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1、服务合同中英文【篇一:各类合同_中英文样本 (含 15 份)1】中英文版法律顾问服务合同法律顾问服务合同 legal counseling agreement聘请方: (下称甲方 ) consigner:地 址: address :法定代表人: legal representative:受聘方:consignee: (hereinafter referred to as “party b”)地址:上海市淮海中路283 号香港广场 26 楼 address:26/f,hongkang plaza 283 huaihai road shanghai本合约由上列甲乙双方于中华人民共和国上海市订立。

2、this agreement is made and entered into by and between the two parties in shanghai, the peoples republic of china鉴 于: whereas :甲方为促进业务发展,防范法律风险,决定聘请乙方为其常年法律顾问; party a want to promote its business and keep away law risks, decides to assign party b as its long-term law consultant.乙方系一家在中国境内注册设立并经中国政府

3、特许、可持续运营的劳动法律服务机构,经与甲方商洽,同意接受聘请,担任其常年法律顾问; party b a company registered in china by government licensed and certified last operating labor law service organization, after friendly negotiation with party a, willing to accept the consignment, consigned as its long-term law consultant.为 此, now, therefo

4、re名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - 甲乙双方本着相互信任、合作共赢的原则,经友好、充分之协商,就聘请合约的条款及内容达成如下协议: the two parties based on principle of trusting and win-win cooperating, after friendly and thorough negotionation, the parties agreed the fol

5、lowing terms and conditions on the consigning.第一条聘约期间 article one consignment periods 1.1 甲方聘请乙方作为常年法律顾问的期间为壹年,自_ 至_ ;聘期届满后,本合约自动终止。party a consign party b as its long-term law consultant, the consignment period is one year, from _ to _, the agreement will terminate after expiration. 1.2 乙方指定 _ 作为主要

6、联系人,负责跟进和处理法律顾问事宜。如因甲方的工作内容需要或_ 出差在外地,乙方可另行指派其他专业人员提供法律服务。 the party b assign lawyer_ as major coordinator, he willbe responsible for following and settling law consulting affairs. if the working assignment of party a requires or lawyer_ are out to other cities on business, party b can assign other

7、professional lawyer to provide legal service.1.3 本合约聘期届满后,若甲方决定续聘,且按本合约第六条的规定向乙方续付顾问费的,则本合约的聘期及效力自动顺延壹年,或可另行签订聘约。 after expiration of this agreement, if the party a is willing to continue consigning, and paid continuing consulting fees to partyb in accordance with terms and conditions specified in a

8、rticle six of this contract, then the consigning period and effectiveness of this will automatically postpone one year, or enter into other agreement by both parties.第二条服务内容 article two service content 2.1 作为法律顾问,乙方在聘期内,应甲方的要求和实际需要,及时向甲方提供下列服务,依法维护甲方的合法权益: as legal consultant, during the consigning

9、period, according to the requirements and actual needs of party a, party b willprovide the following service to party a in time, protect legal rights of party a.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - a) 法律咨询:解答法律疑问,提供法律建议,出具法律意见;

10、legal consult: answer legal questions, give legal suggestions, and give legal opinions. b) 合同审查:起草审阅合同,提出修改意见,规范合同管理; review contract: draft and review contract, give amending suggestions, standardize contract management. c)参与决策:参与甲方决策,提供法律依据,防范法律风险; participate decision: participate decision of par

11、ty a, provide legal basis, and keep away legal risks. d)专项服务:劳动法律、法规、政策咨询;代理劳动争议案件处理。起草法律文件、合同、规章制度、协商方案、谈判提纲。全程代理、监理员工招聘、录用、退工。企业转制、改制、减员方案策划。转制企业员工整体解盘;季节性、临时性员工过度托管。履历调查、素质评测及机构设置方案制订。普通员工、管理人员、保密对象上岗培训及专业讲座。 special services: providing advices on labor laws , regulations and policies ; serving a

12、s an agent to handle cases of labor disputes .drafting legal documents contracts , rules and regulations ,consultantive proposals and negotiative outlines.representing and managing the whole procedure of headhunting , recruitment and dismissal .planning proposals on transforming , reforming and outi

13、ng down of an enterprise .entire undertaking of transformed employees ; transitional trusteeship of employees seasonally and temporarily .resume investigation, quality measurement , and making out plans for institutions reorganization .providing post trainings and specialized lectures for ordinary e

