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1、学习必备欢迎下载剑桥少儿英语二级上册Unit 1 Ive got many new friends1. Words: China 中国Chinese 中国的,中国人的America 美国American 美国的,美国人的England 英国English 英国的,英国人的sure 当然tomorrow 明天piano 钢琴robot 机器人puppy 幼犬lovely 可爱的strong 强壮的,坚强的weak 虚弱的,脆弱的fat 肥胖的thin 瘦的maybe 也许meet 遇见2. Key Structures: My Chinese/English name is我的中文 /英文名字是

2、I/You/They have got many new friends. 我交了许多新朋友。She/He has got a new pencil. 她/他有一支新铅笔。Maybe I can meet her tomorrow. 也许明天我会遇见他What do you like to do? 你喜欢做什么?They are so lovely. 他们如此可爱。3. Syntax: like 的用法A.后跟可数名词的复数形式I like dogs. I like flowers. B.后跟不可数名词I like pizza. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

3、- - - - - - -第 1 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载C.后跟动词的 “ing ”或“to ”形式I like learning English. I like playing football. I like to learn English. I like to play with toys. D.有“ 像” 的意思I can fly like a bird. Mary looks like hers mother. Unit 2 Is this book yours? 1. Words: mine yours his hers sweater ours theirs coat

4、 its scarf different beard bat(蝙蝠/球棒) fan(电扇/迷) tank(坦克/鱼缸) hand(手/帮助) 2. Key Structures: Is this book yours? Yes its mine. No, its not mine. Whose book is this? Maybe you can ask Bob. You should ask Bob. This book is not yours. Her hair is long, but his is short. This is my bike, the bike is mine.

5、That is her star, the star is hers. 3.Syntax: A.形容词性的代词和名词性的代词用法(大形小名 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载第一人称单数第二人称单数第三人称单数第一人称复数第三人称单数人称代词 (主格) I you He she it we they 人称代词 (宾格) me you him her it us them 形容词性代词my your his her its our their 名词性的代词mine yours his hers i

6、ts ours theirs This is my book = This book is mine. This is his pen = This pen is his. This is our dog = This dog is ours. B.一般疑问句的结构Be 动词(am/is/are)+ ? Have/has+ ?Do/Does+ ?( 谓语动词为及物动词时 ) Would you like a cup of tea?( 祈使句引导的一般疑问句) C.特殊疑问句特殊疑问词 (what/how/who/which/where/how many)一般疑问句?Unit 3 Our sch

7、ool is beautiful 学习目的与要求:1.能用英语介绍自己的学校。2.能够用英语说出一些公共场所。1.Words and Phrases: library shop cafe garden classroom playground swimming pool sports center have sports games art room music room radio camera dining room practice singing(后面必须跟动词的 ing形式) draw pictures drink coffee child(children) buy(sell/sa

8、le)thing have classes pretty hospital bloom(开花 /旺盛 )have meals(breakfast/lunch/dine) Children s Bank newspaper 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载lake round square quiet strong weak fat thin thirsty hungry tired different famous slow quick hot shout noisy same cold 2. K

9、ey Structures: Where do you often play sports? I often play sports on the playground. This is the place where children can buy things. This is our school, its very beautiful. This swimming pool is big/small.Where is Mr. White? We ve got a big library.3. Syntax: 定语从句 : This is the place where childre

10、n can buy things. Unit 4 Miss, can I ask you a question? 学习目的与要求:1.学会一些课堂提问的话题。2.掌握查英语字典的方法。3.掌握情态动词的用法。1.Words and Phrases: ask a question mean say a riddle straight hair plus curly hair minus town address video film/movie balcony sandwich cheese text smile laugh jungle mop(clean) the floor armchai

11、r bathroom bedroom bird blanket bookcase bounce camera chair chicken clock clothes comic cow crocodile cupboard doll dress duck elephant fish flower garden giraffe glasses goat hall handbag hippo horse house jacket jeans kitchen lamp lizard sleep skirt shirt sheep shark scarf radio phone monkey mirr

12、or mice mat map snake sofa spider street sweater table television tiger towel toy trousers watch wear shall language comic sing an English song read the book 2. Key Structures: Can/May/Shall I ask a question? Yes, please. Sure. Yes, of cause. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 44 页

13、学习必备欢迎下载What does this word mean? It means .Whats the Chinese/English for ? ItsWho wants to have a try? Let me try! When do you come to school? Can I have an ice cream? Can you open the door? Can I use the bathroom for a minute? Can I use the bathroom for a minute?( 隐含有能不能 ) May I come in? (隐含有允许 )

14、Shall I open the door? ( 隐含有建议 ) 3. Syntax: 用 can, May Shall 引导的表示请求或建议的句子。1.后跟动词的原形。2.不随人称的变化而变化。Unit 5 How about coming with us? 学习目的与要求:1.熟悉和掌握常见的公共场所名称。2.掌握一些简单的指路和问路的语言。3.初步学习在地图上找路。1.Words and Phrases: holiday rainbow market supermarket river lake farm hospital school cinema bus station zoo ba

15、nk shop library street swimming pool road waterfall playground lake island mountain village forest beach lemon address truck/lorry cafe farm the Great Wall in opposite next to/near China America Australia Japan Ireland Britain Malta go by bus go swimming sing a song go to the zoo have a cup of tea p

16、lay computer games/ eat some cake read some books play computer games go to see a film play football in front of in the front of 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Key Structures: Where are you going? I m going to the bank.Which place would you like to go? I d like t

17、o go to the Great Wall.Would you like to come with us? What is the address? Where is the truck/lorry? How about having a cup of tea? Yes, Id like to. No, thank you. Id like to haveWhere is the cinema? Opposite the market. 3. Syntax: 动词的 ing 形式1.动词后 ing。2.一个元音字母一个辅音字母结尾的双写辅音字母ing.如:hop sit run cut sw

18、im 3.以不发音的 e结尾的去 eing.如:hide dance How about ? 干. 怎样?后跟动词的 ing 形式。一般将来时:表示将来要发生的事情Where are you going? Unit 6 He likes reading picture book. 学习目的与要求:1.掌握一般现在时动词的第三人称单数的用法。2.掌握一些动词短语词组。1.Words and Phrases: eat fruit watch TV read a newspaper read books wash up eat an ice cream clean the floor draw a

