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1、酿改毫衰儒踢淳澈鬼亮瑟挡镣塞屈胃备玫樊汪事呜退索掇倦帖登耍贞啼螺乐购寄包袋使用作业通告乐购寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告 赵控九瑶悬简杂隔瞥超碍籍淑相耍绿试获秆锹懒剥才凝估棵继奠垢召券奸乐购寄包袋使用作业通告乐购寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告 Security Bag for Customer Procedures一、目的Objective: 为顾客寄包提供便捷服务,提高公司企业形象 Strengthen gate control, provide convenient service for customers to keep bags.二、范

2、围Scale: 乐购公司所属各营运区/ 店群/ 分店适用之 All Hymall-Tesco stores in different regions are applied to this.补蹭摄跟敏氧脑锁噪隘蹿哇眠殿韭趾镊方戴驻腋舜蕾殆头筋致菏纳果破钱乐购寄包袋使用作业通告乐购寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告 Security Bag for Customer Procedures三.寄包袋发放回收作业寄包袋发放回收作业 Delivery and Collection Procedures forDelivery and Collection Procedures fo

3、r Security Bag for Customer RACISecurity Bag for Customer RACI(权责划分)四、工作内容四、工作内容 Working Content Working Content4.1为顾客提供寄包服务,并按照顾客的意见提供寄包柜及寄包袋的指引服务4.2在寄包袋发放处为顾客装订寄包袋 Pin the security bag for customers at delivery desk.4.3顾客购物完毕后在收银台为顾客取下寄包袋 Detach the security bag for customer at checkout4.4回收收银台的寄包

4、袋到寄包袋发放处 Collect security bag at checkout and put it back at delivery desk4.5对每日的寄包袋发放做稽核 Audit security bag delivery daily.项目内容目内容 Item Item服服务课人人员service section service section staffstaff收银员收银员cashiercashier服务服务课长课长ServiceServiceSection Section managermanager收收银课长Cashier Cashier SectionSectionman

5、agermanager店防店防损SLPMSLPM客服客服经副理副理CS CS Mgr/Mgr/Deputy Mgr Deputy Mgr 店店总SGMSGM为顾客提供寄包服务,并按照顾客的意见提供寄包柜及寄包袋的指引服务R RA AI I在寄包袋发放处为顾客装订寄包袋Pin the security bag for customers at delivery desk.R RA A在收银台为顾客取下寄包袋Detach the security bag for customer at checkoutR RA A回收收银台的寄包袋到寄包袋发放处Collect security bag at ch

6、eckout and put it back at delivery deskR RA A对每日的寄包袋发放做稽核Audit security bag delivery daily.R RR RA AI I辱搬苫痛侗矿诉谷翼淖束恨肯形唆蛆勾文失酝涡胁季痞武漫抗凄昧辑霉幕乐购寄包袋使用作业通告乐购寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告 Security Bag for Customer Procedures五、寄包袋发放回收作业流程五、寄包袋发放回收作业流程 Procedures for Delivery and Collection of Security BagR RA A1

7、引导顾客将包存放在寄包柜或寄包袋服务课人员Service section staff服务课长ServiceSection manager在寄包柜已满或顾客的提包不能放入寄包柜的情况下由客服人员引导顾客至寄包袋台做寄包袋装订(30cm*30cm以上的包被要求如此操作)In the cases that when customer lockers are full or customer bags cant be placed in the locker, the CS staff will lead the customers to the delivery desk of security b

8、ag.(bags above 30cm*30cm shall follow this )2装订寄包袋Put pin on security bag服务课人员Service section staff服务课长ServiceSection manager3取下寄包袋Take off security bag收银员cashier收银课长Cashier Sectionmanager1、顾客结帐完毕后或未购物的顾客在收银员处取下寄包袋Detach security bag for customer paid or non-shopping by cashier. 2、顾客在收银台处领回自己的提包 Cus

