九年级英语全册 Unit 1 How can we become good learners Section B课时训练 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Section BSection B( )1.A good student connects what he reads ( )1.A good student connects what he reads what he sees what he sees around him. around him. A.forA.forB.withB.with C.inC.inD.onD.on( )2.Youd better try to guess the meaning when you meet a new ( )2.Youd better try to guess the meaning whe

2、n you meet a new word.Dontword.Dont always always your dictionary.(your dictionary.(20172017遵义遵义) A.keepA.keep on onB.dependB.depend on on C.decideC.decide on onB BB B( )3.( )3.Mike,letsMike,lets prepare for our baseball game. prepare for our baseball game. OK.WellOK.Well lose the game lose the game

3、 we try our best.(we try our best.(20172017南充南充) A.unlessA.unlessB.onceB.once C.afterC.after D.sinceD.since( )4.Ill have a ten-day ( )4.Ill have a ten-day holiday.Butholiday.But I dont know I dont know . How about Paris?How about Paris? A.whatA.what to do to doB.whereB.where to go to go C.whenC.when

4、 to go to goA AB B The The first first Chinese Chinese university university to to own own an an overseas overseas branch branch school,Pekingschool,Peking University University will will open open its its Oxford Oxford campus(campus(校校区区)in )in 2018.This 2018.This will will improve improve Chinese

5、influence around the world. Chinese influence around the world. For For a a Chinese Chinese university,itsuniversity,its the the first first to to build build and and manage manage an an overseas overseas branch branch school.Pekingschool.Peking University University Oxford Oxford Center Center and

6、and Shenzhen Shenzhen Oxford Oxford Innovation Innovation Center Center will will also also be be built built in in the the near near future future to to serve serve as as a a combined combined platform platform for for innovation innovation and and international international cooperation cooperatio

7、n on on higher education.higher education.主题主题北大汇丰商学院牛津校区北大汇丰商学院牛津校区核心素养核心素养注重教育的国际化注重教育的国际化建议用时建议用时7 7分钟分钟实际用时实际用时 According According to to a a blueprint blueprint released released by by Chinese Chinese authorities authorities in in 2016,the 2016,the country country has has promised promised to t

8、o allocate(allocate(分分配配)2.5 )2.5 percent percent of of the the countrys countrys gross gross domestic domestic product(product(国国内内生生产产总总值值)for )for research research and and development development by by 2020,while 2020,while several several Chinese Chinese universities are expected to improve the

9、ir total level to universities are expected to improve their total level to attractattract more talent. more talent. “Peking “Peking University University HSBC HSBC Business Business School(PHBS),setSchool(PHBS),set up up by by the the university university in in 2002,has bought the former Open Univ

10、ersity site in Boars Hill.”2002,has bought the former Open University site in Boars Hill.” HaiHai Wen,headWen,head of of HSBC HSBC Business Business School,toldSchool,told SS that that the the fast fast development development of of Chinas Chinas economy economy and and scientific scientific experti

11、se expertise means means more more and and more more Chinese Chinese universities universities will will reach reach out out to to the the world.“Ourworld.“Our overseas overseas school school will will focus focus on on Chinas Chinas finance(finance(金金融融)and )and enterprise(enterprise(企企业业) )managem

12、ent.Foreignmanagement.Foreign students students will will have have the the chance chance to to study study Chinese Chinese culture,economicsculture,economics and and history,ashistory,as well well as as to to visit visit different different enterprises enterprises and and financial financial instit

13、utions(institutions(体体 系系 )in )in China.SuchChina.Such opportunities cannot be found in any other foreign universities,” said opportunities cannot be found in any other foreign universities,” said HaiHai. . According According to to the the official official website website of of Peking Peking Unive

14、rsity,theUniversity,the Oxford Oxford campus campus will will start start enrolling(enrolling(招招收收)students )students in in 2018,with 2018,with a a focus focus on on the the students from students from China,theChina,the UK and other European countries. UK and other European countries.( ( ) )1 1. .H

15、 Ho ow w m ma an ny y t ti im me es s h ha av ve e C Ch hi in ne es se e u un ni iv ve er rs si it ti ie es s b bu ui il lt t a an n o ov ve er rs se ea as s branch school so far? branch school so far? A.OnceA.Once. . B.TwiceB.Twice. . C.ThreeC.Three times. times.D.FourD.Four times. times.( )2.When

16、was HSBC Business School set up by the Peking University?( )2.When was HSBC Business School set up by the Peking University? A.InA.In 2020. 2020.B.InB.In 2018. 2018. C.InC.In 2016. 2016.D.InD.In 2002. 2002.A AD D( )3.What wont the foreign students in HSBC Business overseas ( )3.What wont the foreign

17、 students in HSBC Business overseas school study? school study? A.ChineseA.Chinese culture and history. culture and history. B.ChineseB.Chinese culture and economics. culture and economics. C.FinanceC.Finance and enterprise management. and enterprise management. D.AmericanD.American culture and hist

18、ory. culture and history.( )4.The underlined word “( )4.The underlined word “attract”inattract”in the third paragraph probably the third paragraph probably means means in Chinese.in Chinese. A.A.发现发现 B.B.吸引吸引 C.C.培养培养 D.D.教育教育( )5.You can probably read this passage in ( )5.You can probably read this

19、 passage in a(na(n) ) . A.advertisementA.advertisement B.websiteB.website C.guidebookC.guidebookD.novelD.novelD DB BB B积累小筏积累小筏: :1.influence n.1.influence n.影响影响2.blueprint n.2.blueprint n.蓝图蓝图3.3. 被期望做某事被期望做某事4.set up4.set up 5.more and more 5.more and more 6.focus on6.focus on 7.7. 根据根据be expected to do be expected to do sthsth. .建立建立越来越多越来越多集中集中according toaccording to



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