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1、No rules, no games.没有规矩,不成方圆。没有规矩,不成方圆。1.知识目标rule,arrive,beontime,hallway,halldining,listen,listento,fight,sorryDontarrivelateforclass.Dontfight.Dontruninthehallways.Donteatintheclassroom.Dontlistentomusicintheclassroom2能力目标Trainstudentslisteningandspeakingskills.3情感目标Asstudents,wemustobeyschoolrule

2、s.We cant Warming- up What rules do you know at our school?你知道你们学校有哪些校纪吗?你知道你们学校有哪些校纪吗?What can we do at school?What cant we do at school?Discuss in groups合作探究合作探究Dont eat in class.Can we eat in class?No, we cant.We can eat in the dining hall.餐餐 厅厅Can we arrive late for class? Dont arrive late for c

3、lass. Dont be late for class.No, we cant.Can we get to school late? You must be on time.Dont run in the hallways.Can we run in the hallways?No, we cant.hallway 走走 廊廊We can run outside.( (在外面)在外面)Dont listen to music in class.Can we listen to music in class?No, we cant.We can listen to music at home.

4、We can listen to music in music room.Can we fight at school? fight 打架打架 Dont fight.No, we cant.We should be friendly to others.Dont eat in class.Dont arrive late for class.Dont sleep in class.Dont run in the hallways.Dont talk in class.Dont play basketball in the classroom.Dont fight.Dont listen to

5、music in class.school rules 13454.Dont listen to music in class.5.Dont fight.21.Dont arrive late for class. You must be on time.2.Dont run in the hallways.3.Dont eat in the classrooms. You must eat in the dining hall.1aWrie the number of the rulePeter_Amy_Mike_2. Dont run in the hallways.3. Dont eat

6、 in the classroom.4. Dont listen to music in class.1b Listen. What rules are these students breaking(破坏)? Write the numbers after the names. (在名字后写上数字)Well, we cant run in the hallways.What are the rules?Well, we cant eat in the classroom. We must eat in the dinning hall.Well, We cant fight.Well, We

7、 cant listen to music in class. Work in pairs What other school rules do you know?Dont ride bikes in the school.Dont talk in class.Dont draw on the wall.Dont sleep in class.Unit 4SectionA be on time; dinning hall; listen to; eat outside; arrive late; wear a hat语法语法词汇词汇句式句式1.Dont arrive late for clas

8、s2.You cant run in the hallway.3.You must be on time .dont引引导的祈使句的祈使句rule,hallway,arrive , dining, wear,fight,outside, hall,sorry,listen to情情态动词can, cant,的用法。的用法。祈使句的用法祈使句的用法(Imperative sentences)1.You must not break the (规定规定).2.We cant make too much noise in the (大厅走廊大厅走廊).3.We have to wear (运动鞋运动

9、鞋) for gym class.4.He (步行步行) two kilometers to work every morning.5.Please listen _ your teacher carefully in class.6.Dont fight _ your friends. That makes the teacher very unhappy.7.We cant _ late for class.ruleshallwayssports shoeswalks词汇小测试词汇小测试towitharriveHomework:1.Preview the new sentence mode

10、ls.2.Write what you can do and cant do to make our class better.(写写我们能为创建文明班写写我们能为创建文明班级做些什么)级做些什么)Better class , better study!HomeworkThink about the family rules.FAMILY RULESDont talk loudly on the phone.FAMILY RULESDont watch TV late at night.FAMILY RULESClean the bedroom on Saturdays.FAMILY RULESDont get up late on Sundays.



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