19、picture sing and dance drink tea cooking go shopping story book picture book music/games/animal/cookery /toy comic/sports book eating fruit washing up go shopping drinking tea shout copy edible(可食用的 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Key Structures: What do you lik

20、e doing? I like swimming. What does he like to do? He likes playing football. What does our son like doing? What are you doing there? What kind of books do you like to read? I like to read picture books. Whose book is this? Whose rubber is this? It s time to get up.By the way thank you! Youre welcom

21、e./Thats ok./Thats all right./Not an all.What do you/they do every day? I/You/We/They/ doWhat does he/she do every day? He/She eats/watches TV/reads books/washes upI don t go to school every day? Tom doesn t like drawing pictures.3. Syntax: 一般现在时:表示经常、反复发生的动作或经常存在的状态。一般现在时的构成:主语动词原形。当主语为第三人称单数时, 不及物

22、动词用助动词is/has或者及物动词为单三形式。动词的单三形式变化:1.一般情况下在直接 s。2.以 e结尾的直接 s。如: dance take 3.以 s,x,sh,ch,o结尾es。watch brush do 4.以辅音字母加 y 结尾变 y 为 i,再加 es, 如:study fly 5. 不规则动词的变化:dodoes; gogoes; have-has 时间状语:every day/morning/afternoon/evening, often, sometimes, always, usually Unit 7 You mustnt drop litter in the p

23、ark!学习目的与要求:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载1.了解一些公共场所里的规则。2.进一步学习和掌握There is/are的句型。1.Words and Phrases: litter animal throw dolphin river behind must mustnt grass really missing sky try pretty shout pick ride bounce jump kick climb cover shower possible also pretty

24、 drop litter shout pick run wash sleep draw bounce jump kick paint talk climb ride draw copy minute clap unhealthy(不健康的 ) 2. Key Structures: You mustn t drop litter/pick flowers/drive/ride/paint/talk/climb/in the park.You mustn t stand and shout in the boat. There is a parrot standing on the book. T

25、here are two cats sleeping in the big shoe. There is s swimming pool in the park. There are not many people in the garden. There are some ducks in the water. There are some children on the grass. 3. Syntax: 情态动词 must 表示必须,否定形式must not=mustn tThere be句型:表示某地有某物或某物在某地A: There is+可数名词单数(不可数名词)B: There

26、are+可数名词复数Unit 8 Who is the winner? 1.Words and Phrases: winner whose turn odd number even number opposite stick match ring room total exciting boring interesting goose/geese difference naughty( 顽 皮 的 ) speak English pot worse help each other interesting pupil all the time work hard have a fun time/

27、have a good time/have fun each other naughty( 顽皮的 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Key Structures: How many apples are there in your bag? Whose turn is it? Its your turn.What have you got in your bag? Which school do you like to go to? What have you got in your b

28、ag? How many books are there in your bag? That s not a problem. No problem. Dont wary.interested adv 人对感兴趣。 interesting 物是非常有趣的fruit 指各种水果时后面加s animal 指各种动物时后面加s Where do you often+动词原形?Unit 9 Sally is taller than Ben. 学习目的与要求:1.掌握形容词的比较级用法。2.熟练认读四位数字。1.Words and Phrases: short shorter small smaller

29、 old older long longer big bigger young younger thin thinner fat fatter tall taller kilometer thousand thousands of hundred hundreds of as asdistance from to 5327m= five thousand three hundred and twenty-five meters 6037m=six thousand and thirty-five meters 1169km=one thousand one hundred and sixty-

30、nine kilometers 152km=one hundred and fifty-two kilometers 注意 and的用法2. Key Structures: Sally is taller than Ben. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载This bear is short, but this bear is shorter. He often wears a shit. She never talks in class. He face is as red as an app

31、le. He is as tall as tree. Which distance is shorter, from Baoding to Beijing or from Tianjin to Beijing? How far form Baoding to Beijing? Unit 10 Did you know? 学习目的与要求:1.了解一些世界之最。 2.进一步学习和掌握形容词最高级的用法。1.Words and Phrases: biggest smallest cleanest easiest coldest hottest oldest youngest longest shor

32、test loudest quietest fastest slowest quickest tallest best highest happiest when easily reach high up without use ladder football difficult right even choose exercise way make grow what to eat when to eat how much living way nearly over floor spoon soup soap true centimeter moustache bottom warm pe

33、r hour sailfish ton Mount Everest apartment shoulder basement balcony wrong be afraid of over-cooked bottom as soon as travel(行驶;旅行) 2. Key Structures: The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world. The giraffe is the tallest land animal. The fastest fish is the sailfish. The biggest plants are tr

34、ees. The highest mountain is the Mount Everest. The longest river is the Nile. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载How tall are you? Im one hundred and forty-nine centimeters tall. She says a wrong word and her face is as red as an apple. She never talks in class. She i

35、s as quiet as mouse. He draws a football. It is as small as a pea. Which building is longer? Which sheep is the fattest? Which girl is the thinnest of the three? There is an apple and three bananas. There are two apples and a mango. 注:be动词形式紧跟后面的词性变化而变化3. Syntax: 形容词的比较级和最高级的构成1.单音节词尾直接加 -er 和-est。如

36、:taller the tallest older the oldest 2.单音节词以 e直接加-r 和-st。 。如: later the latest 3.以辅音字母加 y 结尾的双音节词,变y 为 i 加加-er 和-est。如:early-earlier- the earliest 4.以辅音字母元音字母辅音字母构成的形容词,先双写最后一个字母,再加-er 和-est。big-bigger the bigger 5. 多音节的在其前面加more和 most。more beautiful the most beautiful 6.不规则动词的变化:good/well-better-be

37、st bad worse-worst little-less-least far-farther/further-farthest/furthest Unit 11 I went to the zoo yesterday. 学习目的与要求:1.进一步掌握一般过去式的用法。2.掌握一定数量的过去时形式。1.Words and Phrases: hill together square film/movie parrot pond porridge 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载wonderful

38、 mask see a movie take photos ride on a horse see-saw take-took play-played buy-bought climb-climbed paint-painted give-gave speak-spoke lamb fleece against never be afraid of panda sheep duck snake frog monkey spider hippo rabbit crocodile shark dolphin whale lion bear tiger giraffe elephant ice cr

