2012高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 Unit2《The United Kingdom》Period 4新人教版必修5

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1、1. take the place ofAll of the words below can take the place of said, but they are used under different conditions and in different situations. (P12)下下列列这些些动词都都能能够代代替替said,但但它它们在在不不同同的的条条件件和和情情形形下下应用。用。Be quiet everyone. Please take your place. 大家大家请安静,安静,请坐好。坐好。No one can take his place in our dep

2、artment. 在我在我们局没有人能代替他的位置。局没有人能代替他的位置。take the place of意思是:意思是:代替;坐某人的座位代替;坐某人的座位,也可以表达,也可以表达为take ones place。take place发生;生;举行行instead of代替;而不是代替;而不是in place of代替代替in place在适当的位置在适当的位置out of place不合适;不在适当的位置不合适;不在适当的位置in the first place首先,起初首先,起初根据所根据所给汉语提示完成短文提示完成短文 Hello, everyone, please take yo

3、ur seat (就就坐坐). In spite of the rainy weather, our sports meeting is taking place (举行行)on time. But we are holding it indoors in the city stadium instead of (而而不不是是) in our playground. Modern sports facilities (体体育育设施施) here take the place of (代代替替) our out-of-date ones. In the following opening cer

4、emony, in place of (代替代替) putting on a performance, we will give a groupcalisthenics (团体体操操) arranged by the Students Union, in which you will learn how to cooperate. In the first place (首首先先), I hope everyone can stand or sit in place (在在适适当当的的位位置置) throughout the competition. Compete and watch spo

5、rts events in a civilized manner. Protect the facilities and keep the environment clean. 2. break down阅读下列句子,并在其后的括号内下列句子,并在其后的括号内选择break down的含的含义a. 身体身体垮下来下来 b. 精神失控精神失控 c. 分解分解d. 破裂破裂 e. 坍塌坍塌 f. (机器机器)损坏坏, 破坏破坏On my way to the station my car broke down. (P13)( f )Negotiations between the two side

6、s have broken down. ( d )The bridge broke down in the last earthquake. ( e )His health has broken down because of working too hard. ( a )Certain chemical elements can be broken down by sea water. ( c )He broke down and wept when he heard the news. ( b )The computer system _ suddenly while he was sea

7、rching for information on the Internet. A. broke out B. broke downC. broke up D. broke in【解解析析】选B。句句意意:当当他他在在网网上上查资料料时,电脑系系统突突然然出出故障了。故障了。break down(机器等机器等)出故障。出故障。At first he refused to admit he had stolen but when he was shown the videotape, he _ and admitted everything. A. broke up B. broke awayC

8、. broke down D. broke in【解解析析】选C。句句意意:刚开开始始他他对他他的的盗盗窃窃行行为矢矢口口否否认,但但让他他看看了了监控控录像像时,他他崩崩溃了了,承承认了了一一切切。break up打打碎碎;分分裂裂;分分散散;break away脱脱离离;break down(精精神神)崩崩溃;break in插嘴;打断。插嘴;打断。3. arrangeThey had no time to arrange their own wedding, so they had it organized by a company. (P13) (arrange vt. 筹筹备)他他们

9、没有没有时间筹筹备婚礼,所以他婚礼,所以他们让一家公司一家公司为他他们筹筹备。I have arranged that one of my staff will meet you at the airport. (arrange vt. 安排安排 )我已我已经安排好派一个安排好派一个职员到到飞机机场接你。接你。I arranged the flowers in the vase as soon as I came back home. (arrange vt. 整理整理 )一回到家里,我就把花在花瓶里插好。一回到家里,我就把花在花瓶里插好。Ive arranged for a doctor t

10、o see him. (arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事安排某人做某事)我已安排好医生我已安排好医生给他看病。他看病。Weve arranged to meet them at the restaurant. (arrange to do sth. 准准备某事,某事,约定做某事定做某事)我我们已安排在餐已安排在餐馆与他与他们见面。面。The local newspaper made arrangement for an interview with Professor Smith. (arrangement n. 安排;安排;约定;筹定;筹备)这家当地家当地

11、报纸做好了安排采做好了安排采访史密斯教授。史密斯教授。Please arrange (整理整理)the books on the shelves. She arranged to meet Tom (安排安排见汤姆姆)in secret after work. They made an arrangement (安排安排)to share the food. Dont worry. Ive _ pick up the guests at the station at 6 oclock. A. arranged to B. arranged forC. prepared D. prepared

