高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识考点 Unit 1 School life课件 牛津译林版必修1

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1、高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点.高考单词识记思考运用1核心词汇_ adj.一般的,普通的_ n难事;斗争;努力 vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎_ adj.额外的,外加的_ n& vt.交换;交流_ n负责,掌管 vt.使承担责任;收费;控告,起诉average struggle extra exchange charge 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点experience n经历;经验 vt.经历,体验_ adj.有经验的respect n& vt.尊敬,敬重_ adj.

2、表示敬意的,尊敬的_ adj.值得尊敬的;体面的devote vt.致力于;献身_ n奉献;忠诚;专心_ adj.忠诚的,全心全意的_ adj.具有挑战性的challenge n& vt.挑战_ nU鼓励,促进;C鼓励的话或行为encourage vt.鼓励,激励_ adj.受到鼓舞的_ adj.令人鼓舞的experienced respectful respectable devotion devoted challenging encouragement encouraged encouraging 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点_ n满意satisfy

3、vt.使满意_ adj.感到满意的_ adj.令人满意的fluent adj.流利的,流畅的_ adv.流利地;流畅地_ n(语言的)流利,流畅donate vt.捐赠,捐献_ n捐赠,捐献_ n准备,筹备prepare vt.& vi.准备_ adj.准备好的satisfaction satisfied satisfying fluently fluency donation preparation prepared 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点2常考词汇literature n_sculpture n_surf vi._academic adj._dyn

4、asty n_literary adj._文学 雕像,雕塑 冲浪 学业的,学术的 朝代,王朝 文学的 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点用所给单词的适当形式填空1Because a college community(群体) differs form the family,many students _ (struggle) to find a sense of belonging.(2016北京,阅读D)2We are all well _ (prepare) for the coming NMET.3He returned to the supermarket

5、 and _(exchange) the blue coat for a red one.4Its said that he _ (charge) with murder last week.5He had many interesting _(experience) while travelling in Africa.will struggle prepared exchanged was charged experiences 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点6Surround yourself with uplifting individuals who

6、 _ (challenge) you to be better while loving you for who you are.(2016北京,阅读D)7“Large collections of personal _ (inform)have become valuable only recently,” he says.(2016上海,阅读C)8Not until recently did they _ (courage) the development of touristsrelated activities in the rural areas.(2016江苏,34)9The ol

7、d should _(respect) anytime and anywhere.challenge information encourage be respected 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点10His life is a _ (devote) one,for which we all respect him.11The work is _ (challenge) but rewarding.12What _ (satisfy) us most was his perseverance.13We are all surprised at his _

8、(fluent) of English.14A lot of money _ (donate) to the floodhit area immediately after the serious floods.devoted challenging satisfied fluency was donated 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点【联想积累】由average想到的平均价格 an average price一般用户 average users普通家庭 ordinary families常识 common sense正常工作时间 normal worki

9、ng hours高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点含pect单词集中记expect vt.期待;期望inspect vt.视察;检查respect n& vt.尊敬,尊重suspect n& vt.怀疑;嫌疑犯aspect n方面;层面prospect n前景;希望高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点变性后缀ing单词一览challenging 挑战性的including 包括在内demanding 费力的;要求高的promising 有前途的missing 失踪的;下落不明的高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础

10、考点盘点含后缀al的名词arrival 到达survival 幸存proposal 提议musical 音乐剧approval 赞成,同意refusal 拒绝高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点含否定前缀in的形容词集锦informal 非正式的 inexact不准确的 insecure 不安全的indirect 间接的inactive 不活跃的incorrect 不正确的injustice 不公正的incapable 无能力的高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点开心词场核心单词串记Paul is an independent stude

11、nt.He prefers that kind of jobs which require challenge.After graduation,he struggled to be an exchange student.He devoted himself to selecting information from experienced people.The other day,he attended a donation ceremony after a long preparation.To his satisfaction,he earned respect from everyo

12、ne else.高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点.重点短语识记思考运用1介词短语_example 例如_ the end of 在结束时_ free 免费_ charge of 负责,掌管_ satisfaction 满意地for at for in with 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点2动词副词或介词get_ 起床,起来sound _ 听上去像_ to 过去经常up like used 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点3动词介词look back _ 回顾come up _ 提出be hap