14、mployees , managerial staff and some secret vips (very important persons). g)其它约定 . any other business agreed by both parties. 2.2 下列事务,甲方委托乙方办理的,须按规定向乙方另付律师费,付费标准为 5000 元每件: party a consign party b to deal with the following affairs, party a will pay additional fees to party b, the price standard w

15、ill be rmb 5000 yuan every case.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - a)甲方涉及诉讼或者仲裁委托乙方出庭代理的,包括一审起诉或应诉,二审上诉或应诉,再审申请或再审应诉,国内仲裁与国际仲裁,判决或裁决的申请执行,提起执行异议,申请国家赔偿等; if party a has lawsuit or arbitration need to entrust party b to on beha

16、lf of party a on court, including the first instance infringement or defense, second instance infringement or defense, retrial appeal or defend. domestic arbitration or international arbitration, appeal executing of sentence or arbitration, promote execution dispute. apply national compensation etc.

17、, b) 甲方涉及劳动纠纷,委托乙方诉讼方式协调解决的,可免收服务费。 party a involves in labor disputes, entrust party b to reconcile by means of litigating method, the fee can be waived.第三条服务方式 article three service method3.1 甲方获得或者乙方提供法律服务的方式或途径包括: 3.1 the ways and methods party a got legal service from party b: a)电话咨询; phone con

18、sultation; b)面见商谈; interview; c)专题会议; special topic meetings; d)书面意见; written comments; e)法律讲座; legal seminar; f)参与谈判; participate in negotiation; g)出庭诉讼; appear in court to litigate; h)庭外协调; out of court settlement; i)代为交涉; represent to deal with; j)其它方式。 other methods.第四条保密义务 article four confiden

19、tiality obligations 4.1 任何一方在履行本合约过程中所获得的与另一方有关的任何信息、合同、资料、专业意见或其它商业秘密,非经授权或同意,不得以任何方式向第三方及双方各自无关人员传递泄露,否则,按本合约第七条承担违约责任; except authorized or agreed on, neither party shall disclose to any third party or irrespective persons in either party 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名

20、师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - anyinformation about other party, contract, document, professional suggestions or other business secrets gained during the execution of the agreements. 4.2 前项所列保密义务不因本合约的终止、解除、变更或废止而免除。 the above mentioned confidentiality obligation will not be waiv

21、ed after the termination, expiration, amend or revoke of the agreement.第五条责任担保 article five warranties 5.1 甲方保证,其向乙方提供的文件、资料及事实真实、完整与全面,力免误导与失实;否则,甲方应自行承担相应的法律后果及经济损失。 party a warrants that, all files, documents, affairs are complete and in accordance with the fact, avoid misleading or inconsistent

22、with the facts; or the party a will bear the corresponding legal result and economic loss by itself. 5.2 乙方保证,其向甲方提供的专业意见合法、准确,并保证所提供的专业服务符合律师行业一般公认业务准则与专业操守;否则,应就甲方所受到的损失承担赔偿责任。 party b warrants, the professional suggestion provided by party b is legal and correct, and assure the professional servi

23、ceprovided is in accordance with the recognized business rules and professional guidelines of lawyer industry, otherwise, party b will bear the compensating obligation for the loss of party a.第六条顾问费用 article six counseling price 6.1 本合约期(壹年)的法律顾问费共人民币50,000 元,甲方于本合约签订后 3 日内支付给乙方。乙方的收款账户为: the total

24、legal counseling price of the agreement (one year) is rmb 80,000 yuan, the party a will pay party b within 3 days after the agreement signed by both parties. the bank account of party b is:开户行: bank: 户 名:account name:帐 号:account number:6.2 乙方应甲方之要求处理甲方法律事务的过程中,因出差到上海市外所发生的必要差旅费用及其它官方费用由甲方承担。名师资料总结 -

25、 - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - if party b need to travel to place out of shanghai.duringdealing with legal fair requested by party a, the necessary transportation fee and other fees will be beard by party a.第七条违约责任 article seven l

26、iability 7.1 如乙方在本合约期内未依约向甲方提供本合约第二条所列的各项服务,或服务质量未达到行业一般公认的专业水准,甲方有权提前终止合约,有权要求乙方将已收之费用就已履行的期间作相应扣除后退还甲方; if the party b does not provide the services specified in the article two of this agreement in the consignment period, or the service quality does not reach the well recognized professional leve

