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1、1:Haveyou ever known anyone famous? If so,you may have found that they are remarkably similarto the rest of us.Youmay have even heard them object to people sayingthere is anything different about them.“Im really just a normal guy,” protests an actor who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. Ther

2、e is, of course, usually a brief period when they actually start to believe they are asgreat astheirworshipping fans suggest. Theystart to wear fancy clothes and talk asif everyone should hear what they have to say.Thisperiod, however, does not often last long. They fall back to reality asfastas the

3、y had originally risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look down like an eagle from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so high only to wake from your dream and realize you; are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losingsomething

4、they had gained. Theyoften make desperate attempts to regain what they lost. Oftenthese efforts result in even greater pain. Some become bankrupt financially and emotionally. Theonly real winners are those who are happy to be back on the ground with the rest of us.你知道有著名的吗?如果是这样 ,您可能会发现它们非常相似,其余的人。甚

5、至,你可能已经听到他们反对的人说对他们有什么不同。“我只是一个普通人,” 抗议一个演员,他最近已经飙升到了聚光灯下。当然,通常是一个短暂的时期,他们真正开始相信他们是伟大如他们崇拜球迷建议。他们开始穿漂亮的衣服和交谈着,就好似每个人都应该听到他说话。这一时期,然而 ,不经常持续很长时间。他们回到现实原来一样快超过一切。什么会感觉高涨到这样的高度和向下看像一只鹰从高处其他人吗?和什么会感觉飞这么高只有从你的梦中醒来,意识到你 ;只是人类吗 ? 一些人只看到残忍的失去的东西,他们得到了。 他们往往使人绝望试图夺回他们所失去的。 通常这些努力导致了更大的疼痛。一些在经济上和情感上倾家荡产。唯一的真正

6、的赢家是快乐的人,回到陆地上与其余的人。Haveyou ever heard of Jon Stewart ? he is currently one of the most popular comics on television. His pessimistic view of the politics and government induces laughter ,thought and even anger .he has a clever wit that often runs into collision with some government policies. His wh

7、ole show isdevoted to making fun of the nonsense that occurs in politics. But ,that makes hisshow so successful is his ability to tell his jokes with intelligence.It snot just comedy ,said one media expert .his comments have alot of influence over a very large audience in American. He has alot of po

8、litical power.Recently Stewart was a guest on anews show about politics. The host journalist sparked a heateddebate when he inquired about Stewart responsibility to the American public. Stewart argued that while the content of the script for his show may be political in nature, his primary obligatio

9、n isto entertain. The host journalist, however ,emphasized the political influence of hisperformance.The argument ended up rousing anger from both parties. The incident underlined how sensitivesome people canbe to what others find funny. It also showed how important comedians have become to politics

10、.你有没有听说过乔恩斯图尔特?他是目前最流行的一个漫画电视。他的悲观看法的政治和政府引发的笑声,思想甚至愤怒。他有一个聪明机智,经常会出现一些政府政策撞击。他的整个展示致力于取笑的废话,发生在政治。但是,这让他的节目如此成功在于他能告诉他的笑话与情报。这不仅仅是喜剧,说媒体专家之一。他的言论有一个很大的影响力超过了大量的观众在美国。他有很多政治力量。最近斯图尔特是一个新闻节目的嘉宾对政治。主机记者引发了一场激烈的辩论,当他询问精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页斯图尔特向美国公众的责任。斯图尔特说,当脚本的内容为他的节

11、目可能的政治本性,他的主要义务是娱乐。主机记者,然而 ,强调他的政治影响性能。争论最终来自两党的振奋人心的愤怒。这一事件突显出敏感的一些人可能别人觉得好笑。它还演示了如何重要的喜剧演员已经成为政治。What happens in America when someone becomes disabled and cannot do the kind of work theydid in the past? If someone has been injured on the job ,they are supposed to notify the medicalworker ,who woul

12、d certify that there was a problem. Then, they may receive compensation fromthe company. If the company provides a pension, the person may receive money monthly to make up for lost wages. The person who hasbeen disabled may also take the company to court if safety was neglected at the workplace. Thi

13、susually results in receipt of apayment to settle the dispute. In addition, all workplaces are required to pay money to the government for a program to takecare of people disabled on the job. One provision in this program requires workplaces where more injuries occur to pay more money. For this reas

14、on companies that require heavy physical labor takesafety very seriously. Most people misunderstand disability insurance. They think it is ridiculous that a person should get paid without working. In fact, this benefit is usually not enough to cover the rent and other bills of those who receive it.

