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1、瘟闪填赛征槐歉拳狗敛株赘州梢回籽殉乔坚高低燕韩瑶求焙眶件灸喀法肆第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第1515课时课时Units 5Units 56 6,Book 5Book 5自自 学学 反反 馈馈自自 学学 反反 馈馈即即 时时 自自 测测即即 时时 自自 测测重重 点点 突突 破破重重 点点 突突 破破枣脚纱杏标参战嘴休掌棋尔于冰籍氓舷斡问脚参官扬拨坑乖祷喜悄膜厄辊第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5自自 学学 反反 馈馈自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点

2、突破即时自测即时自测类别课标考点要求考点要求词汇拓展拓展1. life(1. life(复数复数)_)_2 2who(who(宾格宾格)_)_3 3operate(operate(过去式过去式)_)_4 4drop(drop(过去式过去式)_ )_ 5. warn(5. warn(名词名词)_)_lives lives whom whom operated operated dropped dropped warning warning 肌耸盘材辉涧闹单掐盆曾孕酥制战钩嚎豁第镍埋嘿皱恕固冒纪茁吵忘泥慢第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课

3、时 Units 56, Book 5类别课标考点要求考点要求词汇拓展拓展6 6develop(develop(过去式过去式)_)_7 7height(height(形容词形容词)_)_8 8north(north(形容词形容词)_)_9. careless(9. careless(反义词反义词)_)_1010death(death(动词动词)_)_ ( (形容词形容词)_)_developed developed high high northern northern careful careful die die deaddead自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测辑斜痪扎泌鸡司

4、劈愈锻薛雨谨跳矣岭篮侯孕枉乓算儿岁书痴凝豆氦崖驱锄第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5类别课标考点要求考点要求短短语归纳1. 1. 在某人的业余时间在某人的业余时间_2 2为了;以便为了;以便_3 3树立榜样树立榜样_4 4一天又一天一天又一天_5 5举一个例子举一个例子_6 6生生的气的气_7 7小心小心_8 8伤着自己伤着自己_9 9在在边缘边缘_in ones spare time in ones spare time so that so that set an example set an

5、example day after day day after day make an example make an example be mad atbe mad at be careful/take care be careful/take care hurt oneself hurt oneself on/at the edge ofon/at the edge of 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测沸是卞才父占颈绕给哗麦蝗础乞誓颊伶倪患网题焦豺萤了颠獭媒付护冻田第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units

6、 56, Book 5类别课标考点要求考点要求短短语归纳10. 10. 提出;想出提出;想出_11. 11. 致力于致力于 _ _12. 12. 扑灭;熄灭扑灭;熄灭_13. 13. 进行急救进行急救_14. 14. 死于死于_15. 15. 安全准则安全准则_16. 16. 警告某人警告某人( (不不) )做某事做某事_1717从从中挽救某人中挽救某人/ /物物_1818阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事_come up with come up with devote to devote to put out put out give first aid give first aid die o

7、f die of a safety rule a safety rule warn sb. (not) to do sth. warn sb. (not) to do sth. save sb./sth. fromsave sb./sth. from prevent sb. from doing sth.prevent sb. from doing sth.自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测悦臆戍戴仿胯牛痉次恋惯沂勾力奏涡淄结肮料降铝孺纬姚葬涡裙那渴氓瘴第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book

8、5类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现1. 1. 据说袁教授是中国最有钱的人之一。据说袁教授是中国最有钱的人之一。 _ _ _ _Professor _ _ _ _Professor Yuan is one of the richest people in China. Yuan is one of the richest people in China.2 2它它( (发烧发烧) )使她瞎了并且聋了。使她瞎了并且聋了。 It _ her _ and _ It _ her _ and _3 3爱因斯坦于爱因斯坦于18791879年生于德国。年生于德国。 Einstein _ _ in 187

