中考英语总复习 第12讲 八下 Units 5-6课件 人教新目标版

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1、八年级(下)Units 5Units 56 6 第十二讲1begin(v.)_(n.)开始2heavily(adv.)_(adj.)重的3suddenly(adv.)_(adj.)突然的4strange(adj.)_(n.)陌生人5report(v.&n.)_(n.)报告者6wood(n.)_(adj.)木制的7ice(n.)_(adj.)冰冷的beginningheavysuddenstrangerreporterwoodenicy8completely(adv.)_(v.)完成9silence(n.)_(adj.)沉寂的10truth(n.)_(adj.)真实的11shoot(v.)_(过

2、去式)_(过去分词)12husband(n.)_(n.对应词)妻子13gold(n.&adj.)_(adj.)金子制的completesilenttrueshotshotwifegolden1go _(闹钟)发出响声2_the phone接电话3_ like感觉像是4fall _睡着;进入梦乡5_ down逐渐变弱6have a _看一看7_ ones way费力地前进offpick upfeelasleepdielookmake8in _沉默;无声9take _拆除;往下拽;记录10at _首先11be _doing sth.忙于做某事12_up醒来13a _ bit有点儿;稍微14_ of

3、代替;反而silencedownfirstbusywakelittleinstead15turn._变成16_ in love爱上17get _结婚18once _a time从前19_out出版;开花20for the _ time第一次intofallmarrieduponcomefirst1What _he _when the rainstorm came?当暴风雨来时,他正在做什么?2While Linda _,Jenny _Mary _her homework.当琳达在睡觉时,詹妮正在帮玛丽做作业。3_no light outside,it _midnight.外面没有光亮,感觉像是

4、半夜。4 I had _clearly after that because I was very afraid.我难以清楚地想起那以后的事因为我很害怕。wasdoingwas sleepingwas helpingwithWithfelt liketrouble thinking5 It doesnt _very _to move a mountain.移山似乎是不太可能的。6You have different _about the story,and _of you are wrong.对于这个故事,你们有不同的观点,并且你们两个人都是对的。7Did you hear our stepm

5、other _kill us?你听到继母正计划着杀死我们吗?8_we do,we wont find our way out.除非我们(这样)做,否则我们不会找到出路。seempossibleopinionsneitherplanning toUnlessPICK UP【典例在线】Tom picked up the phone and dialed the number.汤姆拿起电话,拨打了号码。I will pick you up at five.我五点钟来接你。Heres a tip I picked up from my mother.告诉你一个窍门,我是从我妈妈那里学来的。pick u

6、p为动副词型短语,意为“拿起,捡起;(开车)接人;(偶然)得到”等。【拓展精析】 【活学活用】1)When he saw a wallet on the ground,he _ at once.(2013,益阳)Apicked it upBgave it upCpicked up it2)Do you _ your son after school?(2014,绍兴)No.He comes back home on the school bus.Apick up Blook afterCdrop in Dsend forAAAGAINST【典例在线】He put the ladder agai

7、nst the wall.他把梯子靠在墙边上。The rain beats against the car windscreen.雨打在汽车挡风玻璃上。They are against the plan.他们反对这个计划。【拓展精析】against介词,意为“倚;碰;撞”。还可意为“反对”,此时其反义词为for(赞成),表示强烈反对一般用副词strongly来修饰。3)Im _ building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in.(2013,青岛)AagainstBonCinDfo

8、r【活学活用】A【典例在线】She married a man with a lot of money.她嫁给了一个很有钱的人。When did she get married?她什么时候结婚的?They have been married for six years.他们已经结婚六年了。She got married to a teacher.She was married to a teacher.她同一位老师结婚了。marrymarry动词,可作“娶”讲,也可作“嫁”讲。常用结构:marry sb.嫁给某人;与某人结婚。get married意为“结婚”,表示动作,不能与表示一段时间的状

9、语连用。be married意为“结婚”,表示状态,可与表示一段时间的状语连用。get married和be married都可以与介词to连用,但不能与with连用。即be/get married to sb.与某人结婚。【拓展精析】4)When did you _ Mary?Last year.Amarry Bget marriedCmarry with Dget married with5)She _ for ten years and now she has a lovely daughter.(2014,白银)Amarried Bhas been marriedCgot marrie

10、d Dhas got married【活学活用】AB【典例在线】The story reminds me of my happy childhood.这个故事让我想起了我快乐的童年。My parents often remind me to study hard.我父母常提醒我努力学习。I reminded him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他必须在天黑之前回家。remindremind动词,意为“提醒;使想起”,后常接名词或代词作宾语,常用于以下结构中:remind sb.of sth.使某人回想起或意识到某物/事remind sb.to do

11、sth.提醒某人做某事remind sb.that.提醒某人【拓展精析】 6)昨晚的电视节目使我姐姐想起两年前在山村支教的经历。(2013,济南)The TV program last night _my sister of her _as a volunteer teacher in the mountain village two years ago.He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.暴风雨来时他正在图书馆看书。 【活学活用】remindedexperience【典例在线典例在线】When the teacher c

12、ame in,we were talking.当老师进来的时候,我们正在谈话。While we were talking,the teacher came in.当我们正在谈话的时候,老师进来了。My mother was cooking while my father was washing the car.当爸爸在洗车时,妈妈正在做饭。Could you please look after my flowers while I am out?当我出去时,你能照顾一下我的花吗?【拓展精析】was/were现在分词,为过去进行时态的结构。表示过去某一时间里正在发生的动作或存在的状态。when与

