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1、一、词汇1.terminal :n 航站楼; (火车、公共汽车、轮船等的)终点站;计算机终端2.board :v 上(船,飞机、公共汽车等)e.g. board a train 上火车 on board 上船Please board the plane immediately. As soon as we went on board,our ship left port. 我们一上船,船就出港了。Phrase:boarding gate登机口3.track :n (火车等的)轨道e.g. a single track单轨a double track 双轨The train left the t

2、rack。火车出轨了。另:轨迹,行踪,足迹。 track in the snow 雪地上的足迹路径,小道。 a track through a forest 林中小道精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 28 页4.pure :a 纯粹的,完全的,纯净的e.g. pure cotton 纯棉的pure gold 纯金的pure white 纯白的5.delight:n 欣喜,高兴,愉快e.g.To our great delight,the day turned out fine。to one s delight 使感到高兴的

3、是ones =my,our,her(1)t urn out :驱逐,把赶走;翻出;关,旋熄;出来,出动;结果(是) ,原来(是),证明(是) (to be) ;It turned out (to be)a fine day。制造,生产。(2)by turns 轮流,交替; We kept watch by turns。我们轮流守望。(3)in turn 依次,轮流,转而,反过来(4)It is your turn now。(5)take one s turn 该谁做了,轮到谁做了精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 28 页(

4、6)take turns 一次,轮流(7)turn against 背叛; (情况等)对不利(8)turn away 走开,离开,把打发走;转过脸去(9)turn (away) from 避开;厌恶(10)turn back 折回,往回走;翻回到(to ) ;挡住(11)turn down 翻下;关小,调低;拒绝(12)turn from side to side (把身体)转过来转过去(13)turn in 转身进去,拐入;上床睡觉;交出,上缴(14)turn into 进入;使成为,使变成,翻译成(15)turn off 关(水源、煤气,电灯等) ;避开(问题等);拐弯(16)turn o

5、n 开,旋开;攻击,反对,对发怒;把对准,把指向(17)turn over (使)打翻,(使)倾倒;反复考虑;翻身(18)turn the corner (沿街角)拐弯;转危为安,渡过难关精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 28 页(19)turn to 转向,变成;求教于,求助于;致力于,着手(做)(20)turn up 找到,发现;出现,来到,到达,被找到,突然发生;证明是( =turn out to be) ;把翻转过来,翻掘;旋大,开大,调大;寻找,查阅6.suppose v 认定,假定e.g. Suppose yo

6、u had a million pounds-how would you spend it ?Suppose it rains,whats to be done?Phrase:be supposed to=should 理应,应该 Teachers are supposed to know a lot 。 【用于否定句】 You are not suppose to smoke in here。7.racial a 种族的Eg. racial conflict 种族冲突 racial discrimination 种族歧视。racialism n 种族偏见种族主义racialist n 种族主

7、义者。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 28 页8.distinction n.区别,差别对比Phrase:distinction between A and B Eg.He drew a quite artificial distinction between men and wamen readers. 他把男读者和女读者硬是人为地区分开。9.inexpensive a.不贵的,价廉的反义词 . Expensive. 10.bet v. 打赌 赌博Phrase:bet on sth Eg.He spends all h

8、is money betting on horses.他把所有的钱用在赌马上 . 1、spend+钱+on/for sth 2、spend+时间+on sth spend+时间+(in )doing sth Eg.Tom spend ten cents on/for apple. spend the week-end with ones family. He does not spend much time on his homework. He spend his whole life(in )looking after the poor. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

9、名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 28 页11.stretch v. 拉长 撑大,伸展,拽紧(某物)Eg.stretch a rope tight 把绳子拉紧The road stretch across the desert into the distance 这条道路穿过沙漠伸向远方. She stretch out her hand to take the glass. 12.ride (1)v. 乘坐车辆或者其他陆上交通工具(骑马,骑自行车,乘 车 )ride in/on sth eg. ride in/on a bus/train/bike/horse. You

10、 ride in the back of the car with your brother. (2)n.乘坐交通工具旅行 Eg. It s only 5 mimute bus-ride to the park. Shall we go for a ride in the car?我们开车兜会风好吗?He enjoyed his first bus ride.他享受了第一次的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 28 页汽车旅行 . 13. shuttle. n (1)(火车、公共汽车等 ) 短距离的区间车,定时往返两地的运输