39、eam bookshop wood(木头;树林) porridge(稀饭;粥) indoor because lamb(小羊羔 ) fleece(羊毛) a few 一些,少许; few 一些,几乎没有;修饰可数名词。a little 一些,少许; little 一些,几乎没有;修饰不可数名词。2. Key Structures: Where did you go yesterday? I went to the zoo yesterday. I fished in the pond. I played with some kangaroos. Did you see a lot of ani

40、mals? Did you go to the zoo? I didnt go to the zoo.What did you do in the zoo? I didnt go to the zoo.3. Syntax: 一般过去时:表示过去某时间的动作或状态。一般过去时的构成:主语动词的过去式。动词过去式的变化规则1.一般情况下在直接 ed。A.浊辅音和元音后发 d。open-opened; answer-answered B.清辅音后发 t 。ask-asked C.以音节t 、d结尾的动词读 id 。add-added; paint-painted 2.以不发音 e结尾的直接 d。如:

41、 dance takes complete 3.一个元音字母一个辅音字母结尾的双写辅音字母ed。如: skip-skipped 4.以辅音字母加 y 结尾变 y 为 i,再加 ed。如: study fly 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载5.不规则动词的变化:A.原形与过去式、过去分词一致。hit put B.过去式、过去分词一致,与原形区别一个或几个字母。come catch C.发生词形的变化。 go Unit 12 Has you school got a swimming pool?

42、学习目的与要求:1.进一步熟悉学校的环境,能用英语作简单的介绍。2.进一步学习和掌握动词的过去式,同时学习现在完成时的用法。3.记忆掌握一些不规则动词的过去式和过去分词。1.Words and Phrases: visit guitar show famous radio video-camera minute arrive around video-camera Cambridge lime camera indoor London television computer bridge cried for help flow a kite send an email buy a bike w

43、olf English food hunter(猎人) 动词原形过去式过去分词动词原形过去式过去分词hit hit hit swim swam swum hurt hurt hurt know knew known put put put fly flew flown read read read throw threw thrown buy bought bought draw drew drawn catch caught caught give gave given find found found ride rode ridden learn learnt learnt eat ate

44、 eaten mean meant meant write wrote written 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载say said said go went gone sleep slept slept teach taught taught sit sat sat wear wore worn think thought thought sing sang sung stand stood stood begin began begun hear heard heard speak sp

45、oke spoken tell told told come came come dig dug dug run ran run sell sold sold fall fell fallen understand understood understood grow grew grown spell spelt spelt see saw seen hold held held choose chose chosen win won won leave left left is/are was were have/has had had drink drank drunk do did do

46、ne 2. Key Structures: Has your school got a swimming pool? Have you ever seen a tiger? Yes, I have. No, I haventHas your family got a computer? Yes, it has. No, it hasnt. Have you eaten lunch? How many birthdays have you had? I ve had eight birthdays.How many bikes/watches/picture books has your fam

47、ily bought? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载We ve bought three bikes.3. Syntax: 现在完成时:表示过去某时所做的动作或事情对现在产生的影响或结果,着眼于现在。现在完成时的构成:主语助动词have/has+ 动词的过去分词。现在完成时的特征:1.对现在造成一定影响。 I have bought a bike. 2.持续一段时间。I have been a teacher for three years. They have learnt English

48、 since 2004. 3.表示一种经历或经验。 I have been to the Great Wall 。(表示去了又回来 ) He has gone to Beijing. (表示不一定回来 ) Unit 13 My seven days. 学习目的与要求:1.进一步了解学生每天的学习及课外活动。2.掌握表示星期的英语单词及读音。1.Words and Phrases: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday week whole tie Britain footballer own net match in

49、on between next to behind under in front of middle meet learner rest workday interesting opposite tie rock-climbing club in the middle of before city library assignment the end of working days (lemonade coffee carrots meat tea tomatoes onions pears peas potatoes beans bread rice burgers butter sandw

50、iches mangos hot dogs French fries pasta chicken cheese juice sausages milk bananas eggs fish coconuts apples 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载lemons cake pizza注意名词的复数形式 ) beetle(甲虫) 2. Key Structures: Its the day between Sunday and Tuesday.We meet each Wednesday at

51、7 p.m. What time are you free? What food do you have for breakfast on Monday? I have milk and bread. What lessons do you have an Monday? 3. Syntax: 方位介词和时间介词的用法方位介词: in on between next to behind under in front of middle 时间介词 : in on at before after A: 表示某一时间段 “ 年、月、周 ” 及一天的上、下午用 “in ”。in 2008; in Ju

52、ly; in this week; in the morning; in the evening B: 具体某一天要用 “on”。 on Monday; on 28 May 2008 C: 具体的某一点时间或较短的时间,深夜里用“at ”,具体某一时间点用 “at ”。at seven clock ; at night。be going to + 地点be going to + 动词原形表示将来。Unit 14 How often does he have sports? 学习目的与要求:1.进一步巩固有关星期的词汇。2.复习和巩固有关食物的词汇。1.Words and Phrases: Mo

53、nday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday cheese sandwich bean chocolate chips/fries ice cream coconut vegetable butter seafood pasta bread coffee sausage apple pie beef steak fruit juice lovely learn read books do homework have sports 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页

54、,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载watch TV draw pictures listen to music have piano lessons play computer games take a bus go to school have sandwiches all the time often sometimes rarely never every other day once a week silly game(无聊的游戏 ) family terrible(可怕的) 2. Key Structures: How many pupils are there in class one

55、? There are 13 pupils. How much is the money? 对可数名词提问。How often do you go to school? I go to school every day. How often does he eat vegetable? He sometimes eats vegetable. How often do you eat apple pie? Once a week. 直接回答省略主句。How about + 后跟动名词。How about drinking a cup of tea? 3. Syntax: 掌握频率复词的用法al

56、l the time; often; sometimes; rarely; never; every day. Once a week; Twice a week; Three times a month; Ten times a year; Every other day. Unit 15 I enjoy reading picture stories. 1.Words and Phrases: somebody something ever after( 从 此 以 后 ) golden quickly happily have a party talk with friends take

57、 picture see comic films ride a horse enjoy ask sb to do sth sell buy tell give sth to sb market bean angry throw bean stalk castle soil seed alike monster fairy seed comic order onion grams(克) laugh cooking hide and seek eating ice cream taking pictures learning English reading comic books cooking

