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1、第21课时 九年级Units 1314考点考点一一 cut down的用法的用法 【课文原句】【课文原句】 Well, to cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.为了减少空气污染,我为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘坐公共汽车或者地铁,而不是开车。们应该乘坐公共汽车或者地铁,而不是开车。(九九P98)(1)cut down意为意为“减少减少”,是,是“动词副词动词副词”结构的短语,结构的短语,所接所接的宾语若为名词,宾语可位于的宾语若为名词,宾语可位于down的前面或后面;若为代的前面

2、或后面;若为代词,只能位于词,只能位于down的前面。的前面。Youd better cut the article down to about 2,000 words.你最你最好把这篇文章缩减到好把这篇文章缩减到2 000字左右。字左右。(2)cut down还可表示还可表示“砍倒砍倒”。They cut down the big tree.他们砍倒了这棵大树。他们砍倒了这棵大树。(3)含有含有cut的短语:的短语:cut off 切断;切除切断;切除cut into把把切成切成cut up切碎切碎cut in插队;插嘴插队;插嘴1(2018江苏扬州江都模拟江苏扬州江都模拟)It is im

3、polite for children to when their parents are talking with others.Acut down Bcut outCcut in Dcut short2(2016山东青岛中考山东青岛中考)Our country is taking action to air pollution.Acut down Bcut upCcut out Dcut off考点考点二二 表示表示“花费花费”含义的单词辨析含义的单词辨析 【课文原句】【课文原句】 Its good for health and it doesnt cost anything!它对健康有益

4、而且不花钱!它对健康有益而且不花钱!(九九P98)【辨析】【辨析】 cost, spend, take与与pay3(2017山东济宁中考山东济宁中考)That one mistake almost him his life.Atook Bpaid Ccost Dspent考点考点三三 be harmful to的用法的用法 【课文原句】【课文原句】 This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment.这种做法不仅残忍,而且对环境有害。这种做法不仅残忍,而且对环境有害。(九九P99)be harmful to意为意为“对对有害有

5、害”,相当于,相当于do harm to或或be bad for。Smoking is harmful to our health.Smoking does harm to our health.Smoking is bad for our health.吸烟对我们的健吸烟对我们的健康有害。康有害。4(2018福建泉州质检改编福建泉州质检改编)The farm chemicals remained on the vegetable and fruit are to our health.Yes. They may cause lots of diseases.Aimportant Bharmf

6、ul Cnecessary Dhealthy考点考点四四 do something to do sth.【课文原句】【课文原句】 Sharks may disappear one day if we do not do something to stop the sale of shark fins.如果我们不采取行动如果我们不采取行动阻止鲨鱼翅的销售,总有一天鲨鱼会消失的。阻止鲨鱼翅的销售,总有一天鲨鱼会消失的。(九九P99)do something to do sth.意为意为“采取措施去做某事采取措施去做某事”,相当于,相当于take action to do sth.“采取行动去做某事

7、采取行动去做某事”。People should take action to protect the environment.人们应人们应该采取行动来保护环境。该采取行动来保护环境。考点考点五五 afford的用法的用法 【课文原句】【课文原句】 Yes, we cant afford to wait any longer to take action!是的,我们不能再等了,必须采取行动!是的,我们不能再等了,必须采取行动!(九九P100)afford意为意为“承担得起承担得起(后果后果);买得起;买得起”。常与。常与can, could, be able to等连用,多用于否定句和疑问句中。

8、等连用,多用于否定句和疑问句中。It is too expensive, and I cant afford it.它太贵了,我买不它太贵了,我买不起。起。We cant afford to go abroad this summer.今年夏天我们没今年夏天我们没有足够的钱去国外。有足够的钱去国外。5(2018天津中考天津中考)I am afraid we can not to take a taxi. Lets go by underground instead.Arefuse Bafford Cforget Dfall考点考点六六 pay的用法的用法 【课文原句】【课文原句】 I thin

9、k its a great idea that you now have to pay for plastic bags in some stores.我认为现在有些商店塑我认为现在有些商店塑料袋需要购买这个想法很好。料袋需要购买这个想法很好。(九九P100)(1)pay (sb.) money for sth.付钱付钱(给某人给某人)买买I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.我每个月要付给他们我每个月要付给他们20英镑的房租。英镑的房租。(2)pay for sth.付付的钱的钱I have to pay for the

10、book.我不得不付钱买这本书。我不得不付钱买这本书。(3)pay for sb.替某人付钱替某人付钱Dont worry! Ill pay for you.别担心,我会给你付钱的。别担心,我会给你付钱的。 (4)pay sb.付钱给某人付钱给某人They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。他们每月给我们报酬。6(2015河北中考河北中考)This food is free. You dont have to it.Alook for Bpay forCask for Dwait for考点考点七七 throw的用法的用法 【课文原句】【课文原句】 Do you oft

11、en throw away things you dont need anymore?你经常把你不再需要的东西扔掉吗?你经常把你不再需要的东西扔掉吗?(九九P102)throw“扔;抛扔;抛”,其过去式和过去分词分别为,其过去式和过去分词分别为threw和和thrown; throw away 意为意为“扔掉;抛弃扔掉;抛弃”。You shouldnt throw away your old clothes.你不应该把旧你不应该把旧衣服扔掉。衣服扔掉。7(2017福建中考改编福建中考改编)Dont the waste paper. We can collect and recycle it.Y