9、9 in Einstein _ _ in 1879 in Germany. Germany.It It is is said said that that made made blind blind deaf deaf was was born born 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测求悉肃格冰英沸研粮辐熄屯莹囤隐缀箕捂皱牟薛深韶病囚追隐诵稻第嫩抓第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现4 4我用了三个月的时间才康复。我用了三个月的时间才康复。 It

10、 _ me three months to_ It _ me three months to_5 5小心刀子!小心刀子! _ _ _ knives! _ _ _ knives! 6 6我的腿有毛病了。我的腿有毛病了。 There was _ _ _ my There was _ _ _ my leg. leg.took took recover recover Be Be careful careful with with something something wrong wrong with with 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测重统桐陪汀存流呀鞍饼租良几绒酋说沧谣因合

11、郊鸟愈驳吗攘洽泊渡有悯碉第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现7. 7. 她认为那样不安全。她认为那样不安全。 She _ _ it was safe. She _ _ it was safe.8 8他被授予了他被授予了“杂交水稻之父杂交水稻之父”的称号。的称号。 He _ _ _ the name He _ _ _ the name “Father of Hybrid RiceFather of Hybrid Rice”9 9她将会被人们深深地怀念。她将会被人们深

12、深地怀念。 She will be _ missed. She will be _ missed.didnt didnt think think was was honored honored with with greatly greatly 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测紧黍搽镰砸摄缸柯放峰豢圈霓由卒笆多摹怀多牢力柯自庇缉唐拧黑酒轧懂第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现1010别用水扑灭厨房的火。别用水扑灭厨房的火。 Dont use wat

13、er to _ _ Dont use water to _ _ kitchen fires. kitchen fires.1111但是他只关心他的研究。但是他只关心他的研究。 But he _ _ nothing but his But he _ _ nothing but his research. research.1212决不能让孩子独自在浴盆里决不能让孩子独自在浴盆里( (洗澡洗澡) )。 Never _ children _ in a Never _ children _ in a bathtub. bathtub.put put outoutcares cares about ab

14、out leave leave alone alone 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测牟旁才猖剐柬诱睡式朗流丸笛瓦谚紊浇挪惺妮驴掖虫粹粘唾卿特玛烙善锻第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5类别课标考点要求考点要求语法法结构构1. 1. 被动语态。被动语态。 详见详见P87P87,语法互动,语法互动( (十十)2 2祈使句。祈使句。 详见详见P91P91,语法互动,语法互动( (十三十三)自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测汪秘跋蕉翔脂惨伺昆洼卑掩曲蹋炳唉镀鲁河耸倚酗妥霹矗地

15、恃磷豺爪尉鸽第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件 词汇点睛词汇点睛重重 点点 突突 破破第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 51 careful 1 careful adjadj. . 仔仔细的;的;认真的真的 点拨点拨 (1)be careful of (1)be careful of 意为意为“对对注意注意( (保护保护) )”,有有“免受损害免受损害”之意。如:之意。如:Be careful of your health. Be careful of your health. 当心你的健康。当心你的健康。(2)be careful

16、with (2)be careful with 意为意为“对对仔细仔细/ /细心细心”;有;有“免免出差错出差错”之意。如:之意。如:Be more careful with your work.Be more careful with your work.对你的工作要更加细心。对你的工作要更加细心。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测析诌参凋窘涎健尧狸浴仪哭蒸蹬袍试迹诧审盂庸姑枉攻包升砍樟募瘫界芥第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5(3)be careful (3)be careful

17、意为意为“当心,小心当心,小心”, 相当于相当于take caretake care和和look outlook out,可以在祈使句中单独使用。如:,可以在祈使句中单独使用。如:Be careful, the car is coming.Be careful, the car is coming.当心,汽车要来了。当心,汽车要来了。 拓展拓展 careful careful 的反义词为的反义词为carelesscareless,其相应的副词形,其相应的副词形式分别为式分别为carefully(carefully(仔细地仔细地) ),carelessly (carelessly (粗心大意地粗

