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1、ApproachingWorkplaceApproachingWorkplaceWorkplaceCommunicationWorkplaceCommunicationMiniTextMiniTextTextTextGrammarReviewGrammarReviewAppliedWritingAppliedWritingSyndicateActivitiesSyndicateActivitiesWorkinpairs.Lookatthefollowingpicturesandtellwhattheyareabout.Approaching WorkplaceBackApproaching W

2、orkplaceBackThecompanytechniciandoesregularcheckonthehomeequipmentforthecustomer.Thedeliverymandeliversthegoodstothecustomerathome.Approaching WorkplaceBackThemechanicina4Sshopservicesthecarforthecustomer.Acompanysafter-saleclerkmakesahomevisitandconductsasurveyoncustomerssatisfactionabouttheirprodu

3、ct.Approaching WorkplaceBack1. Have you ever heard of the slogan “Customer First”? Do you agree to it?2. What do you know customer service refers to?Yes.Icantagreemore.First,customerspaythecompanyforaproducttheyget.Theyshouldberespectedandgetproperservice.Second,allcompaniesexpensesandtheirstaffssal

4、ariesareactuallypaidbycustomers.Withoutcustomers,companiescantsurvive.Itreferstothewayinwhichacompanytreatsitscustomersandanswerstheirquestions,complaintsetc.Nowdiscussthequestionsbelowandthenreporttoyourclass.3. Have you ever taken part in any customer satisfaction survey? What is it?4. Do you thin

5、k good customer service can help companies No.Ihavent.ButIknowacustomersatisfactionsurveyisusuallyaquestionnaireformthatcustomersareaskedtoanswerorfillin.Thecompanyusesittogetinformationaboutwhatcustomersthinkaboutitsproductsorservice.Yes,absolutely.Goodcustomerservicewillbringaboutgoodopportunityto

6、thebusiness.Andmorecustomerswillbuytheirproducts.Nowdiscussthequestionsbelowandthenreporttoyourclass.5. What service do you think can be considered good customer service?Astogoodcustomerservice,thecompanycaresabouttheircustomers,providesproperafter-salesserviceandquicklyrespondstocustomersquestionsa

7、ndcomplaints.Inaword,agoodcustomerserviceisaservicethatissatisfyingtothecustomers.Nowdiscussthequestionsbelowandthenreporttoyourclass.Workplace CommunicationBackYouwillhearfivestatements.Listentothemcarefullyandmatcheachstatementwiththecorrespondingpicture.Statements 1 2 3 4 5PicturesedacbBackListen

8、tothestatementsagainanddecidewhetherthesesentencesare“Right”or“Wrong”.Ifthereisnotenoughinformationtochoose“Right”or“Wrong”,choose“Notmentioned”.1. Many companies use customer feedback to improve their service. a. Right. b. Wrong. c. Not mentioned.2. David is so happy with the customer service of th

9、e company that he is calling. a. Right. b. Wrong. c. Not mentioned.Back3. Mary is always shy when she talks with the customer in her shop. a. Right.b. Wrong.c. Not mentioned.4. Lucy wins the Best Service Prize for her good service to the customers. a. Right.b. Wrong.c. Not mentioned.5. Mike has take

10、n some English course before he works in the company. a. Right.b. Wrong.c. Not mentioned.BackScripts Use the Right WordHerearetwogroupsofwordsfrequentlyusedincustomerservice.Ineachgroup,deleteonewordwhichdoesnotgowiththeoneinthecircle.BackUse the Right WordHerearetwogroupsofwordsfrequentlyusedincust

11、omerservice.Ineachgroup,deleteonewordwhichdoesnotgowiththeoneinthecircle.BackListeningInSituation:Anna and Peter are colleagues in a company. They are talking about designing the customer satisfaction card.Listentothemodeldialogueandfillintheblankswithwhatyouhear.BackModelDialogueAnna:Peter, why do

12、we need the customer satisfaction card?Peter:You know, it can help us to _ and improve customer service.Anna:I see. So, whom are we going to send these cards to?Peter:I think, to the customers who _ and those who have received our service.Anna:Thats right. And what main items shall we put in the car

13、d?Peter:Well, we need to put the items such as delivery service, maintenance service and the way we _.Anna:Great! Then how can we _? Peter:We can ask customers to _ after service or on the website, or answer questionnaire by telephone.Anna:Yeah, I agree with you.havemadecomplaintsmeetcustomersneedsh

