M1 unit 5《Nelson Mandela》(市一等奖课件):课件二(101张PPT)(人教版必修1)

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1、Nelson a modern heroMandelaGreatManAlbert Einstein(1879-1955)Marie Curie (1867-1934)Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865)Qian Xuesen (1911-)Nelson MandelaEliasblackworkerblackworkereducated2yearseducated2yearsoutofworkoutofworkopenedopenedadviseadvisegetgetnovotenovotenotchoosenotchoosepoorestpoorestorganizeor

2、ganizeaccept/fightaccept/fightbrokebroke peacefullypeacefullyEliasMandelaRelationshiphappinessjoinblowupputinprisonhardesthelpbegantaughtdegreenotallowedallowedtonotstoppedgetadegreeEliasRelationshipgood studentfeel goodMandelafouryearseducatedget lostcametopowerhelpedagainEliasRelationshiptaking ro

3、undbe proud toMandelaChooseoneofthefollowingtwotoretell.1.Supposeyouare,retellthestory.1.Supposeyouare,retellthestory.2.Supposeyouare,retellthestory. Retelling ( Elias wife)1. 1.HowdidyougettoknowNelsonMandela?HowdidyougettoknowNelsonMandela?Whatdidhedotohelpyoukeepyourjobinagoldmine?Whatdidhedotohe

4、lpyoukeepyourjobinagoldmine?2. 2.CanyouexplaintomesomeofNelsonMandelasCanyouexplaintomesomeofNelsonMandelaspoliticalideasorbeliefs?politicalideasorbeliefs?4.WhatwaslifelikeonRobbenIsland?WhatwaslifelikeonRobbenIsland?5. 5.Weknowyoucantreadorwrite,foryouleftschoolearly,Weknowyoucantreadorwrite,foryou

5、leftschoolearly,butnowyoucan.Wheredidyoulearntoreadandwrite?butnowyoucan.Wheredidyoulearntoreadandwrite?6. 6.Whydidyoubecomeatourguide?Whydidyoubecomeatourguide?7. 7.Whatdoyouthinkofyourpresentjob?Whatdoyouthinkofyourpresentjob?8.Role playTips:Tips:2.Work in four to find more information about Nelso

6、n Mandela 1.Try to find out some useful expressions and phrases. HomeworkNelson a modern heroMandelaNMthoughtviolencewasagoodwaytohelpblackpeople.ThegovernmentwerehappywithNMandtheANC.3.NMbelievedthatblackpeoplewerebeingtreatedaswellaswhitepeopleinSouthAfrica.True or False1.EliasmetNelsonMandelaatsc






12、kpeople.Fora_oftimeshefelthelplessand_,butEliasencouragedherwithstories of how good life would be when white and blackpeopleworkedandplayedtogether.league.loseheart.outofwork.hero.asamatteroffact.league.loseheart.outofwork.hero.asamatteroffact.introuble.putinprison.period.willing.fees.advise.introub



15、velinginsideSouthAfrican.D.Forgettingajob.C3.WhatjobdidEliaswanttodo?()A.Toworkwithotherblackworkers.B.Toworkasacleaner.C.Toteachinaprimaryschool.D.Toworkinthemines.D4.Whoworkedunderground?()AThewhiteworkers.B.Theblackandwhiteworkers.C.Theblackworkers.D.Foreignworkers.C5.Whoworkedonthesurface?( )A.T

16、heblackworkers.B.Theblackandwhiteworkers.C.Thewhiteworkers.D.Foreignworkers.C6.WheredidEliaslive?()A.Inaclassroom.B.Inahomeofhisown.C.Inalargeroomwithbeds.D.Withhisfamily. C DiscussionWhathaveyoulearnedfromMandela?Forwhatqualitydoyouadmirehimmost?kind,persistent,unselfish,brave,hard-working William

17、TyndaleWilliam Tyndale Norman BethureNorman Bethure Sun Yat-senSun Yat-sen GandhiGandhi What qualities do they have in What qualities do they have in common?common?What qualities do they have in What qualities do they have in common?common?A great person is one who has followed his/her ideas andsacr

18、ificedsomethingsothattheycouldberealized.He/shehasqualitiesasfollows:great peopleintelligentintelligentdetermineddetermined generousgenerouskindkind unselfishunselfishbravebravehard-hard-workingworkingconfidentconfidentpersistentpersistentmodestmodest Onewhohasanidea,helpsothers,unselfishlygivesupOn

19、ewhohasanidea,helpsothers,unselfishlygivesupsomethingtoachievehis/hergoal.somethingtoachievehis/hergoal.While you are choosing each one, think of someone you know that has that quality. Prepare to give a talk to the class, you should explain why you chose each one and who shows it. discussionForthel