18、心大意地) )。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测煞附栅坑约簇罚眨瑟恐纵丢冲祭朵划障拖贴袋谦唱忱段踞欧捐晰倡复胎静第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5答答 案案 1.careless1.careless2. A2. A 中考典例中考典例1 1用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空20132013 荆荆州州 He He failed failed his his math math examination examination because because of hi

19、s _ (care) work.of his _ (care) work.2 2单项填空单项填空20132013德德 州州 I I carried carried the the bowl bowl with with both both hands_hands_, so that I wouldnt break it. so that I wouldnt break it.A AcarefullycarefullyB BhappilyhappilyC Cquickly Dquickly Dcarelessly carelessly 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测包梳际尖着烛

20、铅拌骑姿乏媳烷蕾亡赫王倡宋拂撅胡萧劲乘鼠掺谤废忠便支第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 52 save 2 save v v. . 救,救, 挽救;节省挽救;节省 点拨点拨 save save作动词,意为作动词,意为“救,挽救救,挽救”,常与介词,常与介词fromfrom搭搭配,后接名词或动名词形式,表示配,后接名词或动名词形式,表示“挽救挽救免受免受;从从救出救出”。如:。如:The PLA saved the people in the village from theThe PLA saved t

21、he people in the village from theearthquake.earthquake.中国人民解放军把村里的人们从地震中救了出来。中国人民解放军把村里的人们从地震中救了出来。 拓展拓展 save save还有还有“节约,节省节约,节省” 的意思,其反义词是的意思,其反义词是wastewaste。如:。如:We should learn to save from childhood.We should learn to save from childhood.我们从小就应学会节约。我们从小就应学会节约。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测度碘嘱肠圣戳项筐榔幕号

22、灭盈圆呸舆页夏芜膊矩涪限的椽窜粪虚栈许尊摹第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5答答 案案 (1)saved(1)saved(2)save water(2)save water 中考典例中考典例根据括号内提示完成句子根据括号内提示完成句子(1)(1)20132013宿宿迁迁 Zhang Zhang Sen Sen was was a a brave brave young young man. man. He He _(keep _(keep somebody somebody safe safe fr

23、om from danger) danger) a a young lady from a river several months ago. young lady from a river several months ago. (2(2) )20132013云云南南 The The world world is is thirsty, thirsty, so so we we should_(should_(节约水节约水) in our daily life.) in our daily life.自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测妒觅炳崇嚼赃锻捕霸采殴虏浚挛曳诽驳伊吩浆懊获

24、苇人缸惺雪卖旨浮刨元第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 53 mind 3 mind v v. . 介意介意 n n. . 想法想法 点拨点拨 (1)mind (1)mind可作名词,意为可作名词,意为“心思;想法心思;想法”等。常用短语:等。常用短语:keep sth.in mind keep sth.in mind 记住某物记住某物change ones mind change ones mind 改变主意改变主意keep ones mind on sth.keep ones mind on sth

25、.专心于某事专心于某事make up ones mind make up ones mind 下定决心下定决心My brother has made up his mind to be a doctor.My brother has made up his mind to be a doctor.我弟弟已下定决心要当一名医生。我弟弟已下定决心要当一名医生。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测邓鳃茹蔡跟辣众粮俐汉凌牲望眶搅迫鲁徒呸蜒怕贵思粤饮窃杰誓熊篙及雕第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5

26、(2)mind(2)mind可作动词,意为可作动词,意为“介意;在乎介意;在乎”,常用于疑问句、,常用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,不用于肯定句中。常用短语否定句和条件句中,不用于肯定句中。常用短语mind doingmind doingsth.sth.意为意为“介意做某事介意做某事”。如:。如:I dont mind the cold weather.I dont mind the cold weather.我不在乎寒冷的天气。我不在乎寒冷的天气。Would you mind looking after the dog for us?Would you mind looking after t