13、py _ 对满意devote oneself _ 献身于,致力于,专心于be fond _ 喜欢,喜爱make use _ 利用become used _ 变得习惯于on with with to of of to 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点4其他than _ 比平常as _ as 和,也,和一样好first _ all 首先all year _一年到头_than 多于;不仅仅,不只是usual well of round more 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空1When my father

14、_ his schooldays,he became very happy and excited.2Nurses _ themselves _ the care of the sick.3One of the first things Maxime _ do with ShellyAnn was taking her to the track.(2016江苏,阅读D)4The boss _ her achievements in the work.looked back on devote to used to was happy with 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教

15、材中的基础考点5Not all children _ English Literature,so give them chances to choose their favourite subjects to learn.6What time do you _ in the morning? 7Sanya _ a great place for a winter holiday.8So scientists have _ a shocking idea.(2016北京,阅读C)are fond of get up sounds like come up with 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考

16、点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点【联想积累】“in名词of”短语大荟萃in charge of 负责;掌管in honor of 向表达敬意in case of 万一;以防in defense of 保卫in search of 寻找in need of 需要in place of 代替in favor of 赞成;支持in memory of 为纪念高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点“v.sbofsth”短语随手包inform sb of sth 通知某人某事remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物suspect

17、sb of sth 怀疑某人某事accuse sb of sth 控告某人某事warn sb of sth 警告某人某事cure sb of sth 治愈某人某病convince sb of sth 使某人信服某事高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点.经典句式识记思考运用原句背诵感悟1Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。2We also had diff

18、erent students in some classes,so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names.上某些课的时候,班上的同学也不一样,所以对我来说记住所有人的面孔和名字可是一件难事。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点3The more choices you have,the better your decisions will be.你的选择越多,你的决定就越好。4I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana.我在一个名叫黛安娜的女孩

19、身旁坐了下来。5I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.我发现这里布置的家庭作业不像我以前在原来学校时那么繁重。6Upon finishing his studies,he started travelling in China.学习一结束,他就开始游历中国。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点句型公式仿写1动名词作主语_,as everyone knows,does harm to health.众所周知,过量饮酒有害于健康。2it作形式主语

20、_ for the Chinese Women Volleyball Team _ a gold medal in the 31st Summer Olympic Games.对于中国女排来说,获得第31届夏季奥运会金牌是一个巨大的成功。Drinking too much It is a great success to win 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点3the比较级,the比较级_ you work,_ you will make.你工作越努力,进步就越大。4whose引导的定语从句I like the book _ is red.我喜欢那本封面是红色

21、的书。The harder the greater progress whose cover 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点5what引导的名词性从句He is not _ he used to be.他已经不再是原来的他了。6Upon doing. “一就”_ from abroad,he got down to his work.他从国外一回来,就立即投入到工作中了。what Upon his getting back 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点【联想积累】it作形式主语的常见句型(1)Itbe形容词(necessar

22、y,important,natural等)主语从句(2)Itbe名词词组(a fact,a pity,a shame,an honor,a question等)主语从句(3)Itbe过去分词(announced,believed,expected,reported,said等)主语从句(4)It不及物动词(seem,appear,happen等)主语从句(5)Itbe形容词(easy,difficult,hard,important,possible等)for sb动词不定式高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点(6)Itbe形容词(kind,nice stupid,

23、clever,foolish,polite,impolite,silly,selfish,considerate等)of sb动词不定式(7)Itbe名词或形容词(good,no good,no use,a waste of time,useless等)动名词高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点1exchange vt.更换;交换;交流;兑换 nC C& U U交换,更换;交流;U U外汇;(外汇)兑换;C C交易所He exchanged a quick smile with her and then entered the lift.他和她匆匆相视一笑,然后走进

24、了电梯。A单单 词词 点点 睛睛 高考必备词汇高考必备词汇精讲精练精讲精练 exchange.for以交换exchange.with和交换in exchange (for)作为(对的)交换高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/写作句式训练The Internet enables us _ (exchange) ideas with many others to check our claims,and to judge our actions.(2016江苏,任务型阅读)If the course fails to provide complete sa

25、tisfaction to you,you can easily exchange it _ any other course that we offer.(2012北京,阅读A)Tom exchanged gifts _ John at Christmas.Two weeks went by,and _(我们的交换活动) ended.答案to exchangeforwithour exchange activities高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点2charge vt.& vi.收费;控诉;充电 n费用;主管Thirdly,I wonder how much