20、istofthequalitiesthataresetoutabove,youaregoingtochoosefourthatyouconsiderarethemostimportantforagreatperson. .2. Recite good sentences from the 2. Recite good sentences from the readings. readings.1 1. Review two readings. Review two readings Homework3. Preview the next reading in Preview the next

21、reading in WB.WB.Unit5 more language inputNelson a modern heroMandelaI think Bill Gates is / is not a great man, because _.great man?CEOfamousINFORMATION ABOUT BILL GATESJobAchievementsWhatdidhegiveupforhisbeliefs?GenerosityWhydoeshehaveenemies?Whyattackedbygovernment?ChiefExecutiveOfficerofacompute

22、rcompany ProducedsoftwarethatisusedallovertheworldNoneGavemoneytocausesforchildrenseducationandhealthOtherpeoplearejealousofhissuccessTheythoughthewastoobigandtoopowerfulandthatisunfairtohiscompetitorsfollowercompetitor clever, generous, the best man in the world not best software,stop others making

23、 better software,Great ManNot a Great ManHehashisowncompanyandsoftware.Noonecancompetewithhissoftware.Hefitshissoftwarefreeineverycomputer.Hissoftwareisnotthebestbutusedmostwidely.Hetrieshardtostopothersmakingbettersoftwaresothathemaybeacomputerbully.Hegivesmoneytocausesforchildrenseducationandhealt

24、h.Important manGreatMan an accidentwitness1.Why will the police not just ask one person after an accident?2. Why will people tell different stories after an accident?3. What does “a point of view” mean Listening.1Listening.2INFORMATION ON A CAR ACCIDENT BY: AWheredidithappen?Howmanypeopleintheaccide

25、nt?BEFORE THE ACCIDENTWherewastheboy?Wherewasthecar?Whathappened?Whocausedit?Ontheroad.2Walkingalongtheroad.Comingupbehindtheboy.Thecarwasgoingtoofastanddidnotlook.Ithittheboyandhurthim.Thecardriver.INFORMATION ON A CAR ACCIDENT BY: BWheredidithappen?Howmanypeopleintheaccident?BEFORE THE ACCIDENTWhe

26、rewastheboy?Wherewasthecar?Whathappened?Whocausedit?Ontheroad.2Walkingintheroad.Comingupbehindtheboy.Theboymovedfatherintotheroad.Thecartriedtostopbutitcouldntandithittheboy.Theboywashurt.Theboy.when you look at one event, dont just look on one side. greatordinary 1) Can you list any other ordinary

27、people 1) Can you list any other ordinary people who you think they are great?who you think they are great? 2) Are there any teachers you admire a lot?2) Are there any teachers you admire a lot? Why? Why?3) And what about your friends? 3) And what about your friends? Your schoolmatesYour schoolmates

28、?We ordinary peoplealso can be great! HomeworkWrite a plan to be a great person.Unit5 language practicingNelson a modern heroMandelagrammar discovery 1.ThetimewhenyoufirstmetNelsonMandelawasaverydifficultperiodofyourlife 2.TheschoolwhereIstudiedonlytwoyearswasthreekilometersaway.4.Thepartsoftownwher

29、ewelivedweretheplacesdecidedbywhitepeople.3.ThedaywhenNelsonMandelatoldmewhattodoandhelpedmewasoneofthehappiestdaysofmylife.Attributive clausegrammar review1.Ishetheman_wantstoseeyou?2.Heistheman_Isawyesterday .3.Theyrushedovertohelptheman_carhadbrokendown.4.Thepackage_youarecarryingisabouttocomeunw

30、rapped.who/thatwhom/thatwhosewhich/that relative pronoun Wewereputinapositioninwhichwehadeithertoacceptwewerelessimportant,orfightthegovernmentThepersontowhomyoushouldbegratefulforapeacefulSouthAfricaisNelsonMandelaGrammar learningBut how to choose a right preposition?1.Thespeedatwhichlighttravelsis

31、300000kmpersecond.(At the speed of)2.ThisistheteacherfromwhomIborrowthebook.(borrow from)3.Dontbringthechildrentoseetheanimalsofwhich theyareafraid(be afraid of)observe the following sentences! 关系代词关系代词whom, which前介词的选择由先行词的前介词的选择由先行词的习惯搭配或后半句动词的搭配而决定。习惯搭配或后半句动词的搭配而决定。Thiswasatime_youhadgottohaveapa


