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1、全国英语等级考试写作作文模板全国英语等级考试写作作文模板引导语:下面为大家了全国英语等级考试写作作文模板,希望能够帮助到您,谢谢您的阅读,祝您阅读愉快。agree or disagreeNowadays, some may hold the opinion that . But othershave a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agreethat . My arguments for this point are listed as follows.I agree with the statement that withou

2、t reservationsince .Another reason why I agree with the above statement isthat I believe that.In a word, . Taking into aount of all these factors, wemay reach the conclusion that.题目给出 1 样问题,要求考生说明对它的样人意见并给出理由。1.TOPIC:.X.What do you think about it? Givespecific reasons and examples to illustrate your

3、 answer. There are numerous approaches to solvingXXX/(analyzing the impacts on XXX/the characteristics ofXXX), and l will explore the most conspicuous ones here.One of the primary methods/impacts/characteristics is(2).A more subtle point which we must consider is that (3).In addition, (4).Taking int

4、o aount of all these methods/effects/aspects,we may reach the conclusion that (5).注:(1)背景描述。(2)XXX 的第 1 样方面。(3)XXX 的第二样方面。(4)XXX 的第三样方面。(5)总结观点。2. Among countless factors which contribute to XXX,three conspicuous aspects are as follows.One of the primary causes is that (2).XXX also results from (3).

5、(4) is responsible for XXX, as well.I draw the conclusion that A, B and C are three maincontributors to XXX.注:(1)陈述这样事实。(2)XXX 的第 1 样原因。(3)XXX 的第二样原因。(4)XXX 的第三样原因。Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B inmany ways. Others, however, contradict A. Personally, Iwould prefer because I thi

6、nk A has more advantages.There are numerous reasons why , and I would in hereexplain a few of the most important ones.The main reason is that . It can be given a concreteexample .Another reason why I advocate the attitude of A is that . Take the case of a thing that .One very strong argument for A i

7、s that . Thisdemonstrates the undeniable fact that .Of course,choosing B also has advantages to some extent, .But ifall these factors are contemplated, the advantages of Acarry more weight than those of B.From what has been discussed above, we may finally drawthe conclusion that .说明自己的观点:赞同 A此处填入赞同

8、A 的句子赞同 A的原因之一举例说明原因之一赞同A 的原因之二举例说明原因之二举例说明原因之三说明 A 的优势列出 B 的 1-2 个优势总结观点No doubt, I choose A, because there are too manybenefits that outnumber its disadvantages not to choose it.But B, on the other hand, has advantages no more than itsdisadvantages.The most important benefit of A is that .Another

9、benefit of A, which B almost cannot achieve, isthat .Although B also has its seemingly profoundadvantages, it can be only achieved conditionallybecause .After understanding the reasoning above, it is quitesafe now to say that to choose A is a wise action.A 能带来的第一个好处 B 带来的害处比方:浪费很多东西,如时间,金钱等A 能带来的第二个

10、好处B 的局限性单一观点式: 给出一个论点,此论点不包括两种事物的比拟,要求考生支持或反对并给出理由。Agree:The title statement is the focus in these days and anyspeech about it would surely strike the top lines of mostnewspapers. To agree or disagree with it is a matter ofbalancing between its pros and cons. But if one hasconsidered the following p

11、erspectives, he/she could onlyagree with the title statement as I do.As we know, firstly, . A small example could givesome light to this point. It is said that .Under some circumstances, the deviation of AAA would bepotentially harmful, or at least, unpredictable in itsresults. For instance, . I ill

12、ustrate this extremeexample just in an attempt to state one thing clearly: .Last but not least, . In order to see this pointclearly, let us see an example: .So, based on the above discussion, I agree with theopinion that .给出一个论点,主要是对两个事物进展比拟的陈述,要求考生支持或反对并给出理由。(D)详细表述如下:TOPIC: A is superior to B in D

13、ONG C. Do you agree ordisagree with this statement? Use specific reasons tosupport your point of viewdisagreeI pletely disagree with this statement that choosing Ahas more advantages than choosing B. And I would like topresent two explanations to confirm you that I am right.First of all, . Generally

14、, . Let me give you anexample: . Thus, proving my point, .The second thing that must be taken into considerationwhen choosing A or B is that . As I have said, .Finally, the point I am trying to make is that it isnot better to choose A than choose B in that .In sum, .支持 B 的第一个原因进一步阐述支持 B 的原因举例说明原因之一填

15、入一句支持 B 的句子支持 B 的第二原因进一步阐述支持 B 的第二原因支持 B 的第三 个原因总结观点This controversy describes the dilemma faced by manypeople. In my opinion, I agree with the above statementthat A is superior than B in .It is an obvious fact that . For example, .Perhaps another reason why A is superior to B lies inthe fact that .

16、 An example to show this can be found inthe story that .Lets bring our discussion here to a more present andpractical context. In todays world, . This may explainwhy A is better than B. On the other hand, a mon sense goesthat .We can conclude from the foregoing reasons and examplesthat .赞同 A 比 B 好的第

17、一个原因举例说明原因之一A 比 B 好的第二原因举例说明永远之二再举一个事例进展说明B的劣势总结观点支持 AAA 的第一个原因 举例说明原因之一 举一事例支持 AAA 的第二原因支持 AAA 的第三原因举例说明原因之三重申观点disagreeThis problem is a much debated one in that it affectseverybody in their daily lives. People may prefer one toanother, although some have no opinion about it. But if Iam concerned,

18、 I can only disagree with the title statementand the reasons are given below.With reference to , the reason why I disagree withAAA is that .Second, because , . As a result, .Finally, .Again, I would state my objection to this issue afteranalyzing the three reasons. .反对 AAA 的一个侧面反对 AAA 的第一个原因反对 AAA 的

19、第二个原因 原因之二造成的后果 反对 AAA 的第三个原因,并举例说明总结观点It seems, in so many items, very difficult to preferone to another because all of them have their advantagesand disadvantages to the extent that it is hard todistinguish. Yet that does not mean they are of the same tome. To be frank, I would prefer A if persona

20、l preference isconsidered as a criterion to choose things.Firstly, I like it because it can , thus make me .Theres another reason why I choose A, in terms of , . No wonder, it again brings me convenience that Icannot get if I choose any one of the others.That last reason is that .In conclusion, everybody wants to choose the one thatfits him/her. So, it is of great benefits of me to choose .支持 A 的第一个原因它所带来的好处一个侧面支持A的第二个原因支持 A 的第三个原因重申观点



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