新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册Unit 5 Section BDecisions of the Heart

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1、Reading SkillsText StudyNotes to the Text Words and ExpressionsIdea Sharing35Understanding Idiomatic Expressions35Reading SkillsUnderstanding Idiomatic ExpressionsWhich is more helpful in figuring out the meaning of idiomatic expressions?1.word formation clues2.context cluesexamplesexplanationscontr

2、ast phrasesparallel phrases35Practice Guess their meanings: go off leave over turn in next to nothing a nine-to-five job knows how many beans make five keep sb.s seat etc.with the help of the sentences Reading Skills35Reading SkillsA. left B. fallen asleep C. died D. got tired2. As soon as the babys

3、 gone off we ll be able to relax and watch television.1.Jane seems to have gone off Peter. 2. She likes talking about Tom now.A. left B. forgotC. lost interest in D. met35Reading Skills3. I regret that my first date with Kate will have to be left over until next Saturday.A. canceled B. moved up C. p

4、ostponed D. reportedA. move in B. abandonC. repair D. return4. Ill give the machine one more week to behave itself. And if it doesnt then Ill turn it in for another.35Reading Skills5. She eats next to nothing. Shes on diet.almost nothing; a very small amount6. Out from school, some graduates go stra

5、ight to nine-to-five jobs and within three months they looked like old people.regular work as an employee, esp. in an office, shop, factory, etc.357. I wouldnt worry about Jack if I were you he knows how many beans make five. be clear-minded, sensible in practical mattersReading Skills35Question Ans

6、wering & Case Comparison35Q & A + Case Comparison Read the text carefully and work out your answers.Text Study35Para. 16Text StudyIn the assumed case, which choice(s) the author would make?A.Treat the infection with drugs.B. Deny the anti-infectious medicine.C. Give the patient pain killers andD. sl

7、eeping pills.35Text StudyPara. 712Compare the cases of the woman and the man.follow my adviceThe woman:Situation:Treatment:80-year old, cancer of liver, operatein vainanti-cancer drugs, sick, cannot cure, fluids, needle, fed, add, withdraw,vitamin pills, comfortable, Consequence:Her choice:die peace

8、fully, pain free35Text StudyThe man:Situation:Treatment:Consequence:a severe stroke, unable to move, couldnt swallow anythingfluids, fed, tube, pass through, painful sore throat, insert, small hole, removecontinued on, 3 months; painfulthroat, bleeding, a major infection no one, take the responsibil

9、ity; no one, give permissionsHis families choice:35Para. 1315Text StudyWhat should doctors and families do when confronted with life-death decisions?They should cooperate to decide what is best for the patient and make a reasonabledecision after appropriate discussion.Tips35Para. 1617Text StudyIf a

10、neutral third party is brought in the final phase of an illness, what will be the result?The process will take longer and the decision will be more arbitrary and less sympathetic.Tips35Text StudyPara. 1617Who has the least qualification to make a life-death decision?A.The doctors.B.The families.C.Th

11、e lawyers and government officials.D.The patients most intimate friends.35Focus StudyActive Expressions35I. Active Expressions1.I dont want to be responsible for condemning2. my mother to living hell. (L25) 2. which will keep you fed as your appetite3. slips away (L34) 3.Sometimes such a transparent

12、 decision is4. more difficult to come by. (L41) Notes to the TextActive ExpressionsFind out the active expressions:35Notes to the TextActive ExpressionsPracticehelln. place , condition, of greatsuffering or misery; use as aswear-word to show anger orsurprise or to make emphasiskeep +sb./sth. + v.-ed

13、cause to remain v.-edcome byobtain something351. 那位老人在旧社会吃过很多苦。2. 让门一直关着。3. 由于失业的人很多,现在很难找到工作。TranslationNotes to the TextActive Expressions351. The old man had suffered hell in the old society.2. Keep the door closed.3. Jobs are hard to come by now with so many people out of work. Notes to the Text

14、Active Expressions35More PracticeMore1. 该死,我误了最后一班火车。2. 那个有趣的游戏让孩子们一直很兴奋。3.你是通过诚实的方法弄到那笔钱的吗?Notes to the TextActive Expressions351. Oh hell, Ive missed the last train.2. That funny game kept the children excited.3. Did you come by that money honestly? Notes to the TextActive ExpressionsKey 35 Chance

15、s are he wont live long, but he wont be in pain. (L51) II. Focus StudyNotes to the TextFocus StudyChances are (that) = It is likely that 35Notes to the TextFocus Study1.他到了那里可能就不回来了。 2.她可能嫁给如今是她老板的那个男人。 3. 你晋升的可能性有多大?1.Chances are (that) he wont come back when he gets there.2. Chances are that shell

16、 marry the man who is now her boss.3. What are your chances of being promoted?TranslationKey35Chinese to EnglishWord UsingOld to New35 I . Word UsingKeyTranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using1. on ones own (L 8) alone I need some time on my own. 约翰独自一人生活。我需要独自呆一会儿。John lives on his own.351.on one

17、s own2. without helpKey 她长大了,可以自己做这件事了。 我设法自己把车修好了。 She is old enough to do it on her own. I managed to repair the car on my own.TranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using351.on ones ownC fof ones own = belonging to one and not to anyone else Kate has always wanted a car of her own. 凯特一直想拥有一辆属于自己的汽车