26、 you will charge us for the sixweek course.(2014全国,书面表达)第三,我想知道六周的课程你会收取我们多少钱。(1)charge sb for sth收费,要价charge sb with (doing) sth指控/指责某人做某事(2)in charge of主管,负责in the charge of.由负责/掌管take charge of主管,负责(3)free of charge 免费高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/单句改错She charged him _ stealing her car.S

27、oon he will take charge _ the department.Do you think museums should charge _ admission?The company is in charge of Tom when the boss is away.答案withofforin后加the高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点3experience nU U经验;体验;感受 C C经历;阅历 vt.体验;感受;经历Its a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my exper

28、ience of learning English with you.今天在这儿和大家分享我学习英语的经验对我来说是一件快乐的事。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点(1)by experience 通过经验experience in.的经验from experience 从经验中of experience 有经验的(2)experienced adj.有经验的;有见识的;熟练的be experienced at/in. 在方面有经验高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/写作句式训练A sudden stop can be _

29、 very frightening experience especially if you are travelling at high speed.(2016浙江,13)We should learn from _ (experience) teachers.He is a writer _ rich experience.It is confirmed _ experience that this is the right approach to the command of grammar.Mr.Wang,who is _,is friendly to us.王老师对我们很友好,他是一

30、位拥有20年教龄的教师。答案aexperiencedofbya teacher of 20 years teaching experience高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点4encourage vt.鼓励;支持;促进I was about to give up when my father encouraged me to go on.(2014福建,书面表达)我这就要放弃时,我爸爸激励我继续。encourage sb by doing sth 通过做某事鼓励某人 encourage sb in sth 在某方面鼓励某人encourage sb to do s

31、th 鼓励某人去做某事encourage sb with sth 通过某种方式鼓励某人高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/写作句式训练Teens and young adults may feel forced to use drugs,or join gangs _ encourage criminal behavior.(2014江苏,任务型阅读)We should encourage our children _(think) by themselves.I was _ by his _ words. (encourage)高考中的核心考点高考中

32、的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点Not only do they offer us joy and excitement,but also _ critically.(2014浙江,书面表达)他们不仅给我们带来快乐与兴奋,还鼓励我们进行批判式思考。答案thatto thinkencouraged;encouragingencourage us to think高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点encouraged adj.受到鼓舞的encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的encouragement n鼓励妙语助记Our Chinese teacher

33、encouraged us with his encouraging words,and all of us were greatly encouraged by his encouragement.我们语文老师用他令人鼓舞的语言鼓励我们,我们都被他的鼓励深深地鼓舞了。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点5donate vt.捐赠;赠送Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys.(2016北京,阅读B)志愿者用车运来了捐献的衣物和玩具。(1)donate sth to sb/sth向某人/事捐

34、献某物(2)donation n捐献;捐赠;捐款,捐赠物give/make/present a donation to.为捐赠send a donation to.把捐款寄至高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/单句改错There is no risk of getting AIDS when _(donate) blood.They used _(donate) large sum of money to the Red Cross every year.Charities appealed for _(donate) of food and clot

35、hing for victims of the hurricane.If we all save a little money every day to donate it with the Project Hope,then many dropouts can return to school again.高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点 As a volunteer,he recognized that donate blood required very little work and virtually no pain while helping to

36、save a life.答案donatingto donatedonationswithtodonatedonating高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点6prepare v准备 Then he and my mother would have a drink while she prepared dinner and they would talk about his day and hers.(2016浙江,短文改错)然后他和我妈妈就会喝茶,同时她在准备着晚餐,然后他们会谈论他们俩一天中的所见所闻。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考

37、点(1)in preparation for为作准备make preparations for为作准备(2)prepare vt.准备;预备;筹备;把准备好;使有准备;为做准备vi.预备;做准备prepare for为做准备prepare sb for sth使某人对某事有准备be/get prepared有准备;打算高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/写作句式训练They are busy making _ (prepare)for the wedding.I want to improve my language skills _ preparat

38、ion for further study overseas.He was always _ (prepare)for any unforeseen event of emergency.We prepare children _ school success through high quality early education.高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点Its of great importance for me _ the final exam last week.(2013山东,书面表达)对我来说,上周为期末考试做充分准备是非常重要的。I imm

39、ediately went to get her some medicine and then _.(2013北京,情景作文)我马上去给她拿了些药,然后为她做了些面条。答案preparationsinpreparedforto make full preparations forprepared some noodles for her高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点7inform vt.告诉;通知It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.(201