14、andlethecomplaintsapplythecardsfillintheformsBackListentothemodeldialogueagainandcheckyouranswers.Thenpracticethedialogueandtrytorole-playitwithyourpartner.Whenyourole-playit,youareexpectedtousetheMindMapbelow,butdoNOTlookatthemodeldialogue.SpeakingOutScripts BackBackListentothedialogueandfillinthem

15、issinginformationonthefollowingMindMap.Situation:Ella is replying to a customer satisfaction survey given by Jack, a waiter in a restaurant.ListeningInBackveryfriendlygoodtoo expensiveBackdeliciousverypoliteListentothedialogueagainandcheckyouranswers.Thenrole-playitwithyourpartnerbyusingtheaboveMind

16、Map.SpeakingOutBackScripts Task 1ReadthefollowingMiniTextandfindthewordorexpressionthatmatchesthecontextmeaninggiven.a) _ : sweet food that you eat after the main part of a mealb) _ : the particular taste that food or drink hasc) _ : having doubts about something that other people think is true or r

17、ightd) _ : to think about something because you want to know more facts or details about it e) _ : a flavor used in some sweet foodsf) _ : to become cooler, or to make something cooler dessertflavorskepticalwondervanillacoolMini TextBackA Story of Customer ComplaintBackWordTips This is a real story,

18、 experienced by customer care at General Motors. The complaint reads: “I may sound crazy, but it is a fact that we have a tradition in our family of ice cream for dessert after dinner. Every time I buy a vanilla ice cream, when I comeback from the store my car wont start. If I get any other kind of

19、ice cream, the car starts just fine. I really want to know why.”NotesBack The President of the company was skeptical about the letter, but sent an engineer to meet the man just after dinnertime at the ice cream store. The first night, they got chocolate. The car started. The second night, they got s

20、trawberry. The car started. The third night they ordered vanilla. The car failed to start. The engineer wondered and arranged to continue his visits so as to solve the problem. So, he began to take notes: time of day, type of gas used, time to drive back and forth etc. He then noticed that the custo

21、mer took less time to buy vanilla than any other flavor, as it was kept at the front of the store. All the other flavors were kept at the back of the store, so it took longer to get them. The answer then became obvious to the engineer: When the driver returned to the car quickly, the vapor lock did

22、not cool in time for the car to re-start.Workwithyourpartner,andanswerthefollowingquestionsaccordingtotheMiniTextandthegraphabove.Task 2PairWorkBack1. What was the customers complaint? 2. What was the attitude of the President of the company towards this complaint?Thecustomercomplainedthatwhenheboug

23、htavanillaicecream,hecouldntstarthiscar,butwhenheboughtanyotherkindoficecream,thecarstartedjustfine.ThePresidentofthecompanywasskepticalabouttheletter,butsentanengineertomeetthecustomerandhandlethecomplaint.Task 2PairWorkBack3. What did the engineer do to solve the complaint? 4. What did the enginee

24、r notice during his visits?5. What was the real reason behind the problem?Theengineermadecontinuousvisitstothecustomer,observedtheissueandtooknotes:timeofday,typeofgasused,timetodrivebackandforthetc.Henoticedthatthecustomertooklesstimetobuyvanillathananyotherflavor.Thereasonwastheproblemofthevaporlo

25、ck:whenthedriverreturnedtothecarquickly,thevaporlockdidnotcoolintimeforthecartore-start.ReadingTextReadingTextReadytoGo!ComprehensionTask1Task2TranslationTask1Task2VocabularyTask1Task2TextBackReadytogo!TheImportanceofCustomerServiceIntroductionCustomers, and _ , hold a very important place in busine

26、ss.Suggestions1. Tune in to Customer Needs We need to continually ask, open ears and learn _.SkimtheTextforthekeypointsandfillintheoutlinewithnecessaryinformation.customersneedsReading TextBackcustomeropinionsReadytogo!2. Show Customers We Appreciate Them We need to make customers feel appreciated.C

27、onclusionWe need to respond to customer needs in _ .Reading TextBackDiscover customers opinions;Analyze _ objectively;Take action to improve the _ .3. What to Dothegatheredinformationcustomerserviceratingatimelymanner The Importance of Customer Service Youve heard that the customer is always right.

28、You may or may not agree with that statement, but everyone ought to agree that customers, and customer opinions, hold a very important place in our lives. After all, without customers-people who buy our products and services-our businesses will close down and we all will pack up to go home. The fast

29、er you can adapt to accommodate customer needs, the stronger your companys reputation will be.TuneintoCustomerNeeds Discovering what constitutes good customer service does not happen by nature. We have to ask. We must have open ears and learn what our customers want. But once we learn and take appro

30、priate action, we cannot be complacent. After all, our customer needs change. We have to continually ask and learn.1Back12234 All of this can be equated to tuning in to a radio station. A radio is a one-way event: Stations broadcast, we receive. Our listening to the customer should be the same way.