58、riding a horse having a party 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Key Structures: I enjoy reading picture stories. Which comes first? What happens next? What do you like (enjoy) doing? I like (enjoy) playing football at the moment. I like playing football at the mome

59、nt. I enjoy reading comic book at the moment. I enjoy seeing what kind of films. 3. Syntax: enjoy 的用法: 后面只能跟动词的 “ing ”形式. I enjoy (like) learning English. Unit 16 Winter fun. 学习目的与要求:1.进一步提高学习英语的兴趣。2.复习掌握一些日常生活总的常用问题。1.Words and Phrases: season spring summer fall/autumn winter snow snowy snowflake s

60、nowman snowball make a snowman roll a big snowball fall from the sky skate on the ice ski on the snow make snowmen play hide and seek have a good time thousands of last week/year/mouth 2. Key Structures: How many seasons are there in a year? There are four. What are they? They are spring, summer, au

61、tumn and winter. How about making a bigger snowman? This is place where you can catch a bus. This is a place where you can buy things. You can use this to find your way in the town. What colour is it? What do you like doing best? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载How

62、often do you watch TV? How many people are there in your family? What do you want to drink? Who is your friend? 3. Syntax: 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句的构成:特殊疑问词一般疑问句What colour is it? What are you doing? What is your English name? Which place would you like to live? Where did you go yesterday? How often does he eat h

63、amburger? 一般疑问句由 (情态动词 be动词 hashave)构成?用 Yes或 No . 回答剑桥少儿英语二级下册Unit 1 Going to different places. 学习目的与要求:1.通过学习了解周边美丽的风景。2.掌握相关的词汇。 3.能用英语简单询问对方。1.Words and Phrases: stay the life of start up(突然站起 /出现 ) forest jungle 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载lake plant countr

64、yside village valley field island river waterfall mountain bank cinema supermarket hospital library park zoo the Great Wall India nun surprised hard poor homeless people person famous holiday summer travel Japan Japanese India Indian promise trip parent helpless useless hopeless attract(吸引) persist

65、in(坚持 ) get to地方get there/here/home 2. Key Structures: What did you do in the holiday? Where are you going? I m going to the zoo.Where would you like to go in the holiday? I d like to go to the countryside.Where did you go on the holidays? I went to many places. Did you go to Huang Mountain? Yes, I

66、did. / No, I didnt.What other places did you go to? I m sure you had a good time. That s great! He couldn t use the pen now, so he had to use a pencil.be going to+ 地点打算去某地以现在进行时表示将来。Unit 2 Whats the weather like today?学习目的与要求1.掌握关于天气的单词。2.用英文进行问答。3.能复述英文故事1.Words and Phrases: weather rain/rainy wind

67、/windy sun/sunny cloudy/cloudy snow/snowy hot sun glasses shorts dress warm cool wet umbrella 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载raincoat boots gloves scarf heavy clothes rainbow snowflake wet because outside enjoy beach sea sand visit invite bicycle dark light mean di

68、fferent difference difficult cousin along sunset ride a horse fly a kite Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2. Key Structures: Whats the weather like today? It s sunny. Its a sunny day.Whats the weather like yesterday? It was sunny. It was a sunny day. I like sunny days because

69、 I can do many things outside(play basketball/soccer/sports game/ride a bike/have a picnic/take photos/eat ice cream). I like rainy days because I can (watch TV/do my homework/wash my socks/read books) in the house. I like snowy days because I can make a snowman/roll a big snowball/skate on the ice

70、/ski on the snow/make snowmen. I like windy days because I can fly a kite/ go fishing. I don t like rainy days because its wet outside.Where are they going today? What can you do when you cycle in the country? Unit 3 Lets play doctors.学习目的与要求:1.能用英语简单和医生交流。2.熟练掌握一些有关疾病的单词。1.Words and Phrases: doctor

71、 ache earache toothache headache stomachache cough cold medicine sweet kiss knee nurse feel have/take some 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载medicine find out a part of have to have got to push pull out try to group temperature cupboard have a temperature/run a temper

72、ature a lot of/lots of(many) kitchen balcony have a earache/toothache/headache/stomachache have a cough centimeter hand span(掌宽) sick(病人) dentist(牙科医生 ) zookeeper(动物园管理者 ) bandage( 绷带、包扎 ) 2. Key Structures: Whats the matter with you? I ve earache. I m running a temperature.Have you got a toothache?

73、 Did you cough last night? Shes got a stomach ache.Unit 4 I can see with my eyes. 学习目的与要求:1.学会能用表示五官的动词讲述某件事。2.大量复习巩固已学过的单词。1.Words and Phrases: head leg arm foot hand mouth eye ear nose whale monkey different difficult nose leaf(leaves) plants flower stem/stalk leaf root starfish crab other elephan

74、t paper scissor stone brush hear smell taste touch blanket special(特别的 ) ground grow(生长) upward(向上的) flat(平坦的 ) colourful(华美的 ) similar(相似的 ) 2. Key Structures: What can you do with the head/leg/hand/nose/mouth/ears/eyes? I can with my I can paint this picture with a big brush. What can you see in t

75、he picture? I can see.What can the elephants nose do?This animal can catch food with its legs? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 5 How about coming with us? 学习目的与要求:1.学会能用英语简单描述城市和农村的不同。2.掌握一些方位介词和相关短语。1.Words and Phrases: weekend ready nowhere somewhere either n

76、ever land mouse sofa still near always field in the city/country near a lake by a river next to a supermarket meet lots of people see farm animals have a picnic breathe clean air listen to birds singing sleep on the grass visit a zoo see a film/movie want to do sure of cause remember us/him/me/them(

77、 宾格) to your cousin let sb do sth too small have to Dont wary a piece of get there get to on the island in the forest in the mountain by ship/boat buy ship in the field only visit friends kinds of want sb to do go to the supermarket/library/park go fishing play sports games on the tree/in the tree s

78、urround(包围、环绕 ) 2. Key Structures: Where do you like living? I like living ., because I can.What can you do in the city/country? I can in the city/country.Would you like to visit your cousin in the city this weekend? When can we play outside? I m going to see my cousin? How about you Peter?Ive never

