牛津深圳版英语八下Chapter 2 Cartoonsppt课件

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1、Chapter 2 CartoonsReading A Look and thinkLook at the title, the headings and the pictures. Then try to answer these questions.1.The article will probably be about how comic strips _. a. encourage the readings b. are produced c. have become popular2. The story in the strip on Page 19 is probably abo

2、ut _. a. space travel b. ghosts c. a crimeA Look and thinkLook at the title, the headings and the pictures. Then try to answer these questions.3 Do you like comic books? why or why not?4 How many comic books do you read in a month?5 Who are your favourite characters in comic books?B Find the factsRe

3、ad through the article and complete theserules about creating comic strips. Put one word from the article in each space.CreatingacomicstripRule 1 Think of a _ or _ plot. Make the story move _.Rule 2 Give the characters strong _, so they will be easy to understand just by looking at the _.funnydramat

4、icfastpersonalitiespicturesB Find the factsDrawingthestripRule 1 For variety, leave some fames without _.Rule 2 For interest, vary the _ of some frames.Rule 3 Explain changes of scene or time by using a line of _.Rule 4 Use sound _ to add excitement.borderssizestexteffectsB Find the factsDrawingthes

5、tripRule 1 For variety, leave some fames without _.Rule 2 For interest, vary the _ of some frames.Rule 3 Explain changes of scene or time by using a line of _.Rule 4 Use sound _ to add excitement.borderssizestexteffectsTheusefulphrasesinReading1.bemadeinto.2.drawwith3.shutup4.makeanappeal5.explainst

6、h.6.foolsb.7.soundeffects8.meanwhile9.addto10.bevariedto1.把把制成制成2.用用画画3.闭嘴!闭嘴!4.恳求援助恳求援助5.解释某事解释某事6.愚弄某人愚弄某人7.声音效果声音效果8.同时同时9.把把加上去加上去10.与与不同不同C Find the meaningsC1Findthesewordsinthearticle,trytoworkouttheirmeaningsandthenusetheminthesentencesbelow.1 A We need a school swimming pool, but where can

7、we get the money for it? B Why dont we make a public _ to our former students?2 There is a saying that _ is the spice of life. This means that it is good to do many different things instead of doing the same thing all the time.appealVariety3 A Did you enjoy the film? B No. The _ was very difficult t

8、o understand. Also, there was too much talking and not enough _, except in the _ at the end when the island sank into the sea. That was very dramatic.4 A Were there many people at your brothers wedding? B No. It was a simple family _.5 A man called Otis made the first lift in 1853. His _ saved peopl

9、e from having to walk up stairs.plotactionsceneaffairinventionC1Findthesewordsinthearticle.Usethemtoreplacethewordsinitalicsinthesentencesbelow.1 These prices differ a lot. Some of the things are cheap, and some are very expensive.2 Jenny is very serious, but Jerry is always joking. They have comple

10、tely different characters .3 Books for young children usually have lots of pictures and a small number of printed words.varypersonalitiestextC1Findthesewordsinthearticle.Usethemtoreplacethewordsinitalicsinthesentencesbelow.4 It was an important meeting so it took place at the centre of the organizat

11、ion.5 The background of the play last night was terrific.6 Peter hoped to make an impression in the English speech contest.7 Before you draw a comic row of pictures, you must think of a plot.headquartersscenerystripAnswerthesequestionsaboutthearticle.1 Look at the pictures of the four characters on

12、page 18. Match the descriptions of the personalities with the faces. a lively (full of energy) and clever. b tough and honest c complaining and lazy d bad-tempered toplefttoprightbottomrightbottomleftAnswerthesequestionsaboutthearticle.2 Look at the strip. How can you tell a thought bubble from a sp

13、eech bubble?Theedgesofthoughtbubblesarescalloped,notsmooth.Thoughtbubblesareconnectedtocharactersbysmallerbubbles,whilespeechbubbleshavesharppointstoconnectthemtothespeakers.Answerthesequestionsaboutthearticle.3 There are two kinds of speech bubbles. What si each kind used for?4 In frame 5, what did