31、ShowCustomersWeAppreciateThem Customers need to feel appreciated. It is not uncommon for a customer to go out of his way to get products or service from an inconvenient source if the source provides excellent customer service. In other words, if we make customers feel like a million bucks, theyll go

32、 the extra mile to do business with us.Back567348910 Ill never forget talking with a person who lived in a medium-sized town that had two hospitals. One hospital had a reputation for providing first-class care. The other did not. My acquaintance told me that if she was ever in a car wreck and woke u

33、p in the “wrong” hospital, she would pull the IVs out of her arm and walk in her hospital gown to the hospital that provided better patient care. Id say that illustrates the power of good customer service. WhattoDo First, we need to discover our customers opinions of our products and / or service. T

34、his occurs by asking. Using todays technology, this can happen by using something as simple as a feedback card, or by using an online service. Plenty of options exist. Back56111213 Second, after gathering information, analyze it. Ask the tough questions and arrive at the tough answers. Be as objecti

35、ve as you can. Third, act. Change what is necessary to improve your customer service rating. The more you can meet customer needs, the better your chance for long-term success will be in our fast-paced, ever-changing world. Theres a book by Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton that explains it all:

36、Its Not the Big That Eats the Small, Its the Fast that Eats the Slow. In other words, we need to respond to customer needs in a timely manner if were going to survive.Back7891415Task 11. According to the text, what holds a very important place in business lives? 2. What should we do in order to tune

37、 in to customer needs?ComprehensionWorkinpairsandanswerthefollowingquestionsabouttheText.Customersandcustomersopinionsholdaveryimportantplaceinbusiness.Weneedtocontinuallyaskforcustomersopinions,openearsandlearnthecustomersneeds.BackTask 13. What can businesses do about customer service? 4. What act

38、ion do businesses take after analyzing the gathered information?5. What is implied in Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughtons book?ComprehensionFirst,theyneedtodiscovercustomersneeds;secondly,analyzethegatheredinformation;third,takeaction.Theytakeactiontochangewhatisnecessarytoimprovetheircustomerserv

39、icerating.BackItisimpliedthattheyneedtorespondtocustomerneedsinatimelymanneriftheyaregoingtosurvive.Task 21. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the first paragraph? a. The customer is always right. b. Customers have a great effect on business. c. Customer opinions hold a very

40、 important place. d. Without customers, businesses cannot survive.ComprehensionChoosethebestanswertothefollowingquestions.Back2. What should businesses do in order to listen to customer needs? a. Have open ears. b. Continually ask. c. Continuously learn. d. All of the above.3. What can be inferred f

41、rom the fourth paragraph? a. Customers always buy products from a convenient source. b. Good customer service influences customers buying power. c. Customers dont get products from an inconvenient source. d. Customer service makes customers feel like a million bucks.Back4. Which of the following sta

42、tements is TRUE of the authors acquaintance? a. She preferred the trusted hospital to the other. b. She was in a car wreck. c. She was sent to the “wrong” hospital. d. She ran to the “right” hospital in her hospital gown.5. Which of the following activities is mentioned for businesses to do with cus

43、tomer service? a. Discovering customers opinions. b. Analyzing the gathered information. c. Improving your customer service rating. d. All of the above.Back6. Which of the following statements can best summarize the last paragraph? a. Businesses should respond to customer needs quickly. b. Jason Jen

44、nings and Laurence Haughton once co-wrote a book. c. Its the big that eats the small. d. Its the fast that eats the slow.BackSyndicate ActivitiesBackActionOneHowtoHandleCustomersComplaintsWork in groups. Discuss the situations below and give your comments on the customer service by ticking one of th

45、e choices supplied.BackActionOneWhatmakesgoodcustomerservice?A=ExcellentB=GoodC=FairD=PoorSituation1Acustomerwaitsinaqueuefortenminutes.Situation2Thephoneringseighttimesbeforesomeoneinthecompanyanswersit.Situation3Acustomerphonesacompany.Thepersonwhoanswersdoesnothavetheinformationtoanswerthecustome

46、rsquestions,buttriestoanswerthem.ABCDABCDABCDSituation4Acompanyanswerscustomerslettersinfiveworkdays.Situation5Acustomermakesacomplaint.Thecompanyemployeetakesallthedetails,apologiesandpromisestotakeaction.ABCDABCDBackActionTwoCase1:Suppose youve just bought a coat from a shop. After getting home, y