27、l in the layer in the law service, the party a has right to terminate the agreement, and request party b to return party a the paid counseling payment with necessary deduction of the executed part. 7.2 由于乙方或其指派的顾问在提供服务过程中的过错或失误,导致甲方利益遭受到损失的,由乙方或对乙方承保的保险机构依法承担相应的赔偿责任。 party b shall indemnify for the

28、loss to party b for liability dueto the default or mistake during the assigned counseling lawyerprovides service, the party b or the insurance organization of party b shall have the corresponding indemnify responsibility. 7.3 甲方应按本合约规定的时间向乙方支付约定的顾问费,及时处理乙方已经发生的应由甲方承担的差旅费或其它费用,若甲方逾期30天仍未向乙方支付本合约第六条规定

29、之顾问费的,乙方可暂停提供相关服务,并诉请甲方付清约定费用。若非因乙方的原因,甲方提前解除本合同,法律顾问费用仍应支付或不予退还。 party a shall pay party b the counseling payment according to terms and conditions specified in the agreement. promptly deal with the payable transportation fee and other fees should be beard by party a. if party a delays the payment

30、under article six in this agreement over 30 days, the party b will withhold related service, and request party a to pay off the agreed costs.if party a terminate the agreement without fault of party b, the legal counseling payment is still payable or not to be returned.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - -

31、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - 第八条争议解决 article eight arbitration 8.1 本合约在履行过程中若发生争议,双方应友好协商妥善解决,若协商不成,提交上海仲裁委员会解决。 any dispute arises during the execution of the agreement, both parties will settle them by friendly negotiation, if not settled by mutual

32、 agreement, shall be finally settled by arbitration in shanghai. 8.2 本合约及与本合约有关的争议,均适用中华人民共和国法律。the laws of the peoples republic of china shall govern thisagreement and any disputes related with the agreements.第九条合约生效 article nine effective date 9.1 本合约一式二份,经双方代表签字或盖章后生效。 this agreement has two copi

33、es, shall become effective whensigned by the representative or stamped by the two parties 9.2 本合约未尽事宜,双方另行协商,签订补充协议。 other miscellaneous items uncovered in this agreement will benegotiated by both parties and sign appendix agreement.二、补偿贸易合同合同编号: _签订时间: _签订地点: _订立合同双方:_甲方:_地址:_电话: _传真: _ e-mail: _乙方

34、:_地址:_电话:_传真:_名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - e-mail: _鉴 于鉴于乙方拥有现用于制造_ 的机器设备,并愿意将机器设备卖给甲方;鉴于乙方同意购买甲方用乙方提供的机器设备生产的_ ,以补偿其机器设备的价款;鉴于甲方同意从乙方购买该项机器设备;鉴于甲方有意向乙方出售_ ,以偿还乙方的机器设备价款;因此,考虑到本协议所述的前提和约定,甲、乙双方特订立此协议。第一条 贸易内容 1. 乙方向甲方提供用

35、于生产的_ 型机械 _台,以及各种其他辅助机械设备,并同时提供各类机械设备所必需的附配件及备用件,以及在生产过程中各种必需的测试仪器。具体的各类机械设备、测试仪器、附、配件、备用件之型号、名称、规格、数量、价格、包装、要求、交货期限等,由双方另行签订设备进口合同,作为本合同不可分割的一部分。 2. 甲方用乙方提供的机械设备所生产的部分产品以及其他商品,或经双方协商,用 _ 工厂生产的 _ 商品来偿付全部机械设备的价款。具体的偿付商品的名称、数量、价格、交货期限等,由双方另行签订补偿商品供货合同,作为本合同不可分割的一部分,设备进口合同与补偿商品供货合同可合并为补偿贸易购销合同。第二条 支付条件

36、与方式由甲乙双方对开信用证,即由甲方分期开出以乙方为受益人的远期信用证,分期、分批支付全部机械设备的价款;乙方开出以甲方为受益人的即期信用证,支付补偿商品的货款。甲方用乙方支付补偿商品的货款来支付全部机械设备的价款。当乙方支付的货款不能相抵甲方所开的远期信用证之金额时,其差额部分由乙方用预付货款方式,在甲方所开的远期信用证到期前汇付甲方,以使甲方能按时议付所开的远期信用证。甲方所开的远期信用证的按期付款,是基于乙方按规定开出限期信用证及按规定预付货款。乙方保证按规定开出信用证及预付货款。第三条 偿付期限甲方用 _ 年_ 个月,分月用商品偿付全部机械设备的价款。偿还日期自第一批机械设备到货后约_