14、 the men hear? Ordinaryovalspeechbubblesareforthecharacterswords.Speechbubblesdrawnwithjaggededgesareforspeechcomingfromtheradio,TV,telephone,etc.Thesoundofthewindowbreaking(crash)andglassfallingtothefloor(tinkle)Answerthesequestionsaboutthearticle.5 In frame 6, what did Terry do to make the men fal

15、l?6 In frame 7, is Terry climbing up the pipe or down it?Hetrippedthembysuddenlypullingaropetightundertheirfeet.Hemustbeclimbingupthepipebecauselaterweseehimontheroof.Answerthesequestionsaboutthearticle.7 Who is the man in frame 9? Is he speaking or listening?8 In the last frame, how is Terry attrac

16、ting the attention of the man in the helicopter?ThemanistheChiefofpolice.Thefaggedlinesofthebubbleshowheislisteningtosomeoneonthetelephone,notspeakingtohimself.Heiswavinghisarmsintheair.Answerthesequestionsaboutthearticle.9 What sound-effect words are used in the strip?10 Many modern phones do not r

17、ing. Choose one of these to describe their sound. a ding-dong b tick-tock c bleep-bleep d buzz-buzzCrash,tinkle,burring,Listening Completing notes and problem-solving:A Rita Rich has been kidnapped. The kidnappers have gone out. They did not know that Rita had her mobile phone with her. Now she is t

18、elephoning the police. You are a police officer. listen to their conversation and complete the notes below.Rita RichOn Square Island, in locked room. Two kidnappers.Windows painted (1) _.She can sometimes hear (2) _: thinks she is near (3)_.Can also here (4) _ of a (5) _-quite near; and also the noi

19、se from a (6) _ - but (7)_ very near.Cant hear noises from (8)_. blacktrainsrailway linebellschurchschoolnotzoo / animalsCan hear (9) _ but not very (10) _. She can smell (11)_ - strong smell.Can also smell (12) _ - thinks sheis quite (13) _ to it.Plastics factory: can smell it just a (14) _. (Kidna

20、ppers returned at this point.)planesloudfishseanearbitCompleting notes and problem-solving:B The police know that Rita is on Square Island. Look at the map below. They think she is in one of the buildings marked A to F. Use your notes, and study the map. Can you find out which building Rita is in?An

21、swer:RitaisinBuildingC.Language 形容词、副词形容词、副词用用用用法法法法例例例例句句句句补充说明补充说明作作作作定定定定语语语语作作作作表表表表语语语语作作作作宾宾宾宾补补补补形容词的用法形容词的用法 AdjectivesPleasekeeptheroomclean.Ifinditverybeautiful.Theworkisdifficult.Shelookshappytoday.Thisisagoodbook.Ihavenothingimportanttotellyou.作定语时放在作定语时放在被修饰词之前被修饰词之前, ,修饰不定代词修饰不定代词放在后面放

22、在后面作表语与系动词连用名词和形容词的转化名词和形容词的转化sunsunnyrainrainywind windycloudcloudyinterestinterestingfriendfriendlycarecarefuluseusefulhelphelpful名词名词 + y/ly/ful/ing = 形容词形容词用来修饰动词,形容词,副词,全句或名词词组.用用法法例例句句作表语作表语作定语作定语作状语作状语作宾补作宾补副词的作用:副词的作用: Mymotherisout.Thegirlthereismyfriend. Herunsfast.Ifoundhimoutside.有许多副词是对

23、应的形容词加 -ly构成strongstronglyrealreallydeepdeeply词尾是y的要把y变为i再加-lybusybusilyeasyeasilyhappilyhappyheavyheavily以e e结尾的,大部分直接加- -lylywidebravewidelybravely有几个特殊的要去e e后再加 - -lyly或 -y ytrueterribletrulyterribly形容词和副词的比较形容词和副词的比较goodadj.adv.wellhardhard困难的困难的努力地努力地hardly几乎不几乎不well健康的健康的好的好的这两个词没有任何关系好好形容词和副词

24、原级、比较形容词和副词原级、比较级、最高级的用法级、最高级的用法. . 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成是基本相同的一般单音节词末尾加-er和 -est;单音节词如果以-e结尾,只加-r 和-st strongstrongerstrongesthardharderhardestlargelargerlargestwidewiderwidest闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er和-est sadbigsaddersaddestbiggerbiggesthothotterhottestfatfatterfattestwetwetterwettest以y结尾的词