12、for【解解析析】选A。考考查arrange结构构。句句意意:不不要要担担心心,我我已已安安排六点去排六点去车站接来站接来宾。arrange to do sth. 意意为“安排做某事安排做某事”。I hear that you will be on business again. Yeah. My boss _ for me to discuss business details with someone from another company. 2012三明高二三明高二检测A. asked B. arranged C. held D. required【解解析析】选B。答答句句后后半半句句

13、句句意意:老老板板安安排排我我与与另另一一家家公公司司的的一个人一个人详谈业务。arrange for sb. to do sth安排某人做某事。安排某人做某事。4. delightHer first delight was going to the Tower. (P14)她首先想去看的地方是她首先想去看的地方是伦敦塔。敦塔。The clown delighted the audience. 小丑逗小丑逗乐了了观众。众。delight作作为名名词,意,意为:快快乐;高;高兴;喜悦;喜悦。作作为动词,意,意为:使高使高兴;使欣喜;使欣喜。(1)to ones delight 使某人高使某人高兴

14、的是的是with delight 高高兴地地take delight in. . . 以以为乐(2)delighted adj. 高高兴的的be delighted at/by. . . 因因而高而高兴用适当的介用适当的介词填空填空He always takes delight in playing chess. To his delight, he passed the driving test. She delights in being surrounded by admirers. I have received your letter and read it with delight

15、. The woman was delighted at the recovery of her stolen jewels. 5. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. (P14) 奇怪的是,奇怪的是,这位位发展了共展了共产主主义的人竟然在的人竟然在伦敦生活敦生活过,并,并且在且在伦敦去世。敦去世。这是一个复合句。是一个复合句。that引引导的是主的是主语从句,从句,it是是形式主形式主语。should have done的意思是的意思是

16、“竟然,居然竟然,居然”,表示,表示说话人的惊异、人的惊异、懊悔、失望等情感。懊悔、失望等情感。It is natural that a rich man like him should live in such a splendid house. 像他像他这样的富人住在的富人住在这样豪豪华的房子里是很自然的事情。的房子里是很自然的事情。It is a shame that you should have done such a thing. 你竟然做出你竟然做出这样的事真是羞耻。的事真是羞耻。我我们掌握一掌握一门第二外第二外语很必要。很必要。It is necessary that we s

17、hould master a second foreign language. 保持自然平衡保持自然平衡对人人类来来说是很重要的。是很重要的。It is important that man should keep the balance of nature. 太太遗憾了,你竟会憾了,你竟会这样粗心。粗心。It is a pity that you should be so careless. It is strange that a prince _ an commoner (平民平民). A. should have married B. could have marriedC. must

18、 have married D. might have married【解解析析】选A。考考查虚虚拟语气气。句句意意:王王子子竟竟然然与与一一位位平平民民女女子子结婚婚,真真令令人人感感到到奇奇怪怪。It is strange that从从句句中中的的谓语动词用用should+have done或或should+动词原形。原形。1. quarrelDo these differences cause conflicts or quarrels? (P12)这些差异引起冲突或争些差异引起冲突或争论吗?I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with h

19、im. 我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。The couple was quarreling furiously about whose turn it was to cook the dinner. 这对夫夫妇对该轮到到谁做晚做晚饭而激烈争吵着。而激烈争吵着。quarrel既是名既是名词,又是,又是动词,意思是:,意思是:争争论;争吵;争吵; 吵架吵架。“和和争吵争吵/争争论”是是“quarrel with sb. ”。“为而争吵而争吵/争争论”是是“quarrel about/over sth. ”。The long-lasting meeting, filled

20、 with arguments and_,ended in disorder, reaching no conclusion. 2012临沂高二沂高二检测A. delight B. quarrels C. quarrel D. pleasure【解解析析】选B。quarrel这里里是是名名词。quarrels与与arguments为并并列列关关系系。句句意意为:这场持持续了了很很长时间的的会会议,充充满了了辩论和争吵,最和争吵,最终混乱无混乱无结果地告果地告终。If you quarrel _ the employer again, you will risk getting dismisse

21、d from the company. A. about B. overC. with D. to【解解析析】选C。固固定定搭搭配配quarrel with sb. about/over sth因因某事与某人争吵。某事与某人争吵。D项不和不和quarrel搭配。搭配。2. thrillBut she was thrilled by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum. (P14)(thrill vt. 意思意思是:是:使激使激动;使胆;使胆战心惊心惊, thrilled adj.