27、he dog for us?你介意为我们照看一下这只狗吗?你介意为我们照看一下这只狗吗?自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测傀剃蝇涕剁艇拈凰堡懊微筹牧闽鲁仿改免钱骆鬼蕾淤谣界燃甸陈泽河身贱第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 54 warn 4 warn v v警告;提醒警告;提醒 搭配搭配 (1)warn sb.(not) to do sth. (1)warn sb.(not) to do sth.意为意为“ 提醒提醒/ /警告警告某人某人( (不要不要) )做某事做某事”。如:。如:He

28、warned me not to go there alone at night.He warned me not to go there alone at night.他警告我晚上不要独自一人去那里。他警告我晚上不要独自一人去那里。(2)warn sb.of/about(2)warn sb.of/about 意为意为“提醒提醒/ /警告某人注意警告某人注意( (尤尤其是有危险或不良后果的事其是有危险或不良后果的事) )”。如:。如:He warned us about the serious situation now.He warned us about the serious situa

29、tion now.他提醒我们注意当今严峻的形势。他提醒我们注意当今严峻的形势。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测颇循毁阴苹代韧征檬沏酋柑画香喻瓷檬毙五捂鱼舔十蜕绽膊冠具杜耶携拜第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5(3)warn sb.against (doing) sth.(3)warn sb.against (doing) sth.意为意为“提醒提醒/ /警告某人警告某人( (不不要做要做) )某事某事”,相当于,相当于warn sb.not to do sth.warn sb.not

30、 to do sth.。如:。如:They warned him against swimming in that part of theThey warned him against swimming in that part of theriver.river.他们警告他不要在河的那个地段游泳。他们警告他不要在河的那个地段游泳。(4)warn sb.that(4)warn sb.that意为意为“提醒提醒/ /警告某人警告某人”。如:。如:I warned them that there might be snakes in the woods.I warned them that the

31、re might be snakes in the woods.我提醒他们树林里可能会有蛇。我提醒他们树林里可能会有蛇。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测夺卤辽惰祟阳防协苛显吟肤衬矫役凿帅厅酥淄芳那衔蔑卿瓮咎戏弥厂畴应第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 55 come up with 5 come up with 找到;提出找到;提出 点拨点拨 come up with come up with意为意为“找到或提出找到或提出( (答案、办法答案、办法等等) )”,相当于,相当于findfi

32、nd或或think ofthink of。如:。如:No one has come up with an exact explanation ofNo one has come up with an exact explanation ofwhy the dinosaur died out.why the dinosaur died out.没有人能对恐龙的灭绝做出一个确切的解释。没有人能对恐龙的灭绝做出一个确切的解释。注意:注意: come up with come up with不能用于被动语态。不能用于被动语态。 拓展拓展 与与comecome相关的短语:相关的短语:come into

33、come into 进来进来come from come from 来自来自come back come back 回来回来 come over come over 顺便来访顺便来访come true come true 实现实现 come out ( come out (花花) )开;出版开;出版自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测元帆娠令交咀狸簇有习宜蕉惶铆馒磕浪尼幻锋葫穿吵雁滦敦板匪嘻斜窘饺第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 56 devote to 6 devote to 致力于;献

34、身于致力于;献身于 点拨点拨 devote devote是动词,意为是动词,意为“奉献;专心;献身奉献;专心;献身”,常与,常与介词介词toto连用,后接名词或动名词。常用短语:连用,后接名词或动名词。常用短语:devotedevoteoneself to (doing) sth.oneself to (doing) sth.意为意为“致力于致力于( (做做) )某事某事”。如:。如:He devotes most of his time to Project Hope.He devotes most of his time to Project Hope.他把大部分时间都投入到了他把大部分时

35、间都投入到了“希望工程希望工程”中。中。注意:注意: 短语短语devote oneself todevote oneself to中中toto为介词,不要与动词不为介词,不要与动词不定式符号混淆。定式符号混淆。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测誉符喝加激喻焦氮砷庶雾距害绽牛葵倾藩膀沥奋稽押聪绣咆赡狮刃檀命缀第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5答答 案案 is worth devoting herself / (all) her is worth devoting herself / (a

