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1、授 權 委 託 書(行政審批事項)委託人:工作單位:職 務:聯繫電話:被委託人:工作單位:職 務:聯繫電話:茲委託 京士頓商業顧問有限公司為本公司之合法代理人,全權代表本公司在政府_ 局辦理 _ 申請過程以下一切授權範圍事宜。授權範圍: 1、接受行政機關依法告知的權利。2、代為提交申請材料、更正、補正、補充材料的權利。3、代理申請人 _ 基金 審查中 的陳述和 申辯的權利。4、處理批件的權利。5、其有權與申請單位協調並溝通。6、其他權利。委託期限自年月日至年月日。受托人 (同意 /不同意 )在其權限範圍內所作之一切合法行為及簽署之一切有關文件,本公司均予以承認。* (委託人單位公章 ) 被委託

2、人:年月日年月日注:已授權的請在中打“”,未授權的請在中打“”。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - 授權委託書填表說明1、申請單位到市食品藥品監督局辦理行政許可事項時,申請人不是法定代表人或負責人時,須由法定代表人或負責人開具 授權委託書給申請人,列明授權範圍和委託期限。申請人憑授權委託書到_ 局受理大廳辦理相關事宜。2、“委託人”,填寫法定代表人或負責人姓名。“被委託人”,填寫具體辦事人員姓名。“工作單位”、“職務

3、”、“聯繫電話”,據實填寫。3、“茲委託京士頓商業顧問有限公司在局辦理申請過程以下一切授權範圍事宜。” :填寫被委託人姓名。:根據申辦事宜內容填寫對應的局/單位名稱, 如“BUD 專項基金(機構支援計劃)秘書處、工貿署”等。:填寫具體辦事內容 ,如“發展品牌、升級轉型及拓展內銷市場的專項基金(BUD) 、中小企業市場推廣基金(EMF) ” 等。4 、“授權範圍” ,根據具體授權情況 ,已授權的在“”中打“” ,未授權的在“”中打“”。“處理批件的權利”,在橫線上填寫需領取的證件、批件或有關材料名稱,如“基金 申請計劃書、審計核數報告正本、副本”。5、(委託人單位公章 ):“加蓋委託人所在單位的

4、公章”被委託人: “由具體辦事人員簽字”6、在辦理政府基金申請事項時,如委託人為二人以上的,須分別列明委託人有關情況,並在對應位置,分別簽字、加蓋公章。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - Authorization (Administrative license items)Consignor:Work unit :Duty:Phone number :Consignee: Work unit :Duty:Phone

5、 number :It is hereby entrusting Kingston Business Consultancy Co., Ltd. as the legal representative of the company and pursuing the _ (fund) affairs in the _ department solely by the company to manage and handle the listed scope of authorized matter. Scope of authority: 1 .Be entitled to accept the

6、 executive notification pursuant to law. 2 .Be entitled to submit 、correct 、 redress 、reinforce application materials on consignor s behalf. 3 .Be entitled to state and defend in the administrative _fund censoring on consignor s behalf. 4.Be entitled to handle and manage authorized document(s) like

7、_. 5 .Be entitled to co-ordinate with the application unit. 6.Any other entitlement(s) _. The company (Agree/Disagree) that the trustee agrees to perform all legal activities and all relevant documents signed within its jurisdiction. Term of consignation: Consignor Authorized Signature & Company Sea

8、l Consignee: Authorized Signature & Company Seal Date Date Annotation: mark“” in the before the consigned authority, otherwise, mark “”.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - Authorization (Administrative license items)Consignor:Xx

9、 LiWork unit :Co. xxDuty:General managerPhone number :Consignee:Xx LuoWork unit :Co. xxDuty:Business personnel Phone number :It is hereby entrusting Kingston Business Consultancy Co., Ltd. as the legal representative of the company and pursuing the _ (fund) affairs in the _ department solely by the

10、company to manage and handle the listed scope of authorized matter. Scope of authority: 1 、Be entitled to accept the executive notification pursuant to law. 2 、Be entitled to submit 、 correct 、redress 、 reinforce application materials on consignor s behalf. 3 、Be entitled to state and defend in the

11、administrative _fund censoring on consignor s behalf.4、Be entitled to handle and manage authorized document(s) like application form, promotion plan, audit report. 5 、Be entitled to co-ordinate with the application unit. 6 、Any other entitlement(s) . Term of consignation: 20 20 March,2018 22 Februar

12、y , 2019 The company (Agree/Disagree) that the trustee agrees to perform all legal activities and all relevant documents signed within its jurisdiction. Term of consignation: Consignor Authorized Signature & Company Seal Consignee: Authorized Signature & Company Seal Date Date Annotation: mark“” in

13、the before the consigned authority, otherwise, mark “”.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - Instruction to fill in the Authorization1、If the applicant/transactor isnt the legal representative or isnt the principal, he/she must ha

14、ve the Authorizationconsigned by the legal representative/the principal qualifying the consignee s authority, to apply, monitor and administrate the Hong Kong Government Fund. The applicant transacts relevant matters in the Accepting Hall of BDA, with the Authorization , if necessary. 2、Fill in the

15、name of the legal representative or the principal in the “consignor ” item;Fill in the name of the transactor in the “consignee ” item.Fill in the following items by the very fact. 3、 At present consign _ _ to transact _ _matters concerned at the _department( substation), Beijing Food and Drug Admin

16、istration(BDA). : the name of the consignee. : concrete matters to be handled, such as “drug supply license”. : the corresponding responsible department, such as “ Acceptance Department” 、“Drug Registration Department ” 、 “Drug Safety and Inspection Department ” 、 “Medical Devices Department ”etc. 4

17、、 “Scope of authority”, according to exact authorized situation, mark “” in the “” before authorized items and mark “” if unauthorized.“Be entitled to sign & accept authorized document(s) like _”, fill in thename of the certificate(s)、 authorized document(s) and/or relevant material(s) above the und

18、erline, such as “original、duplicate of the Drug Manufacturing Certificate” . 5、(the official seal of consignors work unit):“ to affix the official seal of consignor s work unit ”Consignee: “ signed by the personnel who hand affairs practically (contractor)”6、While handling drug registration items, if the consigners outnumber 2, they must list their individual information respectively and sign and affix their official seals where needed. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - -



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