47、ou find theres a button off. So you immediately go back to the shop and ask the salesperson to handle it. Different salespeople may give different settlements. Work in groups and decide whether the following ways of settlement are EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR or POOR customer service.Syndicate ActivitiesHo

48、wtoHandleCustomersComplaintsBackA. You are kept waiting for twenty minutes before the salesperson answers you. She says you should have checked it before you paid and now they cannot take any responsibility.B. The salesperson apologizes for their being careless and promises to change another one for

49、 you at once. Before you leave, she apologizes again for having given you such inconvenience.C. The salesperson apologizes for her carelessness, but youre told to wait for a moment, for she needs to discuss it with her supervisor. Ten minutes later, a new one is changed for you.D. The salesperson ap

50、ologizes for it, but she says it cannot be changed. Instead, she tries to find one matched button and buttons it up for you.ActionTwoPoorcustomerservice.Excellentcustomerservice.Goodcustomerservice.Faircustomerservice.BackActionTwoCase2:Suppose you work at a restaurant. A customer complains that her

51、 food is only half done. Work in groups and brainstorm for different solutions to the customers complaint.1.Offeringanotherdishandchargingnomoneyforit.2.Offeringadiscountonthebillofthemeal.3.Askingthecooktocookitagainuntilitisproperlydone.4.Chargingnomoneyforthemeal.5.Providingsomebeverageforfree.Ta

52、sk 1VocabularyMatchthefollowingvocabularyitemswiththeirdefinitions,referringtotheTextforclues.BackTask 2VocabularyFillintheblankswiththewordsgiveninthebox.Changetheformwherenecessary.acquaintadaptappreciatecomplacentequateoptionaccommodate wreck1. Most people _ wealth with success.2. She was a casua

53、l _ of my family in Vienna.3. He was still alive when they pulled him from the _.4. We have three different _ for financing the house.equateacquaintancewreckBackoptionsTask 2Vocabulary5. We must not be _ about our achievements.6. Her abilities are not fully _ by her employer.7. How do these insects

54、_ themselves to new environments?8. Some economists make a proposal that _ the interests of senior placentappreciatedadaptaccommodatesBackacquaintadaptappreciatecomplacentequateoptionaccommodate wreckTask 1Translation1. Without customers, _ _ (我们的店会倒闭,我们大家都得打包回家). (close down, pack up)2. (你越快顺应顾客需要)

55、 _ _, the better your business will be. (adapt, accommodate)CompletethefollowingsentencesbytranslatingtheChinesepartsintoEnglish.ourshopwillclosedownandweallwillpackuptogohomeThefasteryoucanadapttoaccommodatecustomerneedsBackTranslation3. (一旦我们采取了恰当的行动) _, we will improve our customer service. (once

56、, take action, appropriate)4. (如果我们使顾客心情畅快) _ _, theyll go the extra mile to do business with us. (feel like a million bucks)5. Every time when I visit my customer, _ _ (他们确实尽心尽力地接待我使我感到宾至如归). (go out of ones way, make sb. feel at home)6. Though he has got a letter from that company, _ _ (但这封信不能视为一封

57、录用函). (constitute, offer of employment)IfwemakecustomersfeellikeamillionbuckstheyreallygooutoftheirwaytomakemefeelathomebuttheletterdoesnotconstituteanofferofemploymentOncewetakeappropriateactionBackTask 2TranslationTranslatethefollowingparagraphintoChinese. Good customer service is the lifeblood of

58、 any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices (降价) to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business wont be profitable for long. Good customer service is all about bringing customers back, and about sending them away

59、 happily happily enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become your repeat customers.Back 良好的客户服务是所有企业的命脉。你可以通过促销和降价来吸引尽可能多的新客户,但是除非你能够让其中的一部分客户再次光顾,否则你的企业将不可能长期盈利。良好的客户服务是指使客户再次光顾并让他们开心

60、地离开要让他们足够开心,他们就会把你们企业的正面信息反馈给其他人,然后那些人就会尝试你提供给他们的产品或服务,而他们自己转而成为老顾客。Sentence PatternsTask 1GrammarBack 1. The sun is rising. 2. He has changed his mind.3. Mr. Smith is a doctor.4. He told me a story.5. I felt a bit dizzy.6. It all depends.7. There used to be a school in the city.Definethefunctionoft