36、ll) her life / lifetime tolife / lifetime to中考典例中考典例根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子20132013淮安淮安 郎平挚爱排球,郎平挚爱排球, 她认为值得为此奉献一生。她认为值得为此奉献一生。Lang Lang Ping Ping loves loves volleyball volleyball so so much much that that she she thinks thinks it it _ 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测树桔播抽架苇牌妖丈捻秒酱铂卵斗哦绳槛招灵砷骸妊哦叔害卤序乾迄普醛第5课时Units5

37、6ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5巧辨异同巧辨异同1 die of, die from1 die of, die from二者都有二者都有“死于死于,因,因而死而死” 的意思。的意思。(1)die of(1)die of是指由内因导致的死亡,是指由内因导致的死亡, 一般指死于疾病、饥一般指死于疾病、饥寒、情感、年老等,后接寒、情感、年老等,后接disease, fever, hunger, cold,disease, fever, hunger, cold,poisonpoison等名词。如:等名词。如:Many po

38、or people died of hunger and cold in the oldMany poor people died of hunger and cold in the olddays.days.在旧社会,很多穷人死于饥饿和寒冷。在旧社会,很多穷人死于饥饿和寒冷。(2)die from(2)die from常指因外伤、衰弱、事故等而死亡,后接名词常指因外伤、衰弱、事故等而死亡,后接名词或动名词作宾语。如:或动名词作宾语。如:His grandfather died from drinking too much.His grandfather died from drinking

39、too much.他的祖父因饮酒过量而去世。他的祖父因饮酒过量而去世。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测吃糜橱鄙扮躲趴纫聘疑窒嗡匪柬瘴法侗乍啊垫孙层蔼胶膜靠滩簇违拒嵌囊第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 52 instead, instead of, rather than2 instead, instead of, rather than(1)instead (1)instead 是副词,意为是副词,意为“代替,而不是代替,而不是”,在句中充,在句中充当状语,常用于句首,起链接上下句的作

40、用。如:当状语,常用于句首,起链接上下句的作用。如:Tom doesnt study hard. Instead, he plays footballTom doesnt study hard. Instead, he plays footballall day. all day. 汤姆学习不努力,反而整天踢足球。汤姆学习不努力,反而整天踢足球。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测浓帕坑恼传铜璃哩处霍大军怖稽市堤揭而讫引蓬纲窿垛然脑折肋讨沪挂再第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5(2)in

41、stead of(2)instead of和和rather thanrather than都表示都表示“代替,而不代替,而不是是”,除了都可接名词、代词外,前者接动词时要用,除了都可接名词、代词外,前者接动词时要用其其inging形式,后者接动词时要用原形。它们在一定情形式,后者接动词时要用原形。它们在一定情况下可相互转换。如:况下可相互转换。如:We went there on foot instead of taking a bus.We went there on foot instead of taking a bus.我们没乘公共汽车,而是步行去了那儿。我们没乘公共汽车,而是步行去了

42、那儿。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测只婿孕沫肪净书脓焚磕渍陪次羹隧汀在劝贩烯闻沮涵傍倍逸队饶桐猩灰聊第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5She wants to go swimming tomorrow instead ofShe wants to go swimming tomorrow instead ofplaying basketball.playing basketball.She wants to go swimming tomorrow rather thanShe w

43、ants to go swimming tomorrow rather thanplay basketball.play basketball.She doesnt want to play basketball. She wantsShe doesnt want to play basketball. She wantsto go swimming instead.to go swimming instead.她明天想去游泳,而不是打篮球。她明天想去游泳,而不是打篮球。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测坡茎睹御谢荣棍咙眉痔摘涯案廓谅卸铸宾晰线进洋浴殿娠政泣撂宁宾株奶第5课时Un

44、its56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5答答 案案 instead ofinstead of 典型例题典型例题根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子他只是一位教师而不是一位艺术家。他只是一位教师而不是一位艺术家。He is only a teacher _ _an artist.He is only a teacher _ _an artist.自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测门筛乙敢募储狐漫簇沦理数谱篱泽讨滥恳爵肢扇煤胰酚钮忻仅策瓦嘶词溶第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units5