22、 兴奋的;激的;激动的的)但是,她感到震撼的却是博物但是,她感到震撼的却是博物馆里展出的那么多来自不同文里展出的那么多来自不同文化的奇珍异宝。化的奇珍异宝。The child was thrilled with horror at the sight of the tiger in the dark! (be thrilled at/about/with sth. 对感到感到兴奋)那孩子看到暗那孩子看到暗处的老虎吓得毛骨悚然。的老虎吓得毛骨悚然。The film works up to a thrilling climax. (thrilling adj. 令人感到令人感到兴奋的的)这部部电影

23、逐影逐渐发展到令人惊悚的高潮。展到令人惊悚的高潮。用用thrill的正确形式完成句子。的正确形式完成句子。We were thrilled to hear the news. The thrilling sight never fails to thrill me. It gave me a big _ to meet my favourite author in person. A. excite B. thrillC. convenience D. credit【解解析析】选B。句句意意:能能见到到我我最最喜喜欢的的作作者者本本人人使使我我感感到到兴奋不不已已。excite动词, thri

24、ll既既可可作作动词“使使人人兴奋”也也可可作作名名词“兴奋,激,激动”,convenience方便方便, credit信任,信任,赞扬, 学分。学分。3. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. (P14)由由于于担担心心时间不不够,张萍萍玉玉把把她她要要在在伦敦敦参参观的的地地点点列列了了一一张单子。子。worried about the time available是是过去分去分词短短语作原因状作原因状语,worried

25、的的逻辑主主语是是Zhang Pingyu,相当于,相当于As she (Zhang Pingyu) was worried about the time available。she wanted to see in London是是定定语从句,省略了关系代从句,省略了关系代词that。Tired of the boring speech , many audience left halfway. 因因为厌倦了无聊的演倦了无聊的演讲,很多,很多观众中途就离开了。众中途就离开了。Well known for his wonderful voice,he was able to win the c

26、hampionship of Chinas Got Talent. 由于出色的嗓音,他在中国达人秀中由于出色的嗓音,他在中国达人秀中获得冠得冠军。_twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog. A. Being bitten B. BittenC. Having bitten D. To be bitten【解解析析】选B。考考查非非谓语动词用用法法。the postman与与bite之之间存存在在逻辑上上的的动宾关关系系,且且被被咬咬已已是是事事实,故故排排除除C, D两两项;被咬的被

27、咬的动作已作已经发生,故排除生,故排除A项。 _by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. A. Being encouraged B. EncouragingC. Encouraged D. Having encouraged【解解析析】选C。本本题考考查非非谓语动词的的用用法法。很很显然然,encourage的的逻辑主主语即即句句子子的的主主语many farmers,所所以以应该用用过去去分分词表表被被动,作作原原因因状状语,相相当当于于because they are

28、 encouraged by. . . 。4. It looked splendid when first built! (P14)刚建成的建成的时候,它看上去金碧候,它看上去金碧辉煌煌! 这是一个省略句。是一个省略句。when first built中省略了中省略了“ it was ”。Though invited , he refused to attend her wedding. 虽然受到了邀然受到了邀请,他拒,他拒绝参加她的婚礼。参加她的婚礼。If heated to a higher temperature, iron will turn into liquid. 如果加如果加热到

29、更高的温度,到更高的温度,铁会会变成液体。成液体。I will go there if possible. 如果可能的如果可能的话,我会去那儿。,我会去那儿。Though_ to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. 2010全国卷全国卷A. surprising B. was surprisedC. surprised D. being surprised 【解解析析】选C。考考查省省略略结构构和和非非谓语动词。补充充完完整整为:Though he was surprised. . . ,主,主语一致,省略主一致,省略主语和系和系动词。E

30、very evening after dinner, if not _ from work, I will spend some time walking my dog. A. being tired B. tiringC. tired D. to be tired 【解解析析】选C。考考查非非谓语动词。当当表表示示“困困倦倦”时应使使用用be tired,又又因因为主主从从句句主主语一一致致,从从句句谓语部部分分含含be,可可使使用用省略用法,故此省略用法,故此处答案答案应为tired。 The Tower of London has a very interesting story beh

31、ind it. It was begun by a man who was not even English, William of Normandy. At the time he was the cousin of Englands King Edward. It all started 1 William became outraged when Edward gave up his 2 to give the throne to William and 3 up giving the throne to his English brother-in-law, Harold. Willi