11、(工具)Eg.I m flying to Boston on the shuttle.我将乘坐穿梭班机去波士顿 . (2)( 织机的) 梭、梭子(3)太空穿梭机14. pretend. V. 佯装,伪装pretend+n pretend to be sth ,to be doing sth pretend that 从句Eg. She pretend to be busy. The boy pretended that he was ill. The children pretended to eat the mud pies( 泥饼)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳

12、总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 28 页15. annoy v. 使烦恼,使生气。Eg. His constant sniffing( 吸气,嗅) annoys me. 他不停地抽鼻子使我心烦 . 16. rotten a. (1) 极令人不快或嫌恶的,差劲的【俚】Eg.be rotten the core 腐烂透顶she is a rotten cook. (2) 腐烂的 . 变质的Eg. The wood was so rotten that you could put your finger through it .木头已经朽了,用手指一捅就是个窟窿 17.reply (

13、1)n. 回答, 回复Eg.make a reply 作答. Make no reply 不做答复精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 28 页she make no reply 她没有答复(2)v.( 认话语或行动 ) 回答;答复 reply to sb/sth reply with sth Eg. I replied with a short note.我回了一封短信fail to reply to a question 未能回答一个问题 . 18. destination. n. 目的地eg. Tokyo was our

14、 final destination东京是我们的最终目的地. arrive at/reach ones destination 到达目的地 . 19.trouble (1)n麻烦 . 困难【v.c 】eg. what is your trouble? I have some trouble in reading his handwriting 我承认他的笔迹有些困难I hope we have not put you to any trouble 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 28 页 Put sb to troubl

15、e 劳烦某人,给某人增添麻烦My teeth are giving me trouble 我的牙疼的难受Phrase:get into trouble 惹上麻烦招致不幸 Eg.Even an experienced climber can get into trouble 即使是个有经验的登山者也能陷入困境(2)v. 使(某人)忧虑,苦恼,痛苦或不便,打扰 be troubled by illness 因疾病而苦恼20.increase (1)n增加,增大,增多,增加的量 increase in sth Eg.Some increase in working hours may soon be

16、 needed 也许不久需将工时延长一些 There is a steady increase in population 人口在不断增加(2)v. 增加,增大(数目,数量,体积等)反义词 decrease increase A to B 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 28 页eg. The population has increase from 1.2million 10years ago to 1.8million now 人口从 10 年前的 120万已增加到现在的180 万Travel increase o

17、nes knowledge of the world 旅游能提高一个人对世界的认识21Valuable a.有价值的,贵重的,有用的Eg.valuable advice 宝贵的意见。Wasting valuable time and effort 浪费宝贵的时间和精力 . 三、课文Text A father,a son and an answer 引子1.lead :led led 领导,带领,引导e.g.All roads lead to Rome。条条大道通罗马。Phrase:lead (sb )to do sth 引导某人,影响某人的言行e.g.Her constant (始终,经常的)

18、 lying led me to distrust everything she said。她总是撒谎,我完全不相信她的话了。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 28 页2.reflect v 反射,映出the light reflecting the water 由水中反射出来的光思考,考虑,沉思或思忆(往事) reflect on/upon e.g.reflect upon a problem 思考一个问题I need time to reflect on your offer。我需要时间来考虑你的建议。3.upbri

19、nging n【U 】抚育,养育,教育Eg.He owed his success to the good upbringing he had. 他的成功归功于他受到的良好教养。Its all a question of upbringing。这完全是一个教养的问题。正文1pass through穿过,经过,经历pass through the forest through : (指空间)穿过,通过,透过2.caught :catch 的过去式精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 28 页catch :赶上 catch th

20、e train 赶上火车eg. Were just in time to catch the train. 我们正好赶上了火车。3.one of +n复数 中的一个one of those students 4.from to 从到from Lhasa to Beijing from school to home 5.back and forth 来回地,来来往往地,前后e.g.Plane fly back and forth between Lhasa and Chengdu。往返于拉萨和成都的飞机。6.all day long 一天到晚,整天的 =all day Eg.Doing anyt

21、hing all day long will come to nothing but get usbored。整天做一件事只会把人弄烦。Rain fell from the heavens all day long。整天都下着雨。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 28 页7.consider v 认为,把看作e.g. We consider him (as) our friend。我们把他当作朋友。You cant consider him to be a selfish man。你不能把他看作一个自私的人。8.lay