33、tive adverbWhen, where, why关系副词可代替的先行词是时间,关系副词可代替的先行词是时间,地点或理由的名词,在从句中作地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语,相当于状语,相当于“介词介词+which”结构,结构,经常交替使用经常交替使用 grammar practiceEx1. SB.p34Ex3.WB.p70Ex2.WB.71?-match the messages-complete the sentences-combine the sentencesLanguage Production unforgettable experiences Dr Wang Linhaii

34、sabeautifulcitywhereIwasborn.Iwasbornin1985whenmysisterwasfiveyearsold.Iwillneverforgetthedayonwhich .Top five in your life 2.Make what you discussed into a short passage by using the attributive clause.1.Finish the exes in the workbook HomeworkUnit5 writingNelson a modern heroMandelaBrainstorm Attr

35、ibutiveclauses vividandbeautiful. Is it enough to describe one person in this way? What else is neededUsing words and expressionsvSo as a good writer, he may vary words to express something better. Tips: 1.store words when learning 2.Pick proper words as a matter of fact; in trouble; out of work; co

36、me to power; advise; lose heart; be sentenced to; willing; set up; continue translation Asamatteroffact,parentshopetheirchildrenwontbeintrouble/getintotrouble1.1.事实上,父母都不希望子女有麻烦事实上,父母都不希望子女有麻烦。2.2.失业人数增长了百分之二。失业人数增长了百分之二。3.3.曼德拉掌权以后,他的政府尽力为黑人改善教育。曼德拉掌权以后,他的政府尽力为黑人改善教育。Thenumberofpeopleoutofworkhasin


38、ldneverloseheartRobertwassentencedtothreeyearsinprisonforstealing7.7.你愿意加入我们刚建立的俱乐部吗?你愿意加入我们刚建立的俱乐部吗?8.8.当我对她说话时,她仍然在继续阅读当我对她说话时,她仍然在继续阅读。Shecontinuedtoread/readingwhenIspoketoherAreyouwillingtojointheclubwevejustsetup?Words and phrases are the muscles and blood of the bodySkeleton ?Make an outline

39、for structureParagraph1:PersonalinformationParagraph2:His/HerhardworkandachievementMake an outline for structureParagraph1:PersonalinformationParagraph2:His/HerhardworkandachievementParagraph3:His/HergoodqualitiesParagraph4:YouropinionsSupposethemagazine“GlobalPeople”beginsitsannualactivityofchoosin

40、gthetoptengreatmenin20thcentury.WillyouwritealettertosupportNelsonMandela?letter Yours sincerely,Yours sincerely, Dear editor,Dear editor, I I m writing to m writing to . .1.Finish the letter.2.Review the whole unit. HomeworkLanguage supermarket1. Do you ask forask for help when you think it necessa

41、ry? ask forask for 要求得到要求得到 Every time he gets home, he asks forasks for money. ask for sb.ask for sb. 找某人,要求见某人找某人,要求见某人 A Mr. Simpson form Sydney is asking for asking for the managerthe manager.2. AreAre you willing towilling to do public service work without pay? be willing tobe willing to 愿意做某事愿

42、意做某事 willingwilling adj. adj. 乐意的,自愿的乐意的,自愿的 Im willing tom willing to help you. Im quite willingwilling for your brother to join us.3. Do you easily lose heartlose heart when you are in troublein trouble? lose heartlose heart 灰心,丧失信心灰心,丧失信心 Please dont lose heartlose heart, you still have more chan

43、ces. lose ones heartlose ones heart 爱上,喜欢上爱上,喜欢上 She lost her heart lost her heart to him as soon as she saw the handsome soldier. in troublein trouble 有麻烦,处于不幸中有麻烦,处于不幸中 He never came except when he was in troublein trouble.4. He died fordied for his ideas but his work was later used in the Bible.

44、他为了自己的思想而献身,但他的成果后他为了自己的思想而献身,但他的成果后来应用于来应用于圣经圣经。 die for die for 为为而死而死 They died fordied for the people; their death is weightier than Mount Taishan. I am dying foram dying for a cup of water. die for die for 也意为也意为“ “渴望,切望渴望,切望” ”(只用于进行(只用于进行时态)时态) 6. He foundedfounded the first Republic in China

45、 in 1911 after many years fighting. 经过多年斗争他于经过多年斗争他于19111911在中国创建了第一在中国创建了第一个共和国。个共和国。 found (founded, founded)found (founded, founded) 建立,创建建立,创建 find (found, found)find (found, found) The hospital was foundedfounded in 1920. Have you foundfound your missing pen?5. He fought againstfought against t