37、 个月后开始,原则上每月偿还的金额是全部机械设备价款的_分之 _。甲方可以提前偿还,但需在 _ 个月前通知乙方。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - 在甲方用补偿商品偿还机械设备价款期间,乙方应按本协议项下的有关补偿商品合同的规定,开出以甲方为受益人的足额、限期、不可撤销、可分割、可转让的信用证。第四条 计价货币和作价标准双方商品均用 _ 币计价。乙方提供的全部机械设备及所有仪器、附件配件用 _ 币作价,甲方提供的补

38、偿商品则按签订合同时甲方出口货物的币基价,以当时的币对_ 币在甲方用补偿商品偿还机械设备价款期间,乙方应按本协议项下的有关补偿商品合同的规定,开出以甲方为受益人的足额、限期、不可撤销、可分割、可转让的信用证。的汇率折算为 _ 币。第五条 利息计算甲方所开的远期信用证及乙方所预付货款的利息应由甲方负担。双方议定年利息为百分之_ 。【篇二:项目管理咨询服务合同(中英文对照 )】第三条为保证乙方有效进行技术服务工作,甲方应当向乙方提供下列工作条件: 1 甲方若已有以下资料应免费提供乙方一份; 建设单位情况; 项目建议书及批准文件; 建设项目选址意见书; 规划局有关规划参数的批准文件; 经有关方面征询

39、的地块建设项目的规划、环境保护、园林绿化、卫生防疫、水、电、煤、通信、交通和消防等; 土地权属证明(房地产权证)及其他相关文件; 建设基地动迁量及市政配套情况(包括动迁安置补偿情况、大市政配套情况等); 地形图、地质资料; 规划设计总体位置平面图;周围环境及其规划情况;拟建项目的规划用途及分类情况; 规划设计方案想法说明:(总建筑面积、容积率、绿化率、设计户型、结构类型、装修标准、供配电、煤气容量) ? 如享受减免优惠政策的文件或说明(公建配套费、人防费等) ? 建设项目的资金筹措及资金流入情况; 2.其他名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - -

40、 - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - ? 甲方提供的资料应准确无误,若乙方对甲方提供的资料或数据有异议时,甲方应及时负责解答,并尽可能给乙方的工作提供方便; ? 甲方应对乙方工作提供及时的、合理的相关协助。同时甲方应该提前半天通知乙方急需要解决的相关事情;第四条甲方向乙方支付技术服务费及支付方式: 1. 乙方项目管理服务费暂按万元的基数和优惠后的包干费率工程造价的 1% 2. 设计、勘察、监理、施工、材料招标代理费可以减免甲方部分相关费用,如甲方要收取乙方相关费用,可以在招标时招标文件中说明。 3. 服

41、务费有甲方分期支付乙方:具体支付方式和时间如下: a、 本合同签定后3 日内,甲方向乙方预付项目管理服务费的20% ,作为项目启动资金; b、 施工招标代理工作完成后,甲方向乙方支付到项目管理服务费的 40% ; c、 根据总工期按每月平均支付项目管理服务费的95%; d、 竣工验收完毕,甲方向乙方一次性付清余款。 4. 乙方开户行和帐号:开户行:帐号:第五条双方确定在履行本合同期间应遵守的保密义务,乙方对甲方提供的资料按甲方的要求承担保密义务;甲方对乙方提供的成果报告等承担保密义务。第六条本合同的变更必须由双方协商一致,并以书面形式确定。第七条其他 1.质量奖励: 2.文明施工奖励: 3.如

42、由于甲方的资金不能及时到位而导致的工程延误或索赔损失,由甲方承担。 4.工程筹建和施工期间有乙方原因造成工程质量问题(事故)视问题(事故)大小、责任程度,承担相关责任并予以处罚。 5. 甲乙双方优势互补,乙方应充分发挥甲方的前期优势,具体合作由甲乙双方另行友好商量。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - 第八条双方确定在本合同有效期内,甲方指定为甲方联系人,乙方指定为乙方联系人。第九条双方确定出现下列情况,致本合同的