12、oure right. Everyone should be a greener person.Ablow away Bput awayCthrow away Dgive away考点考点八八 look back的用法的用法 【课文原句】【课文原句】 Looking back at these past three years回望回望过去的三年过去的三年(九九P107)(1)look back (at/on sth.)意为意为“回首回首(往事往事);回忆;回顾;回忆;回顾”。We can learn something whenever we look back.每当回首每当回首往事,我们都能

13、学到东西。往事,我们都能学到东西。When I look back at those days, I realize I was very happy.当我回想起那些日子,我意识到那时我非常快乐。当我回想起那些日子,我意识到那时我非常快乐。(2)look的其他常见短语的其他常见短语look for寻找寻找 look at看看 look up向上看;查找向上看;查找look after照顾照顾 look through浏览浏览8(2017湖北黄冈中考湖北黄冈中考) these past three years, which teachers will you miss most?Mr. Jian

14、g. Hes helped me a lot.ALooking back atBLooking forCLooking throughDLooking after9(2017山东潍坊中考山东潍坊中考)Why do you Liu Hulan?Because she is a great hero.Alook like Blook downClook over Dlook up to考点考点九九 Its time to do sth.句型句型 【课文原句】【课文原句】 And now its time to graduate现在到毕业的现在到毕业的时候了时候了(九九P107)Its time(f

15、or sb.) to do sth.表示表示“该该(是某人是某人)做某事的时做某事的时候了候了”。Tom, its time to get up.汤姆,该起床了。汤姆,该起床了。Its time forn.(v.ing)意为意为“该做某事了,到了做某事的该做某事了,到了做某事的时间了时间了”,相当于,相当于“Its time to do sth.”。Be quiet, everyone. Its time for class.大家安静,该上课了。大家安静,该上课了。【拓展】【拓展】 与与time相关的句型还有相关的句型还有Itsthe序数词序数词timeto do sth.表示表示“某人第几次

16、做某事某人第几次做某事”,可以与,可以与Itsthe序序数数词词timethat从句互相转换。从句互相转换。Its the first time for me to visit Disney land. I feel so excited.Its the first time that I visit Disney land. I feel so excited.这是我第一次参观迪士尼乐园。我感到很兴奋。这是我第一次参观迪士尼乐园。我感到很兴奋。10(2017黑龙江龙东中考改编黑龙江龙东中考改编)Its time for me goodbye to my mother school. I wi

17、ll never forget all love.Ato say; teachers Bsaying; teachersCto say; teachers Dsaying; teachers考点考点十十 first of all/congratulate的用法的用法【课文原句】【课文原句】 First of all, Id like to congratulate all the students who are here today.首先,我想祝贺今天所有在首先,我想祝贺今天所有在座的同学们。座的同学们。(九九P110)(1)first of all意为意为“首先首先”,常放在句首表示次序,

18、后面往往接,常放在句首表示次序,后面往往接next, then等,其反义词组为等,其反义词组为at last, in the end。First of all, let me introduce myself to you.首先,让我向你首先,让我向你做一下自我介绍。做一下自我介绍。(2)congratulate意为意为“祝贺祝贺”,通常用于,通常用于“congratulate sb. on sth.”,表示表示“为某事而祝贺某人为某事而祝贺某人”。She congratulated me warmly on my good exam results.她她热情地祝贺我考试取得了好成绩。热情地祝

19、贺我考试取得了好成绩。congratulation是是congratulate的名词形式,其复数形式的名词形式,其复数形式常单独使用。常单独使用。Ive got the first prize.我得了一等奖。我得了一等奖。Congratulations!祝贺!祝贺!考点考点十一十一 thirsty的用法的用法 【课文原句】【课文原句】 You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.你们朝气蓬勃,渴求知识。你们朝气蓬勃,渴求知识。(九九P110)thirsty“渴望的;口渴的渴望的;口渴的”;be thirsty for意为意为

20、“渴望;渴渴望;渴求求”,后跟名词或动词,后跟名词或动词ing形式作宾语。形式作宾语。We are thirsty for success.我们渴望成功。我们渴望成功。11(2015山东淄博中考山东淄博中考)After the football match, the players were very and tired.Acool BfullClively Dthirsty12(2019原创原创)The children in countryside are really thirsty knowledge.Afor BtoCat Dof考点考点十二十二 set out的用法的用法 【课文原

21、句】【课文原句】 As you set out on your new journey, you shouldnt forget where you came from.在你们踏上新征程在你们踏上新征程时,不要忘记你们来自哪里。时,不要忘记你们来自哪里。(九九P110)(1)set out意为意为“出发;启程出发;启程”,其后常跟,其后常跟“for地点地点”,表示出发,表示出发去去某地。某地。The army are about to set out.部队就要出发了。部队就要出发了。Lingling and I will set out for Hangzhou.玲玲和我将启程玲玲和我将启程去

22、杭州。去杭州。(2)set out on sth.意为意为“开始进行新的或重要的事情开始进行新的或重要的事情”。When we set out on this project, we knew it would be difficult.我们开始着手这个项目时就知道它很难。我们开始着手这个项目时就知道它很难。 (3)set out to do sth.意为意为“着手做某事着手做某事”,相当于,相当于“set about doing sth.”。At five in the morning, he set out to do his work.清晨五点清晨五点他就开始工作。他就开始工作。As s

23、oon as she got home, she set about preparing lunch.她一到家就开始准备午饭。她一到家就开始准备午饭。13(2018湖北随州中考湖北随州中考)As we on our new journey, we shouldnt forget where we came from.Atake out Bset outCcut out Dblow out14(2018山东滨州中考山东滨州中考)People now in many big cities have to early to avoid the heavy traffic in the morning.Aset out Bput outCtake out Dgive out



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