46、he German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War II. 二战时期他抵抗德国纳粹和日本侵略者。二战时期他抵抗德国纳粹和日本侵略者。 fight (fought, fought)fight (fought, fought) fight forfight for 为为而战而战 fight againstfight against 与与作斗争作斗争 We will have to fight againstfight against difficulties. They told the workers to fight forfight

47、for their rights.7. He strongly believed inbelieved in the three principles: nationalism; peoples rights; peoples livelihood. 他坚信三条原则:民族,民权,民生。他坚信三条原则:民族,民权,民生。 believe inbelieve in 信任,信仰信任,信仰 Do you believe inbelieve in God? We believe inbelieve in our government. believe sb. = believe what sb. say

48、sbelieve sb. = believe what sb. says 相信某人的话相信某人的话 believe in sb.believe in sb. 信任某人信任某人 He believebelieve what he said because I believe inbelieve in him.8. He gave upgave up a rich life for his ideas and fought forfought for his country to be free fromfree from the UK in a peaceful way. 他为了他的思想而放弃了

49、富裕生活,并且用和平他为了他的思想而放弃了富裕生活,并且用和平方式为他的国家摆脱英国而进行了战斗。方式为他的国家摆脱英国而进行了战斗。 give upgive up 表示主动放弃或屈服表示主动放弃或屈服 He has decided to give upgive up smoking. give ingive in 表示被动屈服或认输,表示被动屈服或认输, 后面不带宾语后面不带宾语 You cant win the game, so you may as well give ingive in. free fromfree from 摆脱(不好的东西)的,无摆脱(不好的东西)的,无的的 Kee

50、p the children free fromfree from harm. You should try to write sentences free fromfree from mistakes.9. He fought forfought for the black people and was in in prisonprison for thirty years. 他为黑人而战且坐过三十年监狱。他为黑人而战且坐过三十年监狱。 be in prisonbe in prison 在狱中,被监禁在狱中,被监禁 He has been in prisonhas been in priso

51、n for five years. putin prisonputin prison = sendto prison sendto prison = throw into throw into prisonprison 把把投入监狱投入监狱 The car thieves have been put in prisonhave been put in prison. He was sent to prisonwas sent to prison for ten years. 10. The time whenThe time when I first met Nelson Mandela wa

52、s a very difficult periodperiod of my life. periodperiod 期间,时期,学校的一节课,周期期间,时期,学校的一节课,周期 Lets finish this periodperiod and have a break. a period of rotation 自转周期自转周期 the time whenthe time when 其中其中when when 引起定语从句引起定语从句 This was a time whena time when you had got to have a passbook to live in Johann

53、esburg. Do you still remember the time whenthe time when we first met? the timethe time 可用于引起时间状语从句,这时一般不加可用于引起时间状语从句,这时一般不加whenwhen。 I recognized him the timethe time I saw him. 11. It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to adviseadvise poor black people on their problems. 1) advise ab.

54、on sth.advise ab. on sth. 就就给某人出主意给某人出主意 I have advised you on that subjectadvised you on that subject. 2) advise sb. to do sth.advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人干建议某人干 Our monitor advises me to practiceadvises me to practice more spoken English. 3) advise that +(should) doadvise that +(should) do I advise

55、that you (should)advise that you (should) not eat fruit that isnt ripe.12. Sadly I did not have this passbook because I was not born there and I was was worried aboutworried about whether I would be out of workbe out of work. be worried about be worried about = worry about= worry about 担心担心 She worr

56、ies aboutworries about her health. = She is worried aboutis worried about her health. out of workout of work 失业失业 Jim has been out of workout of work for months.13. The last thirty years have seenseen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage w

57、here we have almost no rights at all. 过去三十年里出现了最多的法律来剥夺我们的权过去三十年里出现了最多的法律来剥夺我们的权利利, , 阻挡我们的进步阻挡我们的进步, ,直到今天我们已经到了几直到今天我们已经到了几乎没有任何权力的地步乎没有任何权力的地步. . see see 在此句意为在此句意为“见证,目睹见证,目睹”;( (在某段时期在某段时期) )发发生生( (某情况某情况),),经历经历, ,经受经受; ; 为某事发生之时,主语为某事发生之时,主语为时间为时间 The last few months has seenhas seen more and

58、 more traffic accidents. The city has seenhas seen many changes.14. onlyonly then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 只是在那时我们才决定以暴力对暴力。只是在那时我们才决定以暴力对暴力。 only thenonly then 此处引起倒装句,当此处引起倒装句,当onlyonly修饰状语位于修饰状语位于句首时,句子采用部分倒装的结构。句首时,句子采用部分倒装的结构。 Only by practicing a few hours every dayOnly