22、laid v.放,搁,摆铺,砌,架设ahead 在前面,在前头向前,提前9.stop v.停止 Stop doing sth 停止做某事 Stop to do sth 停下来去做某事( to do表示停下来的目的,做状语)Eg.We stopped talking 我们停止说话 We stopped (in order)to talk 我们停下来说话10Let off 燃放,排放,爆炸,开枪 let off fireworks 燃放烟花爆竹放过,不惩罚,宽恕Eg.He asked the teacher to let him off and promised never to 精选学习资料 -

23、 - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 28 页do it again 他要求老师原谅他一次并保证再不做那事11.hold held held v.抓住,握,掌握(权力) ,担任职务 hold on to sb/sth 抓住,不放手,不放弃(拥有的东西)eg.He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping 他紧紧抓住岩石以免自己往下滑hold on to the bar (在公共汽车上 )拉住横杠12.tight adj.紧的,牢固的Eg.She held her baby tight in h

24、er arms。她紧紧地搂着她的孩子。This drawer is too tight for me to open it。这抽屉太紧了我打不开。13.The boy,about five years old,made sounds of pure delight. =The boy,who was about five years old,made sounds that showed nothing but happiness. 14.I knew we re supposed to avoid making racial distinctions 精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

25、 - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 28 页these days.=I knew these days we ought not to treat one person differently from another because of their race. 15. dressed in clothes that were just about as inexpensive as you can buy = dressed in the cheapest clothes. 16.be supposed to =should 被期望或要求,应该Eg.Teac

26、hers are supposed to know a lot 老师应该知道很多You are not supposed to smoke in here 你在这里不可以抽烟17.avoid 避免,回避,躲开 avoid doing sth 避免做某事eg.You had better avoid reading in the train。你最好避免在地铁上阅读。18.mind n.内心,头脑,思维,想法,理智 mind and body 心身,精神和肉体 /absence of mind 出神,思想不集中【u】记忆, bear(or keep)in mind 记在心头精选学习资料 - - -

27、 - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 28 页An idea comes into my mind 计上心头vt. 注意,听从,留心,当心 Mind what I say! 专心于,从事于 mind your own business !别管闲事vi. 介意 A:Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽烟你不介意吧? B: Im sorry,but I do 抱歉,请勿抽烟注:mind 后加名词或动名词,不能加动词不定式19.just about 差不多,几乎Eg.Just about every in town came to hea

28、r the mayor speak 镇上几乎每个人都来听市长讲话20.as asas 像一样前一个 as 为副词,后一个 as 为连词conj.( 表示时间 ) 当的时候Eg. I read the letter as I walked along the river. 21.get off (动身,起飞,离开某地或出发) 下车Eg.What time will you get off tomorrow?你明天什么时候动身?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 28 页Jason saw me and got off the

29、 horse immediately。杰森看到我,立马从马上下来。22.decide 决定(1)decide to do sth Eg. That decided me to leave my job.那件事使我决定离职。He decided to get married.他决定结婚。(2)decide +that 从句 I decided that I would tell him about it 我决定要告诉他那件事23.go back 返回Eg.The children have to go back to school next week 下周孩子们就要返校了I may be goi

30、ng back in the fall.我可能在秋天回去。24.be about to (急迫)即将eg. We were about to start ,when it rained 我们正要出发,这时下雨了。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 28 页He came just as the bus was about to leave。汽车刚要开他就赶来了。25.head for向(某处)行进eg.The boat was heading for some rocks.那船正驶向一些礁石26.pretend 假装,借口

31、,假托 pretend+ 名词pretend to be eg.She pretended to be busy.她假装很忙pretend+that从句 eg.The boy pretended that he was ill.那个男孩装病27.pleased.abj 反义词 displeased 高兴的,喜欢的pleased to eg. I am very pleased to meet you. pleased+with 短语eg. I m very (much) pleased with what he has done 我对他的工作很满意pleased+with+sb 精选学习资料

32、- - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 28 页 eg. The teacher is pleased with you.老师对你很满意pleased+with或 about 或 at+sth eg. He was very much pleased at the news. pleased +that 从句eg. I m very (much)pleased (that)youre decided to come 你决定来我很高兴pleased with oneself 得意洋洋 eg. He was looking very pleas