45、6ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5句型透视句型透视1 It is said that Professor Yuan is one of the1 It is said that Professor Yuan is one of therichest people in China.richest people in China.据说袁教授是中国最富有的人之一。据说袁教授是中国最富有的人之一。 点拨点拨 It is said that It is said that意为意为“据说据说/ /听说听说”。ItIt是形式主语,是形式主语,thatthat引导的从句是

46、真正的主语,引导的从句是真正的主语,be saidbe said是是被动语态形式。如:被动语态形式。如:It is said that a super star will come to ourIt is said that a super star will come to ourcity to give a concert.city to give a concert.据说一个超级巨星会来我们这个城市开音乐会。据说一个超级巨星会来我们这个城市开音乐会。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测窃酋区傻衫坐脚淡矿跪擦寡煎秀粪妆叙私呀仲镭威鸳嚼胖痈锋贫绩丘带苞第5课时Units56ook

47、5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5 拓展拓展 (1) (1)表达表达“据说,听说据说,听说”还可用主动语态:还可用主动语态:They say thatThey say that或或People say thatPeople say that(2)(2)类似的结构还有:类似的结构还有:It is hoped thatIt is hoped that人们希望人们希望It is believed thatIt is believed that人们相信人们相信It is reported thatIt is reported that

48、据报道据报道It is supposed thatIt is supposed that据认为据认为自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测诫锻祟绩攒挛雀歉刻钝乡专惶版瞳梦脐虱则摄喉街户圈每罗纹敦楔范姓眷第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5答答 案案 It is said that It is said that 中考典例中考典例根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子20132013丽丽水水 这这个个伟伟大大的的作作家家为为孩孩子子们们写写了了很很多多故故事事,据说这个月末一个新故事将出版。

49、据说这个月末一个新故事将出版。The The great great writer writer has has written written many many stories stories for for children. children. _ _ _ _ _ _ _a _a new one will come out at the end of this month.new one will come out at the end of this month.自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测饵燥撬揭刑钧廊械漾浩暑桶圈筋巳逾乱澜店陇左鸭钡纺畸矿见悼硅褂葱哑第5课时U

50、nits56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 52 Dont use water to put out kitchen fires. Use2 Dont use water to put out kitchen fires. Usebaking soda or salt instead.baking soda or salt instead.不要用水扑灭厨房的火,而要用发酵粉或盐。不要用水扑灭厨房的火,而要用发酵粉或盐。 点拨点拨 use useto doto do意为意为“用用做做”。如:。如:Please use th

51、is phrase to make a sentence.Please use this phrase to make a sentence.请用这个短语造句。请用这个短语造句。 拓展拓展 (1)be used as (1)be used as 作为作为使用。如:使用。如:In China, English is used as a foreign language.In China, English is used as a foreign language.在中国,英语被作为一门外语使用。在中国,英语被作为一门外语使用。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测沁聂跋钵玫厘浊灯愈陪雹

52、啃卡才器晕呈堂碳娟泳开迫巾娠拾汁菊箕镍拎恼第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5(2)be used for/to do (2)be used for/to do 被用于做被用于做如:如:A knife is used for cutting/to cut things.A knife is used for cutting/to cut things.刀是用来切东西的。刀是用来切东西的。(3)be used to (3)be used to 习惯于习惯于如:如:I am used to getting

53、 up early.I am used to getting up early.我习惯早起。我习惯早起。(4)used to do sth. (4)used to do sth. 过去常常做某事。如:过去常常做某事。如:She used to have long hair.She used to have long hair.她过去留着长发。她过去留着长发。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测击稍惕俗氰袖杉整头武虹您帛充仙降项宪坞瞅锭瞥驾正庇烦造辉棱谜庶席第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book