32、am 4 his army across the English Channel to conquer England. On October 14, 1066, he met Harold at Hastings and 5 him. On Christmas Day later that year, William was 6 King of England. Immediately after William 7 over asking, he built forts everywhere. One stood in the southeastern corner of London o

33、n the north 8 of the Thames River. William 9 that this fort be removed in 1078 to be 10 by a huge stone stronghold. This would be the 11 of his power, a fortress for his defense, and a prison for his enemies. He named it the Tower of London. The Tower was 12 twenty years later, rising nearly one hun

34、dred feet high, with its walls fifteen feet 13 in certain places. The Tower was 14 by a wide ditch, a new stone wall, the old Roman wall, and the river. This was done to secure the 15 that this tower was a prison that no prisoner would escape 16 . The Bishop(主主教教)of Durham was probably the Towers fi

35、rst distinguished 17 . He was very fat, greedy, and unpopular. He was dragged to the prison by his brother with his servants and bags of money. But the Bishop lived very 18 inside the Tower because he 19 bribe the guards with gold. One night in February, 1101, he gave a huge banquet with a lot of fo

36、od and liquor. When he had gotten the guards very 20 , he pushed his bags through a window and slid down a rope to freedom. 1. A. though B. because C. while D. since【解解析析】选B。根根据据上上下下文文的的语意意判判断断,下下文文是是上上文文的的原原因因,所以用所以用because。2. A. chance B. wish C. intention D. promise【解解析析】选D。从从文文章章判判断断Edward曾曾“允允诺

37、”把把王王位位传给William。3. A. ended B. put C. held D. brought【解析解析】选A。end up doing结果做了果做了;以做;以做而告而告终。4. A. drove B. rode C. sailed D. flew【解析解析】选C。根据。根据“英吉利海峡英吉利海峡”判断,判断,动词要用要用sail。5. A. conquered B. defendedC. served D. inspected【解析解析】选A。William来英国的原因就是来英国的原因就是为了了“征服征服”Harold。6. A. elected B. crownedC. ch

38、osen D. selected【解解析析】选B。crown加加冕冕, 由由于于当当时不不实行行民民主主制制,所所以以不不需要需要选举。7. A. handed B. got C. took D. came【解析解析】选C。take over接替;接管。接替;接管。William当了国王。当了国王。8. A. shore B. piece C. beach D. bank【解解析析】选D。the Thames River泰泰晤晤士士河河。bank指指河河岸岸;shore海岸;海岸;beach海海滩。9. A. suggested B. orderedC. advised D. asked【解解

39、析析】选B。William当当时是是国国王王,不不需需要要建建议,需需要要下下的的是是“命令命令”。10. A. changed B. placedC. built D. replaced【解析解析】选D。replace代替,和前面的代替,和前面的remove(移走移走)相呼相呼应。11. A. symbol B. signal C. mark D. sign【解析解析】选A。William建建伦敦塔,把它作敦塔,把它作为权力的力的“象征象征”。12. A. started B. begunC. completed D. designed【解解析析】选C。从从上上文文看看已已经开开始始建建造造

40、伦敦敦塔塔了了,所所以以此此处应为“竣工竣工”。13. A. thick B. deep C. long D. high【解析解析】选A。对应前面的前面的“高度高度”。此。此处指城指城墙的的“厚度厚度”。14. A. prevented B. protectedC. respected D. divided【解解析析】选B。伦敦敦塔塔被被一一条条很很宽的的壕壕沟沟“保保护”着着。divide指指把一个整体分成若干份。把一个整体分成若干份。15. A. rule B. messageC. fact D. condition【解析解析】选C。fact实情;事情;事实,与后面的内容相一致。,与后面的

41、内容相一致。16. A. through B. into C. across D. from【解析解析】选D。表示。表示“从从逃跑逃跑”用用escape from. . . 。17. A. guard B. police C. farmer D. prisoner【解解析析】选D。从从下下文文的的He was dragged to the prison. . . 判判断断,他是他是“犯人犯人”。18. A. poorly B. badly C. well D. healthily【解解析析】选C。根根据据下下文文的的“他他用用金金子子贿赂看看守守”判判断断,他他在在那那里生活得很里生活得很“好好”。19. A. must B. could C. should D. might【解析解析】选B。此。此处表示表示“能力能力”。20. A. drunk B. happy C. excited D. asleep【解解析析】选A。根根据据liquor(酒酒)看看,此此处应为把把看看守守灌灌“醉醉”了了以后。以后。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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