15、Most of the disabled still want to work, but recovery from the injury and training for other types of employment takes time.在美国发生的事情当某人成为残疾和不能做的那种工作他们做过?如果有人在工作中受伤,他们本应该通知医务工作者,谁能保证有一个问题。然后,他们可以从该公司获得赔偿。如果公司提供了养老金,人可能每月收到的钱以弥补损失的工资。已经被禁用的人也可以采取公司告上法庭 ,如果在工作场所的安全被无视了。这通常会导致收到付款来解决争议。此外,所有工作场所需要支付钱给政府

16、一个程序来照顾残疾人的人在工作。一项条款,在这个程序中需要较多的伤害发生作业场所支付更多的钱。因为这个原因,繁重的体力劳动的公司需要采取非常重视安全。多数人误解了残障保险。他们认为这是荒唐的,一个人应该获得报酬不工作。事实上 ,这个好处通常是不足以覆盖房租和其他账单的接受它的人。大多数的残疾人仍然想工作 ,但恢复伤病的困扰和培训对其他类型的就业需要时间。5 5 As a surgeon, I have seen a lot of deaths. 身为一位外科医生,我已经见到许多死亡。I am rarely astonished by anything. 我很少地被任何事惊讶。The other

17、 day , however ,one humorous and slightly odd story I heard touched me. 前几天,然而,我听到的一个富幽默感、些微奇数的故事碰了我。A doctor told me that a very old woman he was treating was lying motionless on her pillow face down. 一位医生告诉我不动的一个他是注入的非常旧的女人正在说谎在她的枕头脸上坠落。他认为她死,但是当他接近时,他注意到她正在呼吸。被暴露她的背部的她的医院睡衣使赤裸,因此他表达掩护她。然后她慢慢地坐起来,

18、令人吃惊的医生。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页She seemed quite alive. 她似乎相当有活力。“ I thought you were nearly gone,” the doctor said . 我认为你几乎被离去 ,医生说。“ Your breathing was so shallow and you seemed lifeless.” 你的呼吸如此浅,而且你似乎无生命。” “ Never mind that , doctor, I ve been waiting for you,” th

19、e old woman said quite confidently as if she were his mother. ”不必介意, 治疗,我一直等候你, 老女人相当, 自信地说好似她是他的母亲。She had been a good mother to four, but she had survived them all. 她是一个好母亲至四,但是她活的比他们全部久。She gracefully handed the doctor a jar of strawberry jam. 她优美地给医生一个草莓果酱的广口瓶。take the lid off and try some,she s

20、aid. 脱掉盖子而且试一些, 她说。a little and told her it was delicious. 他稍微抽取样品而且告诉她它很可口。“ Good, ” she said ,handing him a piece of paper with writing. 好 ,她说,以写作给他一张纸。“ This is how to make it .” 这是该如何做到。” He understood what a(n) privilege she had given him and took it with thanks and then left. ”他了解什么一n项特权她给他而且用

21、谢谢拿它然后离开。The old woman lay back down and died soon after his departure . 老女人向后地放置向下而且在他的离开之后很快死。6 6 Do you know February 2nd is Groundhogs Day (土拨鼠日 )? 你在二月二日知道是土拨鼠日子土拨鼠日? Legend has it that on this morning, if a groundhog can see its there will be six more weeks of winter. 传说有它, 在今天早晨, 如果一个土拨鼠能见到它的

22、图像,将会有冬天的另外六个个数个星期。If it cannot see its shadow, spring is on the way. 如果它不能够见到它的图像,春天在途中。一些相信预测的方法相当任意而且时常是不正确的。Others argue that it is because it recognizes that the different parts of nature are connected in some way. 其他者主张,它是重要的,因为它认识自然的不同部份在某些方面被连接。每个部份为一个健康系统依赖部份的其它部分。当预测天气时,一些农民薪资关对鸭子和鹅的行为的注意。

