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1、1. listening (听力听力)30%2. multiple choices(单单项选择项选择)15%3. close test (完形填空完形填空)30%4. reading comprehension(阅读理阅读理解解)40%5. proof reading (短文改短文改错错)10%6. writing(书面表达书面表达)25% 1.multiple choices (单单项选择项选择)20%2. close test(完形填空完形填空)30%3. reading comprehension(阅读理阅读理解解)50%4. vocabulary(词汇词汇)10%5. proof re

2、ading(短文改短文改错错)10%6. writing(书面表达书面表达)30%2004 高考题型高考题型2005高考题型高考题型vocabulary in NMET 1996-200076. Rice is grown in China, Japan and other (亚洲亚洲)countries. 77. We aim at (质量质量)rather than quantity.78. The National Games were well (组组织织). 79. Does Radio Beijing (播送播送)the news every hour on the air? 80

3、. Several new railways are under (建设建设)in China. 81. The students were listening to the teacher (专心专心).82. We finally (说服说服)the peasant to send his daughter to school. 83. Children are (好奇好奇)about everything around them. 84. Shes bought some (衣料衣料)to make herself a dress.85. The (政府政府)will build mor

4、e houses for the people. (96)Asianqualityorganized/organisedbroadcastconstructionattentivelypersuadedcuriousmaterial(s)/clothgovernment76. I am pleased that he gladly (接受)(接受) our invitation. 77. A soldiers duty is to (服从)(服从) orders. 78. Some people work better under (压力)(压力). 79. I changed into my

5、 sports shoes so that I could walk more (舒服)(舒服). 80. The patient kept (咳嗽)(咳嗽) all night. 81. Weve got to be (实际)(实际) and buy only what we need. 82. The artist held an (展览)(展览) of his works last month. 83. We gave our classroom a (彻底)(彻底)cleaning before the National Day. 84. Parents should help the

6、ir children to form good (习惯)(习惯). 85. All the boys were standing up (笔直)(笔直). acceptedobeypressurecomfortablycoughingpractical/realisticexhibitionthoroughhabitsstraight(97)76.Ill go and see you next (星期六)(星期六). 77.Bill has a large collection of (外国)(外国)stamps. 78.Do you think (游泳)(游泳)is allowed in

7、the canal? 79.The book is (翻译)(翻译)from Russian. 80.All countries, big or small, should be (平(平等)等). 81.Theyre busy (准备)(准备)to go on holiday. 82.Dont be frightened by the television camera. Just speak (自然地)(自然地). 83.What will the (天气)(天气)be like tomorrow? 84.Their ofice is on the (第九)(第九)floor. 85.A

8、fence at the back of the garden (分开)(分开)us from the neighbors. Saturdayforeignswimmingtranslatedequalpreparingnaturallyweatherninthseparated/separates(98)76.Dont (浪费浪费) your money on silly things .77.The wind turned my (伞伞)inside out. 78.I (认出认出) Mike the moment I saw him 79. Do you know the (平均平均)

9、monthly rainfall in this area? 80. Sleep is (必要必要) to health .81 This bus can carry 60 (乘客乘客). 82. Fifty years ago, Chairman Mao (宣告宣告) the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. 83. She looks (面熟面熟)to me ,but I dont remember her name . 84. what is the best-known chain of fast-food (餐馆餐馆) in the

10、 world? 85. They lived in London until quite (最最近近) . wasteumbrellarecognizedaveragenecessarypassengersdeclared/announcedrestaurantsrecently / lately(99)familiar76. That flying school graduates a hundred (飞行员飞行员) every year.77. Tom is (在楼上在楼上) . Go and find him yourself.78. This plant is found in th

11、e (南部南部)parts of the country.79. I must (道歉道歉)for not having been able to write to you sooner.80.Two hundred (被盗的被盗的) bicycles were returned to their owners last month.81. When I got home after the holiday there were a lot of (留言留言)in my phone.82. speaking(一般说来一般说来), parents care more about their ch

12、ildrens health than about their own.83. I cant tell one from the other because they are only (细微细微) different.84. There has been a 50% growth in the (市场市场) for personal computers.85. Thank you for (提供提供) to help, but I can manage it myself.pilotsupstairssouthernapologise / apologizestolenmessagesGen

