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1、Continuation WritingContinuation Writing读后续写读后续写Looking very unhappy, a poor man entered adoctorsconsulting-room(诊室).Thepoormansaid,“doctor,youmusthelpme!Iswallowed(吞下)apennyaboutamonthago.Thedoctorsaid:“Goodheavens,man!Whyhaveyouwaitedsolong?Whydontyoucometomeonthedayyouswallowedit?”The poor man re

2、plied, “To tell you the truth,doctor,Ididntneedthemoneysobadlythen.SharefunnyjokesWife:“Howwouldyoudescribeme?”Husband:“ABCDEFGHIJK.”Wife:“Whatdoesthatmean?”Husband: “Admirable, beautiful, cute, diligent,elegant,friendly,generous,andhot.”Wife: “Wow, thank you, but what does IJKmean?”Husband:“Imjustk

3、idding.”Whatsthestyleofthepassage?A.Narration(记叙文)B.Exposition(说明文)C.Argumentation(议论文)whowhenwherewhathowwhyStep1:ThoroughReadingreadingcontentwhowhenwherewhatWhyArthur helped a young man to carry a suitcase; Arthur helped a young man to carry a suitcase; A bank robbery happened; Arthur thought the

4、 young A bank robbery happened; Arthur thought the young woman mistook him as the bank thief and started to run.woman mistook him as the bank thief and started to run.Theyoungmancouldntgetthecarmoving;Theyoungmancouldntgetthecarmoving;abankrobberyjusthappenedandhewasabankrobberyjusthappenedandhewasc

5、arryingasuitcase.carryingasuitcase.A Arthur,ayoungmanrthur,ayoungmanOnedaywhenArthurwasonthewaytowork.OnedaywhenArthurwasonthewaytowork.P ParkAvenueneartheFirstNationalBankarkAvenueneartheFirstNationalBankMainideaOneday,atParkAvenue,Arthurhelpedayoungmancarrya_whenhewasonthewaytowork.Suddenly,hehear

6、dthesoundofanalarmandfounda_happenedinthebank.Whenayoungwomanlookedathissuitcase,hethoughthemightbe_forthebankthiefsuitcaserobberymistakenClassifythe10underlinedwordsandphrases.Park AvenuetheyoungmansuitcasesinthebackseatloudnoiseofanalarmthebankrobberytheshoutspeoplethebankthiefWhenWhereWhoWhatWhyH

7、owStep2:LogicalPlottingParagraph1:Ashewasrunning,Arthurheardtheyoungmanshoutingbehind,“Stop,stop!”Paragraph2:ThetaxistoppedinfrontofthePoliceStationandArthur.Tip1: Focus on the given sentence of paragraph2 first. Because some information in it must be mentioned in paragraph 1.Tip2. Make use of the k

8、ey words in the given sentences to infer more information.Para1:Ashewasrunning,Arthurheardtheyoungmanshoutingbehind,“stop,stop!”Arthurthe young manthe taxi driverpurposedialoguefeelingsdestinationPara2:ThetaxistoppedinfrontofthePoliceStationandArthurArthurthe policemanthe real robberdialogueresponse

9、truthWhatkindofendingwouldyoupreferforthisstory? A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day. .Tip3. Sometimes, the general key word can guide us to imagine reasonably.surprising interesting1.Atthattime,theyoungmanalsoappearedinthePoliceStation.Helookedveryangryandshouted




13、nceonthetaxidrivershand“Heisthebankthief.PleasedriveustothePoliceStation.”5.Ashewasexplaining,thetwosuitcasesranintothePoliceStation.Step3:VividWritingByusinglinkingwordseffectively.Byaddingsomedetailsreasonably.Byusingdifferentsentencestructures.Three tips:Paragraph 1: As he was running, Arthur hea

14、rd the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop! ” “Give my suitcase back to me!” Hearing this, Arthur immediately realized that the young man was the bank thief. So he continued running until he stopped a taxi. Then he quickly got into it and sat in the back seat. Out of breath, Arthur said to the ta

15、xi driver, “Please go to the Police Station as soon as possible. I have a robbery to report to the policeman.” The moment the taxi driver got the request, he drove straight to the police station without hesitation.add some detailsUse different structures Proper linking words The taxi stopped in fron

16、t of the Police Station and Arthur ran into it, shouting, “There is a bank robbery and I know who the bank thief is.” On hearing Arthurs story, the policeman decided to head for the bank to investigate the case. However, Just at that moment, the young man came to the police station in a hurry. Out o

17、f breath, He told the whole story. As a matter of fact, he was not the bank thief and what in the suitcase were only some clothes. How embarrassed Arthur was when he learned the truth!add some detailsProper linking wordsUse different structures How to complete a narrative articleStep one: thorough reading(who; when; where; what; why; how)Step two: logical plotting(the plot, the underlined words, the given two sentences, reasonable ending)Step three: vivid writing (linking words, details, sentence structures)Practice makes perfect!Practice makes perfect!THANKYOU



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