40、5福建,23)为了避免我们担心,米切尔告知我们他耽搁了,他想得很周到。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点(1)inform sb of sth告诉某人某事;通知某人某事keep sb informed (of) 使某人随时了解be well informed about sth对某事十分了解(2)information nU通知;情报;信息collect/gather information 搜集情报a piece of information 一则消息高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/单句改错/写作句式训练Why wa

41、snt I informed _ her arrival?If anything happens,please keep me _ (inform)Please inform us how _ (find) Dr.Browns house.We are said to be living in Information Age,a time of new discoveries and great changes.It is a great honour for me _ relevant to the local life.对我来说,很荣幸给你们讲一些与当地生活有关的信息。答案ofinform

42、edto findin后加theto tell you some information高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点1respect vt.尊重;遵守;重视;尊敬;敬重 nU U尊敬;尊重;(常用复数)敬意;问候;C C关系;方面B常考必会词汇常考必会词汇理解辨认理解辨认 win/earn ones respectearn respect from sb赢得某人的尊重have/show respect for sb尊敬某人respect sb for (doing) sth因为(做)某事而尊敬某人in respect of sth/with respect

43、to sth关于某事;就某事而言高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点写出下列句子中加黑词的含义/写作句式训练In practice,few drivers respected the rules.The media should respect famous peoples privacy.Give my respects to your family.In this respect we are very lucky.In school,I _and was friendly to classmates.(2014江西,书面表达)在学校里,我尊敬老师,对同学友好。

44、 高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点No matter how ordinary a job is,it plays a part in society and therefore _.(2013广东)无论这份工作多么普通,它在我们社会中起作用,因此应得到我们应有的尊重。答案遵守尊重问候方面respected teachersdeserves our due respect高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点challenge sb to sth 邀请进行比赛challenge sb on sth 在某事上对某人提出质疑challeng

45、ing adj. 有挑战性的2challenge n挑战;邀请比赛;盘问;质疑 v向挑战;盘问;质疑高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点写出下列句子中加黑词的含义/单句改错This was Hyers last fight,for no one else challenged him.The guards challenged the stranger at the gates.He challenged why I didnt get things ready before.The teacher gave us a challenged assignment.H

46、e challenged me to a debate.答案挑战查问质疑/质问challengedchallengingtowith高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点3approve vt.批准;认可;通过 vi.赞成;赞同approve of 赞成;同意approval nC & U赞成;同意;批准without approval未经许可give ones approval to同意;批准高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点【特别提醒】(1)approve表示“赞成;同意”时,是不及物动词,若后接宾语,要借助介词of。(2)不要将汉语

47、的“赞成某人做某事”直译成approve sb to do.或在其后跟that从句,可改用approve of sbs doing sth。(3)approval作“赞成”、“认可”解时,后面常接of短语,不接动词不定式。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/写出下列句子中加黑词的含义I dont approve of your _(go)out with him.He nodded _ approval.I need my brothers approval _ using his bike.Last of all,the chief editor r

48、ead it and approved it.She doesnt want to take her new boyfriend home in case her parents dont approve of him.答案goinginof批准赞成高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点1be/get used to (doing)sth习惯于(做)某事Canadian singer and song writer,Alanis Morissette,is used to being in the public eye.加拿大歌唱家及词曲家阿兰妮斯莫里塞特习惯了公开露

49、面。【易混辨析】used to do/be used to (doing)sth/be used to do(1)used to do sth意为“过去常常做某事”。(2)be used to (doing)sth意为“习惯于(做)某事”。(3)be used to do sth意为“被用来做某事”。短短 语语 点点 拨拨高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/单句改错What solution can be used _ (fill)in the gaps?Growing up in the country,he is used to _ (get) u

50、p early.Neither she nor her brother used to _ (play)out with other local children.You used to go there,_ you?After ten years,he changed a lot and looked different from he used to be.答案to fillgettingplayusednt/didntfrom后加what高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点【特别提醒】(1)used的否定式为used not或didnt use,一般疑问句可用

51、used开头,也可用did开头。(2)used to不可以与时间段连用,但可以与过去确定的时间状语连用。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点2look back on/at回忆;回顾As I look back on that day now,it surely lacks any sense of reality.(2012北京,完形)现在当我回忆那一天时,那件事确实缺乏真实感。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点look after照顾look down on/upon轻视;看不起look forward to (doing)sth盼