23、October. 猜测一个初冬是有感觉的即将到来当你在十月见到鸭子和鹅向南方移动。许多狗拥有者能看得出划尾桨他们的伴侣动物的取得的冬天或春天将会何时。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页In preparation for winter, a dogs hair becomes thicker. 在为冬天的准备,一根狗头发变得比较厚。Dogs lose hair as spring sets in. 当春天开始时,狗失去头发。storm. 从自然被聚集的数据能帮助采取预防一个难的冬天或坏暴风雨的措施人们。当一次地震将会

24、发生时,一些动物甚至被相信能够发现。People holding this belief even go further to say that information gathered by computers is often 甚至举行这信念的人们更进一步说被电脑收集的数据时常无价值的和自然是远远地更正确的:Isnt it time we started paying attention to what is around us? 它是不计时我们开始了注意什么是在我们周围?7 7 Bill Gates is known around the world for the founding o

25、f Microsoft. 比尔盖兹为微软的建造在全世界被知道。And, most people are quite aware that his Bill Gates is known around the world for the founding of Microsoft. 并且,大多数人相当了解他的比尔盖兹为微软的建造在全世界被知道。And, most people are quite aware that his man was due in large part to his partner Paul Allen. 并且,大多数人相当了解从电脑电脑黑客到世界最富有的男人的他的进化是

26、应得的东西大致上部份地对他的合伙人保罗艾伦。But, while Gates fame has mushroomed since the beginning of Microsoft, Allen has remained less famous. 但是,当门名望已经迅速发展自微软的开始的时候,艾伦依然比较不出名。Many around the world have followed the life of Gates, but are Allen. 全球的多数已经跟随盖兹的生活,但是对已经发生在艾伦身上什么事一无所知。the world. 事实上,当做在西北的大部分能告诉你,艾伦在区域和世界

27、上相当做一n种冲击。In 2000, he retired from Microsoft, but the company retains him as a permanent advisor to top executives. 在 2000 年,他从微软退休,但是公司当做对高层主管来说的一个长备的参谋保有他。不是所有的艾伦的兴趣包括商业的成功。and technology research. 艾伦已经为科学和技术研究把在慈善中的四亿元给给华盛顿大学。He created the Experience Music Project in Seattle, design the building

28、. 他产生了在西雅图的经验音乐计画,雇用出名建筑师法兰克人Gehry 设计建筑物。This is not his only contribution to the arts. 这不是他对艺术的唯一奉献。艾伦对现代化好莱坞的电影技术感到非常有关。His film studio is the most advanced in the world. 他的摄影棚是这最在世界上前进。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页He has also built a sports empire, buying both a basketb

29、all and a football team as well as helping to support a local stadium, and he owns a sports magazine. 他也已经建造一个运动帝国,买一个篮球和一个足球队和帮助支援一个当地的体育馆,和他拥有一本运动杂志。Oh, and lets not forget, Allen is the seventh richest man in the entire world. 哦,而且让我们不忘记,艾伦是整个的世界第七富有的男人。Not bad. 不是坏。8 8 You have probably heard of

30、 Dolly. 你或许听说洋娃娃。She is the worlds first cloned sheep and quite famous. 她是世界上第一只复制的羊和相当出名。You would never know that she was such a famous animal just by looking at her, though. 你永远不会知道她仅仅藉着看她是如此的一只出名动物,虽然。Shes about as unremarkable-looking as any sheep there ever was, commented one scientist who ten

31、ds to the famous sheep. 她是关于同样看似不显着的当做任何羊曾经有, 批评一位倾向于出名羊的科学家。Now that Dolly has successfully been cloned, there are many scientists her every movement. 既然洋娃娃已经成功地被复制,有许多科学家观察她的每次运动。他们的希望是他们用洋娃娃不要发现任何显着的事。One of the scientists humorously remarked, Its quite a(n) job always sitting around hoping nothi

32、ng will actually happen. 科学家之一富幽默感地评论,它相当在附近总是一n个无聊的工作就坐什么也没希望将会实际上发生 But thats what they have essentially done. 但是做的他们本质上有。They hope that any differences between Dolly that they go unnoticed. 他们在洋娃娃之间希望那任何不同和羊她被复印了从是较小,因而他们变不引人注意。We dont want Dolly to live longer or jump higher. ” 我们不想要洋娃娃更久活得或者跳跃比