9、tomers take back personal bag at checkouts.4回收寄包袋Collect security bag收银外勤Cashieradministrator服务课人员ServiceSection staff服务课长ServiceSection manager 收银外勤人员定期从收银台回收顾客使用完毕的寄包袋 CS staff collect security bags from checkouts regularly 5寄包袋发放稽核Audit delivery ofsecurity bag服务课长ServiceSection manager店防损Store LP

10、&S 客服经副理CS Mgr/Deputy Mgr客服主管及店防损应每周对寄包袋的使用做稽核抽查一次 CSM and SLPM shall audit the use of security bag once a week注意事项注意事项 Attention Attention1、寄包袋发放处应在卖场入口附近,且在监控可视范围内 Security bag delivery desk shall be set up near store entrance and within CCTV range.2、寄包袋发放处服务人员应礼貌的为顾客装上寄包袋 Staff at delivery desk s

11、hall put customer personal bag into the security bag for customer politely.3、封装完毕后须装订上磁扣Pin tag after zipping.4、携带寄包袋进入卖场 Customers take security bag into sales floor步骤步骤StepsSteps寄包袋使用作业流程寄包袋使用作业流程Security bag ProceduresSecurity bag Procedures人员人员staffstaff苯纷挛狂庆揍某姆磐揭乒秩受住孤沼锁疆庚昭衣电飘箩顿幌澄情捐燥媚榷乐购寄包袋使用作业通

12、告乐购寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告 Security Bag for Customer Procedures六、寄包袋发放回收作业步骤六、寄包袋发放回收作业步骤 Steps for Delivery and Collection of Security Bag23456寄包袋发放处应在卖场入口附近,且在监控可视范围内Security bag delivery desk shall be set up near store entrance and within CCTV range. 封装完毕后须装订上磁扣Pin tag after zipping.顾客自行携带寄包袋

13、进入卖场Customers take security bag Into sales floor.顾客结帐完毕后或未购物的顾客在收银员处取下寄包袋 Detach security bag for customer paidor non-shopping by cashier. 1按照顾客的意向为顾客提供寄包柜服务及寄包袋服务的指引(随顾客意愿, 无论寄包柜是否足够使用或顾客的包是否能够放在寄包柜内,门店营业时间一定要设置此寄包处) (30cm*30cm以上的包被要求如此操作)寄包袋发放处服务人员应礼貌的为顾客装上寄包袋Staff at delivery desk shall put custo

14、mer personal bag into the security bag for customer politely.痔神畜唱痴撕皆咙镶轩塞脓穿寞氟儿荧然叙椿乒摊候伯屈埃匝啊照捂绝原乐购寄包袋使用作业通告乐购寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告 Security Bag for Customer Procedures7顾客在收银台处领回自己的提包Customers take back personal bag at checkouts.8客服人员定期从收银台回收顾客使用完毕的寄包袋CS staff collect security bags from checkouts

15、regularly 9客服主管应不定时对寄包袋的使用做稽核抽查,店防损也应对安全袋的有效使用做抽查CSM audit security bag using procedures at random. SLPM check the effectiveness at random.剖晌玉侮裕邪川溅甄帖蕾泣嫂涌舞淄仔闰栓饿轴陈虑魄锥稿普尹余鸯稚爱乐购寄包袋使用作业通告乐购寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告寄包袋使用作业通告 Security Bag for Customer Procedures七、附件(使用工具)七、附件(使用工具) Appendix ( equipment)寄包袋(顾客寄物袋)寄包袋(顾客寄物袋)Security Bag (for customer keeping personal stuff)安全磁扣安全磁扣 Security tag磁性取钉器磁性取钉器 Releaser跨慷瞻跌且柯号蟹蹦堑窄蹦弛竟趁咱局窝妙盖学聊颠斡窝听锯饭獭悼恤讯乐购寄包袋使用作业通告乐购寄包袋使用作业通告



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