33、ed with himself so I knew he had passed the driving test.他看来得意洋洋,所以我知道他已通过驾驶考试。28.reply =answer 回答,回复Eg.What a sage reply you gave!多聪明的回答啊 . 29.get on.骑上(马,自行车等),登上(车,船,飞机)eg.I want to get on the bus and buy a bus route map. 我想上车买张公共汽车路线图. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 28 页30

34、.afford+to do sth 常用在can,could,beable to 之后担负得起(的费用,损失,后果等) ;抽得出(时间)eg. At last,we can afford a house. 我们终于买得起房子了 We can not afford (to buy) a new car 我们买不起新车 We can t afford to waste time and money 我们不能浪费时间和金钱31and the children turn out rotten (1)=and the children become very bad people when they g

35、row up. (2)turn out 证明是(某人 /某物) ,原来是,结果是eg. The job turned out to be harder than we thought 这工作结果比我们想的要难。The film turned out to be a great success。这部影片结果是大获成功。32.go wrong 出错,出故障eg.Something has gone wrong with the television。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 28 页33.leave for 离开某地

36、去往eg. He left (home) for the station a few minutes ago. 几分钟前他离开家去车站了. I ll leave Lhasa for Beijing. 34.distant:adj 远的,远隔的Eg. His stepson is still very distant towards him. 他的继子对他仍然很疏远。35.share company 在一起 ,陪伴, 伴随(1)share :v 分享,分配,共有Eg. Children should be taught to share their toys. 应该教育孩子们分享玩具。He wo

37、uld share his last pound with me。他要是剩下最后一镑也会和我分着用。company :n 公司,陪伴,同伴eg. I hate going out alone: I take my daughter for company. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 28 页我不愿独自一人出门,带女儿做个伴。I work in a small company。36.each other 互相Eg.We should help each other and learn from each other

38、. They took out their resentments on each other. 他们互相发泄怨气。37.purpose:n( 同 aim) C 目的, 意图Eg.do sth on purpose 故意做某事What is the purpose of your visit? 你来访的目的是什么?U 意志, 决意He is firm (weak) of purpose.他意志坚定 ( 薄弱). U 效用, 效果, 意义38.take over 接管, 控制, 管理( 国家, 政党等) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

39、 23 页,共 28 页eg. Who will take over this company?谁将接管这家公司 ? Has the party been taken over by extremist? 该党是否已经被极端分子控制了? 39.bad language 粗野的话语eg. She picked him up for using bad language。她指责他出言不逊。The violence and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers 。节目中的暴力场面和难听的粗话使许多观众感到震惊。40.appea

40、rance :n 出现,露面,外表eg. I dont want to go to the party but Id better put in an appearance, I suppose. 我不想参加那个聚会,可是我最好还是要露一下面。We should not judge a person by his appearance. 我们不该以貌取人。41.care about 对感到关切,操心或忧虑精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 28 页eg. Don t you care about this companys

41、 future?难道你不为公司的前途担忧吗?All she cares about is her social life。她关心的只是她的社交活动。I don t care about your opinion。我不在乎你的意见。e up with 提出,发现(解决办法,答案)Eg.Hes come up with a great idea。他想出了一个好办法。The scientists are beating their brains trying to come up with a solution to the problem.科学家正绞尽脑汁,力求找到解决这个问题的方法。43.pay

42、 attention 注意,集中注意力pay attention to sb/sth eg. Pay attention to your pen!注意你的笔!You must pay attention to your teacher in the class. 上课的时候必须专心听老师讲课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 28 页Pay attention when I am talking to you!我跟你说话的时候,要留心听。44.try ones best 尽力eg.We should try our be

43、st to study well。45.It doesnt cost a cent,yet it is the most valuable thing in the world。=You dont have to pay anything for being with your children but the fact that you spend time with them and pay attention to them is very important to their education。46.pick up speed :加速Eg.We reached outskirts o

44、f town and began to pick up speed。我们到达市郊后开始加速。I began to pick up speed,and suddenly I realized I had forgotten how to stop。我逐渐开始加速,但我突然意识到我忘了该怎么停下来。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 28 页About two miles out of the station the train began to pick up speed。火车出站约二英里后开始加速。47.point out :指出Eg.Point out the mistake in this sentence, please. 清指出这句话中的错误。Did he point out where you were wrong?他有没有指出你什么地方错了?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 28 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 28 页



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