33、较高的。Some say that we are deliberately trying to create animals with remarkable qualities. 一些说我们正在故意地尝试用显着的质量产生动物。This is not true. 这不真实。We simply are showing that we can make a(n) sheep is normal. 我们只是正在表现我们能安全地作最初者的同一副本n而且羊是正常的。 ”Despite the protests of the scientists working on the project, the ov

34、er whether cloning is safe goes on. 尽管处理计画,针对复制是否是继续的保险箱的辩论的科学家的抗议。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页The US congress organized a national to study the legal and moral implications of cloning. 美国国会组织了一个国家委员会学习复制的合法、道德涵义。多数想要在复制上废止所有研究。And while everyone argues, the scientists ar

35、e simply continuing to watch Dolly. 而且当每个人争论时,科学家正在只是继续看洋娃娃。9 9 My friend, Anna, said to me before I married Mike, Hes fine now, but wait until after youve married him. 在我娶了麦可之前,我的朋友,安娜,对我说,他现在很好,但是等候直到在你已经结婚他之后 她认为那种她自己的经验婚姻适用于挖掘。没有平坦的被问,她引述她与她的丈夫一起有的所有问题。The disputes ranged from him not sharing re

36、sponsibility for household tasks to how often he went out at night. 争论从他排列不对在晚上的他多久外出分享对家庭任务的责任了。而且每一次,安娜控诉,她的丈夫会为他做的找辩护。 如果我是你 ,她劝告, ” 我将会以书面方式使每件事物被证明。If there is something that he will continue it after you are married. 如果有事令人想要的现在关于他,确定你从他得到协议在你是已婚的之后,他将会继续它。agreement. ” 我试着解决说我想麦可,而且我会在没有如此的协议下

37、处理它的她的忠告。She just dismissed what I had to say with laughter. 她刚刚解散了我必须以笑说的。You cant believe him just because what he said. ” 你不能相信他仅仅因为他说的。Once you marry him, hell think he owns you, and everything will change, she said. 一经你与他结婚,他将会认为他拥有你,而且每件事物将会改变,” 她说。我试着不理睬她的忠告,但是隔天我改变了我的想法而且和麦可说话。Mike, I said,

38、Im not going to marry you unless you promise to always stay the same. 麦可,我说, 我没有要与你结婚,除非你答应总是停留一样的He replied, Youve been talking to Anna again, havent you 他答复, ” 你再次一直和安娜说话,不已经你10 10 You have seen a friend succeed. 你已经见到一位朋友成功。No doubt you feel joy at this. 无疑地,你感觉在这的欢喜。Y 你爱你的朋友,而且也许你甚至帮助他完成他的目标。Sti

39、ll,there is another feeling,a dark feeling,within you. 仍然,在你里面,有另外的感觉,黑暗感觉。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页You begin to wish that it was you who was enjoying success,and you begin to even dislike your friend. 你开始愿正在拥有成功的人是你,而且你开始甚至讨厌你的朋友。At first this envious feeling starts o

40、ff like a tiny seed. 起先,这嫉妒的感觉像极小的种子出发。But then, like a seed,it grows. 但是当时,像种子,它生长。它威胁赶上你。当然,你对你的感觉感到坏的,于此他们已经对你的友谊成为一个障碍。Still,there doesnt seem to be anything that you can do. 剧照,在那里似乎不是任何事你能做。Facing your friend invariably leads to more tension between you. 面对你的朋友始终如一地导致你之間的较多的紧张。A 防止他仅仅似乎弄宽你之間的海

41、湾。Instead of feeling about your envy or hating your friend,you should take a different approach. 而非对你的羡慕感到有罪的或帽子你的朋友,你应该采取不同的方法。以你朋友的成功作为挑战。He has succeeded. 他已经成功。This means that you can succeed as well. 这意谓你也能成功。By thingking this way,you are harnessing your feelings and redirecting them into a course of 被 thingking ,这样,你正在束以马具你的感觉而且正在进入将不消灭你的友谊的行动的过程之内重新传入他们。Remember that friendships can survive friendly competition. 记得友谊能遭受友好的竞争后幸存。Y 如果你庇护羡慕,你不能够,然而,维持你的友谊。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页



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