13、while都可引导时间状语从句,意为“当时”。但区别为:when既可指时间点,也可指时间段;从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词;从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;主句用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时。while只指时间段;从句中的动词必须是延续性动词;主句的动作发生在从句动作发生的过程中或主、从句两个动作同时发生;若从句与主句动作同时发生,主、从句都用进行时。when和while还可作并列连词。when表示“在那时”;while表示“而;却”,表示对照关系。when可用于表示“一就”的句型中,若主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。【活学活用】1)Amy wa

14、s reading a book _ I came in.(2013,雅安)Awhen Bwhile Cbecause Dthough2)Turn off the water while you _ your teeth or washing your hands.(2014,临沂)Awere brushing BbrushCare brushing DbrushedI had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.我难以清楚地想起那以后的事情,因为我很害怕。ACThousands of people hav

15、e trouble falling asleep.成千上万的人都有难以入睡的困扰。He had no trouble finding a job.他毫不费劲地找到了一份工作。【典例在线】 trouble用作名词,意为“问题;麻烦”,一般作不可数名词。 (be) in trouble意为“处于困境中”;have trouble (in) doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”;have trouble with sth.意为“在某事上有困难”。3)Jack, I have _ working out the math problem.Dont worry.Let me help you.(20

16、14,福州)Afun Btrouble Cexperience【拓展精析】B【典例在线】He worked the whole night.他工作了整整一个晚上。All the children enjoyed themselves.所有的孩子都过得很快乐的。all the familythe whole family全家WHOLE,ALL【拓展精析】whole形容词,意为“全部的;所有的”,常用来修饰可数名词单数,位于冠词、单数物主代词或所有格之后,其结构为“限定词whole名词”。all也意为“全部的”,常用来修饰不可数名词或复数名词,位于定冠词the、单数或复数物主代词或所有格之前,其结

17、构为“all限定词名词”。【活学活用】 1)Mary spent _ summer at home last year.Aall BwholeCthe whole Dthe allC【典例在线】 I heard the sound of running water.我听见流水声。Light travels faster than sound.光比声音传播得快。What a terrible noise!多么令人讨厌的噪音啊!Try not to make so much noise.别那么吵吵闹闹的。Please speak in a loud voice.请大声说。The girl has

18、a beautiful voice.这个女孩嗓音很好。 【拓展精析】sound泛指听到的任何声音或响声。noise通常指噪声。可用作可数名词或不可数名词。voice用于人时,指说话、唱歌或发笑的声音。用于其他方面时,常表示悦耳之声,如鸟鸣声、乐器声等。【活学活用 】 2)I didnt recognize Johns _on the telephone.3)I couldnt stand the _,I almost woke up all night.4)Listen,the birds are singing in the tree,the _is so beautiful.voiceno

19、isesound一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1Johns father is the London _(区域) manager.2She often _(报道) on royal stories for the BBC.3Please _(提醒) me to answer the email.4I like this pair of jeans because it _(适合) me well.5Marys _(丈夫) went to London a week ago.areareportsremindfitshusband二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。6At last,I _my

20、sister was right.7The sun _in the east and goes down in the west.8This dress is made of _Its soft and comfortable.9She told me the _truth,so I really understood her.10Kill two birds with one _You really did a good job.realizedrisessilkwholestone三、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。11When I got to school,a teach

21、er _me to my new classroom.12Can you tell me who is the _boy in your team?13It was _in the house because everyone was asleep.14Dont play with that _,you may hurt yourself.15You must tell me the _so that I can help you.ledbravestsilentsticktruth四、单项选择。16The boy didnt sleep well last night because of

22、the _ from the factory.(2014,白银)Avoice Bnoise Cmusic Dsong17When people mention planes,it will remind the parents _ their daughter on the Malaysian Airlines plane MH370.(2014,内江)Awith Bfor Cin DofBD18Alan,why are you so late?Sorry! When I _ home, I met one of my old friends.(2014,威海)Awent Bam walkin

23、gChas gone Dwas walking19He _ for ten years.(2013,雅安)Ahas been married BmarriedCgot married Dhas married20It seems that the aged people _ the H7N9 more easily from the recent cases.(2013,武汉)Apick up Bmix up Cset up Duse upDAA五、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。21托尼的书在2012年出版了。(2013,天津)Tonys book _in 2012.22她爱上了那个伟大的作家。S

24、he _the great writer.23这部电影太乏味了,以至于我看到一半就睡着了。The movie was so boring that I _half way through it.24开始我不太喜欢这个工作。(2013,天津)I didnt like the job very much _25因为雨越下越大,所以外面的火逐渐熄灭了。The fire was _in the open air because it was raining harder and harder.came outfell in love withfell asleepat firstdying down叙


26、注意人称、数以及时态的一致性和连贯性。二、写作典例。(2012,衢州)假设你是李华,上周末你参加了一次郊游(outing)。请根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇题为“A Pleasant Outing”的英语短文,参加某英文报纸的征文比赛。 要求:(1)不要逐条翻译表格中的信息,可适当增减内容;(2)短文中不得出现真实的地名、人名和校名;(3)词数: 80110。参考词汇:go for an outing; climb the hill; have a picnic 【思路点拨】【思路点拨】1郊游的时间、地点、人物;2在the North Hill Park的活动内容;3对郊游活动的感受。 【范文

27、欣赏】A Pleasant OutingLast weekend,I went for an outing with my classmates.At 7:30 in the morning,we met at our school gate.We went to the North Hill Park by bike.On the way,we were so excited that we sang loudly.When we arrived there,we started to climb the hill at once.We had a picnic on the top of the hill.After that,we walked down the path and had a rest.Later,some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily.We didnt go back until 4:00 pm.We were tired but very happy.What a pleasant outing it was!



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