to be best friends4. It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but I d like to help as the WWF suggests. 这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过不过,我还是想按照世界自然基金会我还是想按照世界自然基金会(WWF)的的建议来帮助你们。建议来帮助你们。 (P26 Line 26) 仿写仿写正如新闻所报道的那样,著名跳

21、水运正如新闻所报道的那样,著名跳水运动员郭晶晶共获得了四块奥运金牌。动员郭晶晶共获得了四块奥运金牌。_, the famous diver Guo Jingjing has won four Olympic gold medals in total. As the news reported1. Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater. (P26 Line 5) 句式分析句式分析 本句主干为祈使句本句主干为祈使句Please take me .

22、。 where 引导的引导的 _ 从句修饰先行词从句修饰先行词land。这个从句中还套着一个修饰这个从句中还套着一个修饰animal的定语从的定语从句句 _。that gave fur to make this sweater 定语定语原句试译原句试译 句式仿写句式仿写 请把我带到一个能放松的地方。请把我带到一个能放松的地方。 请带我到一个我可以找到为制作这件毛衣而请带我到一个我可以找到为制作这件毛衣而提供毛绒的动物的遥远的地方。提供毛绒的动物的遥远的地方。Please take me to a place where I can relax.2. You should pay more at

23、tention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together. (P26 Line 30) 句式分析句式分析 本句结构是:主语本句结构是:主语(You)+ 并列谓语并列谓语( _ _和和_ ) + 宾宾语语(the rainforest和和how the animals live together)。shouldpay more attention toappreciate 其中其中where I live是一个定语从句,修饰是一个定语从句,修饰 _。 how the animals li

24、ve together是一个是一个_ 从句,作从句,作appreciate的宾语。的宾语。the rainforest宾语宾语 原句试译原句试译 句式仿写句式仿写 你应该特别注意一下我的作文,看看里面你应该特别注意一下我的作文,看看里面是否有一些拼写错误。是否有一些拼写错误。你们应该多加关注我的生活的热带雨林你们应该多加关注我的生活的热带雨林,并且并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。You should pay more attention to my composition and check whether there are any spell

25、ing mistakes in it.3. No rainforest, no animals, no drugs. (P26 Line 31) 句式分析句式分析 句中的句中的no rainforest表示条件,其中表示条件,其中no可与可与可数名词或不可数名词连用。整个句子相当可数名词或不可数名词连用。整个句子相当于:于:If there were no rainforest, there would be no animals and no drugs。此类结。此类结构常出现在谚语中。如:构常出现在谚语中。如:No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。不劳无获。原句试译原句试译 句

26、式仿写句式仿写 没有竞争就没有进步。没有竞争就没有进步。 没有雨林没有雨林,就没有动物就没有动物,也就没有药物了。也就没有药物了。No competition, no progress. 一、单词拼一、单词拼 Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife. One day, with the help of a flying 1. c _, she made a magical journey to different places. Their first stop was Tibet, China, where

27、 numbers of antelopes were 2. d_ rapidly because they were being killed for the wool beneath their stomachs and their 3. f_ was being used to make sweaters. carpetdecreasingfur Daisy was sorry to hear that and she wanted to go to a place where there was some wildlife 4. p_ . Then they traveled to th

28、e second stop, Zimbabwe, and she met an elephant there. Daisy learned from the elephant that farmers used to hunt elephants without 5.m_ because they believed elephants destroyed their farms. To Daisys 6. r_, the government decided to help and good things were being done to save local wildlife like

29、the elephant. protectionmercyreliefThe last stop was a rainforest where she found that a monkey was 7. r_ itself with an insect over its body. The monkey told her that the millipede 8.c _ a powerful drug that 9. a _ mosquitoes and that it was important for human beings to 10. a_ the way the animals

30、live together. With all her experience, Daisy had learned how to work with WWF to protect wildlife.appreciate rubbingcontainedaffected 二、介词填空二、介词填空用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1. The professor gave a report_ endangered wildlife in China.2. There has been some progress_ saving endangered wildlife in China.onin3

31、. _ that Daisy cried, “Im sorry I didnt know that.”4. “Im protecting myself _ mosquitoes, ” it replied.5. What should be done to punish people who do harm _ the animals?to Atfrom三、连接词填三、连接词填空用适当的连接词填空。空用适当的连接词填空。 Daisy smiled. “Thats good news. It shows the importance of wildlife protection, 1_ Id l

32、ike to help 2_ the WWF suggests.” The carpet rose again and almost at once they were in a thick rainforest. A monkey watched them 3 _ it rubbed itself. “What are you doing?” asked Daisy. “Im protecting myself from mosquitoes,” it replied. “4 _ I find a millipede insect, I rub it over my body. butasa

33、sWhenIt contains a powerful drug 5 _ affects mosquitoes. You should pay more attention to the rainforest 6 _ I live and appreciate 7_ the animals live together. No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.” Daisy was amazed. “Flying carpet, please take me home 8 _ I can tell WWF and we can begin producing t

34、his new drug.”sowhichwherehow 四、动词填空四、动词填空用所给动词的适当形式填空。用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. There Daisy saw an antelope _ (look) sad. It said, “We _ (kill) for the wool beneath our stomachs. Our fur is being used _ (make) sweaters for people like you.”lookingare being killedto make2. They allowed tourists _ (hunt) only

35、a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers.3. What must be done if wildlife protection is _ (succeed)?to succeedto hunt 五、词形变换五、词形变换用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1. No matter how _ (power) the enemy seems, we must fight against them to the end.2. We should tell people the _ (important) of forbid

36、ding using plastic bags.powerful importance3. Her coat gave her _ (protect) from the rain.4. Hard work leads to _ (succeed).5. There was a traffic accident in the street, but no one was _ (harm).harmedprotectionsuccess 六、词语故事六、词语故事 Professor Hunter gave a report on wildlife protection in a big hall

37、which 1_1000 people. To show the 2_ of wildlife protection, he told a sad story about how illegal 3_ killed Tibetan antelope 4_ . affect; hunt; hunters; contain; important;without mercy;burst into laughter; burst into tears; relief; appreciate; protect; succeed; ending containedimportancehunterswith

38、out mercyThe audience were deeply 5 _ and some of them even 6_ . To their 7_, the professor went on to say that people are beginning to 8 _ the situation and things are being done to 9 _ the antelope from 10 _ . affectedburst into tearsreliefappreciate protectbeing huntedThe lecture has a happy 11_

39、when Professor Hunter told a funny story about how people 12_ in wildlife protection. And this time all the audience 13_ . burst into laughterendingsucceeded 七、完成句子七、完成句子1.My father has been on business in Beijing for a month. I am _ (渴望见到他渴望见到他).2. The businessman used to fly to Thailand, where ele

40、phants _ _ (被用来搬运重的东西被用来搬运重的东西). longing to see him/eager to see him are used to carry heavy things3. He raised his arm _ (护住面部避免被火烧伤护住面部避免被火烧伤)4. _ (我将非常感激我将非常感激)if you could take care of the kids on Friday night.to protect his face from fireI would appreciate it5. For the past three years he_ _ (被雇用被雇用) as a firefighter.6. The company recognizes the _ (培训员工培训员工的重要性的重要性). has been employed importance of training its workers/employees7. The two cultures have a lot _ (共同共同).8. _ (从某种程度上说从某种程度上说) I like Betty, but I wouldnt really trust her. In a wayin common同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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