79、 been to a big city. There are too many cats. 3. Syntax: 现在完成时:表示过去某时所做的动作或事情对现在产生的影响或结果,着眼于现在。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载现在完成时的构成:主语助动词have/has+ 动词的过去分词。现在完成时的特征:1.对现在造成一定影响。 I have bought a bike. 2.持续一段时间。 I have been a teacher for three years. 3.表示一种经历或经验。 I

80、 have been to the Great Wall. too also either 均表示“ 也” ,但也有区别: too also用在肯定句中, 且 too 用在句尾,而 also用在句中; either 用在否定句中,且用在句尾。He likes apples, I like apples too. I like apples, also I like lemons. I don t like apples; I dont like bananas, either.How about动词的 ing 形式?Unit 6 Id like a glass of water. 学习目的与要

81、求:1.学会英语基本量词的用法。2. 进一步学习和掌握已学过的单词。1.Words and Phrases: a cup of a bowl of a glass of a pair of(一双/一副) a bunch of a bottle of a kilo of a box of a bottle of a bag of a slip of paper soup then right away question nothing somebody pick lemonade juice grape popcorn flower coffee banana point bean milk f

82、ruit mango outside inside still turn on/off water tea rice at the moment suddenly carefully dialogue(对话) filiations( 父子关系 ) 2. Key Structures: What would you like, Sir? I d like a kilo of lemons. I want a kilo of lemons.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载How much a kil

83、o? Four Yuan a kilo. Would you like a cup of tea? Yes I would. No, thank you. 3. Syntax: 注意不可数名词的用法,用表示容器的量词表示,或some(肯定 ), any(否定)。a cup of tea ;a glass of water some tea/water/rice量词后面跟名词时一是可数名词的复数,二是不可数名词(不可数名词没有单复数)。How many+可数名词的复数 ; How much+不可数名词 . Unit 7 Ive got to go and see!学习目的与要求:1. 掌握英语量

84、词的用法。 2. 巩固有关水果和食物的单词。3. 用英语回答问句。1.Words and Phrases: invite clown classroom show wall interesting carry gift/present exciting count apartment homework stick knock countryside one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

85、 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand buckle(系;扣) pick up building never elevator upstairs downstairs clever 2. Key Structures: How many windows are there in the classroom? There is one. / There are two. I must go and see it. Where did many children stand? How long

86、was the show? Whats it about?3. Syntax: 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句的构成:特殊疑问词一般疑问句What colour is it? What are you doing? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载What is your English name? Which place would you like to live? Where did you go yesterday? How often does he eat hamburger? 用 who,

87、when, why, which, how+adi 等提问的疑问句和其回答。一般疑问句由 (情态动词 be动词 hashave)构成?用 Yes或 No . 回答Unit 8 Who is the first? 学习目的与要求:1. 初步掌握英语序数词的读法和写法。2. 会用序数词造句。 3. 加强对短文的理解。1.Words and Phrases: first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteen fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth

88、seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth floor live building apartment stair elevator office balloon difference person people soon awake until find out coin have a rest button(按钮 ) press the button get dressed office latter stran

89、ge( 奇怪的 ) 2. Key Structures: Who is the first? Which floor do you live on? I live on the floor.Who is the first person to ? Who was the first person to?3. Syntax: 序数词的变化形式序数词表示数目变化顺序的词通常情况下都在基数词后加th 构成,如:fourth sixth seventh tenth eleventh 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 44 页学习

90、必备欢迎下载thirteen fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth 二十以上的整数词,变基数词后的 y为 ie再加 th 构成, twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth。几个特殊的序数词,如:first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth Unit 9 I like sunny days but I dont like rainy days学习目

91、的与要求:1. 通过学习,能用英语简单谈论在不同天气里所做的活动。2. 掌握 how many和 why 的问句形式和回答方式。3. 进一步加强听力和朗读训练。一、词汇Sunny (fine) cloudy windy rainy sunbathe cute 迷人的sand cold hot cool 凉爽的gay漂亮的、快乐的be full of 充满trunk 象鼻、树干woe 灾难、悲哀blithe 快乐的、爽朗的clap grace优雅、漂亮bonny 健康的、漂亮的、活泼的lower note 低音 outside外面yummy 好吃的striking 打、击鼓 fair 正 直、

92、美丽 unfair chocolate English book Maths book bicycle computer 二、句型1、I like sunny days but I dont like rainy days.2. On a cloudy day I read a book. 3. How many people like to fish? 4. Why do you like dogs? Because they are very cute . 因为它们非常可爱。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 44 页

93、学习必备欢迎下载5. What kind of weathers/colours/animals/fruits/books/food do you like ? 三、对划线部分进行提问(how many how much how old which what when where who) 1Miss Jane teaches English in America. 2. I get home at 6:00 in the afternoon. 3. My mother is 38 years old. 4. He goes to the Zoo twice a week. 5. This i

94、s Peters book.Unit 10 let s guess学习目的与要求:复习关于动物、水果、食物、衣物、房间用具以及文具等词汇对定语从句有初步的了解一、词汇Panda dress cheese clown plane uncle aunt bone teacher hippo rabbit camera television bear know moustache balcony kitchen guess leave knife sight 视力、视觉 carrot 胡萝卜radish 萝卜 reddish微红的 month月份 trousers裤子 rock 石头take pho

95、tos照相begin with 以开始treasure宝藏stay with sb. 与某人待在一起Pirate 海盗pick talk to /with 与交谈parrot鹦鹉how many 二、句型1Let s guess.2. How many things beginning with letter C can you find in this picture. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载3. She is a person who teachers children at sc

96、hool. 4. This is a person who can make you happy. 5. Who is the man with a moustache? 6. Don t you know? Hes my grandpa. 7.Who is the boy that is talking to Jane in front of the blockboard? 8.When did he come? He came here only yesterday and hell stay with us for a month. 9.Where are you from? Im fr

97、om10.Where do you come from? I come from 三、定语从句先行词连接词地点where 人 who/that 事物Which/that 1.She is a person who teaches children at school.(person有单复数, people为集体名词) She is a person . The person teaches children at school. 2. This is a thing that we can use to take photos. 3. This is an animal which has o

98、nly got two colours on its body. 这是一只身上有两种颜色的动物。4. This is a place where children can read books. 用定语从句描述一个名词(地点、事物、人)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载1. I know the boy who you are looking for. 2. This is the girl who wears a red dress. 3. This is the boy who is the