25、,如y前是辅音字母,把y变成i,再加-er和-esthappyeasybusyhappierhappiesteasiereasiestbusierbusiestearlyearlier earliestheavyheavierheaviest其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加more和most difficultmoredifficultmostdifficultbeautifulmorebeautifulmostbeautifulslowlymoreslowlymostslowly形容词和副词的形容词和副词的不不规则变化规则变化goodwellbadillbadlybetterbestworse

26、worstmanymuchmoremost形容词和副词的形容词和副词的不不规则变化规则变化littlelessleastfarfartherfurtherfarthestfurthestoldolderelderoldesteldest它们的汉语意思相同吗?它们的汉语意思相同吗?far(远远)furtherfurthestfarther farthest(较远较远)(最远的最远的)(进一步进一步)(最久的最久的)late(迟迟)laterlatestlatter last(较迟较迟)最近最近(时间时间)(后者后者)最后最后(顺序顺序)有些副词没有比较级的变化now,then,always,ne

27、ver,here,there,how,CompareHewasthelastmanintheline.Ithasbeenrainingforthelastfewdays.(最近最近)(最后最后)形容词,副词表示比较级的用法形容词,副词表示比较级的用法Sheisaskindashermother. 表示两者“相等”用:as+原级 +asShelovestheschoolasmuchasherownhome.表示“不如,没有,”用: not+as/so+原级+asHe_walkasslowlyasyou(do).She_astallashermother.doesntisnt 表示两者比较adj/

28、adv比较级 +than从句Igotupearlierthanmymotherthismorning.SheisaheadtallerthanI(me).比较级+thanOurteacheristallerthanwe(are).Heistallerthananyotherstudentintheschool.(=anybodyelse)(=theotherstudents)比较级前可用much,alittle,alot,far,even等表示程度Ourcityismuchmorebeautifulthanyours.JapanisalittlelargerthanGermany.比较级+an

29、d+比较级moreandmore+原级越来越Thebabycried_.(hard)Itsgetting_(hot).harderandhardermoreandmorehotterandhotter.hotterandhotter.Ourcountryisbecoming_beautiful.The+比较级, the+比较级.Themore,thebetter.Thebusierheis,thehappierhefeels.越, 越越多越好。他越忙越高兴。very/too,quite/rather Youare_right.Itis_coldtoday.Thedeskis_heavytoca

30、rry.Heparkedthecar_easily.+形容词副词形容词副词原级quiterathertoovery(the)最高级+in/of/amongJimis_inhisclass.Jimis_ofthethree.Jimis_amongthem.(tall)Heruns_ofall.(slowly)thetallestthetallestthetallest(the)mostslowlyoneofthe +最高级+复数名词最之一Xianisoneof_inChina.(oldcity)Shanghaiisoneof_inChina.(bigcity)theoldestcitiesthe

31、biggestcities最高级前一般要加“thethe”副词最高级前可加“thethe”也可不加“thethe”,当最高级前有物主代词时,则不加“thethe”。HelikesEnglish_bestofallthesubjects.Tomis_happiestofusall.(adv.)(adj.)(the)theKateislesstallthanhe.HeistallerthanKate.less+原级原级- 不及,没有,不如Myshirtischeaperthanhis.SoccerislesspopularthanfootballintheUSA.less+原级原级-不及不及,没有

32、没有,不如不如EnglishismoreimportantthanJapanese,Ithink.JapaneseislessimportantthanEnglish,Ithink.less+原级原级- - 不及不及, ,没有没有, ,不如不如very,quite,rather,so,too,muchtoo,enough等等,与形容词和副词的原级连用与形容词和副词的原级连用Theseshoesaremuchtoobigforme.Thedoctorsarenotsafeenough.Herunsfastenough.比较级比较级,AorB?Whohaspickedmoreapples,Jimo

