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1、通州市建安总公司苏州分公司近几年来施工项目一览表Tongzhou builds and fits Branch of Suzhou of head office Itemized schedule of construction 序号N O 建设单位build corporation 项目名称building name 结构层次structure 面积acreage 造价price 项目经理principal 开竣工日期begin date and end date 备注remark 1 上海烟草集团公司Tobacco group company of Shanghai 中华大酒店Chines

2、e hotel 框架 7 层7 layers of frames 20000 6000 葛兵Ge Bing 国优National best 2 太仓华得利工贸公司TaiCang Hdlhosiery Co. 厂房Factory building 框架 5 层5 layers of frames 13500 600 施秀章Shi Xiuzhang 优良Fine 3 苏州沙迪克特种设备SuZhou Sodick special equipment Co. LTD 钣金车间Panel beating workshop 框架 2 层2 layers of frames 8000 1200 葛来明Ge

3、Laiming 优良Fine 4 台湾荣成纸业TaiWan RongCheng paper produce Co. LTD 纸浆车间Paper pulp workshop 框架 3 层3 layers of frames 24000 1800 瞿海林Qu Hailin 优良Fine 5 安得鲁电讯器材Andrew telecom apparatus Co., Ltd. 厂房Factory building 钢结构 1 层1 layer of steel construction 99800 1200 瞿海林Qu Hailin 省优Quality award from the province

4、6 苏州新区实验中学Newly developed area experimental middle school of Suzhou 体育馆Gymnasium 框架 3 层3 layers of frames 4688 420 潘汉平Pan Hanping 优良Fine 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页7 飞利浦机械厂Philip machine factory 飞利浦机械厂房Philip mechanical factory building 框架 2 层2 layers of frames 13000 170

5、0 葛来明Ge Laiming 优良Fine 新区枫桥工业园Newly developed area FengQiao Industrialized country 43#厂房43# Factory building 框架 2 层2 layers of frames 7160 1500 楮国民Chu Guomin 优良Fine 新区枫桥工业园Newly developed area FengQiao Industrialized country 9-12, 27, 39 厂房9-12, 27,39 Factory building 框架 2 层2 layers of frames 16000

6、900 葛来明Ge Laiming 优良Fine 苏州三星电子公司Suzhou Samsung electronics corporation 扩建厂房Extend the factory building 框架 3 层3 layers of frames 6912 447 戴学东Dai Xuedong 优良Fine 苏州市公安局Public security bureau of market of Suzhou 戒毒所Narcotic house 框架 3 层3 layers of frames 8000 900 曹汉标Cao Hanbiao 省 文 明 工程Civilization pro

7、ject in the province 苏州新港建设集团Suzhou xingang coustruct group 名都花园Mingdu Garden 框架 8 层8 layers of frames 27500 1600 潘汉平Pan Hanping 优良Fine 苏州置业房地产开发Buy property in the real estate Co.,Ltd. in Suzhou 职业技术学院Technological institute of the job 框架 7 层7 layers of frames 28400 1500 王宏仁Wang Hongren 优良Fine 精选学习

8、资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页苏州新港建设集团Suzhou xingang coustruct group 雅阁花园1-4#房Yage Garden 1-4# 砖混 6 层6 layers of brick stone concrete structure 34000 1700 潘汉金Pan Hanjin 优良Fine 苏州新泰房地产开发公司Real estate developing company of Xintai of Suzhou 时代花园Era garden 砖混 6 层6 layers of brick s

9、tone concrete structure 20000 1000 潘汉平Pan Hanping 优良Fine 苏州兴盛房地产开发公司Real estate developing company of Changsheng of Suzhou 世纪花园Century garden 砖混 4 层4 layers of brick stone concrete structure 31000 1900 高永光Gao Yongguang 优良Fine 苏州新泰房地产开发公司Real estate developing company of Xintai of Suzhou 枫津花园Fengjin

10、garden 砖混 6 层6 layers of brick stone concrete structure 22000 1200 朱锦桂Zhu Jingui 优良Fine 苏州新港建设集团Suzhou xingang coustruct group 世纪花园Century garden 砖混 5 层5 layers of brick stone concrete structure 23086 1144 潘汉平Pan Hanping 优良Fine 苏州恒升置业Hengsheng of Suzhou buys property in Co., Ltd. 恒升花园Hengsheng garde

11、n 砖混 6 层6 layers of brick stone concrete structure 18600 1010 戴学东Dai Xuedong 优良Fine 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页苏州新区科技工业园Scientific and technological industrialized country of newly developed area of Suzhou 17-20#厂房17-20#Factory building 框架 3 层2 layers of frames 14000 850

12、 顾慰齐Gu Weiqi 优良Fine 工业园区通维科技The industrial park links Science Technologies Co., Ltd. openly 厂房Factory building 框架 3 层3 layers of frames 7060 380 潘汉平Pan Hanping 优良Fine 苏州新港建设集团Suzhou xingang coustruct group 名城花园Garden of well-known city 砖混 5 层5 layers of brick stone concrete structure 13000 900 曹汉标Ca

13、o Hanbiao 待验Wait to test 苏州新港建设集团Suzhou xingang coustruct group 雅韵花园Yayun garden 砖混 5 层5 layers of brick stone concrete structure 13000 900 朱锦桂Zhu Jingui 待验Wait to test 工业园区建屋发展公司The industrial park builds the room and develops the company 出口加工区厂房Factory building of export processing area 框架 2 层2 la

14、yers of frames 44000 2700 葛来明Ge Laiming 待验Wait to test 工业园区建屋发展公司The industrial park builds the room and develops the company 出口加工区厂房Factory building of export processing area 框架 2 层2 layers of frames 8200 570 曹惠勇Cao Huiyong 待验Wait to test 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页江阴成亨

15、置业Jiangyin becomes henry and buys property 标准厂房Factory building 框架 2 层2 layers of frames 70000 5000 曹汉标, 曹惠勇Cao Hanbiao, Cao Huiyong 工业园区普明科技General bright science and technology of industrial park 厂房Factory building 框架 2 层2 layers of frames 10000 465 潘汉平Pan Hanping 工业园区普明科技General bright science an

16、d technology of industrial park 办公楼Office building 框架 3 层3 layers of frames 6970 400 潘汉平Pan Hanping 北京度辰新材料公司New material company of one degree of times of Beijing 厂房Factory building 框架 3 层3 layers of frames 5727 500 袁锦华Yuan Jinhua 中新工业园区置地The Sino-Singaporean industrial park puts ground limited com

17、pany 苏春工业坊12,14 15 号厂房12 14 15# Factory building 框架 2 层2 layers of frames 46000 2000 葛来明Ge Laiming 园区建屋发展公司The industrial park builds the room and develops the company 东湖大郡高层住宅High residential building of prefecture city of the East Lake 框剪 11-19 层11-19 layers of cut the strength wall structure in f

18、rame 120000 8000 葛兵Ge Bing 扬子江彩钢板Color stencil plate Co., Ltd. of Yangtze River 厂房Factory building 轻钢Light-duty steel construction 10000 450 曹进Cao Jin 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页西维亚电子园区Xiweiya electron 厂房Factory building 框架Frame 3200 290 瞿超Qu Chao 苏州城建开发总公司Urban construction developing head office of Suzhou 明蝶园别墅Bright butterflys garden villa 框混Frame concrete 23761 1671 唐俊Tang Jun 园区蒌葑发展公司Garden Lou Feng develops the company 莲花新村Residential district of lotus flower 住宅House 28000 2008 朱锦桂Zhu Jingui 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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