99、youngest in our class. 4. This is a thing that you put pen and pencil in. 5. This is place where you can read books. 6. This is thing that we can use it take photos. Unit 11 Whats your hobby?学习目的与要求:1.掌握 like 后跟不定式和动名词的用法2.能用英语简单谈论个人的爱好词汇table tennis badminton tennis football baseball hockey basketb

100、all hobby fishing piano radio party skating film kite beach comic book go fishing go shopping playing computer games go bike riding sing songs watching TV having party bouncing a ball reading books flying a kite watching films taking photos playing on the beach playing basketball Bottom 底部ladders 梯子

101、insect 昆虫bone 骨头chewing 咀嚼 sweat 汗paw 爪子breathe呼吸swallow 吞咽fold 折叠 African 非洲人的 parents父母robot 机器人句型1. What s your hobby? Whats his hobby? His hobby is watching films. My hobby is playing table tennis. /Playing table tennis is my hobby. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 44 页学习必备欢

102、迎下载2. What do you like to do? I like playing tennis. 3. What do you like doing? I like playing tennis. 4. What did you do yesterday? I went fishing yesterday. 5. Do you like reading books? Yes, I do ./ No, I dont三、语法like 的用法like动词 ing I like walking. / He likes skating . like to动词原形He likes to cook.

103、 /I like to sing songs like颜色I like blue. / He likes yellow. like可数名词复数I like apples. / She likes oranges. like不可数名词Do you like milk? /Does he like water? like 表示“ 像” What is he like? /Can you jump like a rabbit?Unit 12 Animals are our good friends 学习目的与要求:热爱动物、保护动物复习和巩固有关动物的单词能用英语简单介绍本单元的故事词汇Animal

104、 lizard 蜥蜴spider 蜘蛛parrot 鹦鹉giraffe tiger bat fly lion bear goat kangaroo袋鼠panda chicken hippo 河马puppy 小狗fox pet宠物 horse monkey mosquito 蚊子 naughty 淘气的cow warm bone 骨头grass bamboo竹子carrot胡萝卜joey 幼袋鼠 just then try to move away help 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载sb

105、do sth as far as make friends with us/make a friend with sb wave to 挥手 China America 美国England英格兰Australia 澳大利亚reddish微红pouch育儿袋二、句型What animal is it? It s a hippo.What animal are they? They are hippos. What does the cat like to eat? It likes to eat fish. What do the cats like to eat? They like to e

106、at fish? What animals do you like? I like cats. Unit 13 I can spot the frog, can you? 学习目的与要求:1.进一步掌握 Can you? 句型的用法。2.能熟炼使用不同类型的问句与答语。一、词汇Spot 认出、弄脏bookshop caf giraffe shop turtle 海龟Chinese sorry crocodile 鳄鱼 mountain climb piano underground angry stop train push推pull 拉 happen next mountain bike c

107、lothes shop supermarket video store音像店 booth 电话亭 stationery store文具店 bedgown 睡衣 come out出来、开花 along go home/there/here 注意情态动词的用法can请求、能力 may 允许 shall 建议 must 必须二、句型1. I can spot the elephant, can you? 2. He went to the caf to have a drink? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 44 页学习

108、必备欢迎下载3. Can you go shopping with me? 4. Sorry I have not time. 5. How high can kangaroo hop? 6. Why cant I see in the dark?7. How can you do that? Unit 14 There isnt any bread in the kitchen!学习目的与要求:掌握可数和不可数名词的用法熟练应用 there be 的肯定句和否定句一、词汇countable 可数名词: lemon potato bean carrot pineapple orange coc

109、onut tomato pear mango egg sausage sandwich basket kitchen motorbike clock desk skirt watch teeth camera mirror table uncountable不可数名词:chicken cheese fish milk water rice bread soup tea butter juice coffee chocolate noodles chips 薯条、筹码 pork 猪肉 beef牛肉 juice 果汁 ice cream without have to beautiful big

110、clean fat good happy hungry sad small tall thin long ugly 难看的、丑陋的fridge wire 电线 string 线、细绳 knot绳的结in the desk on the table in the kitchen in the bag in the garden under the bed between the trees in the picture near a shop behind the table buy sth for sb/buy sb sth 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 -

111、- - - - - -第 33 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载二、句型1. There is a hungry dog between the trees. 2. There are three clocks on the table. 3. There is only some milk. 4. There are only some apples. 5. There isnt any bread in the kitchen.6. More coffee please! 7. Would you please buy some milk? 8. Would you like to buy

112、 me some? There be句型1.There is 之后跟可数名词单数形式或不可数名词。(1)There is some milk in the glass There isnt any milk in the glass.Is there any milk in the glass? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.(2)There is a banana on the table. There isnt a banana on the table. Is there a banana on the table? Yes, there is. / N

113、o, there isnt.2. There is 之后跟可数名词复数形式。(1)There are some apples in the box. There arent any apples in the box.Are there any apples in the box? Yes, there are. / No, there aren t.(2)There are some apples in the bag. There arent any apples in the bag.Are there any apples in the bag? Yes, there are. / N

114、o, there arent.3.There be句型的否定句,直接在be动词后面加 not。There isnt a computer on the table.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 34 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载There arent any pears in fridge. There isnt any water in the bawl.4. There be句型的疑问句,直接把be提前,放置在句首。Is there any water in the glass? Are there any pears i

115、n the fridge? Is there a banana on the table? 三、语法名词的单数变复数形式1.最常见的名词复数 (Plural)就是在单数 (Singular)名词后边加上一个s 清辅音后读 /s/ 浊辅音和元音后读/z/ boyboys catcats roomrooms horsehorses treetrees roseroses 2.如果名词是以 sh、ch、s 或 x 结尾的话,那就要在单数的后面加上es读 /iz/ lashlashes 鞭子pushpushes branchbranches树枝、分店matchmatches coachcoaches

116、教练 gasgases气体、煤气ass asses驴子classclasses boxboxes foxfoxes watchwatches brushbrushes 但是,当 -ch 发k音的时候,则只需直接加-s。如: stomach-stomachs胃,胃部; epoch-epochs时期,时代。3.结尾是 o 的单数词,一部份只加s就成复数词,但有的却需加es. 加 s:pianopianos photophotos bamboobamboos竹子zoozoos kangarookangaroos 袋鼠mulattomulattos 白黑混血儿精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