33、rMike?Whichdoyoulikebetter,footballortabletennis?最高级最高级,A,BorC?Whichisthe_,thetrainstation,thebusstationortheairport?_.farthestTheairport.very;much 很很veryvery用来修饰形容词和副词的原级,而muchmuch用来修饰形容词和副词的比较级。Sheisa_nicegirl.Imfeeling_betternow.(adv.)verymuchmuch可以修饰动词,而very则不能 very ; much Idontliketheidea_.They

34、didnottalk_.muchmuchHeis_tall.veryvery ; very much veryvery adv.adv. 修修饰饰adj.adj. 或或adv.adv.放在所修饰词之前放在所修饰词之前。 very very muchmuch 修修饰饰动动词词,置置于所修饰词之后。于所修饰词之后。1Thepictureis_nice.2Thankyou_.3Weloveourschool_.4Heworks_hard.veryverymuchverymuchveryGuess which is right? IlikeEnglishverymuch.IverylikeEnglis

35、h. Ilovemyparentsverymuch.Iverylovemyparents. too;either 也也tootoo用于肯定句,eithereither用于否定句。 (adv.)Shecandance,andIcandance,_.Ihaventreadthebookandmybrotherhasnt_.tooeitheralready ;yet (adv.)already一般用于语肯定句,yet一般用于否定句和疑问句 Hehas_left.Hehasntanswered_.Haveyouheardfromhim_?alreadyyetyet so ;neitherso和neit

36、her都可用于倒装句,但so表肯定,neither表示否定Mybrotherlikesfootballand_doI.Mybrotherdoesntlikedancingand_doI.(adv.)soneitherago ; before以前以前ago:和过去时态连和过去时态连用用before:和完成时连和完成时连用用Isawthefilm_.Ihaveseenthefilm_.Hesaidhehadseenthefilm_.anhouragobeforebeforebadly/bad/ill写出下列词的比较级和最高级。写出下列词的比较级和最高级。worseworstearlierearli



39、home_,butshedidntfeel_.A.alone,lonelyB.lonely,aloneC.alone,lonelyD.lonely,aloneA()Jimisrunning_Bruce.Theyreneckandneck. A.fasterthanB.asfastas C.asfasterasD.moreslowlythanBalone:单独;独自单独;独自adv.adj.lonely:孤独的;寂寞的;人迹稀孤独的;寂寞的;人迹稀少的;少的;adj.根据题意独自在家并不感到孤根据题意独自在家并不感到孤独。选独。选A.Ifeellonely,becauseIamaloneatho

40、me.1Isthephysicsproblem_? Yes,Icanworkitout_.A.easy,easilyB.easy,easyC.easily,easilyD.easily,easilyA2.Whata_cough!Youseem_ill.A.terrible,terriblyB.terribly,terribleC.terrible,terribleD.terribly,terriblyA3.Thecarisrunning_.Itseemstobeflying.A.moreandfasterB.moreandfastC.fastandfastD.fasterandfasterD4

41、.Keepquiet,please.Its_noisyhere.A.manytooB.toomanyC.muchtooD.toomuchC5.Illgoandvisityou_nextweek.A.sometimeB.sometimesC.sometimesD.sometimeA6.Ifeeleven_now.A.badB.wellC.worseD.worst7. Shewasveryhappy.Sheran_ofalltherunners.A.fastestB.thequickestC.slowestD.quicklyCA8.Englishisas_asChinese.Youshouldle

42、arnitwell.A.importantB.moreimportantC.themostimportantD.muchmoreimportantA9.Musicisnotsousefulasscience.Its_usefulthanscience.A.fewer B.lessC.moreD.alotB10.Haveyou_spokentoaforeigner?No,_.A.already,neverB.ever,neverC.yet,alreadyD.ever,everB11.Whatwastheweatherlikeyesterday?Itwasverybad.Itrained_,peo

43、plecould_goout.A.hard,hardB.hardlyhardC.hardly,hardlyD.hard.hardly12.Helooks_.A.good B.wellC.happily D.worriedlyB13.Wouldyoupleasespeak_?Istillcantfollowyou.A.slow B.muchslowC.muchslowlyD.moreslowlyD14.Heistallerthan_inhisclass.A.anyboyB.anyboysC.anyotherboyD.someotherboysC16.Weveneverheardof_storyb