13、erally(2000)slightlymarketoffering历年高考词汇词类分布历年高考词汇词类分布名词名词(n.)动词动词(v.)形容词形容词(adj.)副词副词(adv.)数词数词(num.)199652210199733310199833211199932310200033310年年份份词词类类名词名词(n.)Examples:With the help of his friends, he has made good p in his study of English.We have a medical e every year to make sure that we are

14、 healthy enough. How many c are there in the world? -seven.progressexaminationcontinents所考到的名词的特点1.不可数名词不可数名词(uc.) advice information furniture fun progress knowledge weather. wealth.等等2. 单数单数/复数复数 (-s/ -es)3.容易拼写错误的名词:容易拼写错误的名词:pronunciation explanation environment government decision exhibition; d

15、escription magazine medicine; organization restaurant beginning等等大纲要求掌握的拼写较复杂的名词:大纲要求掌握的拼写较复杂的名词:agriculture adventure composition construction congratulation dictionary education examination experience generation handkerchief marriage instruction librarian majority nationality neighbor strength pop

16、ulation university satisfaction technique merchant 等等5. 一些专有名词一些专有名词:(1.) 四季与十二月份四季与十二月份: spring summer autumn winter January February March April; May June July August September October November December(2.)星期星期: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday(3.)学科科目学科科目:biology mathemati

17、cs chemistry physics politics history geography(4.)洲名洲名,国家和人名国家和人名:Asia(n) Africa(n) Europe(ean) America(n) Oceania(n) Canada; Canadian Australia(n) German(y)4. Grandfathers, fathers and sons belong to three different g . 5. Before they moved into the new houses, they threw away all the old f . 6. -

18、 Excuse me. Whats the h of the hill? - Its about 500 meters high.7. In which d are you going, north or south?8. The drug had an immediate e on the pain and soon she fell asleep.9. I would not go to London just for the p of buying a new hat. generationsfurnitureheightdirectioneffectmore exercisespurp

19、ose动词动词(v.)examples:1.All those waste products are p the rivers. 2. We s the good ones from the bad ones.3. The letter is too long. Can you s it a little?4. What is the breakfast s in this hotel?5. The fish have very sharp teeth; they can eat a person in two minutes, l only the bones.separated/ sepa

20、rateshortenservedleavingpolluting所考到的动词的特点所考到的动词的特点a.现在时现在时: 第三人称单数的变化第三人称单数的变化(-s)b.过去时过去时/完成时完成时: 元音加重读闭音元音加重读闭音节结尾的应双写尾字母节结尾的应双写尾字母(refer; prefer; occur; regret; admit;等等)2.语态语态: 主动语态与被动语态主动语态与被动语态, 注意掌握不注意掌握不规则变化的过去分词规则变化的过去分词(broadcast; burst; forbid; steal; tear; bring; buy; strike; put;等等)1.时

21、态时态3. 非谓语动词非谓语动词: (ing; -ed;) 以及过去分以及过去分词的不规则变化词的不规则变化more exercises6. Sorry to i you, but your mother is waiting outside.7. They were good neighbors and never q with each others.8. -Do you know where your father is, little boy? - In the garden, w the flowers. 9. The professor was i to give a lectur

22、e in the university. interruptquarel(l)edwateringinvited形容词形容词(adj.)examples:1. Being kind and knowledgeable, the new teacher soon became p among the students.2. I tried hard to get some information about the new technology out of his mouth, but he remained s .3. It was quite b to do the same things

23、 again and again all day long without a change.popularsilentboring所考到的形容词的特点所考到的形容词的特点1. 要注意以要注意以-ed(形容人形容人); 和以和以-ing(形容物形容物) 结结尾的形容词的区别尾的形容词的区别. disappointed /-ing interested /-ing; excited /-ing satisfied /-ying; terrified /-ying worried /-ying; moved /-ing astonished /-ing encouraged/-ing fright