117、- - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 35 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载加 es: heroheroes英雄 mangomangoes potatopotatoes tomatotomatoes mosquitomosquitoes蚊子negronegroes黑人cargocargoes货物echoechoes回声buffalobuffaloes水牛volcanovolcanoes火山上述两种方法均可,如zero-zeros / zeroes 。4.如果名词结尾是辅音字母(就是除了 a,e,i,o,u 之外的字母 )加一个 y,那就要将 y换成 i,再加上 es读 /z/。如

118、:babybabies familyfamilies ponyponies citycities countrycountries 但以 y 结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数。例如:the Henrys monkeymonkeysholidayholidaysGermanyGermanys: 可是,如果名词结尾是一个元音字母(就是a,e,i,o,u)加一个 y,那只要在单数词后加一个 s。如:playplays游戏、比赛wayways 路线valleyvalleys 山谷 donkeydonkeys驴子、 笨蛋toytoys boyboys guyguys 家

119、伙、人5.当单数名词的结尾是f 或 fe 时,其复数形式应是把 -f,或-fe 变为-ves。如:thiefthieves 贼、小偷shelfshelves架子 leafleaves 树叶wifewives妻子 calfcalves小牛、小腿 halfhalves一半、半场wolfwolves lifelives 生活可是,f 结尾的单数字,有许多只需加个 s 就成复数(你看,这又是英文的 bugs)roofroofs 屋顶hoofhoofs(牛羊的)蹄chiefchiefs 首领 cliff cliffs 悬崖gulfgulfs 海湾 grief-griefs 伤心事 proof-proof

120、s 试验,证据 belief-beliefs 信心,信任 handkerchief 手帕 handkerchiefs ,也可变为 handkerchieves 。6.由于古老传统的原因,一些单数词得加en才能变成复数词oxoxen 公牛 childchildren (你看,这个就不守规矩了,不是加en ,是 ren呀) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 36 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载brotherbrethren 弟兄们,同胞 (哎呀,这个这个 是 bre,不是 bro)7.以-man 结尾的名词, 其复数形式应是将 -man

121、 变为 -men。但有几个名词的复数形式则是直接加-s。这 也可以看作是一种例外。如:manmen;womanwomen;German-Germans ;human-humans人,人类注意:由一个词加man 或 woman 构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men 和-women,如 an Englishman,two Englishmen。但 German不是合成词,故复数形式为 Germans ;Bowman 是姓,其复数是 the Bowmans 。8.一些单数词得改头换面一番,才能变成复数词的哦:analysisanalyses 分析basisbases 基础datumdata 数据to

122、othteeth footfeet goose geese mousemice child-childrenformulaformulae/formulas 公式 memorandum memoranda/memorandums 备忘录 mediummedia/mediums媒介 louselice 虱子 parenthesis parentheses 圆括号phenomenon phenomena现象 radiusradii 半径9.有些名词是单数、复数不分的,如:deer鹿 fish 鱼,鱼肉 sheep绵羊,胆小鬼cannon大炮 salmon 鲑鱼trout鳟鱼 (许多鱼类都是这么 可

123、爱的呀。 )10.不同国籍人的单复数。国籍 中国人瑞士人 澳大利亚人俄国人总称(谓语用复数)the Chinese the Swiss the Australians the Russians 单数 a Chinese a Swiss an Australian a Russian 复数 two Chinese two Swiss two Australians two Russians 意大利人希腊人 法国人 日本人 美国人总称(谓语用复数) the Italians the Greek the French the Japanese the Americans 精选学习资料 - - - -

124、 - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 37 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载单数 an Italian a Greek a Frenchman a Japanese an American 复数 two Italians two Greeks two Frenchmen two Japanese two Americans 印度人 加拿大人德国人 英国人 瑞典人总称(谓语用复数) the Indians the Canadians the Germans the English the Swedish 单数 an Indian a Canadian a German

125、s an Englishman a Swede 复数 two Indians two Canadians two Germans two Englishmen two Swedes 名称总称(谓语用复数)一个人两个人中国人the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese 瑞士人the Swissa Swisstwo Swiss 澳大利亚人 theAustraliansan Australiantwo Australians 俄国人the Russians a Russian two Russians 意大利人the Italiansan Italiantwo Italians

126、 希腊人the Greeka Greektwo Greeks 法国人the Frencha Frenchman two Frenchmen 日本人the Japanese a Japanese two Japanese 美国人the Americans an Americantwo Americans 印度人the Indiansan Indiantwo Indians 加拿大人the Canadians a Canadian two Canadians 德国人the Germans a Germantwo Germans 英国人the Englishan Englishmantwo Engl

127、ishmen 瑞典人the Swedish a Swede two Swedes 11.一些名词虽分单数、复数,但出现次数多的总是单数词:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 38 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载absences 缺席clothing 衣服film 电影help 帮忙、助手 sugar糖furniture 家具machinery 机械news新闻scenery风景 traffic 交通12.另一些名词表示由两部分构成的东西,则以复数词出现的机会较多:bellows 风箱clothes 衣服的总称police 警察shor

128、ts短裤 wages工资 scissors剪刀 spectacles眼镜glasses 眼镜shears大剪刀 trousers长裤。若表达具体数目,要借助数量词pair (对,双);suit (套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers等。13.最后一类是 compound nouns ,这类复数词是以主要的名词来表示:coat-of-mailcoats-of-mail 锁子甲 daughter-in-lawdaughters-in-law 媳妇father-in-lawfathers-in-law 岳父man-of-warmen-of-war

129、兵舰maid-servant maid-servants女佣 step-son step-sons继子son-in-lawsons-in-law 女婿、养子14.一般而言,英语中表示度、量、衡及物价等的单位名词为可数名词,有单数与复数的词形变化。如:one penny便士six pennies one dollar美元two dollarsThirty pounds? Thats too expensive.Some weigh as much as fifteen tons each. There s danger about thirty metres ahead.但是其谓语动词仍旧用单数

130、形式。例如:Where is that five pounds? Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 值得注意的是音译的汉语量词,一般不用复数形式。例如:里(li) ,斤( jin) ,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 39 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载亩(mu) ,元( yuan) ,角( jiao) ,分(fen)etc. It is about 5li from here. The book cost me two yuan and five jiao. The pig weighs ov

