2022版七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Section A(1a-2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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《2022版七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Section A(1a-2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022版七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Section A(1a-2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4Dont eat in class. Section A(1a-2d). 选选句子配句子配图图A. Keep quiet. B. Dont arrive late for school. C. Dont listen to music in class. D. Dont run in the hallways. E. Dont fight. F. Dont eat in the classroom. 答案答案: 16. FBCAED. 句型展示句型展示1. 我我们们必必须须按按时时到。到。Webe . 2. 在我在我们们学校有很多学校有很多规则规则。 a lot ofin our

2、school. 3. 我我们们能把音能把音乐乐播放机播放机带带到学校到学校吗吗? 不不, 我我们们不能。不能。wemusic playersschool? No, we. 答案答案: 1. must; on time2. There are; rules3. Can; bring; to; cant 4. 我我们们不得不不得不总总是穿着校服。是穿着校服。We always wear the school uniform. 5. 我我们们也必也必须须在在图书图书室保持安静。室保持安静。We in the library. 答案答案: 4. have to5. also have to be qu

3、iet1. Dont arrive late for class. 上上课课不要不要迟迟到。到。【自自主主领领悟悟】(1)arrive意意为为“到到达达”, 是是不不及及物物动动词词, 跟跟地地点点名名词词作作宾语时宾语时要加介要加介词词。例如。例如: I can arrive here at 8: 00. 我能在八点我能在八点钟钟到到这这里。里。(2)arrive late for相相当当于于be late for, 为为固固定定短短语语, 意意为为“(做做某某事事)迟迟到到”。例如。例如: Dont arrive late for the meeting. 开会开会别迟别迟到了。到了。【用

4、法辨析用法辨析】arrive与与get的异同点的异同点相同点相同点跟跟home, here和和there等地点副等地点副词时词时, 用法相同用法相同不同点不同点arrive跟大地点跟大地点类类名名词时词时用介用介词词in, 跟小地点跟小地点类类名名词词用介用介词词at。get后跟地点后跟地点类类名名词时词时只能用介只能用介词词to【活学活用活学活用】 Our teacher arrivesschool at 7: 30 every morning. A. inB. toC. atD. ofHe gets to the city by train. (改改为为同同义义句句)He the city

5、 by train. 答案答案: arrives in2. You must be on time. 你必你必须须准准时时。【自自主主领领悟悟】on time“准准时时”, 指指按按照照规规定定的的时时间间做做某某事事。例例如如: Please come here on time tomorrow. 请请明天按明天按时时来来这这里。里。【用法辨析用法辨析】on time与与in time的区的区别别in time及及时时(在在时间时间到来之前到来之前)on time按按时时(在在规规定定时间时间内内)The doctors arrived in time and saved the injur

6、ed man. 医医生生及及时时到达到达, 救了那位受救了那位受伤伤者。者。She goes to work on time every day. 她她每每天天按按时时上班。上班。【活学活用活学活用】 Its important to befor the meeting. A. on timeB. in timeC. at any time D. at the same timeThe firemen got to the factoryand put out the fire. A. on time B. in timeC. for the first time D. all the tim

7、e3. Dont listen to music in class. 在在课课堂上不要听音堂上不要听音乐乐。【自自主主领领悟悟】(1)listen“听听”, 是是不不及及物物动动词词, 其其后后接接宾宾语语时时要要加加介介词词to。例如。例如: Listen to the teacher carefully in class. 在在课课堂上堂上认认真听老真听老师讲课师讲课。(2)in class是固定短是固定短语语, 意意为为“在上在上课课; 上上课时课时”。例如。例如: Dont talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要不要讲话讲话。注意听。注意听讲讲

8、。【用法辨析用法辨析】listen与与hear的区的区别别【活学活用活学活用】 听听! 你能听你能听见汤见汤姆正在唱歌姆正在唱歌吗吗? ! Can youTom singing now? 不要在会上听收音机。不要在会上听收音机。Dont the radio in the meeting. 答案答案: Listen; hearlisten to4. We cant wear a hat in our school. 在我在我们们学校里不允学校里不允许许戴帽子。戴帽子。【自自主主领领悟悟】wear“穿穿; 戴戴”, 表表示示状状态态。相相当当于于be in。例例如如: He is wearing

9、a black T-shirt. 他穿着一件黑色的他穿着一件黑色的T恤衫。恤衫。【用法辨析用法辨析】wear与与put on的区的区别别 wear“穿着穿着”, 强强调调穿的状穿的状态态, 另外另外还还可指戴帽子、可指戴帽子、戴眼戴眼镜镜等等put on“穿上穿上”, 强强调调穿的穿的动动作作【活学活用活学活用】 Tom oftena black sweater. A. puts onB. wearsC. onD. in请请穿上你的雨衣。外面正在下雨。穿上你的雨衣。外面正在下雨。Pleaseyour raincoat. Its raining outside. 答案答案: put on. 从方

10、框中从方框中选词选词或或词组词组并用其适当形式填空并用其适当形式填空be quiethave toon timelisten towear1. I oftenmusic before going to bed. 2. You must get there. 3. Please. The baby is sleeping. 4. Our teacher oftenblack pants. 5. My bike is broken(坏了坏了). Iwalk to school. 答案答案: 1. listen to2. on time3. be quiet4. wears5. have to. 单

11、项选择单项选择1. take these books out of the library. A. NotB. CantC. DoesntD. Dont2. We can arrivethe station before five oclock. A. atB. onC. inD. for3. My brother doesntget up so early on Sundays. A. have toB. has toC. had toD. must4. Pleaseyour dictionary here tomorrow. I want to use it. A. takeB. bringC. giveD. make5. we eat in the classroom? Sorry, you cant. A. MustB. DoC. CanD. Does



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