43、履行行为不必要或不可能,可能解除本合同: 1. 发生不可抗力; 2.第十条双方因履行本合同而发生的争议,应当协商解决,协商或协调不成的确定按以下第2 种方式处理 1.提交 仲裁委员会仲裁2.依法向工程所在地人民法院起诉。第十一条本合同一式肆份,甲乙双方各二份,具有同等法律效力。甲方: 乙方:法定代表人(委托)法定代表人(委托)日期日期contract and the dispute should be resolved through consultation. consultation or coordination failures identified by the following

44、paragraph two ways to deal with one. submitted to arbitration 2. according to the works to a peoples court. article 11 of this contract were a carry, both the first and second sets, has the same legal effect. party a : b : legal representative (commission) legal representative (commission)【篇三:服务协议格式

45、(部分 )中英对照】妙文翻译公司翻译样稿服务协议本服务协议由xxx 与 xxx ,于下面最后写明的日期(“ 生效期 ” )签订。鉴于,买方可能会不定期的要求卖方提供服务,而卖方希望提供该服务;因此,考虑到以下双方商定的协议,以及可接受的法律限定,双方同意: 1 定义 .1 “ 协议” 指的是本服务协议,该协议的附录、任意任务订单及其适当修订。 . “ 服务” 指的是本协议项下的所有服务和产品。 2服务名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 15 页 - - -

46、- - - - - - 2.1 履行服务与交付。除本协议7.2 节(出于便利考虑的协议终止)、9.3 节(责任限制)和13.1 节(转让)部分的规定之外,如果本协议任何条款与限定条件与任意任务订单的某些条款与限定条件相冲突,该任务订单的条款与限定条件只对该任务订单所涵盖的特定服务有效。 2.2 工作,并详细阐述在该历年期间的总支出、进度和该工作的计划完成日期,以及任何买方合理要求获悉的其它信息。 3保密 3.1 保密信息。 “ 保密信息 ” 指的是( 1)所有有关买方及其分公司、客户或第三方业务的、卖方在提供服务的过程中需要获知的口头、书面、图示或是机读形式的相关信息;( 2)所有的工作产品;

47、(3)卖方或其任何代表在本协议存续期间或在此之后的任何时间所做的、含有第三条所表述的任何信息的所有注释、分析和研究;(4)本协议的条款。 3.2 限定。卖方应当对保密信息保守秘密。卖方可以向其有必要获知保密信息的代表披露仅限于与本协议有关的保密信息。卖方应当要求其代表遵守本协议的规定,并就该代表的任何行为或过失承担完全的责任。未事先征得买方书面许可,且第三方根据合同没有义务(依据该第三条 “ 保密 ” 规定)保守秘密的情况下,卖方不得向该第三方转让或披露任何保密信息。除在本协议项下向买方提供服务之外,卖方不得出于任何其它目的使用任何保密信息。 3.3 非公开私人识别信息。双方确认,各自在本协议

48、项下所需履行的义务,不应包括彼此分享任何有关买方的客户、雇员或其它第三方的非公开私人识别信息(“npi ”)。如果卖方从买方处获知任何npi ,卖方应当立即书面通知买方,并依买方的指示将npi 返还至买方。 3.4 免责条款。不应禁止卖方使用以下信息:(1)卖方从公共领域获得的,不违反本协议,且卖方独立获悉的任何保密信息;(2)在从买方处获知之前,卖方合法并明确拥有的信息;(3)由卖方独立开发的、未使用或借鉴买方保密信息的信息;(4)第三方披露给卖方的,独立于卖方对保密信息的认知的,且不受保密义务约束的信息。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - -

49、- - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 12 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - 3.5 法律要求。如果卖方在传票、法院令、成文法、法律、法规、规章或其它类似文书(“ 法律要求” )中被要求披露买方的任何保密信息,卖方应当在法律所允许的范围内,立即通知买方该法律要求的内容,以便买方及时寻求适当的保护令或其它的补救措施,或放弃对本协议规定的遵守。如果买方未能成功获得保护令或其它适当的补救措施,其法律顾问应认为卖方按照法律要求披露该保密信息是合理的,或者如果买方书面放弃对本协议规定的遵守,卖方可以根据法律要求披露该保密信息,但披露只能限于买方的法