131、er one hundred jin. 度量衡用缩写词形式时,其复数形式往往不变。 例如: ft.(foot)ft .km.(kilometer)km.kg.(kilogramme)kg.m.(metre) m.15.某些名词的复数形式, 有时具有特别的意思。 例如:papers (文件,证件)goods(货物) ,clothes (衣服) ,arms (武器) minutes (记录) ,times(时代) ,greens(青菜)looks(外貌) ,manners (礼貌 )peoples (民族,种族),words(言语) ,grounds(场地,庭园),works(工厂、工事、著作)

132、etc. 16.有些名词经常带着 -s词尾的。 例如: a. maths数学, news新闻,politics 政治,physics物理学 , the United States美国 ,the United Nationspolitics联合国,等学科名词,一般是不可数名词,但通常把它们当作单数看待,只有在个别的句子里才作复数处理。例如:Politics is an important thing.(政治是一件重要的事情)What are your politics?(你的政见如何?)17.某些表示由两个部分构成的物体的名词。trousers, glasses, shoes, chopstic

133、ks, etc.还包括 goods, arms, clothes, minutes, contents 目录,内容 ,wages工资.都可作复数。例如: Joes new trousers are black.His clothes are quite old. High wages make Jim very happy. 19.一般地说物质名词和抽象名词是不可数名词,因此没有复数形式。例如:information 通知,knowledge知识,advice, milk 牛奶,water水,ice, bread面包,etc.但是某些名词以复数形式出现时,其含义或可表示若干种类(),或可表示数

134、量之精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 40 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载多() 。例如:a. There are many fishes in the river. (河里有许多种鱼。)This animal can eat one sheep and some other foods a day (这种动物一天能吃掉一只羊及其他的食物。)b. She told him of all her hopes and fears. (她把她所有的希望及担忧之事告诉了他。)This brought to mind her sufferin

135、gs in those days. (这使她回想起在那些日子中所受的苦)20.有些集体名词,以单数形式出现,通常用作复数。例如:Police,people,youth ,cattle家畜,etc.其单数形式分别为: a policeman ,a person ,a young person ,a cow ,etc. 21.有些集体名词,例如class ,team,school,party,government,public,union协会,联合;company公司,family, etc.既 可作单数,也可作复数。作单数时,把集体名词看作一个整体,作复数时,指该集体中的每个人。例如:The f

136、ootball team is being organized. (足球队正在组建立中。) The football team are having a rest.(足 球队们员正在休息。)Unit 15 Let s find it quickly!学习目的与要求:掌握形容词和副词的用法熟练用英语描述某件东西或某个动物的方位一、词汇精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 41 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载van cat lion parrot snake cow pigs rabbit crocodile bird elephant m

137、onkey sheep duck tiger basement film snowflake teeth dress shoulder floor balcony shirt cost crayon pond kit birdhouse at the bottom of on in under behind in front of on the top of in the middle of next to parrot lion on the roof of hotel 旅馆 bakery面包房 gas station天然气站 pet shop宠物二、句型 :注意方位介词的用法Where i

138、s the monkey? It s behind the van.What do you want to buy? I want to buy b book. How much does it cost in all? Ten yuan. Let1s find it quickly. How did the train go. 三、语法形容词和副词的用法:副词一般修饰动词,放在动词的后面,形容词一般修饰名词,放在名词的前面。形容词变为副词的方法:可记住以下口诀: 一般直接加 ly,“ 元 e” 去 e加 ly,“ 辅y” 改 i 加 ly,“le ”结尾 e 改 y。1.一般在形容词的词尾加

139、 -ly 可以变成副词。例如: quickquickly, slowslowly, loudloudly, sudden suddenly 等。2. 一些以 “ 辅音字母 +y” 结尾的形容词,要把 y 改为 i 再加-ly。 例如: happyhappily, angryangrily, luckyluckily, heavyheavily, noisynoisily 等。3. 有些以 -ble 或-le 结尾的形容词,去掉e 加-y。例如: possiblepossibly, terribleterribly 等。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - -

140、- - - -第 42 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎下载4. 某些以辅音字母加不发音的字母e 结尾和以 -ue 结尾的形容词要先去掉e,然后再加-y 或-ly。例如: terrible-terribly; true-truly; gentle-gently等。但绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly。例如: politepolitely, widewidely 等。5.以-l 结尾的形容词变为副词时仍然要在词尾加-ly,而不是只加 -y。除非是以 -ll结尾的才在词尾只加 -y。例如:usualusually, carefulcarefully, usefulusefully, full f

141、ully 等。6.特殊变化:在英语中 ,有些词既可以作形容词 ,又可以作副词 ,如 early, much, fast, little, wide, loud, low; 另外,还有一类副词和形容词词义相同,但拼写却不同 ,如 well和 good。7.注意下列副词的不同意义:high 高地, highly 高的(表抽象);late迟,晚, lately 最近;hard努力地, hardly 几乎不; most非常, mostly 主要rain 下雨用 hard heavily 修饰wind 刮风用 strongly 修饰Unit 16 He can do better than his br

142、other! 学习目的与要求:综合复习各种问句,学会与人简单交流。进一步巩固复习副词的用法。一、词汇score得分、分数、乐谱、帐目 dart镖、 标枪 shine照耀、发光 brightest明亮的 throw 扔、 掷era面积 better outer inner double两倍 triple 三倍round opposite sadly all the time by the time miss错过,想念 fair unhappy不高兴的 sleepy瞌睡的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 43 页,共 44 页学习必备欢迎

143、下载card卡片clip 夹子scissors剪刀 bull s eye靶心二、句型1. I can do better.(You/He/She can do better.) 2. He can do better than his brother. 3. How often do you eat cake? 4. How much water do you want? 5. When does the class begin? 6. What s the name of your school?副词比较级的用法:一般前面加more. more(beautifully/quietly/car

144、efully/happily/quickly/differently) 特殊的: well-better; hard-harder; later-later (犹如形容词的比较级)1. I can sing songs more beautifully than other. 2. I can read more quickly than my friends. 3. He can write more clearly than his brother. 4. She can paint better than the farther. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 44 页,共 44 页



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