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1、学习必备欢迎下载Unit5 There is a big bed.一、选词填空 . 1、 can you do home?2、I can clean bedroom.3、Sorry, I .4、 you helpful at home?5、OK! do it.6、I d like toa try.7、 ,I can.8、No time dance.1认读听说本单元重点词汇,并学会结合句子运用实际生活中。2学习重点语法,并掌握其核心所在。3细节决定成败,每个知识点都需要通过训练题反复练习,做到精细记牢。Im a big big girl! In a big big world! Its not

2、a big big thing if you leave me. 我是个重要的女孩!在一个大世界里!如果你离开我,那不是件大事。一、重点词汇(一)名词: 1. clock 时钟,钟2.plant植物3. water bottle水瓶4. bike 自行车5. photo 照片6. grandparents祖父母/ 外祖父母7. house 房屋8. flower花朵(二)表示方位的介词短语:1. in front of 在 前面2. between 在 中间3. above 在(或向) 上面4. beside在旁边(附近)5. behind在(或向) 后面6. in 在 里面7. on 在 之

3、上8. under在 下面(三)动词: 1. move 搬家2. live 居住are yes have to at what can tjust the精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载(四)形容词:1. some 一些2. many 许多的3. dirty肮脏的4. their他们的5. cool 酷的二重点句型(要会读会写会背):1. There are so many pictures! 有这么多的照片呀!2. What a nice photo! 多么漂亮的照片啊!3. Your room

4、is really nice! 你的房间真得很漂亮!4. Wow! You look cool!哇!你看起来真酷!5. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. 嘿,我的电脑就在这里,就在桌子上。三重点语法1. My father can draw very well.我爸爸能画得很好。well 意为 “ 好”例如: You speak English very well.你英语说得很好。2. What a nice photo! 一张多么好看的照片啊!(这是一个感叹句。)3. There are many pretty flowers in it. 里面有许

5、多漂亮的花。many 许多的 = lots of=a lot of pretty美丽可爱的4. What s in the room? 房间里面有什么?What s=What is 是什么?此问句可以用There is/are 句型来回答。例如: - What s in the room? 房间里有什么?-There are some books and a photo in it. 房间里有一些书和一张照片。5. There is a big bed. 有一张大床。(1)这是 There be 句型结构,它主要用于表达“ 某处有某人 /某物 ” ,它的基本句型There be (is/are

6、 )+某物或某人 +某地这个句型中there没有具体的意思,be 是 be 动词, be 动词有 :is, am, are. 。例如: There is a football under(在 下面)the chair. 椅子下面有一个足球。(2)There be句型中的be 动词的单复数形式要与最接近它后面的名词保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is, 主语是复数时用are 。例如:There is a flower in the bottle.瓶子里有一朵花。There are some photos in the room. 房间里有一些照片。There is a big bed

7、 and some flowers. 有一张大床和一些花。(3)have 也表示 “ 有” 。例如 :I have a big bed. 我有一张大床。6. This is my room.这是我的房间。(1)This is 是表示介绍的句型,用于介绍距离说话者比较近的人或物,意为: “ 这是 ”。如果介绍距离说话人比较远的人或物用:“That is ”意为 “ 那是 ”例如: This is a picture.这是一幅画。(2)-Is this your room? 这是你的房间吗?- Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的,它是我的房间。 / 不,它不是我的房间。Is

8、 this?或者 Is that?意为:开头的一般疑问句,回答用:Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.7. There are lots of /many flowers in it. 里面有许多花。lots of + 可数名词复数形式/不可数名词many+ 可数名词复数形式例如: There are lots of /many books in my room. 我房间里有许多书。lots of=many=so many=a lot of 许多例如: There are lots of pictures.=There are many pictures. 有许多图片。8. Wh

9、at else do you see in it? 在房间里你还看到了什么?else“其他的 / 别的 ” 常用在疑问词后面。例如: What else do you eat? 你还吃了什么?9. 表示某人或者某物在什么位置,可以这么说:某人 / 某物 +be 动词 +方位介词( in front of/behind/above/beside/between)。例如: It s in front of the dog. 它在狗的前面。注意:( 1) between 意为 “ 在 中间 ” ,它常和 and 一起用。当表示在两个同类物体之间时,between后面用的名词用复数形式(就是在名词后面

10、加s或者 es);当表示在两个不同的物体之间时用betweenand 。例如: The ball is between the schoolbags. 球在书包中间。The plant is between the bike and the bed. 植物在自行车和床的中间。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载(2) above“在 上面 ” 在物体上方,不接触物体。例如: The moon( 月亮 ) is above the trees(树). 月亮爬上了树梢。方位介词趣味知识:in 在里,out

11、在外 ,inside 在里面, outside在外面,on 和 above 在上面,前者挨着后者离,under/below在下面,接不接触是关键,in front of 在前面, behind, behind跟后面,between在两中间, beside, beside在旁边。10. Where is the ball? 球在哪里?本句是由where 引导的特殊疑问句。Where引导的特殊疑问句是对地点的提问,句型是: “Where+一般疑问句? ”例如: Where is my bed? 我的书包在哪?(“Is my bed? ” 本身就是一个一般疑问句)回答用: They are on t

12、he desk. 他们在书桌上。11. into 的用法I just moved into an old house. 我刚刚搬进了一所老房子。Into 是介词,意为“ 进入 ” ,例如: Come into the house.到屋里来。一、根据中文,选择正确的英文。()1、我会扫地和洗衣服。 A I can sweep the floor and wash the clothes. B I can sweep the floor but wash the clothes.()2、你会干什么? A What do you do? B What can you do? ()3、他会做家务。 A

13、 He can do housework. B He can t do housework. ()4、我会做饭,你呢? A I can cook the meals,what about you? B I can cook the meals, you?()5、你会用电脑吗? A Do you use a computer? B Can you use a computer?二、根据答语选择问句。( )1、 ? I can do housework.A What would you like? B What can you do?C Can you do homework?() 2.- Can

14、 you do the dishes?- A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I can t.( )3 、Are you helpful at home.- . A Sure B Thank you. C Sorry.( )4 、? I have a car. A What can you do? B What would you like? C What do you have?( )5 、? No, I can t. A What can you do? B Can you fly? C Are you an art teacher?精选学习资料 -

15、 - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载三、根据括号内单词填空。Lingling: What can you do?Amy: I can .( 画漫画)Sam: Can you ?(弹琵琶)Daming: No, I can t. But I can . (打乒乓球)Mrs Smart: Can Lingling ? (游泳)Xiaoyong: Yes she can.四、连词成句1、table you can set the ?2、can the games play computer you ?3、you what c

16、an do ? 4、bed can make the I .5、the can t meals John cook . 五、阅读对话,回答问题。Zhang Ping: Hey, John. Can you sweep the floor?John: Yes, I can.Zhang Ping: Can you do the dishes?John: Yes, I can.Zhang Ping: Can you cook the meals?John: Oh ,I can t. But my mother can.Zhang Ping: I can cook the meals.John: Really?Zhang Ping: Yes.1、What can Zhang Ping do? 2、Can John cook the meals? 3、Can Zhang Ping cook the meals? 4、Who can do the dishes? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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