59、by practicing a few hours every day will you be able to master English. onlyonly 修饰主语时,句子不倒装。修饰主语时,句子不倒装。 OnlyOnly he knew how to solve the problem.15. As a matter of factAs a matter of fact, I do not like violencebut in 1936 I helped him blow up some government buildings. 事实上我不喜欢暴力事实上我不喜欢暴力但在但在1963

60、1963年我帮年我帮他炸了一些政府大楼他炸了一些政府大楼. . as a matter of factas a matter of fact = in fact= in fact As a matter of factAs a matter of fact, I dont know the truth.16.But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equalequal. be be equal toequal to 等于,相当于等于,相

61、当于 Im not equal tom not equal to the position. Women demand equalequal pay for equal work.1.You cannot imagineimagine how the sound of the name of Robben Island made us afraid. 你想象不到听到罗本岛这个名字令我们你想象不到听到罗本岛这个名字令我们多么害怕多么害怕。 imagine n./doing sth./sb.+doing/thatimagine n./doing sth./sb.+doing/that Can yo

62、u imagineimagine life without electricity? I dint imagineimagine becoming a writer in my childhood. I cant imagineimagine her marrying him. ImagineImagine that you are a bird.2. He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evening when we should have been asleepshould have been asleep. 在午餐的休息在午餐的休息时

63、间和晚上我们本应该睡觉的时候他教授我们。时间和晚上我们本应该睡觉的时候他教授我们。 should do & should have doneshould do & should have done He should have come earlier. You should come earlier tomorrow. You should have written to your mother. My teacher said I should study harder. I should have studied harder when I was young. should dosho

64、uld do 表示应该做,一般指现在或将表示应该做,一般指现在或将来的动作,指过去的动作时应站在过来的动作,指过去的动作时应站在过去的角度。去的角度。 should have doneshould have done 表示本应该做而没有做表示本应该做而没有做的。站在现在的角度上评说过去的事的。站在现在的角度上评说过去的事情。情。asleep, sleep & sleepy-Is he still sleepingsleeping?-Yes, he is fast asleepasleep.I was too sleepysleepy to hear the end of her talk.I

65、usually sleepsleep seven hours a day.asleepasleep 是表语形容词,意为是表语形容词,意为“睡着的睡着的”。sleepsleep 是动词或名词,意为是动词或名词,意为“睡觉睡觉”。sleepy sleepy 是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“打盹的打盹的”。3. As they were not cleverer than me, but did passdid pass their exam, I knew I could get a degree too. 由于他们不如我聪明而又确实通过了考试,由于他们不如我聪明而又确实通过了考试,我知道我也能获得

66、学位。我知道我也能获得学位。 did passdid pass 为强调结构,强调谓语动词时,在为强调结构,强调谓语动词时,在动词原行前加动词原行前加do, does, diddo, does, did. DoDo be careful! I dodo hope you have a merry Christmas! He doesdoes speak English well!4. I did not work for twenty years until Mr Mandela and the ANC came to powercame to power in 1993. come to po

67、wer come to power = = come into powercome into power 执政执政 in powerin power 当权,执政当权,执政 Things have changed a lot since he came to came to powerpower. How long has he been in powerin power?5. All the terrorterror and fearfear of that time came back to me. terrorterror n. n. 恐怖,可怕的人或事恐怖,可怕的人或事 The murd

68、er was a terrorterror to the people in the town. fearfear n n. . 恐惧,可怕恐惧,可怕 vt.vt. 恐惧,害怕恐惧,害怕 + n./to do /that Do you fearfear death? She fearsfears to speak in our presence. I fearfear that we cant protect ourselves.for fear of & for fear that for fear of & for fear that 担心担心 He left an hour earlie

69、r for fear offor fear of missing the train. She worried for fear thatfor fear that the child would be hurt. 6. I remembered the beatingsbeatings and the cruelty of the guards and my friends who had died and I felt I would not be able to do it. beatingbeating n. n. 打、输打、输 They gave him a good beating

70、beating. They gave our team quite a beatingbeating. beat beat n. n. 敲击,跳动敲击,跳动 We heard the beatbeat of a drum. Can you hear the beatbeat of my heart?7. They said that the job and the pay from the new South African government was my rewardreward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks. rewardreward n n. . 报酬,奖金报酬,奖金 He worked hard but without much rewardreward. in reward in reward 作为报酬作为报酬 She got nothing in rewardin reward for her kindness. vt. 酬谢,给以报答酬谢,给以报答 He rewardedrewarded me with a prize. Thank y u! Unit5Unit5同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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