52、望/期待(做)某事look into观察;调查look through浏览;仔细查看look up to尊敬;仰视look up 查字典;向上看高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/单句改错/写作句式训练I hoped we can do business together and looking forward to _(hear)from you soon.Every student should look _ all new words in his dictionary each day.It is said that the case is b

53、eing looked _.I am looking forward to see you.高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点_,I feel I wouldnt be able to ride a bike had I lost heart.(2014安徽,书面表达)回顾过去,我感觉如果当时失去信心的话,我现在就不会骑自行车了。答案hearing upintoseeseeing Looking back高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点3.devote vt.(与to连用)献身;专心于Neighbors devoted their

54、spare time to helping others rebuild.(2016北京,阅读B)邻居们把他们的业余时间投入到帮助其他人重建。(1)devote oneself to献身,致力于,专心devote ones energy/time/attention to (doing) sth奉献精力/时间/注意力于(做)某事(2)devoted adj.忠实的,深爱的be devoted to深爱,致力于(3)devotion n关爱,关照;奉献,忠诚高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/写作句式训练His life is one _ (devote

55、)to the educational career.He devoted his spare time to _(read)novels._ (devote)himself to helping the poor,he deserved the prize he had got.Can such a man be called a _ (devote)friend?After her marriage,she couldnt devote _ (her)totally to her music.高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点Besides,she often

56、 _.She deserves the honor and we should learn from her.而且,她经常把业余时间用于帮助别人,她配得上这份荣誉,我们应该向她学习。答案devotedreadingDevotingdevotedherselfdevotes her spare time to helping others高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点4make use of利用 We might as well make use of the hotels facilities.我们倒不如利用旅馆的设施。come into use开始被使用pu

57、t to use使用;利用in use在使用着(be)of use有用的It/There is no use doing sth做某事没有用/意义高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空Its no use _ (complain)without taking action.The class time should be made good use of _ (help)students understand and grasp the texts focus on content.Ill be glad to see the building _ use

58、 again.Computers first came _ use in the early 1950s.Do you promise to put the money _ good use?答案complainingto helpinintoto高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点 more.than.与其说,倒不如说 not more than不多于 no more than仅仅 no比较级 than.前者和后者都不(两者的否定)5more than多于;不仅仅;非常;岂止Their report is more than just a survey.他们的报告

59、不仅仅是一份调查。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点同义句改写/写作句式训练He is very happy at the good news.He is _ _ happy at the good news.The survey shows that _ to read news most.调查显示一多半的学生喜欢读新闻。I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world,_.我崇拜爱迪生是因为他对世界的巨大贡献,他有1 000多种发明。答案more thanmore than

60、 half of the students like who had more than 1,000 inventions高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点1The more choices you have,the better your decisions will be.你的选择越多,你的决定就越好。句句 式式 透透 析析(1)此句型意为“越就越”,表示主、从句的两个谓语是同时进行的,表示一方随另一方程度的变化而变化。(2)第一个“the 比较级”相当于表示条件的状语从句,后一个“the 比较级”相当于主句,在表示将来意义的情况下,从句用一般现在时表示将来,

61、主句用一般将来时。(3)第二个“the比较级”中可用倒装结构。高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点单句语法填空/单句改错The _ (hard)you try to beat him,the more likely you will get hit.He controls you!(2014辽宁,语法填空)The _ (much)you learn and the more you try,the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.(2014全国,七选五)The

62、more you practice something,the _ (good)at it you will become.(2016天津,阅读表达)高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点The sooner you will do it,the better it will be.The more you eat,the more fatter you will be.答案hardermorebetter去掉第一个will去掉第二个more高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点2Upon finishing his studies,he s

63、tarted travelling in China.学习一结束,他就开始游历中国。(1)on/upon 名词/动名词,意为“一就”,相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句。(2)“at 名词”也可表示“一就”。at the thought of一想到at the mention of一提到at the sight/sound of.一看/听到高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点写作句式训练按要求改写句子As soon as he arrived at Beijing,he called me._(on doing)_(on 名词)The moment he graduated from college,he was sent to the west._(on doing)_(on 名词)高考中的核心考点高考中的核心考点教材中的基础考点教材中的基础考点答案On arriving at Beijing,he called me.On his arrival at Beijing,he called me.On graduating from college,he was sent to the west.On his graduation from college,he was sent to the west.



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