50、律顾问确定认为合理的必要范围之内。 3.6 协议终止或到期时保密信息的处置。在本协议被终止或到期时,或经买方书面要求,卖方应当向买方返还,或在事先征得买方同意的情况下,销毁所有卖方持有或掌握的保密信息的副本或复印件。 services agreement this services agreement is entered into as of the date last writ ten below (“effective date”) by and between whereas, discover may request, from time to time, that vendor p

51、rovide services and vendor desires to provide such services; therefore, in consideration of the mutual agreements below, and intending to be legally bound, the parties agree:1.1 “task orders, and any duly executed amendments thereto. 1.21.3 “ means the fee for services as specified in the relevant t

52、ask order. “” means all services and work product under this agreement.2.1 vendor shall perform and deliver services in accordance with the requirements set forth in a duly executed supplement to this agreement (“task order”). except as otherwise provided in sections 7.2 (“termination for convenienc

53、e”), 9.3 (“limitation of liability”) and 13.1 (“assignment ”), if any of the terms or conditions of this agreement conflict with any of the terms or conditions of any task order, the terms or conditions of such task order shall control solely with respect to the services covered under such task orde

54、r. 2.2 upon request, vendor shall provide to discover a written report summarizing all work being performed by vendor under this agreement and detailing the total spend during the calendar year, progress and target completion dates for such 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师

55、精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 13 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - work, and any other information reasonably requested by discover. 3.1 confidential information means (i) all information related to the business of discover and any of its affiliates, customers and other third parties, to which vendor has access, wh

56、ether in oral, written, graphic or machine-readable form, in the course of or in connection with providing the services; (ii) all work product; (iii) all notes, analyses and studies prepared by vendor or any of its representatives, during the term of this agreement or anytime thereafter, incorporati

57、ng any of the information described in this article 3, and (iv) the terms and conditions of this agreement. 3.2 vendor shall keep the confidential information confidential. vendor may disclose the confidential information to its representatives who have a need to know such confidential information s

58、olely in connection with this agreement. vendor shall cause such representatives to comply with this agreement and shall assume full responsibility for the actions or omissions of any such representatives relating to the services. vendor shall not transfer or disclose any confidential information to

59、 any third party without discovers prior written permission and without such third party having a contractual obligation (consistent with this article 3 (non-disclosure) to keep such confidential information confidential. vendor shall not use any confidential information for any purpose other than t

60、o provide the services to discover under this agreement. 3.3discover and vendor acknowledge that the performance of their respective obligations under this agreement shall not include the sharing between them of any nonpublic personally-identifiable information (“npi ”) regarding discovers customers

61、, employees or other third parties. in the event that vendor receives any npi from discover, vendor shall immediately notify discover in writing and return the npi to discover as directed by discover. 3.4 vendor shall not be prohibited from using information that: (i) is obtained by vendor from the

62、public domain without breach of this agreement and independently of vendors knowledge of any confidential information; (ii) was lawfully and demonstrably in the名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 14 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - possession of vendor prior to

63、its receipt from discover; (iii) is independently developed by vendor without use of or reference to discovers confidential information; or (iv) becomes known by vendor from a third party independently of vendor s knowledge o f the confidential information and is not subject to an obligation of conf

64、identiality. 3.5 . if vendor is requested or required to disclose any of discovers confidential information under a subpoena, court order, statute, law, rule, regulation or other similar requirement (a legal requirement), vendor shall, to the extent not precluded by law, provide prompt notice of suc

65、h legal requirement to discover so discover may seek an appropriate protective order or other appropriate remedy or waive compliance with the provisions of this agreement. if discover is not successful in obtaining a protective order or other appropriate remedy and vendor is, in the reasonable opini

66、on of its counsel, legally compelled to disclose such confidential information, or if discover waives compliance with the provisions of this agreement in writing, vendor may disclose, without liability hereunder, such confidential information in accordance with, but solely to the extent necessary, i

67、n the reasonable opinion of its counsel, to comply with the legal requirement. 3.6 upon termination or expiration of this agreement or upon discovers written request, vendor shall return to discover or, with discovers prior consent, destroy all copies of confidential information already in vendors possession or within its control.妙文上海翻译公司版权所有名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 15 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - -



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