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《cultral corner》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《cultral corner(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版外研版高一高一 (3)Module 2山东山东 姜妮娜姜妮娜Cultural corner and WritingCultural corner and WritingOxfordGrenoble1. Where are Oxford and Grenoble?2. What are the similarities between the two countries?阅读文章回答问题:阅读文章回答问题: Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France.Theyre both medium-sized towns of between 100,000 an

2、d 200,000 inhabitants.They both have universities and industries. Tourism is important to both of them, and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the region. 3. Whats Town Twining?Its an agreement between towns and cities of similar size and age, and which have similar fea

3、tures such as tourism, industry, culture and entertainment.4. Whats the significance of the agreement?The agreement encourage people from the two towns visit each other. The agreement are perhaps most useful for students and people who want to practise speaking another language.1. similar: alike be

4、similar to:和和相似相似 be similar in:在在方面相似方面相似这辆车和那辆车在颜色方面相似。这辆车和那辆车在颜色方面相似。This car is similar to that one in color.Language points in cultural corner拓展:拓展:1). similarly adv. 相似地相似地; 相应地相应地 The first letter she wrote me was less than a page long, and her second letter was similarly brief. The cost of f

5、ood and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.2). similarity u.n.相似相似. u.n.类似类似;相似相似 The similarity between the two reports suggests that they were written by the same person. c.n.相似点;相似之处相似点;相似之处 Bees and wasps both sting, but they have other

6、similarities too.2. be close to1) 与某物在距离上近与某物在距离上近 His house is close to the factory.2) (指关系指关系) 密切的,亲密的密切的,亲密的 My brother and I are close (to each other).3) 接近,快要接近,快要 Were close to clinching the deal. She is close to tears.1). vt.交换交换;调换调换;兑换兑换 常用搭配:常用搭配:exchange sth. with sb. for sth.用某物和某人交换某物用某

7、物和某人交换某物 Id like to exchange some pounds for dollars. Well have an opportunity to exchange views tomorrow. At the end of the game, players traditionally exchange shirts with each other. 3. exchange2). c.n.& u.n.交换交换; 交流交流; 交易交易 An exchange of opinions is helpful. What is the rate of exchange between

8、 the pound and the mark? Ive offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a weeks accommodation.3. This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language and as a result you improve fast.这是因为和这是因为和一个外国家庭住一两个一个外国家庭住一两个星期星期意味着意味着你不得不说他们的语言你不得不说他们的

9、语言 , 因此因此,你会进步的很快。,你会进步的很快。result常见短语小结常见短语小结as a result 因此,结果因此,结果as a result of +名词名词 因为,由于因为,由于result in 导致(某种后果)导致(某种后果)result from 源于,起因于源于,起因于1. _ hardly made Allan pay any attention to _ his mistakes. A. Scolding; correcting B. Being scolded; correct C. Being scolded; correcting D. Having bee

10、n scolded; correct试题演练:试题演练: 苏珊坐在一个靠近窗户的位置上。苏珊坐在一个靠近窗户的位置上。 _ _ 他用黑茄克换了一件蓝色的。他用黑茄克换了一件蓝色的。 _ _Susan sat on a chair close to the window.He exchanged the black jacket for a blue one.2. 翻译翻译2. 用用result 的合适短语填空的合适短语填空 He runs everyday. _, he has lost weight. She was late for school _ the heavy snow. His

11、 failure _ his carelessness. Their carelessness _ that terrible accident.As a resultas a result ofresulted fromresulted in美国是当今世界上最发达的国家之一,美国是当今世界上最发达的国家之一,它所走过的发展道路对于我们来说既有它所走过的发展道路对于我们来说既有经验也有教训。试就其中的一个或几个经验也有教训。试就其中的一个或几个方面如气候、工业、地理位置、旅游业、方面如气候、工业、地理位置、旅游业、交通等进行比较,找出适合当今中国经交通等进行比较,找出适合当今中国经济发展的经验和教训。济发展的经验和教训。Writing



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