45、sD.asdeliciousC2. LinTaojumped_inthelongjumpintheschoolsportsmeetingA.farB.fartherC.farthestD.quitefarC3. Whentheymetinthehotel,theytalkedandlaughed_A.HappilyB.happyC.happierD.happiestA4. whichis_seasoninBeijing?A.Good B.betterC.bestD.thebestD1. IthinkYaoMing,thefamousbasketballplayer,willbe_newStar

46、inNBA.A.HotB.hotterC.hottestD.thehottestD2. Inourcityits_inJuly,butitiseven_inAugust.A.Hotter;hottestB.hot;hotC.hotter;hotD.hot; hotterD3. HainanisaverylargeIsland.Itisthesecond_islandinchina.A.LargeB.largerC.largestD.mostlargestCA1 1. round 2. small 3. smiling 4. curly 5. thin 6. pink 7. rough 8. t

47、hick 9. small 10. smiling 11. round 12. curly 13. brightA2 1. high 2. polite 3. fast 4. dangerous 5. awful; delicious 6. hotB1 2. its difficult to fall asleep 3. its easy to get there 4. its possible to go there 5. its safe to live 6. its impossible to findB2 Possible answers1 S1 What do you think a

48、bout S2 its dangerous to do2 S1 What do you think about S2 its wonderful to do3 S1 What do you think about S2 theyre difficult to plant4 S1 What do you think about S2 its hard to understandB2 Possible answers5 S1 what do you think about S2 its wonderful to visit6 S1 what do you think about S2 theyre

49、 boring to watch7 S1 what do you think about S2 its pleasant to listen to8 S1 what do you think about S2 its difficult to learnB3 Complete the following note.My partner thinks that comics are easy to read,and that skydiving _. He also believes that _ and that flowers _. He feelsthat the speech _ and

50、that _. He also thinks that_ and that pop music _. Lastly, he feels that _.is dangerous to dodancing is wonderful to doare difficult to plantThe Great Wall is wonderful to visitis hard to understandboring to watchTV advertisements areis pleasant to listen toHistory is difficult to learnWritingWritin

51、gthewordsforacomicstripA In small groups, look at the comic strip below, it is the beginning of a story called Mystery Island. Discuss what is happening in each picture.1 Steve and Jody set out on a round-the-world trip in a small boat. 2 Good luck! Goodbye!3 Thanks! Goodbye!4 After one month, they

52、had lunch together.5 Weve been on this trip for one month, Jody!6 Listen! Its the weather forecast.7 A typhoon is coming8 The typhoon arrived.9 The sea is getting rough.10 Wed better put our life jackets on, Steven.11 CRASH!12 Now we are in trouble!13 After the typhoon14 That was terrible. Lets sit

53、on the boat.15 Yes, but thank goodness were still alive.16 A few days later17 Look, Steve! Theres an island.18 I wonder if anyone lives there.19 We made it! Now were safe!20 ROAR!21 Quick! Run! Its a dinosaur!More practice1. How many news stories are there? a. Two. b. Three.a. Two.Before you read th

54、e news stories on the next page, take a quick look at them. Choose the right answers. ALookatthecomicstripbelow.Itshowsthestoryaboutthefoxandthecrow.Writethewordsforthespeechandthoughtbubblesinthespacesprovided.Followthenumbersinthecorrectorder.1 This big pieces of meat will be a nice breakfast for

55、my baby.2 Im hungry. How can I get that piece of meat from the crow?1. How many news stories are there? a. Two. b. Three.a. Two.Before you read the news stories on the next page, take a quick look at them. Choose the right answers. 3 Excuse me, crow. How are you and your baby?4 You have a beautiful

56、voice. I would like to hear you sing, please.5 The fox is very kind. I will sing a song for him.1. How many news stories are there? a. Two. b. Three.a. Two.Before you read the news stories on the next page, take a quick look at them. Choose the right answers. BReadthetexts1-7below,andlookatthepicturesa-g.Thepicturesaregiveninthecorrectorderbutthetextsarenot.Matchthepictureswiththerighttextstotellthestoryaboutthewise,blindman.a-4e-2b-1f-3c-5g-6d-7Thankyou!Thankyou!



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