24、ened/ -ing等等2.一些以一些以-ly 结尾的形容词结尾的形容词: friendly lovely lively likely 等等.3. 系动词系动词(link verb.)和和be 动词后动词后+adj. seem like sound smell remain feel taste become get turn 等等.4.一些一些adj.的固定搭配的固定搭配: be anxious about be popular with be content with be pleased with 等等. 5.要注意要注意adj. 比较级与最高级的用法比较级与最高级的用法 6.一些由过去

25、分词转化过来的一些由过去分词转化过来的,用来修饰名词的用来修饰名词的(通常以通常以-ed结尾结尾): experienced deserted detailed determined limited unknown等等7. 大纲要求掌握的拼写较复杂的形容词大纲要求掌握的拼写较复杂的形容词(adj.) attractive comfortable common convenient dangerous delicious difficult downstairs opposite excellent extreme favorite familiar frequent immediate imp

26、ossible important international valuable particular scientific separate straight technical necessary ordinary expensive等等more exercises4. A lot of people died in the traffic accident, i the driver.5. She was f to look down from the top of the tall building.6. The Chinese diet is considered to be the

27、 h in the world. 7. We cant work together any more; I think its time we went our s ways, that is, apart. 8. The food in the restaurant is so d that we often eat there.includingfrightenedhealthiestseparatedelicious副词副词(adv.)1. Do it now. O it will be too late.2. Bob p stood aside and let the lady go

28、through the doorway first.3. I was late in getting to the station, but f the train was late , too. 4. Years ago the crossing of the Atlantic took weeks, n , we can do it in a few hoursOtherwisepolitelyfortunatelynowadays所考到的副词的特点所考到的副词的特点1. 要注意那些由形容词转化过来的不去要注意那些由形容词转化过来的不去-e的副词的副词: immediately rudel

29、y politely extremely lately separately entirely completely fortunately 2. 可单独使用或放在句首的副词可单独使用或放在句首的副词: (1.)表转折表转折: however otherwise (2.)表因果表因果: therefore consequently (3.)表递进表递进: furthermore moreover besides (4.)表时间表时间: recently lately nowadays3. 注意副词的比较级和最高级的用法注意副词的比较级和最高级的用法4. 大纲要求的一些拼写较复杂的副(大纲要求的

30、一些拼写较复杂的副(adv.) (un)usually suddenly regularly (un)successfully particularly especially personally generally probably perfectly naturally frequently conveniently comfortably gradually等等more exercises5. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more c .6. I love the country , e in spring.7.

31、 Although they are twins, they are c different.8. The mother was waiting a for news about her daughter who had been missing for a whole day. comfortablyespeciallycompletelyanxiously数词(数词(num.)高考词汇部分考的数词较少,只有在高考词汇部分考的数词较少,只有在98年的年的时候考到过一次对于数词,需要记住一些不时候考到过一次对于数词,需要记住一些不规则变化的序数词:规则变化的序数词:first second t

32、hird fourth fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth fortiethhow to deal with vocabulary1. understand the meaning of each sentence.2.try to find out the word from the context (上下文,语境上下文,语境)of the sentence.3. guess the Chinese meaning from the key words in the sentence. 3. make sure what part of speech (

33、词性词性)of each word.4. then following the advice we have learned in the former part of this class.vocabulary (10%)1. If I followed his a ,I wouldnt have made that mistake.2. The Summer Palace a lots of visitors from all over the world each month.3. Her face always turns red when speaking in public for

34、 shes a s girl.4. You should drive c when its snowing.5. Such a word was f to everyone of us, so we all used it well.adviceattractsshycarefullyfamiliar6. Its your birthday today? C .7. I an not so sure about his n ,but from his spoken English, he may be an American.8. There are many shirts in our sh

35、op and you can choose a s size here.9. The company will e more workers when its busy.10. This old photo often r me of my childhood.nationalitysuitableemployremindsCongratulationsFill in the blanks with proper wordsI was having dinner at a r when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyers o . year

36、s ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a g salary, h , he always borrowsmoney from his f and never pays it back.Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. W hewas eating, I asked him to l me twenty pounds.To my s , he gave me the money i .“I have never borrowed any money from you,” Tony said, “so now you can p for my dinner.restaurantofficegoodhoweverfriendsWhilelendsurpriseimmediatelypay



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