18、。 You see, we have problems of our own. 你知道,我们也有自己的问题。e.g.Words and ExpressionsWord Using35Key我不想完全依赖父母I dont want to be totally dependent on my parents.2. be dependent on (L8) rely on someone or something in order to live or succeedWords and ExpressionsWord UsingTranslation352. be dependent on (L8)

19、 if one thing is dependent on another, it is affected by the other thing and changes if the other thing changesKey你拿多少钱取决于你干多少活。Your pay is dependent on how much you do.TranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using35Key在这篇文章中作者用最严厉的语言谴责了种族主义。3. condemn vt. (L19) criticize strongly, usu. for moral reaso

20、nsTranslationThe author condemned racism in the strongest language in this article.Words and ExpressionsWord Using353. condemn vt. criticize strongly, usu. for moral reasonscondemn sb. to: make sb. take or accept sth. unpleasantHis broken leg condemned him to a wheelchair.e.g.Words and ExpressionsWo

21、rd Using353. condemn vt. criticize strongly, usu. for moral reasonscondemn sb. to: punish sb. with sth.1. condemned cell 幽禁死刑犯的牢房幽禁死刑犯的牢房2. condemn a murderer to life imprisonment 判凶手无期徒刑判凶手无期徒刑e.g.Words and ExpressionsWord Using353. condemn vt. criticize strongly, usu. for moral reasonscondemn sb./

22、sth. for:have a poor opinion of sb. or sth. becauseof sth. badThe city was condemned for its high crime rate.这座城市因犯罪率高而遭到谴责。这座城市因犯罪率高而遭到谴责。e.g.Words and ExpressionsWord Using35Key 我在抵御感冒,所以得穿得暖和些。 该公司得战胜许多竞争对手才能赢得那份合同。4. fight off (L23) keep sth. away with effort; struggle to prevent sth. unwanted I

23、 must wear warm clothes, as I am fighting off this cold.The firm had to fight off a lot of competitors to win the contract.Words and ExpressionsWord UsingTranslation355. in vain (L27) without success in spite of ones effortsWords and ExpressionsWord UsingKey我努力想不睡着,可就是办不到。我们的努力没有白费,形势开始好转。I tried to

24、 fight against sleep, but in vain. Our efforts were not in vain and the situation began to improve.Translation356. relieve vt. (L28) reduce someones pain or unpleasant feelingsKey大夫给病人开了一些缓解头疼的药。The doctor prescribed some medicine for the patient to relieve his headache.TranslationWords and Expressi

25、onsWord Using356. relieve vt. provide aid or assistance for people in need, etc.KeyThe UNESCO worked to relieve the suffering of children throughout the world联合国教科文组织致力于使全世界的儿童摆脱痛苦。TranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using357. slip away (L34) leave quietlyKey我想在会议结束前溜走,因此我想坐在后面。Id like to slip away

26、 before the end of the meeting, so Ill sit at the back. TranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using358. withdraw vt. (L35) take something back or away, or stop providing somethingKey 我收回我的反对意见 这家较小的公司后来退出了竞争。I withdrew my objection. The smaller company later withdrew from the competition. Translation

27、Words and ExpressionsWord Using359. elect to do sth. (L39) choose to do somethingprompt goods 须当场付款的商品须当场付款的商品e.g.Key他总是迅速回复来信。He is always prompt in answering letters.TranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using3510. cooperate vi. (L61) work together for a particular purposeKey让我们通力合作赶快完成这项工作吧。Lets a

28、ll cooperate to get the work done quickly.TranslationWords and ExpressionsWord Using35II. Old to NewWords and ExpressionsOld to Newrefuseimpracticalunsuccessful, uselesspull, take backadvice, suggestionno doubt, obviousprivate, personalappear, arrive deny theoretical vain withdraw recommendation tra

29、nsparent intimate come along35III. Chinese to EnglishWords and ExpressionsC to E患中风右撇子棘手的问题安详死去十四天,两周常识生死攸关的决定suffer a strokeright-handeda tough questiondie a peaceful death/ die peacefullyfortnightcommon senselife-death decision35Debate35Euthanasia (mercy killing) should be legalizedEuthanasia shou

30、ld not be legalizedVSTopic:Idea SharingTips 35ProPro “In Favor”ConCon “Against”Idea SharingTips Quality of Life: Moral:Legalizing euthanasiawould help alleviate suffering of terminallyill patients.Some people consider euthanasia of some or all types to be morally unacceptable.They treat euthanasia t

31、o bea type of murder.More 35ProPro “In Favor”ConCon “Against”Idea SharingTips Economic costs and human resources: Feasibility of implementation:T o d a y i n m a n y countries there is a shortage of hospital space. The energy of doctors and hospital beds could be used for people whose lives couldbe

32、saved.Euthanasia can only be considered voluntary if a pati ent i s mental l y competent to make the deci si on, i .e., has a rational understanding o f o p t i o n s a n d c o n s e q u e n c e s . Compet ence can be d i f f i c u l t t odetermine or even define.35To TaskTo HorizonThe End of Section B



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