54、5答答 案案 D D 中考典例中考典例20132013 随州随州 How does Jack usually go to work?How does Jack usually go to work?He He _ _ drive drive a a car, car, but but now now he he _ _ there to lose weight.there to lose weight.A Aused to; is used to walkused to; is used to walkB Bwas used to; is used to walkingwas used to;

55、 is used to walkingC Cwas used to; is used to walkwas used to; is used to walkD Dused to; is used to walkingused to; is used to walking自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测镭侦每氟吊瞥毒缮釜使汞件鸥恭加凡蝗襄态缅椒并躬卡播街家怨圾桓超少第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 5即即 时时 自自 测测1. 1. I think you can _ money by

56、yourself toI think you can _ money by yourself to buy a birthday present for your mother. buy a birthday present for your mother. OK. Ill try. Ill not waste a penny.OK. Ill try. Ill not waste a penny. A AspendspendB Bsavesave C Ccost Dcost Dleaveleave2 2A friendly basketball match between teachersA

57、friendly basketball match between teachers and students _ tomorrow afternoon. and students _ tomorrow afternoon. Anybody is welcome. Anybody is welcome. A Awas held Bwas held Bwill be heldwill be held C Cis held Dis held Dmust be heldmust be heldB B B B 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测膛澡捧酞萨浴辰紊耶赘港予难陵腋傻人拣粉票椒置

58、弱洱娥菌疵卡漠骸馒孤第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 53 3You cant_ people from _whatYou cant_ people from _what they think. they think. A Astop; say Bstop; say Bstop; to stop stop; to stop C Ckeep; say Dkeep; say Dprevent; sayingprevent; saying4 4_ hard and youll make progress i

59、n English._ hard and youll make progress in English. A AWork BWork BTo workTo work C CWorking DWorking DWorkedWorkedD D A A 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测尖垒昨垢穷拯市顿咎取裔捶捕渐驹糖字馋靡追痊炯辽馈宗漱几蜜前情遣鹰第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 55 5Australia is well-known _ its beautifulAustralia is

60、well-known _ its beautiful beaches. And it is also famous _ the home beaches. And it is also famous _ the home of the kangaroos. of the kangaroos. A Aas; as Bas; as Bas; foras; for C Cfor; as Dfor; as Dfor; forfor; for6 6After discussing, the students_ someAfter discussing, the students_ some good i

61、deas to work on the project. good ideas to work on the project. Really? Thats great!Really? Thats great! A Aput up Bput up Bset upset up C Ccaught up with Dcaught up with Dcame up withcame up withC C D D 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测囱拽粮搭侣跨检羡欣蹭渝虫此伎斩噬箍拂吕奇棚披义茧奎址当赌练铸贞臃第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件

62、第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 57. 7. I wont come to the party unless Sue _I wont come to the party unless Sue _,too.too. You mean if Sue comes, youll come? You mean if Sue comes, youll come? A Awill invite Bwill invite Binvites invites C Cinvited Dinvited Dis invitedis invited8 8Now I can walk to work _ g

63、oing by car.Now I can walk to work _ going by car. A Ainstead Binstead Binstead ofinstead of C Chowever Dhowever DbutbutD D B B 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测他宁闰段慰伐番幽缎蛀荷鸡额玫咀翔栈货附沸贤蚂转督截咽样指侍殃窥闯第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第第15课时课时 Units 56, Book 59 9What did Lu Xun do after he gave up medicine?Wha

64、t did Lu Xun do after he gave up medicine? He devoted_ writing all his life.He devoted_ writing all his life. A Ahim to Bhim to Bhimself to himself to C Chimself in Dhimself in Dhim in him in 1010Do you mind _here?Do you mind _here? Sorry, youd better not. Its not allowed here.Sorry, youd better not. Its not allowed here. A AI smoking B. me smokeI smoking B. me smoke C. my smoke D C. my smoke Dmy smokingmy smokingB B D D 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测湃傣妖娥妓峨窒播什谊土政迹圭虑叼竞鹤赘侣俐茨媳话侩挡晨虏矛穷腿况第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件第5课时Units56ook5ppt课件



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