61、heitalicizedpartsinthefollowingsentences.Task 1Back 8. Did you sleep well? 9. Bill looks ill.10. Did he say anything?11. She offered the guest some cake.12. He was breathing hard.13. There are beautiful wild flowers in the hills.14. His face turned red.15. Dont deceive yourself.16. Many people consi

62、der him a hero.17. She threw him a kiss.18. He forgot what to say.19. I saw him lying on the bed.20. There is a great Italian restaurant across the street. Categorizetheabovesentencesaccordingtodifferentsentencepatterns.Task 2Back1,8,12,202,10,15,184,11,1716,193,5,9,146,7,13BackSample 1 A Letter of

63、Complaint Complaint Letters & Replies to ComplaintsApplied WritingSituation:Sunny Lee delivered the goods ordered by Chen Xin, Purchasing Manager of Elegance Clothing Company. But three months later, she still hasnt received the payment. The following is a complaint letter written by Sunny Lee to Ch

64、en Xin.BackFm: Sunny LeeTo: Chen XinDate: September 10, 2013Subject: PaymentDear Mr. Chen,It is over three months since we delivered your order, but unfortunately we still have not received your payment. I hereby have to remind that your credit term is 30 days. Therefore, we demand you pay us immedi

65、ately. Unless we receive your payment within 7 days, we will take legal actions. Sunny LeeSales Manager of Evergreen Co., Ltd.BackSample 2 Reply to a ComplaintComplaint Letters & Replies to ComplaintsApplied WritingSituation:The following is the letter written by Chen Xin in reply to the above compl

66、aint.BackTo: Sunny LeeFm: Chen XinDate: September 11, 2013Subject: Apology for Delayed PaymentDear Miss Lee, Thank you for your letter dated September 10 about the delayed payment.Please accept our apologies for the delayed payment. The reason is that our company has a lot of outstanding credits whi

67、ch affect our cash flow. Fortunately we have made some progress in collecting our A/R (accounts receivable 应收帐). I have checked the payment plan with our Financial Department. We confirm that we will pay you next week.With apologies once again.Yours sincerely,Chen XinPurchasing Manager of Elegance C

68、lothing CompanyBackAnswerthefollowingquestionsabouttheabovesamples.1. What did Sunny complain about? She complained about the delay of _.2. What did Sunny demand? She demanded that the payment should be made _.3. How did Chen Xin reply to Sunny Lee?He wrote to express his _ and promise to make the p

69、ayment the next week.Applied Writingthepaymentwithin7daysapologyTask 1BackThepurchasingmanagerFionaStocktonorderedabatchof(一批一批)apples,buttheapplesarenotuptothestandardasexpected.Pleasecompletethefollowingcomplaintletterbyputtingthefollowingsentencesinthecorrectorder.Could you please replace them wi

70、th apples of the right quality?Im writing to tell you that your latest shipment of apples is not up to the standard we expected from you.Looking forward to your early reply.Many of them are bruised (擦伤擦伤),and more than half are covered with little spots.I would be grateful if you could look into the

71、 matter. September 26, 2013Dear Mr. Lee, _BackYours faithfully,Fiona StocktonPurchasing ManagerImwritingtotellyouthatyourlatestshipmentofapplesisnotuptothestandardweexpectedfromyou.Manyofthemarebruised,andmorethanhalfarecoveredwithlittlespots.Iwouldbegratefulifyoucouldlookintothematter.Couldyoupleas

72、ereplacethemwithapplesoftherightquality?Lookingforwardtoyourearlyreply.ImagineyouareLouisWright.YoureceivedaletterofcomplaintonMay26fromRalphGreenonthewrongdeliveryoftheirorder.WritealetterinreplytoRalphscomplaintbyusingthecluesgivenbelow.Task 2Back1.Expressyourthanksforthecomplaintletter.2.Makeanap

73、ologyforthemistake:You are so sorry that the shirts supplied are not in agreement with the sample.3.Reasonsforthemistake:due to your mistake in the course of delivery.4.Promisecompensation:You will replace them with shirts of the right quality within 3 days, and will offer a 3% discount on next orde

74、r. 5.Closetheletter:with apologies again. May 27, 2013Dear Mr. Green,BackTruly yours,Louis Wright_ThankyouforyourletterdatedMay26aboutyourOrderNo.2639/L.Wesincerelyapologizefortheerrormadebyourcompanyinsupplyingyouthegoodsthatarenotinagreementwiththesample.Thisisduetoourmistakeinthecourseofdelivery.Weassureyouthatwewillreplacethemwithrightproductswithin3days.Andtoexpressourapology,wearewillingtoofferyou3%discountonyournextorderwithus.Withapologiesonceagain.



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