牛津上海版一上Uni 1 On the farmppt课件

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1、Unit1On a farm Period 1how now cowcoatgoatatbag fatlambpenten henfeetmeetsheepfeedorhorseforhorsecowgoat henlambOne student learns the sounds of animals Others guess the English word for each animal.Read the wordsWhat are they?henscowshorseslambssheepgoats认读复数名词卡a horseWhat is it?What are they?horse

2、sa cowWhat is it?What are they?cowsa goatWhat are they?goatsLets do ask and answer.Its a henTheyre hensIts a lambTheyre lambsIts a sheepTheyre sheepAnswer the questions.-Aretheyhens?-Yes,theyare.-Whatarethey?-Are they sheep?-No, they arent.-What are they?-Theyre goats.Whatarethey?-Theyare.lambsAreth

3、eyfat?Lets do ask and answer.-Whatcanyousee?-Howmanyanimalsdoyouhave?-Whatarethey?-Theyre.-Icansee.-Ihave.Feedthehens.Holdalamb.Rideahorse.Milkacow.Shearasheep.Letsdo名词变算数一般在名词词尾直接加s. 如:hens,goats,pigs,cats等.以s.x.ch.sh.o等结尾的词一般在名词词尾加:es.如:dress,box,peach,potato,等.不规则变化:一般规律:sheep-sheep goose-geesema

4、n-men Whats missing (什么不见了)Period 2Are they fruits?Yes, they are.Are they fruits?No, they arent. They are vegetables. Today, Mike, John and Zhang Peng are on a farm(在农场). Lets go and have a look,OK?Wow!Look! Its a farm. 农场Look, whats this?Its a carrot.carrot/: carrot cat bag hat / -What are they? 它们

5、-What colour are they? -_ _ orange./ts/: carrots shorts pants skirtsThey are-They are carrots.So many vegetables! What are they?They are cucumbers. 黄瓜 cucumber cute number/z/: cucumbers sisters brothers teachers -What are they?-They are cucumbers. /z/ju:/ / -How many cucumbers can you see?-I can see

6、 eight cucumbers.Hi ,Im Onion. 洋葱Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too. /: onion monkey mother some an onion/ / two onions/z/: onions cucumbers potatoes tomatoes-What are they?-They are onions.-What colour are they?-They are white and purple.What are they ?They are potatoes.Look, are they oranges?

7、No, they arent. They are tamatoes.-Whats this?-Its a potato.-Whats this?-Its a tomato. /e/: make cake table tomato potato/ /e/ / / /e/ / -What are they?-They are potatoes. -What are they?-They are tomatoes. /z/: potatoes tomatoes cucumbers onions . Lets make a chant What are they? What are they? Pot

8、atoes , potatoes. They are potatoes. .Group work: Four students in a group, choose(选择) one picture and make a similar chant. 1 2 34Dear children. Are you happy today?Yes. We are very happy. Lets read ,OK?Good idea!I go to the farm. I see many vegetables.I can see carrots. They are yellow.I can see c

9、ucumbers. They are red.I can see onions. They are white.I can see tomatoes. They are orange.I can see potatoes. They are green.We are very happy.What a beautiful day!I go to the farm. I see many vegetables.I can see _. They are_.I can see _. They are_.I can see _. They are_.I can see _. They are_.I can see _. They are_.We are very happy.What a beautiful day!自己编写短文并说一说Vegetables are good for us. Lets eat more vegetables!OK?多吃蔬菜



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